6 Stouffville Sun-Tribune | Thursday, September 24, 2015 | O Fax: 905-640-8778 Class: 1-800-743-3353 OPINION COLUMNS ou're planning on visiting a polling booth on Oct. 19, right? But have you decided who you are voting for from this seemingly never-ending federal election campaign? If you put any faith in polls -- beyond their use by dogs as poles -- it's a horse race here in the new riding of MarkhamStouffville and across this great land. Closer than those perilous American League standings. How do you vote? By party, no matter the calibre of the candidate in the riding? (You died-in-the-wool diehard, you.) By candidate, even holding your nose when considering that dreadful party your sterling home-town choice represents? (You're a people person who will be dealing with your MP one-on-one.) By federal leader, as the major parties' TV campaigns tell you -- as they spoil another Jays' game or Trailer Park Boys' rerun? (The head honchos do call all the shots in Ottawa, you say.) Or all of the above in a scientific formula only your brain can compute? Publisher Ian Proudfoot General manager Shaun Sauve 6290 Main St. Stouffville, ON. L4A 1G7 www.yorkregion.com 905-640-2612 DISTRIBUTION 1-855-853-5613 Director, Business Administration Robert Lazurko Director Creative Services Katherine Porcheron Director, Distribution Carol Lamb Editor Jim Mason jmason@yrmg.com Y What would you ask our election candidates? Fitting Terry Fox tribute ven if I don't finish, we need others to continue," said the immortal Terry Fox. In Stouffville, Sunday, more than 1,300 rose to the challenge, maintaining since 1982 one of the finest single traditions in town history. But it didn't just happen. Under the leadership of Sandy Schell-Kennedy, a committee of 19 and 120 volunteers, more than $100,000 was raised, bringing the 34-year total to more than $1.7 million, one of 10 highest in Ontario. Prior to the 1 p.m. send-off, Sun-Tribune editor and event emcee Jim Mason addressed throngs of runners, walkers, cyclists and roller bladders, with a glowing tribute to SchellKennedy's leadership during the past 25 years. In her run finale, she was presented with a beautiful bouquet of flowers by Mason. "It's time for new blood," Sandy said later. "There are many wonderful people ready and willing to carry on." Her successor is Stacey Fitzpatrick of Stouffville. `E Advertising Manager Mara Sepe msepe@yrmg.com Off The Top with Jim Mason Stouffville's Tenth Line. The quartet of candidates has been invited to share their platforms with you. All four are Stouffville residents: Paul Calandra (Conservative), Gregory Hines (New Democrat), Myles O'Brien (Green) and Jane Philpott (Liberal). They'll also be answering questions, from you, the business organizations and this newspaper. If you're not able to get in line at EastRidge, but would still like your question answered, fire away. Be civil. Be brief. Be original. Send your queries via email (jmason@yrmg.com), Facebook (stouffvillesuntribune) or Twitter (@stouffeditor). Roaming Around with Jim Thomas "We're going to give it one more shot," said Paul Parsons in connection with two previous cancellations. "It's supposed to be a sunny day." Of those previously contacted, 90 percent are planning to attend, Parsons said. Other committee members include Tim Soukup, Lois Irwin, Karen Lewis, Vince Signorello, Ed Hakonson and Tom Ross. Circulation Co-ordinator Daphne Lawrie dlawrie@yrmg.com York Region Media Group community newspapers The Sun-Tribune, published every, Thursday, is a division of the Metroland Media Group Ltd., a whollyowned subsidiary of Torstar Corporation. Spouse mouse grouse We have a mouse in our house. One single, solitary little fuzz ball that claimed tenancy late last spring with continued occupancy all summer. Now, on the brink of autumn and with winter close at hand, any intent of him seeking alternate surroundings in the great outdoors is extremely unlikely. Little wonder. After all, the tiny critter currently enjoys the benefits of free food and free heat, plus the advantages of a safe haven from nomadic cats and other predators. Besides, he has a cohort -- me. Rightly or wrongly, I'm bound and determined to protect the little beggar even if it means a trip to the divorce courts. And so far I've been successful, albeit our 56 year peace bond has come close to the breaking point. To speak to a customer service rep: 1-855-853-5613 Delivery inquiries: yrcustomerservice@ yrmg.com Delivery issues? Be civil. Be brief. Be original. Those who put stock in local candidates will have at least one more chance to see them in action. (And there's always that possibility you will meet one of them on your front porch during the next 25 days.) Good on former town councillor Phil Bannon for hosting a meeting of candidates at the Ballantrae Golf and Country Club last night. The Sun-Tribune, the Stouffville Chamber of Commerce and Markham Board of Trade will do similar at a meeting Oct. 5 at EastRidge Evangelical Missionary Church on Final try for Motorfest After postponements due to rain the past two Saturdays, MotorFest 2015 has been given the green light. The show, expected to attract close to 1,000 antique and classic cars, will be held on the grounds of Teva Canada, Main and Mostar streets, this Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event, one of the largest of its kind in Ontario, is hosted by EastRidge Evangelical Missionary Church. There's no admission charge and each driver receives a free lunch. LETTERS POLICY All submissions must be less than 400 words and include a daytime telephone number, name and address. The Sun-Tribune reserves the right to publish or not publish and to edit for clarity and space. E-mail jmason@yrmg.com Ontario Press Council We'll ask as many of your questions to the political hopefuls as time permits. Speaking of tight races, will we have an opportunity to question the national leaders here in Whitchurch-Stouffville before election day? Justin Trudeau was on Main Street, but that was pre-campaign. And Stephen Harper has been in several York Region communities during the campaign period, but not this one. Tom Mulcair? Elizabeth May? Come on down. "I want that `thing', (yes, she calls it a `thing') out of here," wife Jean says. Meaning dead or alive. Right now, the "thing" of which she speaks so disparagingly, is very much alive. But a guillotine is menacingly hanging over his head. A mouse-catcher has been placed at various locations throughout the house, but so far, thankfully, they have been eluded. By now, we know, he's obviously a smart wee varmint, maybe too smart for his own good. For he leaves trails of his presence everywhere, even to climbing into the kitchen cupboard and rattling his way through, knives and forks. "You're not the one doing clean-ups" Jean says. "There's mouse-poo everywhere." Yes, I admit, the little guy's not toilet trained and his bathroom etiquette leaves much to be desired but, like any household pet, with a little patience, his unsanitary practices should improve. As a former farm boy, I and the rest of my siblings accepted mice as a part of everyday life. While most of the mice stayed in the barn, a few found haven in the house, despite the fact Mathilda, the family cat, kept their numbers down to an acceptable level. However, many a night I was awakened by ominous pit-pats between the base boards as the little critters played raucous games of tag. But, back then, this was all part of country co-habitation. Today, it's a matter of environmental correctness. My mousy friend doesn't know the difference and neither, it seems, do I. Jim Thomas is a Stouffville resident who has written for area newspapers for more than 60 years. ONTARIO PRESS COUNCIL Canadian Circulations Audit Board Member Jim Mason is editor of The Sun-Tribune. Follow him on Twitter @stouffeditor