The Test councul .was som‘eï¬mes cntrcxzed 'for acting out' of sync With the Will of the community and many have placed high hopes on Mayor Altmann .to restore peoples faith by being a mayor who truly listens. To heal the rift. Altmann lans to deliver “concise, community-oriented responses" and hopes his fellow council members will "become public figures again" by coming out to more events and publicizing a list of those they willtbe‘ “Mr. Bannon and Mn Bartley are polar opposutes. With Phil being popular among the Whltchurch» Stoufiville busmess community and Richard enjoying the support of the hockey "families. Arnold Neufeld-Fast also won a thousand votes that may have otherwise been minet Evgryone‘s vote IS unique so this will make an interesting polling question later on "2" Some have argued that a vote split between seasoned councillors Richard Bartley and Phil Bannon contributed to his viclory but he sees It differently. Supporiers ~have been onside wnh Mayor Alimann since early on. acknowledging his political efforts and taking him under their wrng. “I think people were excned to see someone so young so interested and they really got behind my dream of being mayor." he said I recently sat down with Mayor Justin Altmann to gain insught Into the new town council, He expressed a keen Interest in working with his municipal. provincial and federal partners to accomplish ongoing construction .oi‘i b‘us rapidw'ays and sdeaxs The Mayor lS looking forward to negoliatlng sustainable development strategies dunng the proceedlngs. which could result jn 150.000 new resudents movmg mto York Region. - "There are many plans awamng app'roval during that. process that wnll drastically alter our posmon and I plan on paniclpatmg in (hat conversation." Among the - first to congratulate former mayor Wayne Emmerson In his new posutlon as York Regional, Council (YRC) Chair. Mayor Altmann sad that while “It's nice to have a chair that ~understands our goals. I would also lake to‘- see. Wayne Emmerson Increase his Iobbyrng efforts toward Whitchurehâ€" StouflVIlle recehï¬ng another perr‘nanent seat on the York Regional'CounCIl." . . ‘, , YFlC's ultimate dgCISIon to grant Whutchurch: Stouflwlle aéecond sea‘f wrll be based on growth prejectlons determined by the Councul‘s 2015 regtonal 'revuew of the greenbelt. he' said. attending He acknowledged that somal ‘media serves a good purpose locally when used |Ud|Ci0US|y. and IS committed to "encouraging councillors to mentor and monitor conversatlons on social media platforms so that they wrll keep abreast of discussions and encourage respectful dialogues" A New Beginning Mayor Altmann takes stock He‘ hopes the new counCIl wull contribute funding to? arts programs and help rause awareness about_the Imponance of an In cwuc hie He w‘nll also focus on ensuring that ithere IS proper ieadershlp from counCII members on arts and culture-oriented committees. Whole Mayor Altmahn admits to benng fiscally conservative wuth liberal perspectives on cultygéé The envxronment and socnai programs. he most enjoys the non-partisan na‘ure' of local politics. where it's about “making direct contact. You can get work done and experience the results." Sarah Newton is a Ibca/ freelance writer The Mayor plans to continue fostering the growth â€1 local arts programrmng that was spear-headed by lormer Ward 4 CouncHIcSr' Susanne Hilton dunng ‘the previous term. notmg that he 'Oehmtely supports community culture, "Art helps people relax; at enriches us and offers us balance" Mayor Altmann observed ,that he Is taking the reins at a very onterestnng time. wrth the provmcral government being relatively new and a federal electron on the slate next year. He has already' reached out to both offices and iooks forward to some frank and open exchanges. Direct insurance Billing Saiurday and Evening Hoursf {Kids Friendly :, '. New Patients wafco’m‘e - Main Sandiford Dental ‘Youer'gï¬6qurï¬oonentanï¬32e (with complete exam and cleaning) Eï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ DIIP Main 'Sandiford Dental ZBSandjford Driv’e. Unit 7 Stouffvilvle. L4A 7X5. (905) 640-6988 Stouffvi/Ie Free Press HEB} [Main Street I january 20 75