5 | Stouffville Sun-Tribune | Thursday, October 27, 2016 Come out for our... en e w o l Hal Downtown Guided Hunt for Candy! Saturday, October 29 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Trick or treating Pumpkin painting Meet and greet famous characters Every hour on the hour starting from the GO station For more info contact: Tina Sharma 905-640-0749 or tina.sharma@townofws.ca EYE EXAMS AVAILABLE EYEWEAR Hunt Follow us on 6292 Main St., Stouffville · 905-640-3537 · www.vividoptical.ca Sunday Brunch 10:30am-2:30pm 6403 Main St. Stouffville 905.640.8494 www.thecornerhouse.ca Suze SayS . . . Artichoke comIng The Hearty It's nov 4, 5 & 6 905.642.8643 · 6280 Main St.