2 Stouffville Sun-Tribune | Thursday, November 17, 2016 | Notice of couNcil meetiNgs TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Public Meeting at 7:00 PM (not required) NO OVERNIGHT PARKING December 1 to March 31, inclusive Parking is prohibited on Town streets between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM Parking rules ensure that our streets are clear to accommodate traffic flow, emergency vehicles and winter maintenance. Vehicles parked on the street during this period will receive a fine of $50.00. Inquiries may be directed to Linda Mainprize, Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement at ext. 2258 or linda.mainprize@townofws.ca. The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville is making the holidays a little brighter for less fortunate families by allowing parking tickets to be paid by donation. Council Meeting at 7:00 PM The agenda for the Council meetings will be available for review at the Municipal Offices, Whitchurch-Stouffville Public Library and on our website 12 p.m. (noon) the Thursday prior to the meeting. To listen to the Council meetings live, visit www.townofws.ca/cmlivestream TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6 FOOD & GIFTS FOR TICKETS Notices 2017 WASTE COLLECTION CALENDAR 2017 Recycling and Waste Collection Calendar will be mailed to all residential households in December. Residents are asked to watch for this new calendar and keep it in a handy place for easy reference. The new calendar can also be obtained from our website at www.townofws.ca. PINGSTREET MOBILE APP AVAILABLE NOW Find your collection schedule, set collection reminders, sign up for notifications to be reminded of special events or program changes, "What Goes Where?" search function, Reduce & Reuse Tips and much more. Download for FREE today! BiD DocumeNts Bid packages may be obtained by registering on Biddingo at www.biddingo.com (a subscriber and/or document fee may apply) Bid # Description Bid Closing WSRFT-16-129 Streetlight Repair, Maintenance, Cleaning and Re-Lamping (2017-2018) November 18, 2016 Before 3:00 p.m. EST Parking tickets issued between December 1st and 16th are eligible to be paid by donation. The value of the donation must be equal to or exceed the amount owed on the parking ticket and proof of purchase must be presented at the time of donation. Gifts must be in original packaging with no batteries or glue required. War toys will not be accepted. Donation suggestions: New unwrapped children's toys; non-perishable food items such as canned fruit, vegetables, soups, stews; clothing for infants and children and gift certificates for teenagers Donations accepted at our Customer Service Centre Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM, December 2nd until December 19th Donations will be distributed through the Stouffville Lions Club and the Stouffville Food Bank yorkregion.com The Corporation of the Town of WhitchurchStouffville reserves the right to accept or reject all or part of any Bid and also reserves the right to accept other than the lowest Bid and cancel any Call for Bids at any time.