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Recreational (with classes ham 3 y]: b adult Spacious, brighlm learning a lamily lriendly‘ ‘ . t Fully (eniï¬ed ‘ ' ‘ (Members of I. u; TA.’ and RAD. RAIL.) V 4 Dance binhdav m l Trade In That Old Computer Working Or Not! l0m:huda1 i nunday MAM-6PM Phone: 811-377-1592 ott-Maili ‘, oh: L ,.- mg, , 6246 Main SLUIi‘ Annular: Slouflville (l llochWeIt 0! CIBE Bank North Side) MANY MORE COMPUTERS APPLE COMPUTERS 25.811935 ,2 vow lanuary 2015 “l3.- From Stouffvi/le Free Pre Studios located In: www.yorkdance,com M $95 $95 $195 $115 $225 $195 By the 19605. coâ€"operatlves were set up :n most Inuit communities. and the inwt art market began to flourish. Carvings of ammals. ' hunters. Traditionally the Inuit carved objects for use In games. decoration. spiritual purposes and entertainment. However the style and iunction of their carvmgs changed rapidly after co’ntact wrth European culture. These changes were much more dramatic and rapid after 1949. when the Canadian government began to encourage a carving 'Industry as a source at income for Inuit communities. The establishment of southern markets created demand for nonâ€"traditional carvings and the art form changed to reflect that demand, Historically the lnuit's preterred medium was walrus Ivory. but since the modem estpblishmem of southern markets for ‘heir art they now work extenswely In relatively §ofl stones like soapstone or argnme, A Happy' New Year to everyone. - ThlS is an interesting example of soapstone an produced by an' Inuit in northern Canada. q 3.44: '4 '1 By Rob Reid Jan: 2: .10' 3043 m .»noon at the library: Kids' movre: Earth to Echo PG. Jan. 2: 7.9 pm. ‘at Soccercity: Youth Movue Night - Spon'geBob SquarePants. Please bring non perishable item for foot} bank Jan. 5. 10:-1510:45 am. weekly the library: Storylime for ges 2 to 6 Jan. 5: 1- 3 pm weeklya he library: OEYC Parenl~ hiid Mother rGoose for ages to 14 months. «Ian. 5: 4-5 pm: weekly at the library: After School Chess Club for ages 8 and â€D Jan. 5: 7- 7: 30 p. m weekly at the library. Storytime for ages 2 to 6. . Jan. 6: 1055051 am ' weekly â€- the library: Storytime lor ages 2 lo 6. Jan. 8: 4â€"5 pm at the library: ‘Craflernoon for ages 7 and up. Jan. 74â€"4030 a.m.-noon weekly at the library: ESL event Itstlngs from non-proï¬t groups and organizations. Pleése send a brief synopsss ot upcoming events by email to stouffwllefreepress© rogers.com or call 905â€" 640-3733. The deadline for the February Issue IS Jan. 27. For event updates visil stouffvullexzom. I welcome Inqumés about any oblects and Iook forward to seem and perhaps wnï¬ng about t emV Please forward a photo and a UESCUDIIOD to me through Prior to the arrival of the Europeans the Inuit had no need tor family names. but by the 19405 assorted institutions like traders. missions and the government changed that. The Government of Canada created a system that used letters and numbers to denote surnames of the Inuit. Each indiwduai was assigned a diet that contained this information. This system was used from 1941 to 1978. This piece is' carved with a light grey, stone and is a decent example of a carvung produced for the tourist market. :lt stands about eight inches high and in today's market should sell lor $250 to $350, The Stouwe Free Press 'welcomes community Most soapstone carvings are produced entirely by hand and take many hours 01 carving and polishing. ThIS soapstone carving depic‘ts a hunter With a seal between his legs‘ _It was carved by Georg Kopak Tayarek (1931â€"1990) and Signed by hlm. It also has a disc number. (amuly scenes and Native mythologicat creatures became very popular, Treasures and Heirlooms Conversation Group. Jan. 7:. 2-5 pm: weekly at the library:.Free tech help drop-In. Bring your own devrce, Jan. 8: 11:15-11:45 am. at the library: Preschool Crafts for ages 2 to 6. . Jan. 8: 12:30 pm. weekly at the4ibrary: OEYC Family Literacy for ages up to 6, Jan. 8: 4-5 pm: at the library: Teen Book Club. Jan. 10: 10:30â€"11 a.m_ weekly â€at the library: Storytirne for ages 2 to 6. " Jan. 11: 3â€"5 pm. at 19, oh the Park: Auditions for Stouffvjlle : Theatre Company's PS. Uncle Angus: For details email stouffvi-lletheatre@gm§il. com . j Jan. 14: 10:30-11 am. at the library: Preschool Crafts for ages 2 to 6'. , Jan. 15: 1-2:30 pm. weekly at the library: Tender Hands Infant Massage for ages 3 lo 8 months. Jan. 15: 4-5 pm. at the library: Rapunzel's Book Club for l sages-9 to 13: Jan. 15: , - pm. 3; the library: Tacn Advisory Group. .Jan. 16: 1:30-3:40 pm. at the library: PA Day Movieâ€" Transformers: Age of Extinction PG\13. . Jan. 16: 8.p.rn. at 19 on the Park: Rn lnspectOr . Calls play-reading b the Stouflville Theat 'Company. Admission by Stouffville Free Press or drop the material off at Reid's Antiquesk 6397 Main' St. Stouffviile dunng regular OMB-needs volunteers in York R on, To apply ‘or for infï¬zmion email‘ Filomena i Ruscio a! filemena.dimscio@cmb.ca or call 1-809â€"563â€"06 gxt 5207. .81 Latcham Gallery is looking foggnthuslastic and reliable ‘ Volunteers to assustmth events. gallery sitting. education programs. Marketing distribution and more. If you Would -like to become part of our dynmc team. email us at into©latchamgallery.ca. For more information about our exhibitioné. eduEation programs and events visvt wwwilatchamgallef’yca or call 905640-8954 or drop in to 6240 Main treet. ‘ A_;\Stoufl‘ville. Please noge: All library programs except Storytime require-registration. cash donation. Jan. 18: 9 a.mi»1r pm. at the Stouffville lgegion. 150 Master 8L: Ladies Auxnliary Country Breakfast. Tickets at the door. Jan. 18: 1:30â€"3:30 pm. weekty at. the library: Writing Practice with Vicki Pinkerton. Jan. 22: 4-6 pm. at the library: Teen Dropâ€"in with video games and movies. busines's'hoars or Vla my website at reidsantiquqs, com.