Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 30 Dec 1892, p. 7

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0m 20 cases of new Shaker Flannels Prints, Cretomgs‘Ax-t finding and stling just opened this-month. 590 mini Wool Carpet at 15c, 230. and 25c. each. Pam Folding Tébles undseethem. Men's §uiu A .L CLOTHING MUST -.GO. Afe AS] Spools )est quality for 2650. per doz. and every line of goods th )ughout the Whole store equally cheap. - .. file I "urged with customers. ' ‘ f Led with ch'ifuee new goods - ¢ , a 1 Ky. ' W :néorrsr BEGABBLE“ or can. Ovelmmt for $10.50) Overtuut for $9. - fixer-cunt Ior 5G ‘25. -All must G0. n. A», hea Clothing and Furs. 312.01; Stamina Fur Coats for $24150 worth $35. uirs. Boys Suits. Mens Pants. Boys’ Overcoats, all this month regardles of of cost. . bys Cape Oxerr‘oats left at $3. Robes 3136.25, 86.75 and $7. being away under the ular prices . nded to January 25th, 36 as tougive all a. chance to fill their ticket. 7HE NUVELITY BOUT AND SHOE STORE ETIL'K TAKING “J 51. ‘EG GEES EGG GAGE (a? JOHNSON’S u h mutation % beautiful XMAS PRESENTS. To Clear/at Quid. e Black )Iatassina Robes all 'one piwe, gums $13.99 mh. worth 820. Ir Mufi's at 83: Sealette Mufis at $1.50 and 32. “m Goods at pricw to surprise you. , Jada and Holiday Goods at half price. 1t Imitation Persian Lamb Overcoats for $13.50 P. G. FLEUBY, ms 25¢ each. A Bells for 15¢: ‘200. mud 253., worth 25c_., 30c the plm THIS WEEK. NEW DISQQVEBL'MEFJQE'QI 1mm; u:- Ivuu a...“ _.. -._. V I! 'ERFECTLY NARMLESS All) .V :9 sluPLl AI‘Y CHILD CAN uatrl'. "‘9 3*" 0": WW”: 1. 1w - luv mlmm‘ and m dauppnnuu n "K'fi'llhflfi‘ - ._.... modern" manna. A I,“ . un W - MK. punt-t. ‘niwdl 4 DIE. rhea“ n nm on um rAcr. 336x . DINTLBll! the “no: unwed Wanna” B-lrh. which do. t'l? I ‘nc. b mamuu- Nun min: In nuulumbnll ’ mum-AK box:- pun b unsure?) .-m. .n -M_ mu nu. chm ilgr‘t‘k’ been In “no. 'I All a s lln-v m. m: I(\lull‘. Baum and Show. Our-hoes Ind Ru :1! Sucks with Rulnbt-rs In mulch. 7 p-niculnr. Cull Ind s'ee‘our Inns] :1: uuilnble {or AT TE! 'lly Bout Ind Shot 81m DVYD Fred. Spofl‘ord. AT- u from an; west e‘ ‘y‘ "'31.? m... n... MT". '3 E," _ w ‘ n.‘ .n‘ “I‘ll med; C“ “MEI 1 and enmhlngu ' . You 7( Inca Itgot. El He‘ll Df nu e 68 And N! W-ur St :5 SL. Cincimnu. Ohin mean; u uni-w m ~l ulI_ ‘3‘ J:- In: A nu-Hurhm ....,_ ‘1 my mnnv friends ‘r lune] glifipir: [Dr d down to Dr- I am belle; In {net qur diary. L005 an I). 8T0 UFFER CO. _ We were never wbegun pre- pared for the Holiday Season than now. ‘ fine assortment of Slippers, Ties, ' e Boots. Rubbers and We. have opené u: our Felt Boots ready [all]: weather which is now here. . We have been very carequ in our selection of what we con« sider the best and have found’ nothing equal to the Walkerton Felt Boots. These we have been selling for the past three years. They have givefi ex- cellent satisfaction. Our stock is c‘zrefully select- ed, well assoned and complete in every particular. Our good reliable goods are what we recommend; they are satisfactory in quality yand prices; satisfactory both to the seller and buyer. Of course some people will have cheap goods We keep them, but we don trecommend them. it would be a great deal better for merchant and con-1 sumer if there were In?) chegp, trashy goods md'e, but then we have to dd with (“again they are not as they Ought to be. - We expert to’ do '3 large trade in men's long Boots and Gain Bals. and have supplied ourselves accordingly. You ought to see those Grain Bals. Men's fine 8315.. Congress and Oxfords durable, stylish and cheap. All law-{m m In am local columns ol the Tmnunu' awnings nr enunninmmun It hItbiI-III In ldmiuiou fee I c In . er from I him); I ulmhndliriumsl‘lfuht bopnhifor n: IErn-nlunnâ€"nm Inc-inland no |-|§‘ll mum-IN .5. lb.- lo I 4' .- fi-M I‘IWJ .- Ladies’ and childreh's foot- wear in almost bewildering va- riety to suit all needs and tastes. ' Our village customers vcry considcratc in bril repairing and doing the on other days than which have: us free to our outside customers days when {hch is such Welcome? evu \rclcm Chenille curtains chup at Spof ford's. HOLIDAY C aih'ervphm-ll $4 cuspndon-x ox: Doughcrl " d6 Canadian 0n r of Foresters Is a Fro: ernal Bum-volent Society, incor pornt :d in 1879 and registered under ‘tl'lc Insurance Corporations Act. 1892 i at Ontario The objects or the Sotiqtv ‘nre to furnish its members with Sick. and Funeral benefits and an 'Insnr ‘ance of one or two thousand dollars. The payments for these benefits range- {rom about one dollar to one dollar and fifty cents per month. local-ding to the age of the member. and the amount ol the inmrnncc carried: The member ship is composed of men onlv. and when admitted they must be between the ages of sigh” and {arr . The present mm mmfibers is over 16 0CD. lid 65 'hasa snrpinl, on but In [ho hm din-w 000 of and: h Illa ti on is lab! or the . In addition ”I“ m ‘ karts havo nbont' ‘01er in their Irena. pd“; will: , ympnt at the Sick and ' anl Ban on. The High Secret: ““f m 0, do: ll Mr. Thoma White. lgrnnu’ord 9nd it it expected that obtain or this ’ "-nd purely Omani... lean- Leading Shoe Home." I). STOUFFER ' 0. 0n election dnv two ,Izenth‘mml from II- neuhborlnx vllluze or Clan-m x am. to Alum: lo get the nun-Jug the poll. Tho horse baumc frighléu ea. “noun. to a“! In many of the candidate: wen: a: sh: evuusml thy, Mule loose uni "I“ mum. thinking no doubt it could reach hnmu sooner by taking: across fences, fluids. Szc II Our shoemakers are very busy with ordered work and the endless nrcam of repairing that is con- DI'IIPI' ‘1h‘ TRIBUNE but thinking pcrhn there would not feel some time it turned direction of home, 1 the bank into a hole the owner nrrivrd new cutter smasm with lime injury. no doubt by Iakfln‘ first jum house. I first jumped the fence nppo house. then down uclt‘zs t lbrnugh another board and wi when it seems to have lust its and look a norlhmgd course the Hide cedar Mumps. when over the mill race making a LOCAL ITEMS- Sal: u‘NgL-I Baker'q at $1.30“, See Spofi’oniznew shake; flan Bi: Japunry sale at Spofl‘ord'u‘ Dcah yrn'lv ‘ Happl THE TREBUNE. STOUFFVILLE. JAN ‘iserv andfihvcs cheap at ~9qu lie orgianlzed‘ LOCAL NOTICES nll nppn ‘min d for repairs. ‘rhnps the proprietor feel like repairing for ned once more in the u. Mid plunged aver hole when: I! lay when vrd. Result ofpoliâ€" nshcq, horse escaped ners have been bringing thcir Ho um. um llull a millinn imuss for tho- unenl Ben of the 0! :‘y! Brnnllord. I0mm: or this 3mm Scales) ‘ma. ir shopping Thursdays attend to on nmi’kck a rush. m: at "The‘ ulds. 8:1: I .ppoalto lh ;s the flal‘ 1 wire {cut U. 1893. lutitudv Hmong me lim repairs, opriulm V Ulll mum fll‘l'l the V CONGRKGATIONAL CHURCH. MAI“ Btu Buml'vflll. ml Ind. M- E- Bnn'il. ulnar. mid-net Hula Eucal- DMD. "Maura 8 It. 10:3)1 In. uni 7 p. n: Sunday school I II ell-I It 2:!) an. Illi- du «mint. Y. P. 8. . I. mm: u 8 o'llooi. Ind Whmuuu on ado-flu ovum 5: 7:30. All II}: Inc. A wcloono m .u. Two lots on 0 rfefiivmnie to} life :1 I hugnln if m I: once. Illa; t Stark. . ' . ' _ E. roar“ uu‘mm home I. I ‘I homily Mamet] to Detroit HI Tnudny mornlng. Tho great value 01 iEIuod‘I Sampuilh u MANTILES Holiday goods A! half coaww ord' s all Ibis mth. “'IIBI Wilmer: has and M nu drum on Wgchuh nâ€"lp. flu: hone um! um not: Inc Mar tho Animal becune M gunned at m enzlfio nhnmn ofl steam. The horse made n zigzag Ill and out of the ditch s-venxl times but thmnt! was eqml In the occasion and exhibited great skill and dexterity in mampulatirg mu ribbnnsA‘nmllv.bringing the need to content itsell‘wilh occuping (he benien truck. No damage. In every line as we never carry goods over from one season to another. The area: value of Hood'l Snrupuilh :- I. remedy {or cabarrh in vouched for by thousands of people whom it. bu clued. Dr. W. AI Snngsler returned home Inst week from New York . where he has been taking the hospital cnunna Silves’er Daugherty would llko to have some: drv hnrdwcod a: once in settlement or new, who will be the first. to pav up this way. The stockholders of tho proposed creamer)! intend to hold a mentlng m- morrow (Salurdny) uveninz at 7 o'clock inSpofl'ord's block [or the purpose nl organizalinn. LVl cami- sum. summing". I. w. im. out". mm. lllln Divinn uni“ IV Band-l It “7:81 3-3.“. pan Bud” damn“ Bonfgl “It." m: In“ unfiv “on “MW “7 #01:: law“ rail-an“ Vlfluahfl' our In 4‘.th Al .I c “I, _lu_ um shining . Like gold of thnsevemh ripening. To be sold at the auction nln J n. 12 lSUJ I-‘. B chLs. Pro A full stnvk of exeruhiug In lb rude. Ju‘ 0‘ Brh-n. nuctloneer. a given llll Nov 15:, 189:,l I approved joint notes, Standing at pupi public sclnqql {or Deg lmnusa will be altogether primed ll home and we ask our correnpondenul mud readers to aid lli in tel-ping the local columns full 0: linen-mug mn- XE!" A big range of Gents' new flea Ind gloves at Spofl‘ord'u. who were absent mlssml a grant (rent. The choir were In good shape being uhly aupportud by a full orchestra Illd gm'u their rcapcctive numbars In vxcullent slyln and wl:h fine uxpreau- ion. making it evldum [but they had rI-cclvcd carnful and thorough (rnln ing. Miss Brimaau possrsavs o huzh clear, full mpnno voles and although mama: from a cord Mil D. B“ aw 9n hull. In a. film 031mm 0! “Inn-mm: Isiah an M Ibo 6”. nun 7’32]: “Hind Stuufl‘ef. film nppc‘u'n Inm- 0 All- tlmtirst time sinco llh mm non Chicago. where he hmhuaen mam: undcr 1h) hm muster the city affords. gave a very fine rendering a! Steph- un Adums' "Holy City" and also did nxcellent work in the duct “i feel thv Angel spirit“â€"wiuh Miss Brimlqn. Pref. W. S Jones organist and choir master of Dr. Wild'u church plnved the accompaniments in a wtv that helped greatly the singers in their dlflicult work. The Prof. is an ex- ceptionallv good accompanist. Mlle Blanch O‘Brien the organist played the dlmcuitaccompanimuntetotho chorus" with marked ability. Miss Mergueme Dunn the elocntioniut oi the evening dxd her part well, being recalled niler every- selection. Her rendering of U1 he Glpsy Flower Girl" was wonder fully r -nl And the 0764:! tragic. leing it nllogfllhur the director D. Stoniier in to be congratulated on the merits of the concert. BAPTIST/CHURCH Mun St. Bmuflvllchyfml To xiiakgrodm for Spring Goods Slcam coal for threaheruz Kinney Six BARGAINS BLEAHING SALE MILLINERY Church Isfétices. ETHODIST CHUgCfl MN |-'. Wilson. book No. B. Burkl We will give ‘ym Hastings. \Viddifiuid. I, second J. Smith â€"~â€"ANDâ€" ‘r harness, ill bright and ' - part II. No.1â€" ..R Briiliugcr. 0. Yake, 2â€"â€" N. Kelh and F. Lurch lib, El'u Young. part H W urriuar, I. Smith. 1'; an I. No. lâ€"A. Min-tens, ,0.McNair and H. Coulaon, E-J. Denney. LHumilmnI \l. Stnun‘er. part I. No.5â€" 1. Bnndwny. C. Vnnzunt. .rk. M ’s In Stoufi'ville 1892 â€"V. classâ€" Huuter. IV.â€" J, E. Mucklam, R. Duvldsnn . M. \Vulls‘ A, Burl ho book No. M. Nendick M. Young. L jr.Hl. omew, 1â€"“ {iii moved {but the (ollowl u paid 43.3mm f“; to In expenuu 1!?!» E. ‘Mch gravel, 38080 If tor and trunk: Miter. O spec Joel Baker, [or mntllnt an '7 ennui. _ 1 L) L H. Johnson ucond:J J‘ Johnson that Hill conlncll Idop plan or this mnnlclpnl'ny A: pm I)" C. G Ennnin . P. L a I lnatrucuon from I ll coyncll a necordluce um: “I. Rafi-"y A: mat the account p mod on 18th. “392 tonoue hnu per agreement be pal â€"Clnlcd. H Johnlon moved nd by J. Rue Ihlt the collector mdlad v the mm 0! $4.20 as h u uncalled: ‘ Ind Ibo for the um I MES. (- In Ana-M and an: all In men And bond- cancelled. Carried. J. J. Baa, moved dad by Armnmmr that the Leeann: of ' J. J. Rae mud mhdcd In)! ad ’,’Wntln.â€"A u Old dry hurdvrq Rnanmnsx can m A DA ~805tmh Amman Rheumatic Cum for and Noni-nigh radially cum in] fax?- In action upon tha uylum [- lo and any-xenon. It. nmmu $03 tho mum Ind the dues-De immodhfl] dun-p penn. The flat do” gmtly Mk. 75 can". \\ summed by RE 1'. (Ionian. ’ A lecture And entanglnmm: will be given in thaRlnzwooddmnh‘oa. Thun- dnv evenlng 12th inn». TIN Vozrlm will canslst of a lecture by Ill-mull“. at Toronto. anh'ec: "Thu Hall to Meet". also tcndllup. xeclulbn sud ulna-lug. violln lulu. h Elder Halnur will occupy Iha clulr. Admlz- alou 16c. . chlldreu 10:. A very Import-u! mm mulnx ln the murmur of the lumen unthr the lulplm of the North York Wharf Inezlluu will be held ln use low hall aurora on the nu: Ind 12". next ~ John Elihu. I. P... H ex- hlnr mill mm "th- w’é'.“ $.35“ I've“- lug dnlry during III. put lqmmer, and D. W Beadle. gdlmr ohm Can- adian Horticulturist, will be resent and read papers of the gre :lm- parlance The fin: sessiun or the moutlng will communes II 1.80 Tue:- day afternoon. Tuesday evening I uubliu umlng wlll be held in the hall which wlll be addressed by Mr. Bendle and Mr. Mchllen. the~ farmer on “Why have len‘e um flr‘n." the Inner. "How :0 make good butter." “mm!"‘mfl F half on hm .W by R ' Tram-n Holden. Markham [I lufler! luck of neurnlxh m'dnlw Everybody an ummflofl bedroom units a P Dav they no no cheap. Jun I flue lot 0! mil“. ugh-u my guns-- Mrs. “try Smllh mic: Ewe ‘1 Frank Smith. pund "my Fan *1" day morning II n;- .33 of “n yet The (uncnl on W m the Diljn . motel-y. 0n Ji-ldq- gunk; In: Mr} If B» Fleury {nVo an "a: homo“'\‘0 her .frlendl mm, proved to be ‘5“ noel-l event of the ”non. A vflv Inga number ‘1‘ the lovers of than Ichur can art of N. place Ind fieln y moi: Advantage of’um mflion Indipent a. very plenum ovonln‘. 3‘7 , ' The ennuul meeting of thy Whit- cburch Agricultural Soclety will be held at McQulllen's hotel. llntru. mIThursdny.Jnn. I‘lth. It p n). A full Attendance is requested at this important meeting at whlch them will tnke place the election of Oman. the presentation or reports of dlrlctora n well as other lmportnnt bulllul. In these times or low price: to gnln, farmers would use every can: by uomblued effort to gnln alll poulble knowledge of their business I‘ well u 'to stud; the requirementll of both home I‘va-Iprelgn marked. Mnnv mum to ovorloo the letterâ€"#1“ lg. to observe the prom. market. produce. For example In a secllo # grown- uhip ulslku clover need he be. ~‘ nlusd forlhn plst twenty-five vurl d h“ produced murh better result: n IIIV other brxnch of Luib‘nr vet. Although thlu wag known It! by nelghboring loullzln, advantage has been tlken bullness. elpeclally w‘cr d danger ol competltion. ”r. .ne word as to whet la profltlv .dle. but there should be no ‘ thin respect among Igrlcult fact there need notba ll‘ the IT M artfully Atudled Is' do [In er lines ur buhlueu. One of ‘- uia’l’éfi'uv WHITEâ€"non ii '1 .x I on» 8!.“de nut, . Fl-nnelu ma munfliiw‘nph- par, nt Spolord‘l Mlmu‘k ' V New brlck Mule well Slonm-Hle Iu Melange {0‘ perry; will pay dlfl‘erun DALIY A}, Smut. - or this soclnty In to promote of knowledge and every far >townsblp nhould be Lmom Councfl mv. lg. Reeveln Member- Minute: 04 confirmedA BILLS or AC Hamilton. Sec and cominke Reewr for £ . “(180; Joel Baker “3. 1‘8". moved Arm-Bronx that the Fun for $1 {or pooh; 9-19- ”9""? .L "Evan-163.com um um my end.) not mom molt snln an all din - W._P. Hurtney moved. “a“ by J. J. Raofihle the mm at be wrunc- w Geo. Kemn [or do: a: by my. for one dog und one bitch u I dog mu k'llefi and Ihabltch w um: I by the owner soon .11 ‘ “name was Huldaâ€"Curried. IL McDonald. in! Mchnnld, [want (A posrxge $l_ Dry hu-dwood u H:- Fm below can n S“ II'OUIIWILLI 00011 Stonfl‘vllla. Dealt vod mhdcd ,. h" waded by mount of u collector J: J. Rue accouuu be Log]: and I'll U.C. Mr. 310. flfiflq D. i. u 10:», hr. .116; $2.50; 5. ‘ G. Flint, 'ed .A UBOI‘ Lzé‘és ‘16.â€" A. G. BROWN. Wavouâ€"Roovaâ€"Wn. Tyrdl. J. P. Cmndnorqâ€"E ,1: flunk. 2!. up Plekednzâ€"Reevuâ€"R. IL Mowhny (net. ). Fim deputy mveâ€"Gflemw. Second depntv lone-«Thou Poacher. Third deputy roomâ€"D. Annll. Coun- cillor J. Richard]. lurkhanémen â€"-'-' Jab Jar-n. mnjorlzy one And one ballot. dimmed. Councillunâ€"G. S. BlIl|nz. A.Cunpball Wm. Fleming. Wu. Robln-on. Uxbridga â€" Deputy mm â€" John Hunter. Councillorsâ€"Eu: nrdâ€" Rlch-rdu. J. B. Gould. J. H. O'Brien. North wildâ€"Pauemnfloddfiannedy. Wu!- wlrd â€" Crosby, Gordon llld Gray. Toronto J uncuonâ€"M-yorâ€"W. Pun (-ccl.) Councillorsâ€"Win! lâ€"Pater Lxughon 1nd Fund: Haydon. “Ind 2â€"W. Hun and J. Brown. Ward 3â€" P. Fulcrum Ind Dr. Glllenpls Ward 4â€"D]. Blinds" and Henry Jackuou. Wud 6â€"Wm. Spun and J. Wright. ‘ mnnh of wash been the subject of , ’ . puny dld thelr' ’ 15a nun-n or their nu- ....- ‘ nd varytew mm were ‘00 unpnlled. The unvlsalhg rue-fried Oil 1|"! Ida-No fervor at Hmu‘ Ind ,ury Id Ienm u Ir ck mum} efiwflur hid orderod Ike cold map It a den to cool the ndor of than wlfo look pmmluent put. Huwaverfi [ha will of the mqukv in now known, the bulimia “Tclown bu ngnln mumed It: uaunl ml . Ind m" the “mill- on “filing. mprevnil. The number or vote: en: mi- uch candid-u: wu u ‘ followuâ€" \ 1.1. Ba ...... 85 5'. n2 LL iéi J.H. BAICIHT. 7G .. “B .. 185 D. Rusnell ..... b5 .. 59' .. 144 ILECI'ION! Inlwnnz Mayor Fleplug. a! Tommi). ta “5‘ glottal b: : nujorhy a! over 3000. ---. "Jaw-5190‘s!- ‘ Woudbrldgoâ€"Reeuâ€"T. F. Wall-co Coundllonâ€"J. E. Hmh, Dnflclfln. M. Burkhouer ud Hug MI. A most deplorable nfl‘nlr occurred 1: the residuum or Inn: Darla, Highland Crwk. on Maud-y Afternoon of In! week. A frlend. numed Pnrick Feulon wu Imuslng thn family by singing a non: anml-‘d “When my Grundf-lher war a Soldier" using I "in lo glvr ll the Ipvenrlnco at rul- .y. In awinzlnz round the rlfln wu dischlrged lha bullet passing through thu body of Mlnnie DIle and through her slller Berlin's Ianr below [he knee and look I small porllon out o' the cult of one of the brothers' legs Another hL‘ The inquolt was held on 51mm“; in Elflon'a hlll,County men Attorney Dewar! for the prolucution and J". A. Mchnnld for the defence. Intense Interest was manifested In the use an! the hull wu picked to m utmost nanny. . From. the evidence it would teem thnt Fenton Id landed his rim: the: naming: a: eh a dog in Mr. Devil' e gnn into the kitchen invlnz it hind the door {or about twenty min- tu. Afler a time Ber-h Jme. one of the d-uzhten, uned him to sing. Ho thereupon took the rifle Ind com- menwd to ting A military long. in the midst 0! which he dikhlrged the rifle wltuha shove remit. in her ovid- men Sex-ah June Devil to the lnrprioe chine court ndrnitled being engegui to he married to Fenian. which fut he hed kept a profound locret There um sin I my new connected with the damned daughter-I for some unle- wnninbie reason lhe had All her clothing packed uny in her trunk And niiu, Inparentiy with the in. tention a! chndestineiy leaving home. An anmlnulon of the contents or the at"! nur'l trunk Ihowedltconulmd aomalauen convuylnx the inform- tlon that one a! his bmhen' did In In Inuna uylum In the old country. The coroner in Cumming upthe ev'id- once iniorm‘rd (injury that thay would bot be iuniflad ill bringing In I ver- dict o! wilmi murder and um: hair; on: “to hour: they brolght in the following vordict:â€"-"Wa tin Jury duly "on, and tint Pm-lck Fonlon on tho 98» day of December, in the yng of Lord 1892. I: the iowmhlp a hero. in the county of Yuk. did doniouiy Ind uniuvmlly Ilil And v one Minnie Dull aznilm the no of our sovereign hdy the Queen. ., ,,-_ __- nu.-- h-» I... .0 Bl; clmllél uh r The prisoner wu alien but Inn It. night to flu! county 310‘, and MI ul- wll| prob-My bu cried I! the prism: noun at lulu. In hand for the «own, his Men I: Elghllnd Creek {on mph or day- |ookla£ In the ayldanu. Ind Illa pad um brute tho trial camel on than will bu use I" “hymn Mu: m -. " ‘ " "d" «uni vi“ wild at am Nut Onlulo chain . B. Sande}- Btonflur. . .. {lulu mm!“ FATAL SHOOTING. Ta Sun Im'ved RIIVB. DIV. 1. Div. 2. 1.. 75 ..112 70 .. 66 ’l‘elephmsm Bpobnfl. a In. Stock': u In. M's 112 Total 197 144 H2 187 JVJJJ JUUUO E: W YlllI~ BRING a. a. 2â€"58. ea 3â€"52.. a: «urn: “'1'. “deal. Ibohu been con- Mich mm for Iowa months, is no: Immv‘lng in health In rapidly In hr my friends have wished for. Mm Gun-but: (dulghter at H. Wide- Inn) and her bulb-ad. {mm Mlchlpn In" been ullinz on thalr rehuvcs In Bloomiugmn. Wugwood Ind Whll church. , Mr. Fletch-3r. of Newmukol. - “Edam. of Kingston College. occuph‘d the pulpit in the new church on Sundly And left a very {Ivounble lmprenion IMO the matter of hi: nbilily In the profession he bu tho-cu. Mn. G. W.Pulerson and her mother were vmllnz frlendx here last wk. GIHBAL Aaxm NB Tie Snn Life Insurance Company. Fun at: cmeruined that aomothlng Barium bu luppenad Johnny. H. J. Boldge. who uughtaur school for levenl you: nnc‘ wu It one lime Editcr of the SrourrvlLu: Tmansx write-a to hit lrienda here In“ he is in the “Mn: profvuinn It 1. good Ml nry In Vernon 200 miles from \' ancou vet. Ind one or the mnst dalighuul place: that ha bu ex er seen. h wu reported (In: A crazy man came Ilnng about four o'clock. when lchool was dumissed and tinted some nflhe cholun down lhn road shout furty rod- fmm the school. “ruck I by unmsd Vlrney with the root or n In-o [Ind killed ‘him. On enquiry it "(learned that the report with all In granny deull» wu true but um It happened lixh' )enn Ago. when the Ichool wu kept' In the little log School home. and be|oru the place wns ‘cnrist- cued Blooming‘ou. III-Ind VIII-n Prop-m for Ed- nd to Run. 8min! Hm of Tm, Coffee: and Sam: at special prices.â€" RINGWOOD CHEESE, A horse driven bv Alex. York was frlghtoned by lha report orzuns on the pond In! Moudny ll'ld uurly got nww. It. nu I coulidr‘nhlr distance, striking the alelgh u every jump. Nun" A Finchâ€"A child of Chester Vauluvou‘u nurly enugod a gel-ion“ an on loudny afternoon. For amnno- ‘ mom. nod wlth the thoughtkuneu 0! childhood, it not fire to I newt-moor WWKyâ€"mdmeu m” ignltlng uomo clothing Ind other thlnzl than. Some ueighborl. 1nd one or two man who hlppenltd to he drlvlnz put the houm. which in just Iouth a! this pork - little diat-nce,weut In and put lt out. The children wens alum who the nccidom occumd.“lhd It not been for ume mill-Dc: the ham might have boon destroyed. SROCEIEIES You unuusly R. J. DALEY Financial Brokers. DALEY STARK, INSURANCE. REAL ITA'I‘E Am: the one preferred by ILH Bln» hop mlnlt I". Webb was dismissed in. Webb hed Mr. Blehop Jarred wllh ‘ I wrll demlndlug 35.000 for slender ‘ What we know Iboul. the whole lfllir wouldn‘t an u very large book; in Inc! It would problbly I“ go on the line :0 of the volume; but we somehow hen theldeu Ihu the cue will not reach \Vhllbv. A: nllevente we hope to see ll mm! wlthou‘ recourse to In expenllre trlbuunl. We don't llke lo nee ourclllzenx goluz cm of town to mud their diflemnces. Do ell your fighllng here and keep the money in the townâ€"Journal. Sromnnâ€"In Smfivilh. on Tnuhy. Jun. and. m will of Fred Spoflovrd. o! Hamilâ€"0n Dd: Ila-Hum, Tuna-y animus-$10 o! Tram Hulda 3 I'll. ‘ Money t6 Loan MIDâ€"M “Riot Finn. Rinsnrwd. www.mwu oi Thu. Bwuh‘ o! Ida-[MK Eomxâ€"Wmâ€"Onh: «hm "J u. u:- fluid-ne- ol the hid-5 och, Brown. the Ru. J. W. Sana. “and 3-7.6 . G. vhlkl‘m Anhihld Roda-nu. cl Roland; MAIL. to Mu, Wild. n! Alums. \ humn-Tmn'mmmm. {hr-Haas! III Wilton- Nev-l5.m Mitotic-din. Fin III-nus Co. Moe: W15”: Block, Slollvilla D- “In“ Villa. Proud! MIINMOI. N OTICE UXBRIDGE MARRIED. J. J. RAE, BORN FINEST OATBIEAL. 1NDâ€" DAL“ 1 arm W. J. STARK. mmfimnffiffimx 2 TO GET A NEW m 03. DINNER SET i0 J. Tinkflemt Hllib friendsherc at prese- Jew ‘ A numhér of our young p¢4 “tended the puny a: Bahama Ho.~'~.;,â€",_:o ;' wane me mun-,1." the council: 3' I“ m I 80°“ ti Orcham My D ()rninl on Fridnv min. A. Halsey w“ a guys: “4-" Kueu‘ e 340113111 queuing. J. Baker, of stonfl'dh spent 5“? le at Ilia brothel-E, C. B‘w- Mn. A. Biker upon: I uhon tin lhh reek visiting hex-Immune” {riem in Shnmn. R. Gilmore. who his been vis friends in this plwe for the put a left for home on Monday. H‘u pm: will be greatly HIM George Gower bu engaged with L Baker 10: I short lime. We a: pluusod to hnve Geo. with In mm. ihort 3' Is“ week. T. Dun-ling W“: Miclnnn this week. S EASOX Single Admin-in. 8gb!" swam. My Mu. ‘ hue Lemon m the gun! *2 [Anton kn Sunday. .7 ‘ Thou. Kelly vmua rrimu'gud Monday. “'elmm Tom. up lus abode wuh tlw free and on lightened people of Church Hill. Mr McLean secured Ihltbeaullful whin dwelling on Mlln St. when! he is now comfortably ensconced. 0n Wednesaky o'clock I fim link of Ephraim Line. ndby Jon-than D. fqllkng of a all :- Dguan wu ming. clur‘hlrm. stables. I‘nc‘ nl| the oulbni 1 upropr'neun sum 11%|“: only 8.000 bu ldiuzs. 'lhe lel Ibe comenu. The quantity of hu. ll! els of oats. 3130 n q peal ind blrley. i: and the duuuges L‘ {ally covered In int StouM‘n Skating Tnesdiy ' Thursday Salim!!! NOTICE Tl] CREDITURS mud u Sloufltillc Pezg. or 5.15%me 1 I). BROWNSBEBGKR. h Bantam-Benny 2i ;!hnethe|lrgeu 10¢ Wuhan-pus And 1': I *3 6x_ CHURCH '" WRY 603$. SCHOOL J.! H. RATCLIF’F co . or Newm ukct. paid I In Irlcndl in town this SCHOOL BOOKS mum. 81.60707mmunc3 on me he tenant. had 0800 on Ll. There "I! A Iurgc+ hu'. and about 800 hush T’ _o 9) Ilse n quanmv of what. Irley. iu the barn. IL is n: ea to (he contmls were BOOKS GET YOUR {us to the v insunr ‘ke out In the stables u. Sherwood sud rent Daltoln, caused hr the oil I“1"}? whith Mr Landwully c(“an >3. root house, and in uild'mgs on the firm, “fl-n;- ; hnvy-Lauiu. _AT._. morning about six (5 out In the stables Sherwood sud rent altoln. caused hr the ill I“1"}? whith Mr andwully c(“an . root house, and in Evenings. Tomatoes, Salmon. Dried Beet; Corned Beef All at rock- bottom prices. Smirill'n. (mu. ltd in 0! Jam. is visiting [Id to we Rink THE ‘PIWONEER‘. Myrtle NJ“? CAUTION A’O/ SALES TO BE HELD' NE OTHER BENU/NE. Xmas or New Year’s IlflflIlL TROUSEI “-5“ "El n Ind Lb: 3 101ml!“ yiciuly. EACH PLUG 0F Till IS BRONZE LET THE THAN SOME OF T IS KARKED learn“. Fu- mu (- tau-l. Ill-nut

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