all Candidates confirmed for election meeting Find out where your local federal candidates stand on the issues. All four candidates Paul Calandra (Conservative), Dr. Jane Philpott (Liberal), Gregory Hines (NDP) and Myles O'Brien (Green) have confirmed their attendance at an all-candidates meeting. It takes place Oct. 5 from 7 to 9 p.m. at EastRidge Evangelical Missionary Church. The Tenth Line church's auditorium seats 400. The Whitchurch-Stouffville Chamber of Commerce and York Region Media Group will co-host the meeting. Election day is Oct. 19. YRMG includes the Markham Economist & Sun and Stouffville Sun-Tribune newspapers as well as 21 | Stouffville Sun-Tribune | Thursday, September 10, 2015 Conservative Paul Calandra and Liberal Jane Philpott are the frontrunners locally, experts and polls say. Markham-Stouffville riding `real toss-up' From page 1. Calandra's actions in the House of Commons, according to Aquanno. "It's all about winning the election and not what's good for society," said Marc Menard, a professor of Canadian politics at Seneca College, York Region's community college. Menard also agreed with Aquanno in that Calandra's actions in parliament may not resonate well with everyone. But he also noted the new riding is "a real toss-up". Calandra may also get swept up in the current mentality of "anybody but Conservative." Part of that attitude can be attributed to the Conservatives being in power for nine years and people are getting tired of their government and their policies, according to Menard. NEWS ONLINE 2001 Audio Video 404 Stone AoK BAth & Kitchen AKAl opticAl AShley Furniture BeSt Buy cAnAdiAn tire elgin MillS AniMAl hoSpitAl FABriclAnd FirSt choice SuperMArKet Food BASicS FoodlAnd Foody MArt FreShco giAnt tiger golF town grAnd Fortune heAlthy plAnet hoMe depot hoMe hArdwAre hoMe outFitterS hudSon'S BAy hydro one idA John deere John'S tAeKwon-do School KiA longMAn'S MArKhAM KiA KiA newMArKet Kleen pluS lennox deAler leon'S Furniture liStenup! cAnAdA loBlAwS inc. loweS cAnAdA M & M MeAt ShopS MArK'S worK weArhouSe Metro Inserts for Thurs., September 10, 2015 MichAel Angelo'S MichAelS nAtionAl SportS no FrillS ontArio touriSM orientAl Food MArt perlA dentAl pet VAlu petSMArt polAron SolArtech reAl cAnAdiAn SuperStore red pluM reitMAn'S reno depot rexAll ronA rooMS Furniture ScArBorough hoSpitAl FoundAtion SeArS cAnAdA ShopperS drug MArt Sleep country SoBeyS Sport cheK StApleS SunFood SuperMArKet Sunny FoodMArt tAiShAn School oF MArtiAl ArtS tg AppliAnceS the BricK toyS r uS tSc StoreS VictoriA educAtion centre wAlMArt ZehrS `There's never been an election in living memory that's so unpredictable, even in ridings that seem sewn up.' The Duffy trial, reaction to the Syrian crisis and the economy may also perpetuate the "anybody but Conservative" attitude among Canadians, according to Aquanno. "When the economy sputters, the incumbent takes the heat, rightly or wrongly," he said. The Conservatives have between 25 and 40 per cent of the voters, according to Aquanno, who said he doesn't expect that number to grow. Menard called the Conservative followers, who are older, "loyal to a fault" and said the other 50 per cent of voters are undecided and shopping around, which may create more strategic voting if the public does not want another Conservative government. This leaves the Liberals and NDP trying to appeal to the undecided voter, he said. "There's never been an election in living memory that's so unpredictable, even in ridings that seem sewn up," Menard said. "There will be lots of upsets," he said, adding this election is more exciting than many sporting events. "Apathy can significantly shift the outcome of this election," Aquanno said, noting this should be a wakeup call for people who view elections as a waste of time. He is predicting a minority government. They face new challenges every day. The sex ed. and health curriculum can help. The first updates since 1998 will help parents and teachers give kids the skills they need to stay safe. Find out what kids will learn grade by grade at To find out more about how to reach your target market and get the same great response from your flyer distributions as these customers, call us today! *Selected areas only No one delivers results like we do! visit 905-294-2200 Paid for by the Government of Ontario