Sight Unseen road-l public «MJWMM". The summons «Moved by!) Goodwood, Tr Mailing Address: â€lam: Editor: Advertising Salim1 'Gvaphics Depgrtmem Greater input needed for airport pIan Curiously the iMnsIrucuul swam-mode no Mm at the one ball m h its suction of he budget 0). 160) that W"! us II: ‘Movino but“ with an m Lands.“ StouIMIe anguld any do: discussions because this land‘s much closer ‘0 us than to urban PM. The 2014 Faded Budge! conlitms he raterï¬ion of 1.700 acres 1'0! 3 More airpofl.‘ Canaan: Pearson is 4.613 acres and Momma onty 110! Anolha 5.000 antes Will be pmsewed tor related 'regional 'economnc deveIopmqnt.‘ A small airpofl coutd be needed as m as 2027. but the «spot! behind this budget item suggests a aggygga 5.5m by 2062a: most ukaty. , , _ -. #2-- “Mb. ....,. The "government Is consulting with a (road range of stakeholders." Who are these stakeholders? The Land over Landings group-which has long represented intetests 0t farmers and environmentalistsâ€"has never been consulted. To The Editor And WHlichurch-Stouï¬ville? Planes would be descending directly over Ballamrae and Musselman's Lake. as well as Gonnley and Walman. toucmng ground 5.5 km south-east o! town. Transport Canada‘s zoning regulatipn‘a Me Free Press is published mommy by [he Canada P051 to mos! residences and businesses The dress nm is 14 900. 6111 Main St. Slouflville. Ontario L4A 3R4 wow-FREE (3133) Rate Gilderdale / stouflvillelreepressardgemcom Bruce Slapley L balaplayflsympaticom / 905-640-3733 Jenn Smit / jamfsmnacogecom Travis Merrick 8- Sheri Smith Mravismevflckasympaticom â€"Han'ulton Airpon has capacny lot growth; Oshawa mil giadly lake Buflonvifle's alr‘lramc. That must inform ‘he digcuuion as wail as the mums 0| 3 Nodh American high-speed Slouflvlllo FREE PRESS Inc. and sinesaes m Whllchurch-Stouflville and meme ol a North Amencathgh-speed rallnetwork. . Residents llke me who showed up for lhe Pnrne Mimaler‘s vlefl a) Whilchurch-Slwflville Museum with a quesuonorlwowereloldbysecurfly lo leave the property and stand on lhe lar side of Woodbine Avenue. Sad. Yet here I met 20 man. dellghflul. and engagedqpembers ol Land over Lendln93 group. They remanded me lhel 8 Pickering Airport is neither smart nor inevulable. bul also that change in the current course will reduire many advoceles also lrom Sloulfvllle who demand to be recognized as stakeholders. ~ . Arnold Neuleldl-Fasl W... Slouflville Manon Kate Cildgrdale Bruce Stapley Kinjol Dain-Shah Honnelore Volpe Ben Embiricos Private Lives mum". mm.wnmnis mmmmmfl‘mmb smdemammo.wmm mmFM‘nWMM- EvganyMovozov do: that's why they‘re called public servants. ‘ They're supposed to know virtually nothing about what we do: that's why we're called“. private individuals. _ a The sounds at sIIence are a dim recolleaion now. like mystery. privacy and paying mention (0 one thing â€" or one - at a' time. Maureen Dowd I don't know, why people are so keen to put the details 01 their private lite in public: they forget me! invisibility Is a superpower. Banksy WWII.“ Relying on the govemrnenl (0 protect your privacy is like asking a peeping Tom to Editorigl and Photography Contributors: mewayjhmgsmwpposed‘owork Glenn Graenwald scum-lion o! W: lill McWhinnie Maurice Sm‘uh Ruth LeBlanc‘ Roï¬ï¬eid Dan Wigmore The Stouffvllle Free Press welcomes community event listings from non-prom groups and organizations. Please send a brief synopsis of upcomlng evens: by emailfo stouï¬vlllefreepress© mommm anwpbmmmmmmmnnmmm wnmmmu momma-m Lemmlusmedw “WW(WMMNWW WMIWM WHMWWIMIIMWDNI‘) Emmi» mammmnmmu "Whamâ€",mmm Mmmmumamâ€"nmmmmm nd Wï¬ln mmmmmmmunmu mum YMSWWMBMMM H'WOIWK ummoommnummm‘mm nmmflum mwmmmmmwquumymmm mmwmtummmmmmwm-Im mmmmum UP AND COMING I can't in good conscienoe‘allow ‘he U.S.govermnenltodestmypdvacy.intemm (1.0::cham!basiclibemeslorpeoplearanTia the wand wim mis massive surveillance momma they're swam building. EdwdSnowdan . BUM n of not everybody has ‘heir ptouems. some of us just ptefe! not 10 diawssmemonFaoebook. n brivacy ls ouuawed. onIy ouflaws have pnvacy. th'p Zmermann - ~ The privacy and dignm/ of our cnizens [are] being whittled away by sometimes impercepnble swaps, Taken individually, each step may be of little consequence. But when viewed as a whole. more begins to emerge -§ society qune unlike any we have seen; a soctety in which government may immde mm the secret regions of a {person's} life. William 0. Douglas The institmions that we've bum up over the years to protec‘ our individual privacy rights hum the ovsnmenl don'1 apply m the private sec or. The Fourth Amendmént doesn'! apply ‘0 corporations. me Freedom of Intormation Act doesn‘! apply to Silicon Valley. 'And you can‘t impeach Gaogle if it breaks i‘s ‘Don't-be evil‘ campaign pledge. AIFranken on rat «all {he \mazth will