WE BUILD COMMUNITY BY: KIWI“!- Embtacing a new, mum-c Sewing’the needs 0! our seniors Developing creative programming tor our youth Increasing employment opporlumï¬es Protectiné‘thé Oak Ridges Mo‘taine Expanding the Library and increasing tunding up to provincial standards Servi'ï¬g the neéds ot pedestrians, cyclists. and transit riders ‘ Spending within our means cullutal Stouflville Spooky Signs - www.J|MPmEB.E.c0M OVER THE YEARS I HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO OUR COMMUNITY IN A VARIETY OF WAYS. ‘ ' HERE All! SOME HIGHLIGHTS: Founder oi our own WhiStIe Radio istarted in Ward 4, in my basement) Member oi the Town's Environmental Advisory Committee President oi the Stouiiviile Recycling Depot Beaver and Cub Scout Leader Organizer oi numerous concerts. .. inctuding the ArtsCan Beneiit'Series Happy Husband. Proud Dad Step-Dad; Ward 4 Resident lor 0V8! 15 years mags “°‘“‘°""""'°"‘ we! AUTO TALK wm-vm.uoopu. Ffloenconma SEASON IS HERE Specializing in Voluwogon Audi - ,’ FoIIow @JimsPOV