12 Stouffville Sun-Tribune | Thursday, April 28, 2016 | Inserts for Thurs., April 28, 2016 AkAl OpticAl Best Buy cAnAdA BillA AppliAnces Brick MAttress cAnAAn Art centre cAnAdiAn tire clerA WindOWs & dOOrs cM iMpOrts WArehOuse sAle First chOice FOOd BAsics FOOdlAnd MOunt AlBert FOOdy MArt FreshcO GiAnt tiGer GOlden eAGle Art GAllery GOlF tOWn GrAnd FOrtune hOMe depOt hOMe hArdWAre hOMe OutFitters hudsOn's BAy cO. i.d.A. lAstMAns BAd BOy leOn's Furniture little cAesArs livinG liGhtinG lOBlAWs lOnGO's lOWes cAnAdA lOyAlty GrOup M & M MeAt shOps MAke yOurselF @ hOMe MArkhAM industriAl MArk's MetrO MichAel hill MichAels MOlly MAid nAtiOnAl spOrts nAture's eMpOriuM nO Frills OntAriO heritAGe trust pArtsOurce phArMAchOice princess AutO reAl cAnAdiAn superstOre renO depOt results AdvertisinG rexAll phArMA plus rOnA sAil OutdOOrs seArs sheridAn nurseries shOppers druG MArt sleep cOuntry sOBeys spOrt chek sprAynet stAples sunFOOd superMArket sunny FOOdMArt t & t superMArket the Brick tOys r us truGreen tsc stOres united Furniture WAlMArt WAter depOt yOrk reGiOn equipMent rentAls Zehrs To find out more about how to reach your target market and get the same great response from your flyer distributions as these customers, call us today! *Selected areas only No one delivers results like we do! visit save.ca 905-294-2200 Town of WhitchurchStouffville Chief Administrative Officer Marc Pourvahidi is on a personal leave of absence, the municipality announced Friday. The former town treasurer, who took on the role of CAO on May 5, 2015, was not present at the April 19 council meeting. "At this time the duration of the leave is undetermined," town spokesperson Glenn Jackson said Tuesday. Town council announced the appointment of Fire Chief Rob McKenzie as Interim CAO Friday. He will hold the role until May 9, Jackson said yesterday. "We are very pleased to have the chief step in on an interim basis to fill the CAO's position," said Mayor Justin Altmann in a media release. "He has displayed exemplary leadership at the fire hall and we trust he will bring those skills into town hall." McKenzie was promoted to chief in June CAO on leave 30 town workers left since 2015 From page 1. Marc Pourvahidi 2010 after serving as deputy chief since September 2006. Pourvahidi became the municipality's third CAO in two years when he took the job one year ago. He was first named acting CAO in March 2015 when then-CAO Andrew McNeely went on administrative leave. McNeely resigned April 21, 2015 after 12 months on the job. McNeely took over for Dave Cash, who became the town's CAO in 2006. He unexpectedly retired in 2013. Ali Raza regarding staff departures. "The level of trust in this organization is so low," she told council. Residents Tom Winters and Wilf Morley expressed their frustration with the corporation. Morley, a former town councillor, went as far as to assume council was inactive in their response. "To sit idly by and do nothing about 25 people leaving in a year, is not acting in the best interests of our town," Morley told council. In response, Councillor Maurice Smith held up the HR strategic plan saying, "this is what we're doing about it". Key vacancies include development services director, planning manager, economic development officer and downtown co-ordinator, council members were told in an update this week. Council overwhelmingly agreed on the importance of implementing the new plan and thanked Thompson for her work in human resources last week. Winters, who ran unsuccessfully for council in 2014, asked Thompson if she could identify patterns in staff departures. Though some are outlined in the HR plan, Thompson explained further. "The turnover has been huge," she said. "We've had 30 exits, terminations and resignations. We also noticed there were 42 staffing changes." Thompson contacted 12 individuals who had resigned to assess their motivations. She found that dissatisfaction with the immediate supervisor and leadership, lack of trust, being disrespected and undervalued, lack of follow-up, lack of concern for employee issues, feelings of vulnerability due to staff exits and conflicts between council and staff and compensation dissatisfaction as major reasons for staff departures. `The level of trust in this organization is so low.' Unlike HR departments in most municipalities, including Thompson's prior posting in Clearview near Collingwood, WhitchurchStouffville's HR department is part of the office of the CAO, placing the CAO as the direct supervisor. "In this organization, HR is not a standalone department, it reports and has to make decisions through the CAO," Thompson told council. "I cannot make high level decisions, I don't even get to sign job offer letters," she added. Councillor Iain Lovatt called the HR plan a "breath of fresh air" after admitting that the current situation was "embarrassing". Councillor Rob Hargrave asked Thompson if it would be better if HR had its own department, to which Thompson replied "absolutely". Council agreed to cover any additional costs in implementing the HR plan. Thompson and other HR employees present were praised for their work by council. Rising through town staff, she was appointed deputy clerk on Jan. 2, 1979 and replaced Ralph E. Corner on Dec.11, 1979 to become town clerk. She took on the town's then most senior administrative position on July 8, 1986 when council appointed her to the role of clerk co-ordinator. Oakes retired on April 6, 1990 after 23 years of service to the municipality. She and her husband Ted Oakes, the first solicitor for the Region of York, retired in Trent Lakes. Town staff and council were unanimous in expressing their gratitude for her years of work and their sorrow for her passing. The Regional Municipality of York NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK DEVELOPMENT CHARGES ACT, 1997 On Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 9 a.m. York Regional Council will hold a public meeting pursuant to the Development Charges Act, 1997 . The purpose of this public meeting is to receive input on an area-specific bylaw for imposing wastewater development charges on property owners in the Village of Nobleton, in the Township of King. Development charges are fees collected from developers that help pay for the cost of growthrelated infrastructure, including water, wastewater, roads, transit and police, paramedic and public health services. The proposed Nobleton area-specific development charge will fund growth-related infrastructure for wastewater services in Nobleton. York Regional Council will consider the enactment of a proposed Development Charges Bylaw applicable to lands in the Nobleton community at a subsequent meeting. Further information, including copies of the 2016 Nobleton Area-Specific Development Charges Background Study, proposed Bylaw and staff reports are available online at York.ca or can be obtained from the Regional Clerk's Office. Anyone wishing to attend this public meeting and address York Regional Council on this matter is requested to inform the Regional Clerk's Office at 1-877-464-9675 extension 71300 or by email at regional.clerk@york.ca. Written submissions can also be directed to the Regional Clerk. York Regional Council meetings are held in the Council Chambers of York Region Administrative Centre at 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, ON L3Y 6Z1. Dated at Newmarket April 28, 2016 Denis Kelly Regional Clerk 17250 Yonge Street Newmarket, ON L3Y 6Z1 former clerk remembered It was a solemn week at the Stouffville municipal offices in memory of Patricia Oakes, the former Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville clerk who passed away April 16 after a courageous battle with cancer. Flags at town facilities were at half-mast until last Thursday and a moment of silence was taken at Tuesday's council meeting in her honour. Patricia Oakes, formerly Pat Muir, started her career with the Township of Whitchurch in 1967. After amalgamation, she moved to the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville in 1971. ON NOW AT THE BRICK! SAVING YOU MORE For more details go instore or online @thebrick.com.