' J. M. STOREY Coughs that Sap ‘ Strength VOL. XXXIX No. 41 Ron‘t let them 3;}; Prompt Ago- “on any save 'future trbuble. Rebuild the tissues at once with Thin wonderful remedy streng- thens the entire system. In- greues weightâ€"supplies stem- I_na end at the same time re- hevee deep-gated Coughs, Bron- ehi_tie, etc. Just what you need CREORBOS PRICE $1.50 LARGE Bonus We Mutual w- (old- est on tn um!) announces u very tiujnonuo in a div!- dcndl llcyholdan in 1928. TM. h an: “ocean" lncrouo linen . IO, and indieuh the low- .t Id can ya! nun-d. Under this not scale the dividend in tho Hint You of ma policy In many and npproximue 1-3 of the tot-.1 premium. Policies Issued in 1921 vii thus in this big diuribution of mm. A Square Den] the Year Round YOUR HOME V YOUR CAR "Err-Iii; 'gam Boriuky, Dorothy Iceman and ery Dozen, equal. Ruth Barker. VD. E. Orchard. teacher Boom IVâ€"Kenneth Phllllpe, Goldie Mkm-gï¬gqlpa thhle,Edra Burkm 8r. x.â€"uman Pmmm. Max-sire: Fourth. Floyd l'grlgth. Mildred Bufldtt. Jr. IIâ€"Ellnore Marginal]. clumn. Cora Spdon. 7 Sr. IIéAnnlo Brown, Ted Eda: McKuen. L. waveâ€, teacher Jr. IIIâ€"Evelyn aker, Jim Law- Ion. Jnck Peel-lock; MOW PUBLIC SCHOOL Report (or November. Jr. Iâ€"Glorin Castle. Elmer Winn, Bruce Stove: and m Broyn.equal DIUOGIJT mumdmtym mam Phou nan 7 Phone 18202 Stoufl‘vllle Teacher ox Pinotom qulnz and Theory STUDIOâ€"Ema BLOCK AJJI'ONA. ONT LICENSED AUOI'IONIER Live Stock Ind Genera Sale: womptly attended to TERMS MODERATE The Bank of Nova Scotia Drafts Promptly issued---payable anywhere. charges moderate. BANKOFNMSCOTIA General Insurance ANNE LEHMAN GEORGE KEAY com 810,000,000 Rm $19,300,000 Resource- â€45,000,000 Protect ll. 0. MGR. mm. Mgr. c. E. Watson. principal VLV Surgery, Easel!" .Do you medically Mlh to loud money all“)! town? Beep into my Branch of this pnnknnd mlDrlhlorthcamountâ€" u convenlunly'nnd with no more delay or [manly than In In article In a store. Th- Bank of Non Dram m pay- able new-tiny ‘ poianCumh. nndthenahdm minder-u. @hï¬ ginuffmiillc @tflmm Lintner Stanley TAX DEMAND IS MET PROMPTLY :.. For the moat put mouflvulo mar pnyon Intond to put moll- tn Nil “I On Mahmud on Ibo Chrutmu anon [all too clone upon mom. to would ludn by the prompt manner In which the ï¬nal lu dam-no wu no. for no you 1021. Th. In! on. [or payment wlthout p-nuny be- In. added In Dee. m. Ind 0! III. 118.000 to collect lhh you. only about $1500 gem-Inn unpfld. “tor the lBlh of. plumber those who nun euow their pun to rough In one". will he placed on u. do- tlullere “II. I! you own property you can no more eeenoe (he peymem of tone men you cln death. end ch. person who tell to unto provision ‘I'or thememrlonu. e good deal of trouble In the loo; run. The collec- tor. 1!. Perry. doeu nut enllclpelu the! my will allow their nemeo m be placed on the deteullen Mn. Tho Lndhl' Aid Ind their monlhly meeting In an chmch lul Weduer dly wlth I (ll! ntlondnnce In Ipllo of _lho poylng mu. George Sutton In druvlu the ham- bol’ for tho church buomonl floor m- mk. nd '9 an llul ‘Mr. Job Jomn bu llndly conunlod to lay the floor. Wo-oxpocg to laws the floor may for tho Chrmmu n- therln. on tho 32nd. Levi Stockley la "run: an 5 Jury- mnn In Toronto. On loudly nun: Dorothy. mile daughter at Mr. and Mrs. Landon Buckley was uken suddenly m with appendlelua and VII “ion to a 1hr- onto hoopla! early Tuesday mornlnx. Chickenpox h." vulud our town. In. I Jonel was I Toronto vm- :on: 911 Mend-y o! {kl-Awâ€). Will}: (id Mitjom Stockloy vlnllad It noyprlllmur'n on and". Prolpecte for roll sport thin winter now apnoea to be good. Stouflvillo bu entered I team In both tb-i ln- termodiete and Junior 0.H.A. eerlu, also Markhlm and Uxbridgo hnve both entered Junior teem», we Are informed. This menu that theeo town; will play in the Junior against each other, and their geographical location is ndvnntegeou to running tum: without so much travelling memo. As yet we do not know the compoeitlon oi the Intermediate grouping. W‘hnt is hoped (or now by the hockey enthnniuta II more (notable weather so thu Rink Inn- agar Glut. Bnker nny got bnry flooding at the bi; nrenn. TWO TEAMS ENTERED HON. CEO. 8. HENRY who will speak at the formal opening 01 the new addition to the whoa! bulldlng this Friday night BALLANTRAE $700 OFFERED, ‘ ‘ $1500 IS ASKED M I join muting ot the Miami 0! 8t. Jumu' Prubytorhn and II. United church. 0! Stouflvlllo. I lorm-l all» in nude may nub! by the mombon tram tho Old Kirk In I!“ rollover: or Wodey Ind Knox Jolmly. 01’ I100 tor the purchlu of [he Pruhylerhn chunk: bulldlnl which loll into the hllldl o! m. Unlonhu (allowing the an!!!" 0! mo conmuuono alter union. Thou who remnlnod out of union and II": to carry on n Myurluu ll’l com- ~polled to put up (or the building It they win! the Inc of II. The Prubyurluu worn "promul- Id by Maura. Alu. Illlchell. Jam“ nonnle. David Urn. Ru. Mr. Fullsr und Mr. Kelly. Mlor pro-enun- lhalr other they rollud. Ind lhu trulloeu of the Unlon church dluuuâ€" ed lho mm". but ram-ed to new! Inc]: I let fllura u lhoy lormod ll. All" lurnlng down (In ole: they decided to out In urn the amount at (83000) whlch the Sumerian Com- mun. lud u: I couple of mu uo. Ind loll (he bulldlnl [or [1500 on gay reason-bio terms. Wllh lhll do- lormlnod lho Unlonlllu lllo nllred. and tho public I" left to much the nu]. movo. Jane Clarkeon-Duneheath. who died in Stouflvilio at the home of her youngest daughter, Mrs: R. Stadiehar on Nov. 23rd, . 1927, in her 84th year. was a native oi England, but‘ spent all her‘ married life near Stouaville. she was married at her home near Scarboro on the English Channel to the late Robt. Clarkeon. and they immediately embarked on the 3.8. Manhattan for Canada. It in interesting to note that Mrs. Nan-i dick and the late Joel Nendick, aleo‘ a bride and, groom came over with ‘thnm. They were twelve Jaye reach- ‘ing Newflork. and immediately came through'x 0 Ontario. settling Jun ‘ north 0 louflville on the m. Mr.- Cinrkeon met death by an welder“ in Noahffltoutler'e barn just 29 years ago. ‘1‘“ them were born the children still surviving, namely.Rev. Dr. B. (.‘larkeon 01 Rochester. N.Y., Williamz'ot Uxhrigde 'l‘p.. Mre.-Den Cook. or Stouflvllle. Mre. Bouthly of Winnipeg, and-Mrs. Stealeher. The late Mre. diarklon wan twice married her eecond hue‘behd being the late Wm. Duneheetp of Green River. who died to year: ago. For the int ten years thil line old mother lived with her daughter, Mn. Btadiebu in Stonlfville. Shqyen a_brl¢ht haw! Mrfmcchonâ€"“Yon return the chairs, dlnha Ind other thlngl." V’Mrï¬-roddâ€""I think you had better drop that matter. I: would only leave room tor trouble." Dlvuuvlllu- mm, V old lad to within nâ€"IQQV’QQOKI'HI the an . and the polluouad - keen mind too 6mm her yous. The lnnnrn-I on Nov. aï¬th tool placa to "-~ ‘---'"â€" "mm". all "m (anally Rev. H. 3. Watch presided over lhn nlhorinx. Ind nhod (or I [no- therly meellnl. Alex. Mitcholl oi Rlnflood. spoke nm. Ho uld ha ha hoped that the Unlonlltl would in" Illd, "like the church Ind we Illh yon God weedi" ilowenr. we hue been Inked to man In oflor to you. Thi- we will do :1 $700. And we uh you to ion. the bulldln: as you learn! I: It the time of Unlon". The $100 wili ailmlmla my Mammy (or renal from June 1926. Mr. lit- choll mum-tad needed rep-in to the buildlng It $1500. and pointed out thul the Unionluu hld ohulned ro- Vonno 'lrom tha Ichool board (or more than c year. This ofler o! 8700 l- flnli. and no couidoniion hld been given‘lo a'propnni to rent the church. W. H. Toddâ€""What do you mean by leaving the church in shape It was M time of Union?" to the Presbytery whn would pro- bably be guided by the wishes of tho local authormu. Mr. Mitchell laid his experience win: Prosbyterieo was me they would carry out the recommendation of local bonds. V'Mr. Boothâ€""n 100 or 150 churn are to be returned they represent 1 his share of the 8700 oflor." Frank Rae ruined the point at lepllty ol the church bonrd to don! with the matter. but Mr. Warren aid 1! was nmary that the trustees deal with It. then curry the manor 71M}. MItéhell-Â¥"We have a moral right to them. but perhaps not a legal right." l-‘ur Prubnerhn (ll-nub W1 As the oii'er wasn't picked up very readily. Mr. Fuller asked what the Unionists considered right it they were not satisï¬ed with $700. Mr. Rennle thought 3700 was all they could manage to raise with a small congregation. Mr. Mitchellâ€"“1t la a ï¬nal 0119?." At thln stage the Praebyterlnn dele- gatlon withdraw to allow the Unloa- lsts to consult. had they came to a declolon very shortly. aaklng $1500. Mr. Toddâ€"“I think 83000 as set by the Settlement Committee is high. but I think 8100 too low.†The church In need tor but one aer- vlce each Sunday, Rev. Mr. Fuller being the pastor at both Markham and Stouflvme. smuhmm ' ammo. mumu.‘.1ibtmln£$ am. my AGED PIONEER GONE aIw. a. nut; u‘ old Momma boy: I’M-um to on I“? 9.. , o w hhn Ill Ih’flph D It tho Chic-‘0 mum. Iud tor nom- day- Id conlnod to his hotel In | urloul condition prior to plain; Iv". The Me Mr Burl In mount 0! (ho Edmonton uhlblllon. “a In. thou! to loan: (or [all Intern homo III“! Illa-u overtook bun. HI and Don In Tomato lhll (All utlu .5 Juan ll (be Ruyal Fllr. and lhll VII the Ian occnlon on which In! 0! In: smuflvlllu lrlend- hud noon hm. w. 1.8TA8KDIES The body In- taken but to Ed- monlon (or hum], who" lbl lunar-l wu hold an Tuudny or um tuck. Tho Ilia III. Burt VII mind on the 0m cone-lion of Whiiahurch by his uncia in. in. lliiuh John-on. who livod on th- urm whore no" midn MI. lorrin. Ho Ind Imbio‘ lion and Ill ouuiudin: u . youth. Whoa Iiiii very you; he look up uhooi mailing. being "INN. IL Alionn. LII-r no [an up the pro- iouion nnd with R. J. Duly! aimed the imuruoe bullnou in Siouflvllio when: the ilnn lino enjoyed I llru real name bullw- [or some yum. ‘Hi- ability uni popullriiy won (or :him I Ilru tirch of iriondl and bull“. mochiu. and when lupu- iarod the print: Making bum“- nm with Thou. Willi-anon. and inior u Sink 1 Barn". he van in I-Ill'od Inccou. In no: the Bov- oroixn Bank look over (he bulineu with the trend of the movement of mu limo tor chartered bunk- io ubâ€" Iorb the print: in'muilonl. Mr. Burk remained with tham (or I Ihori ume. but in 1900. (21 you! Ito). ha ieil Siouflviile for Toronto. Ind later went to Edmonton where he became manner at the bi: nnnuli exhibiiion were. The most extensive ierm stock‘ sale to be held in the vicinity oi Stonilyius this isii wee that oi Wed- nadsy of inst week on the farm of George Winn. just north 0! the town on the 10th concession. The out- sunding tenure at the auction wu‘ the high prices bid for miich cows.‘ prices not heretoiore reached since the record days of the Great War. The general scarcity of milhers and ‘the still market prevailing were only two of the reasons for Mr. Winn's Mg prices. A really great factor was the splendid herd itself. Not an eni- mnl in the lot of 23 sold was over 8 years of age, and every one of them Deceased ll survived by his wife. whole mllden name vu mums BII'IBI. youngest dlugbler o! the late 1‘. Barnes. 0! Hékerlng. and by Ill adopted ion. Gordon. The wile of Dr. Ir: Frocl o! Slouflvlllu. who Is now In Jun-Ia. I. - lhkoHa-lnw to the his Mr. Burk. George Winn Reta Avengc of .150 Mr. Burk 'Il umon; the moat pro- minent hommen In Clnldl and In Intcmttlonnlly known u I judge. hula; hated In thin capacity at the Inner lurl trom count to cont. and throughout the United States. ‘10 Mason. 3 buyer trom Scarboro. ‘The thirteen milkere ran from 8126 'up, and among the buyers were ‘Frank Stedkley, Harold Wright and Allen Pike. Mr. Steckley bid In :three animals for himself and Harold ‘Wright got two. while the remaining Icowa found separate homes. was in the pick of condition. The splendid liable! too save an air of conï¬dence to the buyer. Everything spotless, and the whole wnn spam and ceiling: were white as now. Mr. Winn goes over them once every year. As'an Indication of now It hny'g to take camp! Implements. one or two pieces sold realized a higher ï¬gure than Mr. Wmh paid {or them years ago. The bed! binder brought 8110. and other things brought good aver- age prtcol amr your: 0! use. In the grandi-y onto hold at ssé. a ‘buahel. helm; more than pronent 'mnr- kot prlce, by ley went at 800. Ind hay at 310.5 a ton. the buyer to re- move his own Mack. Turnlpn sold In tho plt at Mo. bushel. The entire eele totalled “.270. a ï¬gure high}: gmtflylng to Mr. Winh. The crowd was urge. but hundred- more were kept way beceuee of the we! dleenroeeblo woether thch let in about noon. EW. Bllvorlldel we; on the auction block. uelsied by Alvin llrmer. and the his “lo clme to I cloee a! 6.80. giving the crowd good ohenoe (u get on the wily home before the war of dlrkneel fell. The entire herd which were only grade cattis raailzed no less than $2980. The highest priced cow brought $182.50 with ha calf. going Horses and hogs sold at only mod- erate prices. the highest priced one being knocked down. at 3100. Mr. Wlnn said he had not kept any high- claaa homer. for some time. but his animals wero all good workers. WAR PRICES FOR COWS J. SIM“ DID WHILE IN CHICAGO fl PERSONAL NOTES .u about 1. man. Ir. had In. hunk medulla. of Chic-lo. undo I hurried trip to atoun'vfllo lug vook and. to mu- u! some mutton In connection with ma Clendonnlnl mu. Mn. thoul. dulhur of Ir. ‘l‘rl- nun Holdon. m ntmul lo Hutu! an.» unending We month. Ion. Mr. Jon, Pun. Hun “not won. I: In A hop-l.- condulou min bolus mu. likelihood of Mn mover! Iron: hln prcuu Ilium. Ir. Club March 1- she In a scrim conditioa. In. A. W..Hlll of Mndon. OnL, II upendlng : for day. with the Illu- mloy. 0n Tun-day alternoon ll the meeting 0! the Womnn'l NIP nlonuy Socloly o! the Uniud (1th Ike nu an Interesting all on Mrln. when Ibo upon! I number at your. an I mlulonuy. Men-n. Henry .Brflllinnr, hue Bondwny Ind Bum Hoovor In mk- ln. good 33.41.! with the construe- uon of the p" houu n Vlvlu which the ltoun‘vfllo Planing um- nro under contract to contract. The building I. now closed 11:, sad in about ready [or flu Mm. Whoa completed I “the o! Pllullnl will occupy It. Mu. Than, Wfllhmn h um In In health. .na wanna do» a! an mm to hot 604. Mr. and In: lure". Bright 0! Toronto. I at Sunday “It Mr. and Mn. Wollnmn Wldomu. Sand-y. Dec. 11": 3rd Sunday In Advent. Service at a p.111. Subject-â€" "The lndupemble Christ." All Iona tree. 1. J. Robblni, Rector Melville Church Chrllunu Tree Ina anteruinment will be held on Thursday, Dec. 22. muead of Friday. Note the chmnI'ln dam. On Dec. 16th. the Eastern Star will lack! I social evening In lid of charitable purpones. Please keep date open. Witch for further un- nouncemom. W. B. Whiteombo. Pater Sundny. Dec. nth Sunday morningâ€"Baker Hill. Sunday eveningâ€"Sixth Llne. “Herein In love. not that. we loved God. but that he loved us. and sent his Son, to be the propltlallon [or our ulna." 1 John 4:10. 8T. JAHES‘ PRESBYTEBJAN Pu’bllc wor‘plp next Sunday at 2.30 o’clock. Rev. W. B. Fuller, TILE. Glasgow Sch Christmas Concert will be held on nnday evening. Dec. 190. Admlulu 350. and 15¢; All are Invited. "God‘s Grace in a. Dark Hour" 3 [mmâ€"Mission Band. 7 runâ€"Come early for me song ser- vice. Subject for Sunday night message: “The Church 3nd 1t! Heavenly Fare". BAPTIST CHURCH ‘ W. W. Fleischer. pastor Sunday. Dec. 11th 1 1 a.m.â€"JMornh:gg wgnhij‘Sulllecl. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA H. 5. Warren. B. L. pastor Sunday. Deo.11th 11 e. In. -â€"An address to the girls and boys. entitled “Honour Brigh‘". Junior choir will lead the singing, 7 nunâ€"Mass meeting in the inter- ests oi the British and Foreign Bible Society. Ministers, members of all our churches invited. Rev. Mr. Shunt: will deliver the address A mass‘ choir will lead the singing. Everybody welcome. MENNONJTE CHURCH Eld. S. 5. Shaun, pneior' Sunday. Dec. 11“: Quarterly meeting at the morning service with Eider Bricks: in churn. 7 7 At 7 31.111. I nnlon meeting In the United Ohm-ch In the Interest. of the lame SooloW.’ Kebp ‘ in!“ the meeting every night 0:- we“. c'x‘copmg sum-any u 7. ‘5. Rev. EL. orton. pulor aunda ...Boc 11m There will be nnnlhrnnry service. at the l'lloomln‘xton church next Sunday, both morn! and rvenlng. An lnvltatlon- la omen ‘ed lo the pub- llc There wlll bi no orenlng uervlce at the Sloulhllleehurrh. Communion service wlll be a! RlngwnM “I 2. so um. and at Alton: ‘1 p. m The Chrlslmnu onlorlï¬l ! for the curl-Han Sundn School will be In the ovonlnx o! 1!. 10m. There will he no charge, only 1n offal-Inn “ken. All In lnvllod. "on nun:- era. . Mnntnnâ€"In féonm. on non. uh. 1021. to Mr. ï¬nd "I"- W. 3. Mill- BAKER HILL and SIXTH LINE AMONG THE CHURCHES :on .1 can (run am.) 0113mm men LIST CHURCH (Anthem) t {or A. V. NOLAN. PI“ “bout u the Front". namerpnt from all other: an a BI; 351-:th- trom a pop gun. The hull would that snowmen are mung the mn- mry McFedden'e Flats. with the greatest team or chortlerelsera on the screen. A comedy that will out- live the memory 0! the wax. THURSDAY. DEC. sâ€"At Lot 27. Con. 9, Mnrkhnm. the entire herd of Holeteine. the property oi Edw. Gillian. 10 monthe' credit. Sale at one. F. W. Silvereidel, auctioneer. FRIDAY. DEC. 9thâ€" At Lot 11. rear con. 6. Whitchuroh. fern: stock and implement: belonging to Wm. Nelbitt. Sale It 12.80 sharp. F. W. Silvereidee. eno- tioner. SATURDAY DEC.10thâ€"Credlt'ule of stock implements. hey. gnin. etc.. belonging to George Hunt. Lot 28. Con. 5. Markham. 1% mile east of Victoria. Squnre Sole It is sharp. No reserve. Prentlee E Prentice. auctioneer. SATURDAY. DEC. 10“: â€" Fem stock, implements, need grain. etc. belonging to Orville Roach who in giving up (arming. Sale}! one sharp. F. W. Silvereidee. auctioneer. M 0NDAY, DEC. nthâ€"At farm of Ira Ruenali adjoining, Stouflullo east end. Registered and High- grn-ie finish-Ina. bllonuing to J. A. Hnwtin. No reserve. Snle at 1 a months' credit. P. w. Silver- nidee. auctioneer. TUESDAY. DEC. 13thâ€" At lot 16. con. 9, Whitchurch. 60 wood lots mixed herdwood. belon to Wm. Rnicliii. Sale It one. ree month; credit. F. W. Silvenidel. Auctioneer.» , The mUFFVlLLELTBlflUNE DES. IRA unmnm Honor Gndute of Ron] 001100. 0! Denul Surgeon- ud Toronto Unlvenlty, 3110 Post Gndum o! Roebumr Children'- Hospital omquudard Bun. lip mm Phone once 1011. Ramona 1.15. DR. PATTERSON DENTIST Best Work. lowest Feel mnrrwm. ammo Fulï¬ll-lad "dry Thur-My Intoâ€"".00 w your; u.“ to the United Int. Dr In â€I luau-A Ion. Wait“ I to O 9.11:. Sammy Tau. Thurs. a Dunn-tunnel. b7 uppolntmm only SATURDAY. DEC. ITâ€"G‘Im Stock. Implements, Hay. arm. etc†be- hazing to J. and R. 'l‘lndnll. lot a con. 8. Uxbrldge No reserve. 8:]. at one o'clock. VF. “Manama“. auctioneer. WEDNESDAY. DEC. Nthâ€"A! Lot 8. Con. 8. Whltchurch I mu. north Ringwood. tum flock. 1m- piememc. hay. grain. belonging Jo H. 3. Burnâ€. Sale I! one. F. W. Silvenldea. auctioneer. The ladlolwt cum Church (An- glican) cheaply apwwau the kind- ness an ‘mcmlty of all Stouflnllo people 0 loaned articles to «mm the â€up to} the pertormanaa last Saturday. and all who Md In anyway yam to make u: pmâ€" nam a iuooaal 1'th wlah u- tam! lo all who helped a very naany thanks and flay mom-o an wor- (unity of Marin; those you": I and common! players again a! aomo hum" data. 1114 Non] York mun] Connor"- uvu will told | math: It Rich- mond Hill on the outing 0! Doc. 18. u 0 o’clock. lulu-I. torn-don or Roan." Clnb. HAROLD A. SANDERS HAMMER. 801101708 Nouu'y Public, Conveynneer. ate. OFFICE SILVESTER'S BLOCK Phone 18003 AUCTION SALE REGISTER Phyllclan and Burma cures: cor. own; All In!- Honor (Indiana 0! Ron! (:0th at Danni Surgeon Ind of m Unlvenlty of Town!» Honor Grunt. of Ron! Coll.“ of Dental Burma um at tho Hnlvmty 01 Toronto E. 8. BARKER. LBS. DDS. 0 to u n.m,1‘uu.1'hnu. h In. Owing/Moots“. Ion. Wed. t Fri. um I upwlntment only lukhnm every Tuesday Ofï¬ce. In Wear block cm» In Gmbln't Block DR. NEIL C. sum BUSINESS CARDS DR. S. 8. BALL PEG 0‘ MY HEART COnlulutlou Rou- Phony". MEDICAL DENTAL