Jaudat Adnan Judy Ahamad Doug Alles Sharron AME" Tracy Anhurs Valerie Ashton Mary Atwell Cathy Beland Robert Bowman Duana sullock Kllslle CdSlIHC Stuan Charlap Sue Chewnm Emily (hustle Sandra Cole Bulke , Lindsay Cormmr Jennie Creeggan Kumbevly (uoz_zo’ Bailey Dams-Webb Bronessa DeSouza JanDolby Shlvléy Garimkel Philip George anu Guamas Lynda Quiet I ’ Nanzy GII’ESDIE Heather Graham1 Margaret Grap'duqn Laura Groza Gavy Haywald Jordan Hayward Algnadoan Hulman Edwm Huang Fri-him: Johnson Diane Iupp « Volunteers Feb. 4: 9 a.m‘-noon and 1-4 pm. at the town offices. 111 Sandiford Dr.: One- on-One Busmess Consultations. Visit yorksmallbusiness,ca/events to register. Feb. 4: 10:30 a.m.-noon weekly at the Feb. 2: 4-5 pm. weekly at the library: After School Chess Club lor ages 8 and up. Feb. 3: 10:30:11 am. weekly at the library: SAtoriytime for ages 2 to 6. Feb. 2: Hi ï¬m. weekly at the library: OEYC Parent-Child Mother Goose for ages to 14 months. Feb. 2: 10:15â€"10:45 am. or 7-7:30 pm. weekly at the library: Storytime for ages 2 to 6. Feb. 1: 1:30-3:30 pm. weekly at the library: Writing Practice wnth Vicky Pinkerton. The Sloulfvllle Free Press welcomes community event llsllngs from non‘prolit groups and organizations. Please send a brlel synopsis 0! upcoming events by email to stouflvillefreepress@rogers.com or call 9053-6408733 The deadline for the March issue is Feb. 24. 7 For event updates visit stouï¬vrllecom Februarv 2015 thank 'G n Sampson . Elï¬â€˜hmpmn Sandy Sthell Kennedy Lindsay Sedgewmk Sabrma Silver Bnan Silver Nelaven Subaskaran Kevm O‘Regan Mark Ockwell Rulh Patterson Tom Perressml )ackve Pelne Delaney'Phlllp Roz Puuhard Jan anhards ‘ Vmenhe Rmhards Kelley Richards Tyier Robinson anglla Book Smnh Darla Kueleva Davud Kovaz :Paul Kova: Aanhuka Kumaresh Mikayla Lacey Wendy LaValle Janus Ll Madison Pullen Judllh Malhnson Sharon Maude Ray M(NEI(E Dale Meams Kathvyn Mufflm Anme Monk Phoebe Ng lava Nlekvaszewml For fostering art and creativity in 201.4! Stouffville Free Press Halh Ron Baud Barbarian's Steak House Beat? Barneu Janene Barry Eanhau Jeweilers Mary Ann 865“?" BauBles (a Boston Pizza Stopflvulle 4 lvanka Bradley ' engage! and Robin Block, Jason Brown Marco Bum “R4- 8qu Barn Foods uu Diana Bullnck \ Button Avmslrong and N95; Joan Cadleux Capelh Hair Salon Capialn George 5 Fish and Chips Kathy Carritk L-’ I. ‘.‘ ‘ Casawasslmo ' Akker Walkel Shanon and Doug Al‘s Ann 3 Fab": and Sewn Donors Slam-1 Wilson Gerry Wusnoslu YIN-any Woods Dawd Zhang Karen Zora; Lu: Yemelkovslu Valerie Yenmav Maggie Wang Colin Whilebread ï¬usan Whilebread Feb. 12: 7-8:30 pm‘ at the library: Personal Finance for Families free seminar. Feb. 12.- 4-5' p.m. at ~me library: Rapunzel's Book Club for Girls, Feb. 12: 4-5 pm at the library: Teen Book Club, Feb. 11: 7:30 pm. at Tim Hortons on Hoover Park Dr.: French Meet Up Group get together to improve French language skills. Newcomers welcome. For details emad Sara at tangamour44©gmail.com. Feb. 11: 10:30-11 am. at the l\ Preschool crafts for ages 2 to 6. $3 Feb. 5: 7-8 pm at the hbrary: Library Board Meeting. Public welcome to attend. Feb. 7: 10:30-11 am. weekly at the library: Storytlme for ages 2 10‘6. Feb. 10: Noon at the muse’bm: Small Town Theatres exhibit opens. For details visut www.townotws.ca/museum. Ilbrary: ESL Conversation Circle. Feb. 4: 2-5 pm. weekly at the library: Free Tech' Help Bring your own device. Feb. 5: 11:15-11:45 am. at the library: Preschool Crafts lor ages 2-6 $3. Feb. 5: 1-2:30 pm. weekly at the library: OEYC Kids in the Kltchen for ages 3 to 6. Feb. 13: 7:30-10:30 p.ml at 6240 Main St.: Valentine youth dance lor ages 14 to 18. Feb. 14: 1-2:30 pm. at the museum: Valentine's Day cupcakes 8. cards for ages 3 to 10‘ For details and to regrster vrsit townolws.ca/museum or call 905~ 7974mm: Feb. 26:.7â€"8:30 pm. at Personal Finance for Families Feb..27: 6 pm, at Angu Club: A Night in the Caribbez for Evergreen. For tickets evgcaresorg or call 416-499- “1--.... “a.“ an A L"; (Enlve Evdnqeim Fune- Jewellery rame International Salon‘fl. Spa Fukle Puklc gm hold ‘ heldqaxe land Development lld Demu- Flys Frano‘s Ptnena 8 Tmnuna Geramum Homes (Ballankrae) In( Guam Tugev Gllm Chevrolet Gary Hayward "" Lynda GI‘QS Namy Gillexpm Kalhleen and R092: Glazm '(enlveponnl Flor-s! (havhnda Belgtan (hmolalm Sue (hewms Chm Thnlls -. (oHeeYeaExpreu (a Cock Canada JGHHIE Creeggan Cryxtal While Cleaners Dana Jordan Dentistry on Mann . . Dosvgn Sonics Fuvmlule Dmovery Toys Don Anderson Haulage meed Dr Jon Barnea Oplomems! Carolyn and‘Davud Duggan 0131 Duncan same Clothing Cumpany 7 Eden Salon and Spa Winona and Jun Eles Irene Emlg ' ' Endras BMW " ' n1. Laldwm Canny . " ‘wwWJatchamgalleryxa Whlkhurchsmuffwlie‘s Public Art Gallery UP AND COMING thq library Feb. 25: 7:30 pm 3! Tim Honons on Hoover Park Dr.: French Meet Up Group get together to improve French language skills. Newcomers welcome. For details email Sara at tangamourd4©gmaitcoml Feb. 26: 4-5 p'.rn. at the ï¬brary: Teen drop-in wuth video games. movie. Feb. 25: 9 a.m.-12:30 pm. at the Municipal Offices. 111 Sandiford Dr.: Small business tax seminar, Visit yorksmallbusiness.ca/events to register. Feb. 25: 6»8 pm. at Ballantrae Community Centre: Spaghetti' dinner for $2 includes Caesar salad and garlic bread. All welcome. Feb. 19: 4~5 pm. at the'library: Teen advisory group. Valentine's Day cupcakes cards for ages 8 to 10‘ For details and to register vusit townofwsca/museum or can 905~ 727-8954. Feb. 16: Library closed for Family Day. Feb. 16: 1 pm. at Stouffwlle Arena. Ninth Line north: RBC Family Skate. Giana: Pel Foods Golden Eagle An Galleries Margarel Grandlson Greenpark Group of Companies Hanson's Restaurant Headway Halrslyhs! Angela Henneisey l Sandra'and Donald Hewsun Bonnie Honor“ Lynne {awanh George Hufl- . loan Hum'phrey K93 Kahools Nmeleen on the Park Lmdy‘s Floral ~Hauhque Lrsa Darduwlle Catering SEVVIKPJ Maalle's Dog Grooming 5 'Bounque Mam Slreel Burger Shoppe Marshall Marks ‘ Sharon Maude Janet McDougall Helen McKenna Johan eharg Wendy La le Jud-lb Lmngslon Maureen Lowry Men of Male Ray MtNercea Mary Calherine Newcombe, Bev Mlehl Kathryn leflrn Rena Mingay Missmg Places ‘ Modern Home Furniture Molly Maid ‘ Moohflowers Magntal Touch No full; Allan O'Mana ~ Onlauo Arls (ounul Panniers 6 _ Pavkwaod Museum Lu Parkunmn Loname Parow Pam-Lynn Imenorx Jackie and Don Patna 'Pamuafudoux Puzzavdle Playw (ale and Deh Ml Pure . Roz Pnlrhard - Robe-1 and Carolyn Prnzker ‘Reesor‘s Market and'flakery Reid‘s Anuques RKhaldSOn Masonu Lodge flab Johh’and Elizabeth Roberts. Healhel and Cameron Rogefs Royal Lrghlmg' hm Sanders Sandy and Ruthavd 5019" Kennedy 5 LG Mechan-(a'l Servkes Ltd Sgt. Pepper's Bar 3. Gnll Shoppers Drug Man " ' ‘ Smmen ’ ' Brigme and Charles Sophet Slakeou! Dining and Loungé Slouflwlle Fune Fumnlure Stouï¬vulle Fish 8. Chips ‘ Stouffvnlle IDA Smuï¬wl Mink StouffviI _ duo Tour Tanning Parl‘nsé and Pakdlse Natl; CNIB needs volunteers in York Region. To apply or for information email Filomena Di Ruscio at Ii/omena.diruscio@ cnib.ca or call 1â€"800â€"563-0887 ext. 5207. Feb.,27: 6 pm. at Angus Glen Golf Club: A Night in the Caribbean fundralser lor Evergreen. For tickets vnsn www, evgcaresorg er call 416-499-2185. Feb. 26:,7â€"8z30 pm. at the library. Personal Fmance for Families free seminar. Latcham Gallery is looking for enthusiastic and reliable volunteers to assist with events. gallery sitting. education programs, marketing distribution and more. If you would like to become part of our dynamic team, email us at info@latchamgallery. ca. For more information about our exhibitions, education programs and events visit www.latchamgallery. ca or call 905â€"640 8954 or drop in to 6240 Main Street. Stouffville. Please Note: A// library programs except Storytime require reglslrat/‘on‘ Wh-khulch-Swuï¬vul le The Workshop Tm Mull .‘l’ome 01255 Salon Sharols'Y d QpGea (er Wash n Aqua Water Trealmgqh Syslems Uxbrldge Mum Halli Ryleeplus PdeUCKIOI'IS lay Envnronmenlal. Servmes lncr 5‘ ‘ Gvegory Varano Veluléunnse anid Oplltal . Lorna and Murray Wagg Lynn Weslaway Pal Wheeler â€" ~’ ColIn Whitebread ‘ Gib ï¬nd Evelyn Whitlamole Sally Wildman larul WIND“ Clue Wung leong The Wh- Keuo Tapanamen Teya Canada Luvmed The Back 10 Bad. Company The Corner House on Mam The Earl of Whllthurch The Girls Bra Boutique The Hearty Anuhoke . The Lighlhaus Slore The Mayors char-(y Golf Tournamem The Meal Mermam Smokery