a,“ 0.9mm E 00M ml mu m This wmter EVERYONE'S 9e the O‘ympnc Spirit... A The Stouï¬viï¬e Frae Frog's welcome: community event “stings lrom nonpmï¬l groups and ovganizations. Please send a brief synopsis of upcoming mm: by email to stouï¬villelreepressomgerun'm ""~,,.,}M' ‘5'†and Wflmdnum‘h gummyâ€- Editorial and Moot-9"! Coo-minnow UP AND COMING Hï¬mgnqif-y 1 into an - The Great Outdoors [\K I III. Ilull- â€"--.. ‘ln Dcccmbcr‘: Rear View Mural column Mauncc Smnh wrolc. ‘(Mussalman Lake) '\s snll known as that dcspne locals 'havmg mccnlly had the name on the signposts chaing'ed' to Mussclman‘sv' Howcvu. my family has owncd Mpmpcny m the lake smcc l923 and I! lys‘ alvirays been called Musselman's Lake by the r't-sxdcnts. Cedar Beach Park has always been on Musselman's Lake. It was not until recently thal a few ncWer pcoplc to the area started tqrefet lo Audition Notice 10 the Editor: Re The namc game ' In Dcccmbcr‘s Rear V Mauncc Smith wrote. ‘(M‘ the lake as Mussclman. Town of Whrtchurch-Stouff all say Mussclman's. the Transporlauon refers to Ill: lake and all reports fromthc Lake Cnnservalion Authority refer - Love Lines Audinons will be held 4 pm, Feb. 23 and 7:30 pm. Feb 25 for Stouffvnllé Theme Company’s lune production of T he Afftctions df May, written by Norm Foster Ed duéctcd by Nd! A Mart If an um If you an: inlcréstcd In 'lrymg ml! Stouffvfllc documents the Department of 1: lake as Mussclman‘s, r Lake Simcoe Region refer to the lake as in! ram - On The Waterfront Musselman's Although the Coogle Map headlrnc uses Musselman. all other references on the srte are to Musselman's. The Wtkrped'ra entry also has its headtr'rg as Musselman. but agatn, the body of the artrde conststentlywefers to the lake as Musselnran‘s. Accordtng to my research. the lake rs referred tb as Musselman's Lake m many more tnstanccs than it has ever been called Musselrnan. ' The name debate was settled once and for all last year when the lake residents were polled about their preferenlx; of names. Over 85 per cent‘voted in favou l stayr with the name Musselman’s Lake as that is w at rs has always been called. Dan ngmore Musselmai's Lake Wilh‘ 905 5401621 or send an small to smuffvillahcmrcul gmaxl (pm \Hsn www smuffwlle- thea‘mï¬ompanvv com for east {R‘scnpunns an}! «gt: m ngc mmdend u ind painted hhr Shakespcam Stouflvnllq ap hcadhne on [hr sun cnuy alsc again, the to ‘ht lakc 511: also ‘he lake