'From the beginning i thought that, as a re~building team, OFSSA was probably not a realistic oal.‘ MrsMaclarland noted. However, the girls worked her and surprised every- one, iving the oppoain team a very close match in the OFSEA ualifying game. ntortunately, the girls came up just short oft e wm. ‘ The Boys Volleyball team competed in the very competitive OFSAA tournament. losing only in the consolation finale to last hyear's OFSAA gold medal team. The team agrees that the ighgght ot the tournament was a very hard hitting victo- s ry over ' den,’ where S.D.S.S.'s team captain from last year now Is . 8.0. . . students and coaches congratulate these teams on their hard work and successtul seasons. Regardless, the cheerin and support for our athletic teams is yet to be over. Girls olleyball and Boys Basketball teams are already underway. As well. both the girls and be a hockey teams have been showing excellent results and emonstrate great potential. Way to go Spartans" - Kate Devine 'Overand our expectations} Mrs. Mactarland Senior Girls Baslt looach added that 'Having lost many key rs from last year. i thought of this Ker as a year to re-bui Wh'ile Mr. liming,»ug coach 01 t SeniorBoy Boys Volleyball team had high e ns of his team as early as try-outs. also agrees that e is extremelyp leased with his team' a 'Hard work dedication and sports man- -like attitude both In practices and at games Such positive attitudes come also from the exce tional stand- ing of both teams The Senior Girls Basketbal team ended their season with an outstanding record of 16 wins and onl 3 losses To add to their success is also a York Region Championshir. Likewise, The SeniorBo Boa Volleyball final standings Inc ude, not only lya very succes ul regular season. but also two gold medals and two silver medals from the four tournaments they entered. In the athletic this month, is exceeding expectations onendoflthefloor.Whetheritbeteems practicing hard with determination in the morning. exciting and fun intremele at lunch, fundraising tor upcoming tour- nementsendeventeorenexcitinggemetowatch in thegym after school. there is always something going on in the S.D.S.S. sthletice department. Thanks to the commitment at the Athletic Student Council and the outstandi coaches who volunteer their time. every student at S.D._S_.r .7 has the ln November, both the Boys Volleyball and the Girls Basketball seasons came to an end. However. as some Spartan athletic seasons may be over, new teams are uick- “Mei-way. Both coaches of the Senior Boys Volley l and Senior Girls Basketball teams agree that their seasons ...-..4 an. _____ AL-.A___A _,e_ A I a. SPARTAN ATHLETICS MMMMMHWMMWWWNMMM-msmmwnwm. Th'MNFMToddyB-uw.nowhiufouthyou,colocbdnuuyundbddybomtobflrgddwchoénopmmSickKids. mumsammmwwmmwmmwwwmmmmmum.mum dmhnwudndaumw.'mmmwmmmmmmmm.motmpm0hm. iMï¬m'Th-hlddunï¬ommoobcudmmom'Aflak'nhofldnyguflmhgflonmmnflybyflonniohonw.Howovor.fl\is wmummmm. Summammmmmwmwwamy.m:otmmmmugmotAvolumoortoraonnaomdmnda. Klyhh-WthmmtomonchodJIOWhQ tooontributo. Students tookflioopponunhy, amethanwroady-tochoor teddy batman-Ind. â€mmwFrflfl-Mflwwoflflmpoowmmmmuddybom.Now.withdonaï¬onsfromlocalcitizensand s.D.s.s.mmmgodmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmm.Obviouatymochuityhashad MmmwwhwimmmwmhmdodaidtoflwpammmSickKidsforChristmas. Stouffville Students Give ChristmaE Cheer and Teddy Bears We the Spartans at 8055 have chooeen to speak up and out to our community. A Student body. led by e few teechen. heve joined together to shed eome light on all the exciting things happening right here in Stoumuie. Contributing "lion eve: Jeeee Hillel. Kate Devine. Knivn Teyiov. Kerime Bette, Alex Wright. Alice Donoghue, Ceiliin Eboniu, Spencev Canton. David Coeium. Lily Poppet. Teach" Advieou ere: Mn. Schmidt end Mn. DiPede The Stouffville District Secondow School pogo spormm ho Boyd’s Source for Sports, Card’s TV Appllances, map-mew in m’. athletic m’a fofihiigh Schbo'l SPARTANS SPEAK at Its best Jolana’s Exceptional Home Decor and Complete Feet On November 23rd and 24th 2005 sever- al Stouflville students participated in a heated mock trial. The mock trial followed courtroom procedure and was presented to a panel of our judges. Justice White. Justice Marinis. Head-Librarian Justice Dipede. and Stouffville Principal Justice Smith. The top prosecution team from Ms White's grade 12-law class competed against the top defense team from Miss Marinis's grade 12-law class. Both sides conveyed articulate and thought provok- ing arguments. which made it quite diffi- cult for the judges to reach a verdict. All grade 12-law students participated in this mock trial in their classroom, and were present on the 24th and 25th for the com- petition between both classes. The mock trial was effectively used to illustrate to students how the trial process works, as well as describe the roles of the defense. the crown, and witnesses.The court case used was R v Marcellus. the 2005 mock trial competition piece. Stoutiville is cur- rently on a waiting list for this year's mock trial competition, and is hoping to receive an opportunity to present their arguments and relate the arguments of their oppo- nents. A trip to the Ontario Superior Court is pending, and will be enjoyed when the weather permits. Stouffville Students Get Taste of Courtroom - Caitlin Ebanka The initiative for taking part in World AIDS Day was sup- ported and organized by Ms. Dimovski, along with the Student and Teacher Character Committee. Ms. Collins and her Lead students were very helptui throughout this endeavor along with Mrs. Frauts and her World Issues Class who sold hand made goods to raise awareness. December 1 was World AIDS Day 2005. It is a day when we. as a society. view AIDS as a problem not just for those in Africa. but tor those all around the world. It is a day to take action in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS and to raise awareness of it. This year. the York Region District School Board and the York Region Committee in Support of the Stephen Lewis Foundation worked together to observe World AIDS Day with the underlying theme: 'change the world one person at a time". At Stouffville District Secondary School. staff. teachers and students did their part in supporting AIDS awareness. Prior to and following December 1, announcements were made daily. informing students of the devastation and despair caused by the disease. Shocking and powerful. these daily messages inspired students to act and to speak out on how they could make a difference. Events held to support AIDS awareness were intended to build character in students and to edu- cate them on major issues of our day. During the lunch period, individuals who wanted to speak their minds about how they could make a difference were able to do so by filling out a sheet in the shape of a hand. These hands with the students' messages were put on display so that everyone could watch the list of replies grow. and learn from what others had to say on the matter. Mrs. Frauts' World Issues Geography Class took part in World AIDS Day as well. They made beautiful works of African jewellery and spent lunch periods for four days selling these works. Raising six-hundred and seventy-two dollars, all the proceeds went towards helping the unfor- tunate victims of AIDS. This year's effort showed great success. Stouflville District Secondary School had a very enthusiastic show of participation from the students. I Supporting AIDS Awareness D.C. Coskun - Alex Wright Tm shaman dayuwmumyluniy.‘ mu. Mummy: 'Forlhhoid-yfl‘m mum!) mum» Mamba": 'I'mmowboudng. hummnmmy Manda-Mom «hobo-“ram Question: What are you doing over the \Mntor Holidays? Stouffville District Secondary School answenw 5055 says