. :Btt. srtcnt SALE NEW YEAR’S EVE, (Saturday Right.) All Xmas goods at half price. To this grand clearing of holiday goods. ' Wewillquotea few special prices Windsu- soup 2c. 3 cake. - 5000 Xmacardsat 2c.. 3c.aud5c.allworthftmn8c.tol50. mt. slimmest 3o. 10c. 15c; and 20¢. each worth don e. - , .. _ . And seeour brusheombandminorsettbr 50c. See our fancy table bells at 15c, 20c. and 25c. Shaving sets dreming sets. albums. scrap albums. tool chests. work boxes boys‘ games Xmas books, booklets books, â€" handkerchief boxes. silk handkerchiefs, kid gloves and \ 1.000.000 more articles for Xmas that will startle even the most particular buyers Special for this sale 530 yds. of black cashmere single. width at no. worth 15c. ' Double width cashmeros in garnet, light brown. dark brown , black and navy blue at 16c. worth 25c. per yard. Pure wool cashmere double width in grey. navy, black. green. blues heliotrope. mulberry and seal brown at'22 Me. worth . 300. Skirt lining at so. worth Sc. Spools 26in per doc. .10 pieces of serge and dark dross goodsall at 6c. worth 150. See our special black cashmere at 49c. worth 650. All wool heavy twilled dress goods at 10c. worth 200. _ R00 beautiful chifl'on ties at 356' worth 750. ~ 100 beautiful chiffon ties at 50c. worth $1. Heavy wool twilled flannel at 1 5c. worth 220. . - 'Jolored canton flannel at 8c. and 100. worth 10c.,and 13c. Heavy untenrsble tweed at 250. worth 40c. ' Good heavy twaeds at 35c. 38c- and 500 per yard. . Heavy mantling double width 65c. 75c. and 950. per yard. Smoked pearl buttons 2m. per doc. Spools 26lc. per (102. Reversible Curtain plush at 15c. Worth 35c. . Shirting and flannels to beat past record. ti few soiled caps and hoods at so. ' Special prices in shawls and clouds for Xmas. ‘llankets fmrn $1.60 per pair up. â€" Lace curtains 290. and upwards . Wishing all thp Compliments of the Season and a Prlisperons New Year. ’ Fred. Spofi‘ord 0 S ‘ch 0% P. G. FLEURY,‘ “THE NUVEIJTY BOUT AND SHDE STURE. As I have moved my huSiness from the west and down to Dr. Freel's new block and having greatly Increased my stock, I. run betw‘; prepared tltnn evcrmsuit the requirements of my many .rtcnds on customers in oil kinda of Boots and Shoes. Overshoes and Rubbers. Long Felt Boots Knit. sud Felt Socks with Rubbers [0 match. induct our stock to complete in every particular, Csll and see our fancy slippers for men. Women Ind children suitable for XMAS PRESENTS. 'ï¬zmembcr the place. P. C FLEURY, Novelty Boot Ind Shoe Stow. Dr. Fred} Block; ‘. 's 4%? 6-9 'l'Iko notice tht R. J. DALEY. ' JOEL BAKER HII on bud In! ountity of in Pine flooring c Siding, ___Ay_;o__â€" Bill Stuï¬â€˜ Cut. ‘â€" - LATH SHINGLES NO. 1 Gt 2. I. P "land 2:. PlImrPI-rl . â€w “it! “1:“7- H3. Urns. Whit. ' Ind Gm. BornlSIlt. Cedar, Scantlinz, Timber. hub-radiant; Joel Baker. I â€"AND- GENERAL AGENTS FOR Amt- for Win: Pin Insurance Co.’s. 0n Farm and Villas Property. 0M: Dtlty’t Block, Slonlltillo. fl EUEEA’E E‘GE SGEXSGN ii l! “(116 store of H. JOHNSON. â€"â€"â€"-FORâ€"â€" CHEAP GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, NUTS, FIGS, CHANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS. DATES, C., 6.0. Please note our price list for 10 days only for the ' quantities as stated. 25 lb; Bright Bug-Ir ti; Pea Nuts 12c. lb, on trim All W. J. STARK. DALEY 8t. STARK, INSURANCE. REAL ESTATE ‘ Financial Brokers. - The Sun Lila Insurance Company. Money to I Joan Form: and Villa. Prop-rt: for SIII nod to lint Your support and patronage is respectfully solicited LOCAL VIT' ~ "7s." ‘ Big Isle of XI“! goodl It'Spofl'ord'I. Steam coalfocthrolhersnt Borincy'l'. Children's wool onketI for 50c. It Mrs. Stock'I. ‘ st; hIrinuI an goods no. week is Spolford'l. ~ Goto J. J. Rae's for tiny cups, plIth Ind fruit dishes. . Hand Porter. of OIhInI. spent his Christmas with Moods in town. Fred Miller and wife. of Toronto. visited friends in town on Sunday. Min Manning. oi Brampton. to visit lug hcr‘qut. Mrs. S M. Waniner. J. 3. Ever Ind his sister. Miss Jen- nie. Ire guests It Henry Johnson's. G. R Vsnnnt. of MIrkhIm. had I colt killed by the midnight freight a few dun Igo. . Tolxvioou‘rl both the had Ind the basin. qu th- reliIhlc tonic. Mil urn'I Aro- matic Quinlan Wino. ‘ Mrs. Lindsay. of Cresco. IowI. attended the funersl of her sister, the use Mrs. Ann Williamson. ' Thomas. Inn of John. l’Irk. who‘hn nIan residing for some yours in British Columbia. is home for his holiduvl. Oxronu Brutusâ€"The finest and cheapest assortment north of Toronto at the Market Drug Store. Be sure to see them. ' Silvester Sr. Daugherty would like to have some drv hurdwond at once in settlement of deco. who will be the ï¬rst to pay up this way. Itev. T.Booker has been much indls posed for thepost week with a severe attack of neuralgia. but we hope he may soon regain his usual good health. The Benchors of the Law Society of Ontario adopted on Tuesday a resoluâ€" tion the result or which will be that. hereafter. ladies who run . qualify will be permitted to practice law in this Province. ‘ English Spovin Liniment removes all hard. soft or mlluuscd Lumps Ind Blemishcs from horses. Blood Sporiu. Curbs. Splints. Ring Bonn. Sweeney. Stillcs. Spruins. Soru and Swollen Throat. Con ho, otc. Save 3.30 by use of one bottle. \g'amntcd by R. P. Conlson . The many friends of Wm. 5. Cook will be pleased to learn that he has successfully passed his exnmtnution with highest honors in every subject. also ï¬rst prize tor the best general examination. und is now a full fledged V. S. During the wrck of prayer union meetings will bu hold as follows:â€" Tuesduy. 3rd Jun. in Baptist church; chnesduy. 4th. in Congrcgatipnul clturchgThurs-iuy, 5th, in Presbyterian church: Friday. 6th. in Methodist church. commencing at 7.30 each evening. The subjects of the Evan- gelicnl alliance will be token up. ‘It is hoped that there will'be a good attend- uncc at these important meetings. There is no Evaporation or lleterionttinn in htrcngtlt about Dr) Thomua‘ Eclcctric Oil. The ingredients of this incotnburnble anti-rheumatic and throat. upul lung rcmcdy are not volatile. but. ï¬xed. pure ntnl int- ,erishnblc. l‘nin lumeneaa and stiffness nrc relieved by it. mid it muv be used with equal benefit externally and internally. Ono day last week as Mr. Ed. Williawu driving home in in road curt on the town lino Bust. accompani- ed by nyo'rtngludy. ho was run in- to by some. person unknown. taking a wheel off. The weight of two persons in the med cart smnshed it to pieces as it fell to the ground and the young lady was bndlv hurt. The mun thut ran into them was no gentlcmun. He never stopped to enquire if either purtv was hurt or to offer anv assist- nnce whatever, evidently thinking thnt by running uWny he could gut out of paying any damages. Had the voting lndv escaped ittnry. Mr. Willis would have jumped upon the horses back and caught the fellow. but as it was otherwise he intends keeping usharp lookout and if poss- iblu will bring him to justicc.~-Ertt. Rs V‘Attottux Rosaâ€"The celebra- ted rose of the \‘rtughun road has re- cedlly been disposed ofin the Supreme Court. The cause of notion arose out ofthe fact that the compnnv control- ling the road refuscd to make the nec- essary repairs notwithstanding they had been duly notiï¬ed hr the township engineer to do so. The unwilling.r pttblic were informed bv postcrs that the collection of tolls on said road were illegal and const-quentlv payment wus refused and ill some instances toll burs destroyed. The matter. however. was finally brought to the notice of the courtswhere after muchlegnl quiltbling and twisting it found its war to the Supreme Court. On the 13th Dec. judgment was given with the result that the injunction restraining the Neughun lined Company from collecâ€" ting tolls, until they are nuthorized to do so, is granted. The collection of rolls has been discontinued. but if the company now forfeit their churtor ther- i . uvnilultlc assets on which to re c 'er costs as the company's property i said to be mortgaged for 5900. The c puny have the right to appcnl to th Privy Council but it is very doubt- ful hey will continue proceedings 1 in ï¬matter. Fo Doses Of". A Coctttt.-Gentlc- mcn.â€"Mv little boy was troubled with a very bad cough. and n lndy trientl advised me to try Hugynrd‘s Pectotul Balsam. i got it at once uttd can truly say I did not give more thou three or four (Imus until his cough I'm gone. I hove never been with- out it since, II I ï¬nd it iI tho but. for troublesome coughs. M33. J. S. RUDDY. Glen Williams. Out. By the removal of J. L. Hoahel from Bloomtngton to Goodwood the Countv of York loses a most: faithful and devoted Christian worker. During his sojourn in that locality he was superintendent of the Buker Hill SInbath School for about seven years during which time the average attendance tncreosed from 25 to DO. While at Blooming he was teacher of the Bible class in the Christian church and constantly made use of the blnckboard both in the Baker Hill Sabbath School. and in the Christian Bible class. For several years be strongly advocated the organization of a township S. s. association for Whitchurch. which was accomplished two veers ago and Mr. Hashel was elected president. In-ordcr to work up an -ir.tcrcst in convention work he visited every S. S. in the township. using the block- bourd. He also took ab active part in the Y. P. C. E. A. in both Christian and Methodist churches I 191m Grunulolc-d Sun 31; Filbert: 126. 1b.. It Bloomiozton since their inception, I) lbs. Fine Raisin! '1. w W'- b‘“ Rtee '1- holding the vice-presidency. In the The best 50c. Hymn To: for 41c.. . The M} 50c. JIpnn Tea for 400., Nurth York Y. P. S. union he was a The heat 50c. Block TeI for no" 1 lb’l‘in of Chime Yeast Bsk'g Powder 80¢. member of the executive committee lib? BuN. P.5n-p for l-flc per-bar. 8|b.BIrof Ivory Soap 17c. per bar, d p .. id f h '7 Av- cent BIrI Electric Sou for 35¢" I Cans Horse Shae Salmon for 27c. and “9°“ ““1““ out 0 l e I 5:. Pip. BreId-Makcf‘l not for 10:... Slb Tin. Tomstoes for ac , county association. There was a ‘. l1 Tin, Corn for 91;. - 1 lb. Tin. Pets for 9c.. large attendance at his ï¬nal public 1 Bottle at Pier). 11s.. Blrdrad re or mixed 8c. 1b.. school examination at which I num- Morel tag-run. 31M 0! “5' f0? 253-. her of the pupils presented him with 1 “b T" 5‘ 9" Y°Ik 3"“ Powder. Newm'a. m" their photos. Mr. EoIhel. in an m â€m‘wl“ !†â€'5“ “d we. 9" don“ intellectual. moral and religions All otbcr Grocrrlosst Rock Bottom prior! and um for cosh only. *\ point of VIEW. ‘5 , grand acquisition Bun-moor the choc. ,. Inv locality and we are satisï¬ed ‘1‘ H. JOHNSON, th Goodwood made an excellent 'l'hI Chupe‘ Grocer in town. It the Foreign Ind Domestic Fruit Store. lei ion for the training of the young. .2 ~ under the oaruntoi roof-for hull Beacon. . - 30 minutes b Woolford'l Soul WIrrIutId byv R: P. Ooullm.’ “1" Market Drug Store sod get I 100 pogo scribbier freeâ€"supplies limited. .Bioomlngton. P. 0. Al. Booker. or Brantford, u tout Itch'on humIn Ind Ill shim!!!- uuy your Sehhol supplies It the Bar. N. Harris, the lItelv appointed outer at the Congregations] church. will ofllciIt‘o on Sunday morning Ind evening. . Warrenâ€"A sltoItlo nurse or to do light house work. In uire It Henry llegcer's. Mumlman LIks, Violins. Iorordsonl. mouth organs and I thousand Ind one useful Ind beIutlful articles for Xmu It the Market Drug Store. Church St. seems to possess great holldsy attractions for several of our young goonâ€"well. not so much the slim“ as visitors at some of the home- i era. The original! of the certiflcom of cum effected by the use of Ayer'l Sumpurllis are kept on ï¬le It the oï¬iou of the J. C. Ayer CompIuy, Lowell. IMIII. Probably no similar elutblishment in the world cup exhibit Int-ho mass of valuable Ind cou- vtnciug testimony. J. L. Hoshel. who has been for I number of years teacher of the Bloom- ington uchool.. removed to his new field of labor a: Goodwaod on Tuesday. On the way thitht-r. ut a narrow and slippery portion of road the wugzon slid and with its land turned complete- ly over into n hollow by the roadside. but the 'river very fortunately escaped unhurr. The furniture suffered con- uiderublo damage. Though the soil of Virginia grow- the but tobacco lcnf in the world. it duel not 1|“ng eqnul quIli ea. The production evennf Idjoining counties in ‘ntmn nits different. the one producing ieIi whi It buts deteriorates if grown in the all: r. The lcnf of the â€Myrtle Navy" is the duct of the choice Icctian-of the S to. which. throuvh some combination of ocnl influences, produce u bettsr quality th Iuv others. Tillllfl shown by its Ilwnys. mtnuntlingnhighcr pricethnn any other inking loo . The scriptural injunction. “Be ye always rcndy for in n time when ye think not the Son of Mon cometh" is one which should occupy the atten- tion of us all. lira. Willis son. relict of tho lute ltuv. Jos. tVlIliu sort. left Stoutivllle to spend the Christmas season ut the home of her friend. Rev. Mr. Moore. of'l‘oronto. but was not permitted to return. She d been slightly indisposod on Friday nd about one o‘clock on Suturduy the futnily were urouscd to ï¬nd tho she was Just brcnthing her lust. The cunsn of her sudden und unexpected demise is supposed to have been heart failure. She survived her into hus~ bond for the short period of only seven weeks. The remains were brought to Stouffvlllc on Monday. and thence to tho homo of her nephew. Edwin Forsvth. The interment. took place on 'ruesduv at the fumlly bury- ing ground ucur Mongolia. The great demand for I pleasant. Info, and relinble antidote for all nfl'cctionl of the thrust 'and lungs ll fully met with in Iiicklc's Anti-Cousnlnptivc Syrup. It is I purely .Vegctnble Compound. and A5!" promptly und mugivully in Iubduing nil con tits, colds. bronchitil, inflummution of thctlungs. etc. It in In palntnblo that I child will not refuse it. und in put at I price that will not exclude the poor from itslwucï¬ts. Pnouortox EXAMINATIONS. â€" The following is the result of the prom0< tion examinations held in tho Stout?» ville public schools. Dec. 15 and 16th. ‘i‘htme- recommended made the nec- essary marks on total but failed on one subject.â€"â€"From or. III to jr IV. passedâ€"John" Dickson, Thompson Haddt-n. Lorne Beebe. Lillie \thdi- field. Violet Custer. Nettle Rumor. Corn Widemun. Nollie Rowan. From jr. ill. to sr ill-Posted. Joseph U.ehtnun.. Edith Hastings. Nelson Nettdick. Ruth Hastings. Duvid Dickson. May Watts. Sophia Grove. (icrtiu Daley. Recommended. Fred L. lininer. Gertie Addison. Lillie Mncklctn, Marv Miller. From or. II. to ir. ilI.â€"Pusscd, Percy Smith. Sum. Silo. Leslic Park. Jacob lichfnllcn, Nollie Brilli'ngcr. Mary Nettdick. Clifford Mucklcm. Hurray Brown. ilunnult Rudmoro. Ross Pnrk, Adorn Yoke. Recommended. Nettie line. Jcnnio Smith. Amy Hudden. Allie hicliinnon. Frank Hartncy, Lavinia Burkoy. Maud Wurrinor. From jr. II to or. ILâ€"leble Gibnov. Letitia Fleury, Minn Young. Murthu Mordon. Clayton Martens. Wilbur lJchmun. Millie Stung, Pour] Woodgute.. Re: commended. Minn Yoko. From sr. lturt ii. to jr. II.â€"I’ussed, Ross l-‘lenry. Eddie Holloway.\’l'illio Adams Fred Worriner. Roy Widdilleld. Ida Smith, Mitts Reaman. Agnes Stuart. Lennie Spofford. Annie Stewart. Bluko Sanders. Jennie Glbney. From jr I book to ttr. I bookâ€"Passed. Arthur Mertcns. James Nendick. linrold Coulsnn, Percy Smith. Gertie Boadtvuv. Olive McNulr. Eugene iludden. Ben Burkltt. Eli MIntlo. W. McKinnon. Frunk Davie. Celia Zellnrs. Wilma: Kcmp. Wilmot Custer. Nor- mun Park. James Martin. Milllo Gib- ney. __‘__.__._ Fort Swwxos .urn waN3.-Genhl9: men.â€"My little girl. aged 3. bed I In a swelling on her neck. I used HI ya I Yellow Oil on it nnd it tlisnppcn in I short time. It also cured I felon Iwu troubled with. Mus. C. E. \VIN’DOVIB, Manda. Man. .â€"â€"â€"4â€" To the Electors of Stouï¬â€˜ville: At the cIrnost Iolicitution of I number of the ratepayers of our village, I tho consent- cd to have my name plbwd in nomination as I candidote for the Becveshi for 1893. I therefore respectfully II for your influence Ind votc st the forthcoming mun- icipal election. Yours truly. D. STOUFFBR. Church Notices. APTIST CHURCH. ' MIln 5L. Stoulfvillc. linv.’.i‘. Booklr tor. chdonoo Albert Sm. south. Divln no so every SundIv It unto n- m.. and 7 . in. Sunday school It 280» a; Pray-r most or on Wod- 8 o'clock. Young People’- ondu ovonino Its o'clock. All nudu evlnln Union our! Ire welcome ONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Main St. Etuull‘villo. out and. Divine larvioo Ivory Sunduy It 10:30 I. IA. Ind 1 p. m.: SundIv Iohool Ind Bible olIII so pan. Mon- dtu evening. Y. P. S. t}. E. a o'oloo Ind prayer-muting on Wodnoul AIIIIItI free. A loom. tonll. . Jun. 1 naming "A New YIIrI’ vetting. ‘ Nathanael l caution Iulwcr- ETHODIST CHURCH. Church Strooi. Stoull'vlllo Ray. J. W. Irt. outer. ulitonuo MIln bt. wutsod v Sunday It 10 crayons-t tin on ’1' grown initial-m other ontisy Ivon- All units the. 5mm welcome 'thc best monetary institutions of the went out n noon .5 “gull 7 The Instrument to be used is one of †.t ‘ ‘ on ' ' AWJtm-galm ._ ‘ . go. 0 too-too whilst-w thbvuï¬l’fluul‘lnnll m' l % dunn- um‘ All. mos «mt-us. I mwm: m 0-“ ........ , Jon mm. M Ola SW lank- Wilc- Alsuï¬ fort-solid" I'lrl houn- h of m lily;i holldIy “10, It Bpo'lord'r. ‘b Mixed undiel 3 “II. for 961:... It Mrs. Stock's. Min Spurs. of Toronto Junction, to visiting Mill Jennie labia“. prices from it. It We. lilillllililil in Hullanlleit _At 15c. etch. Niee lot of . XMAS NOVETIES. ï¬t for ttuun ml in Al x goods mg m, k Mrs. Gourilo. of VIudolaur lI lelt- n 51:99:31 to go woo ing It the homo of her mother. In. no. Chose. of outâ€. In visiting 3““3" “3'“ WW“- . Mrs. Thus. Trull. We regret to soy thIt Henry John- son isnotlm . _ proving in hoIith‘ II his Mrs MlllIrd. of mink. formerly of may friends would awn Mrs Henry (use Min ' rows) dtm.uorqnnun Mania-l nur- spent Icouple ofher h known. at; like noon. Son-puriti- in Inner. I lugs. is spending yncntlon ln gown. Rev. N. Elflll. of Toronto Junt'r Two lots on O‘Brien avenue for sale tlon, “uh" be“ selected " putor moved his elects into the parsonage Stork. . . on chuudsy. The Joint: Ind muscles no so lubnaud .- “.1 “in..." mg mayâ€... Try it. rile-tea thIt the product of the leno Happmefl ls sutured to .1] who iI considerably short this unset: Ind 'l‘ntnunu once. Innply an be got ready for market. ‘Hontnu Cureâ€"Child's four-piece Pun“ "’3 Guamâ€"mum†tiou IgImI' tcholen. K thcbod Icru ï¬ggzifgumy 50° “ SHINâ€! ulonIly clean. Eat hot-lunar]. TIkye Bull); ' pure blood been held It Ringwood ll’lll (Friday) the "'1 but draw“ Iï¬â€˜h‘“ emu-w evening to organise I society of the The CougrogItlonIl Sabbath School postponed till Tuesday "mm“. J.“- wlll hold their InnuIl ChristmII en- Srd. 1895â€"5. F. Bill. Grand 0rgIn~ commencing at 7.30. The prongtnmo Miss Brimson. soprIno soloist of Old masons“: M ‘ “mu" “9"†°“‘ 8“ ANN" Presbyterim church. recitation Ind singing by the Ichool. by the choir of the Methodist church 3""3 Pm“ 9"" “‘ u“ “"mm- on MondIy. Jan. 2nd. PlIn of church _ In htI Vegetable Pilll. Dr. Parmoloe hII Stoufl'cr 00‘ tifit: rIIeIrchin the whole realm of mod- Psovsn Brroso Dtm'urtâ€"No on: now ieal â€imam combing win. n... “d “in. curt- d'rpepIiI. biliounnus. conIti Lion. man. Fordgl'um dd b‘litatod n, . hendM car had blood. The pm in lo tionl Pmtloll'l PiI'llI :ct: b I“, 3;. doubterI have been Iiltnood nod B. 3. ll tonic IndIItimnlInt. mil ly exciting the secured in its ï¬lm: so tho boat â€whiff-5 secretion of the body, giving mo and Princeton nt ' ' ' Lut SItnrdI 3 Walter Blackburn lint-to. contributso the “up “a in: f..°::'“:§;.‘,§f' 1.: Basis of Fiction." to the New EnglIud 9,,“de of the ice. Manager Magazine for Junuarv. He makes swun5Mrggr deserves KN" credit are nllke undeï¬nahlo absolutely. for and be i loan | ‘ this is the insoluble hrnx of metaphy- [w A milks. {30:75 [33323.1 ‘3: Chicago for January. Mr. Harte fie can d _ 1 deals wl‘th“The World Problem and 253.13“: "I "m": hum“ gait?otï¬ihï¬lhblwmunz com- have been rot-clocked by IcclImItion y ' f for 1898. There is perhaps no rurIl “Wm!†your 'y'm" “‘1 MWâ€! °° are conducted more economic-ll . ‘ ‘ . . y. con- cuptessstronghtldtn your body the ray sistent with efï¬ciency. “w. ' of duck Blood Bitten. the best remedy for dyspepsia Ind lmd blood, Ind the only one congratulated that their mIncgemcnt t The Canadian Order of Foresters lI â€Proved by "‘3 "“D‘Y‘" lthnt “‘9' a Fraternal Benevolent Society. incor- '9†by ‘ml'm‘lmn “WWW“ 1“ the insurance CorporItions Act. i892 The holidays have brought book to nfOntnrio. The objects of the Society our town many former residents. some and Funeral benefits and In lnsurâ€" few do" under tho pIrontIl roof or once of one or two thousInd dollIrs. under some other person's psrentIl from about one dollar to one dollar Ind the good cheer of fricndI in Siouffvlllc fifty cents per month. Iccording to the Ind enjoying the company of their the insursnce carried. The member. something highly gratifying Ind ship to composed of men only. and planing in these reunionI'Ind they the ages of oightcenund forty-live. ads in this life of business toll Ind The present number'of members is anxiety. surplus on hand for tho pnyment of ed .1 Hesdford on SIturdIy .(mr. tho insurnnce of over 8215.000. $50.- noon IIIL/ Herbert Clarke. I young Bonds. and the balance is invested in of your. c]..- e_ fgrmer .: Eudfofd, to feed local Courts have about half I million ‘ nlflou‘ble time search w" institut- of dollars in their treasuries for tho ed ma he was found dud. thing ollts The High Secretary of the Or- whatever “u be ascribed for h.. com‘ der is Mr. Thomas White.of Brantford. mitlng the rush “t. [in mother. for popular and purely Canadian Society Itofregnrd. died some time ago. Ind W“ 51‘0"]! b“ "Emil“ be†since thIt time be but been Iometht flucnou of the pine in lung distracts is Ivory- been in quite . plenum mood in" be- wltcru admitted. Ind when combined with fore going on the m. The neigh- Wootl's Norwn Pine 3' the cï¬cct is doubly beneficial. No «’4:ch cough. cold. he" hum†known ll "‘6 deceued was highly respected for his kind Ind Stouflvllle. lI leitlng Manda in town. 0.th h the but h ‘ mm It. D. George. of Woodstock col- “'1" ‘ at I. bargIln if token It once. Daley of the Congregation] church horn. bv Hood's Sir-will: thnt .u rthqu'Im The hmi‘repom from Chic-so in- ortler their wedding cards It the lb“ “8'1 IMO" “1|! rule until I Mill sliver-plotted sets only 26c. and turtle “d ““3†"‘ n“ “W "l â€MB†to mIintain regim- The meeting which won to burn whi is my other epidomic. order of "Chosen Friends" bu been tertIlnmeut this (Friday) evening, leer. “Glory in the Highest". IlIo Toronto. will sing It the concert givon All welcome. Silverwlloctlon. for reserved seats It the store of D. Bi"! '0 the mm a†[min 0' long Kim. doubts that Burdock Blood Bitten will no. diIccvnriu new- but... known to thorough and overwhelming thI‘ tbs Tnmhmdldw' a,†.33,“ I. both . tonic and re tor extant. Briton vigor. . "“5 ‘hll’d Film" 0“ “The Pl"HOWPM‘N IttendInce were well planned with the the point thIt ideIlioro Ind realism for the [and p71" be h.. mug. slut. in the Globe Quarterlv. of New Year's dlY when the “M. will be Literature. Ind the two articles read The council of 1892 for Whitchurch Am ‘Fm*""-â€"Wh‘n d n-uritcipniltv in Ontario when IflIlrI out, of trouble il to annex I bottle of Bur- . Whttchurch and the council is to be It cure-testay cured. during the current you but been '0 pound in 1319 and registered under oflloo {0' the coming 3°â€- nrc to furnish its members with Sick on flying visits Ind others to spend I The payments for these benefits rugs roof. However. Ill Inn pIrtIltlng of age of the member. and the amount of friend!‘ II in days of yore. Then is when admitted they must be between constitute some oftho brightest purl over 16.000, and the society hnsncash A very meloncholy "3qu transpir- 000 of which is in Dominion oi CsnIdI mIn jug mush; into manhood. Ion Dominion. In addition to this. the the “me but u he did not return in payment 0‘ "‘9 SM‘ and Funeral 3““ hung himself in the hurt. Nu motive and it is expected thst I Court of this whom he entertoined ‘ very Ifi‘ecion- stsor or Drumsâ€"The curative in disconsolnte. but be h said to tha other effective pectoral romediu II in be" '9'" ml!†“wok“ when the Isthmu, bronchitil or hoanenus an mitt tho lt-nlinv [)0on of Dr. Wood's. Norwuy genial disposition. Pm Strnp- 25 and 50% It drum-u in. .t. R. Allen. Uphulaizrot', Toronto. ’lhe concert to be given with "“d' “â€1†(‘Ilu°"i1'"‘~°-d"ro:hliï¬y°fu"“ - ' can my wto In wi IpcpIiI Methodists tn their church on Jan. 2. Lunaâ€. “1'“?th “d kidney mm: will be of high order. Miss Marguerite - ‘ ' n. - I “ Dunn, honor gQaduste of Philadelphia :33; 0?;319‘3nf. °.,‘.»’.".;o.ï¬"“'...;: my School of Oratory and teacher of eloru- relief until u got . bottle of gonhmp i tion in the College 9[ Music Toronto. Lymut‘u V_ tIhlI Discover . This In: will form the literary part and will the ï¬rst nlle Ibo notundbeore one but- give among other numbers tie wu used the beneï¬t Ibo derived from it Toronto Globe. Dec. l7th. _1891:â€" '“b‘y‘md m" “Wm'mn' . Mien Marguerite Dunn. a most IrtlItlc NEAR“ huntâ€"About 5 °Cl°¢k reader. charmed the audience by her "fl Friday morning. “ I Ell“ ll selections in various styles. ItImplng miles “0"“ of H°“°"d hndlng. “0 her at once as I most vanilla and “1°“ named Thomu F05“? ““1 WIU' accomplished elocutlanlst. Th. Iudl- ism Mooney but some words Ibout once lnsisted upon recalling her time “mu“ reports ““0" “1° “"0" Ch"!!- after time. Empire. ed the former with circulating shoot 17“.. 1b912â€"Mlu his chIrIcter. Ind which led to I Iorl- created one light. It IppeIrs the moo clench- qultes sensation by her olegInco of 0‘19““ other. ind 1’0"" Max "10 style in varied reIdings. Ind wu most huvler Ind “'0" powerful. I“ “0"] 1 d p, dl _ of Mooney'I finger! with his teeth.then 2312:“ mmuy an "pa†y '8 choked him with u- left hand while Miss Florence Brimson. Soprano with his right he hIttercd his two Il- Soloist of old SLAndrew'sPresbyterlIn most 0!“ of human sembiInee. No church. Toronto. will sing the over other parlon Wu present except I bov ponnlIr Ind difficult solo in the InflIm- “In“ WON]ll Ind be In unable to mutlsfrom Stabst Muturwiththo choir. â€Pu-'0 "'0 “1°“- FO‘W“ brother Among her other selections will be the Alba" hen-d lb! nolu Ind no to famous Nightingale song Ind Gounod'll Vim" “10 “WIS“ W†flint on. “A" Marla.“ friend E Stouffe , After getting them counted. Mooney has just recently returned from study- who W“ “MW! ‘0 I". INKFM ! ing under one of the foremost Amerl- . can Masters. in Chicago and will be In heard in Stephen Adsms' “Holy City", “P‘n‘ed l and will take part in one of Hoffmnn's beautiful duos with Miss Brimson. The Old Oaitcn 8ucket will be sung by the Stouflsr Qusrtette. The church has been fortunate in securing the services of'so able In accompanist as Prof. W. S. Jones the eminent organist Ind cholrmoster of Dr. Wild's church. Toronto. He will also be heard in I pilot) solo by Schsnwonku Ind no one should mlsothe opportunity of henrlng such so artist. His Iooompouimcnts Irowlthout fInlt. On the occulou the choir will be supported bv In oflicient orchestra Ind will Idd grutly to the prongmme. Plsuotnhurch forreoorved seat: It the store of D. Stouffor Co. Dec. Marguerite Dunn. clocutlonlst. his band lo hilly linger- hId been bitten to the bone. Irmt -on p evening trIln. the Dominion Co's. oolebrstod piInoI which bu been procured through the kindness of Henry HIrmIn,tho Igent. Iiwtl‘t llIiItIl. Ink-k kid. W i ‘ ' . Tl A" gang; short distance. when .I-‘oltor followed d Ittncked him IgIln. thing to be second time. Moocov's fIce van in such I knit“ state Ind iIeerItod. thIt he was driven to Newt-lurks: to tho hip injuries properly dreued hv I medial mIn. When he got here. it! left eve wu closed entirely Ind one of his A errIut for Foster'- lmmedlsto lIIndtn the hde of Con- ItIhlo SIVIgo. About two o‘clock he returned. with his prisoner. Ind In investigation wII opened by liver Lloyd. which ruched in the committal oi Foster outhe drugs of mIliciouI Iruult sud biting. ConIthlo Savuro took the prisoner to Toronto on the uni he wII placed in the care of (humor Green to stand hlI trlIi It the General Bunionâ€"RI. . {IIIIGIII‘I'II- tor - ' 7 eMthyml ‘ - Illa Intro-Currant- . . hills. ‘ loo onl- Boxes lac-t Londo- Iayen for $1.50. FINEST WOO 9? .. Alli-I Ill Bonn J. RAE GROC J. .t. RAE, Spofford'o Itoro jImmed with custo- mers all week. All)!" Gilbert and wife In once more with us for their holidays â€"â€"â€"OI’EN ONâ€" , , w.r. McCuty. of Detroit. in vltit- Tuesday I 7 Km†or New Year 5 ldg home Ind friends this weak. Thursday venlngsl ‘» G I: FT Exrxt. run Worms b using the Info Ind ' . - reh'Iblc autholmintjc.y FreomIn'I worm sa‘ul’da, l \Jr â€"â€"l _l .â€"I "ma“ $5.5sz imi‘gmm """"""" $3 t 'rttAx son: or mass Everybody can Ifl'ordtobuysgood CKEIS 5. â€pm,“ 1:00 '. - - bedroum suite at P. D-rb' beanie Single Admluitih’. S’li‘bl‘e‘rss‘i??? 2.10.. FIRE P110105 they no so chap. Just arrived I Speciatprs.$lturtlly nights ............ 5c. . MAI-E hr dun lot of mites. The free on†protralt Igent is visiting some parts of Can-do. but. as his ways are deceptive. give him I wide berth if you wiIh to get value for your money. Xmas in It baud sad it will pay van and interest you to call It the Market Drug Stet-e and examine our stock of gift hooks for old and young. Games. Ilbums. dressing cases. c J. A. McLean but been engIged to snowed Mr. Grout II tescher oi the Balkans: public school, Mr. Grant having secured the mamnhip at the Camber school in the county of Essex. Monoyl Money llâ€"My present needs for money Ire very pressing and I coil with the ash from those whose nImosIre still on my books from last you will come very neceplable now Is they have already had Imple time to pIy.-â€"B. E. Beebe. Six sets of harness. all bright and shining Like gold of the seventh ripening. To be cold It the Inction sale Jun. 5th 1893. I“. B. Wicks. Prop A full stock of everything in the trolls. Jss. O'Brien. Iuctioneer. Rnrmrtsu Cnun I.\‘ A DALâ€"South Amcriuu Rheumatic Cure for Rheumalilru and Neurclgia radially curt! in l to 34in". It. notion upon the IyIum is rchrkIlIls Ind mysterioul. It removes It once the must: Ind the disease immodistcly disap- n. The first done tlv beneï¬ts. 75 Shin. “'Irnnwd by m. Coulson. The Central Experimentsl Form. Open every night I have a ï¬rst class Toronto. visited week. tointernnl medicine in kinds. New brick house Stonll'villeln exchan DALEY STARK. OHS upon Architecturt. modern tendencies of England Mazaziuc. popular imagination. OttI ‘ has just issued a bulletin on _ ‘ cherry culture. the work of John 1"“ â€this the lierksl Craig. borticuiturist. In this bulletin Willy of . loom-tile. it is listed that experience bu deter- mlnod that crown grafting of cherries shows a gain of over ï¬fty per cent. over budding. Stocks in the ground. of one onr's growth. Ire in spring cut off near the ground and crafted and other being allowed to grow one you the tree is taken up Ind trans planted. The plant is now placed I little deeper thIn before so that the earth uh berought up above the point of union Ind thus induce roots to be emitted from tho ngft. it it also pointed out that in the case of budding I much firmer joint is made by Ipplying the wa before erppittg on the bIndIgu. Flown-er. there is no use plIntlng this fruit tree “lllk‘Sfl the most persistent efforts are mIdc to keep the block-knot under snbjcmion not! this cannot better be done than by cutting off and burning as soon II they appear. 0n Vcdnesdly mini wrek n . an drove into the Forsvth notel yard with I rig from MIjor‘a livery It Aurore and posed as I commercial drummer. Shortly Iftet' ht came up to Somerâ€" ville‘s livery Ind hirrd n horse and A Mr; Buttockâ€"I nnd nrc seven gentlemen il] l councillor for HHS tlv to hour on of those their views at the noun usmyuign, Tins acorns forth no mistaken nilt‘ very ltmnnuueai views. the grant umqut; fest toot on either horse. lrttor, from the tom-xii if this individusl would I'hrrr to pine l'llrn. buggy to one some friends /iu the :n." ‘lm‘rhon "km the ' - o my opinion upon I country. with the understarydtng that any n.“ l “- “um“ he would return in the afternoon. Iliendingnoml Being welLdreIIod Ind Ip Iring like I gentlemn. nothing w I suspected until next morning wh n the rig did not turn up. Word was then sent to the surrounding plus: I the miI~ Ilng rig but no infor p ’whr re. colved. so on Friday morning Alder qu Somorvllle decided to start out in scorch. He mIda I bee line for Bec- ton. by wa of Bradford. but on Ir- rivlng It BrIdtord he found his horse Ind rig being properlv cued for It the ho'el.but drummer hId beaten a hasty retro-t. Ind wu nowhere to be found. Tom would like to get his hl'ldtl on him long runugh to slip the brackets on. Those are the kind of cngngemcnts that worry the life on: of the livery (root: to parties nuts of the put and n quit-st But I Ihnll nnswcr it \t by dealing fairly w lawn of rosinlenu In good work and dnl have been It the notni office all the afternoon iug I personal canvas Iuswer any lDtl Ill qu â€"SPovwanâ€"0n ‘let Dec. It the Mali.“ b‘ Ii". P. Nicol. Mann. Unionvillo. Win?“ “CK-N ‘0 3" Au“ M‘ psyzr winhes wuk me Ind wh-nl mIke Micumlwmmont'st‘rl‘I't‘t‘}YEh r. «4 Spofford. dInvhler of Arthur Spoiler . u my mind in undemp, u“ Demo“, (a. 7 A . t.. . Tm; Ell-r A“ â€1 Almiru. nfjridintt with I foot on either horse I will .- thnxsâ€"Ntunsthcnm-At the resi- deuoc of tho bride‘s mother Dec. ï¬lth. by RAW. W. Percy. JIcob G. “'identnn to Mi- Eliubcth Ni hrtnuder. only don thr Ind child a the late David Nigh-wsnder, Ill oftlte township of Mukhsm. Spatial line: at Tut hits and GWOOD midorstmgtosuitthemostfaaï¬dious. OATMEAL. J. H. RATCIJFF CO. TO GET A NEW TEL 01?. DINNER sn'r " lthothIlu-gontnnd- ERIEs; Yours truly. Stonlitille Skating Rink. Omhutrs Satunhy Evening. . p. nuowvsnnscsn. lance! . d Dry hardwood at linrtnl'y‘s. Bert. Robinson. of MsrkhIm. spent Christmas at Dr. 1. A. Freel‘s. i dIys uu.il 9 o‘clock at Spoï¬â€˜ord‘s. 5 store, very cheapâ€"'1‘. F. Trull. Miss Alice and \‘ins R‘ymond. of. Geo. Mmm' this Vic-room C.\snot.tc Sun. is I grut Iid Icrofulous mm. ulcers and AW of all perry; will va difference in cash. ThosGraham and Theodore Forsvth of Cromwell. Mic h.. are visiting iheirl numerous friends around Stoufl‘vtllc. Glasgow. Aurora Ind other places. They both look hale Ind hearty. as if Uncle SIm‘s rations Ire most 2ener~ 5 Bart Fcrrce. In IntharitItlve writer American cities. in the January New Intense commercialism oftht should berhe art to get most hold of the ugliness is as costly as beauty. .___kâ€"â€" Mn. Hominiit hulwen reported that Allow me through = the Tami-xx. to state tlm such is not tilt: use Ind [list I do not V'Il’ll the 05cc. Iuï¬'rnres of the clevtnn for the position of \VI: had the opportun Monday lut Ind ii i- unfortunate that lbt othcr urnraut. ll. L'nnlsun, “(IE not present In many 0f the elector! urn now Ind always thv been It n loss in kImI‘ when: to place him on tori-sin questions It nunr to this unfair lu Ill tltt‘ ('lhrr mudnintu. u ho gave pineal on record cut to a privIte eIn vIsplIy Stond'villt, Dec. 3th. [$92. Home Tutors: vile" Sinâ€"its Voter’s! old "Anonymous" III: at work IgItn. Sun I ntIn prulmbly the pubic dy wish to aim thIt l the never yet (VI-led nIuott as l frilly Intended to be titers to speak Ind answer Iny mierm» gllmnl upon those wry Im tions It issue which hit I Option. electric lignt uni the giving of con- Stwv in my opinion ch“ be mule In town at this l‘lQCliUr‘i It all. dates did by simply eroding it. light I am in favor of pmvtdtng we on“ not This ltiunlt‘lpfllll} of mouse. if the nmjurtty of tho mtqmyun prclcr dsrknvu rather thIn light. 1 sum-mo will have to nub- mith and retnntn m ulIrkness. letLing of cunlracu, l ut-ruinlv would he in first. could be done by nonresident; Hut-ever M l ltuvc olrculy stated I fully inmuded W as: of death tint ltcpt rot- in the telegraph all on voter for I chIon. Thanking you Mr. Eliwr for your ktndnru. remain your- R. l’. COULSON. A candid-.m- for your Infi’ragcs. Kay ifinrd'a haircut in illtllilllit. at out on. HEEsE % I' kw .i â€â€™31“ Ind-Ion: New Fruits. Peels. 115i. this. XIII Ind Candies. an' rtghL. THE PIONEER. THERE IS NOTBIVG you: SL'IIABLE [UK AX MERTENS. ‘SPARKS Hill! to ï¬t. d ._ h __ __ “m“ e in“ Byron E. Beebe n hJ . s .......:.t'.. r. llmnf. ilu not cut ï¬r-‘r . - .e inter) h . purlor â€00“ coal , wï¬ï¬ï¬â€˜iu [hr line ufbt l (Irving: um. of every ducrtpticuv both new Ind run-irr- Scientiï¬c lltpiltizg ‘1" Edge Tool; IIORSE-SIIUEIN‘. .\ \I’ELIALTY. NEvv 'EL‘GG 1 And new Cutter; ful’ . ' no in Ill K nub oi the treatment oft LB well located in. Price! ruranu'o. go for farm proâ€" 1 v 'ne knee and . to cut r r t _ . u ITIBIIL TRBUSER flE-SHIPEE." ' dill. l discusses the architecture in after [unis L. it. i in il. they run It ing or put L. tut: Ii and tin and insists (in: . one. 50er Brnv. . . 'Ind victnltt. He deplores the 7103 sore 1A1. A te'rL l CEITEIIIIL SHAVEIS FIRLGR. up for file ntuutc You†truly. \\'. J. STARK. Streetrsuwuomte crstInd tht there .tunx l h.» ï¬cldnccking it... THE PlRlS TDhSSR'lL PlfiLilll Forï¬rs‘rrl-rs nt .- i ~_ . lflclmn gun-In . Div stock of burn. l‘hbcr Dru Also hnl-cia llaxor liontc: um sit: onuvltdstes 0:me nation meeting on i‘:.v:ag. s... to me tnIttifcsily J W SilANh'i’l. mutt-I L.‘ to their as one who is r..-I of riding With one A. (3::- \\: Stoufl’vi‘le Lodge, No. 109. Meets ï¬rst and il‘ month in the Bloc Your: kc. . VOTER it i should any that his name like would know hi I. 9._1<‘. Court Stouffgilie, No. 329.. \lccts secord at" month. to tbc its! Atifiy to.- l‘lowevcr I Iirn public were entitled i Ind I Im very dalviv tlcuiual from other" . J. rtInt quea- i... band L7. BAKER .A ISSUER Di" KIRRIIES LICEISES. Residence n-rucr n: \‘ . .. uic nf t\lrp\|l"klll\ll. tric light t- n thing llll’l lltnl nlmnlll not ‘ Std. uni STUi'i'id ll.i u the other candi- Electric P._lt.â€"H0(lt'tn “or†Clinics tilt While lard; tin: lLWliS 0ft SILE IT Mr. M. \‘ukc ». zl-i end. uni nl ‘ Bm'n‘l Tclztrhoue :Lurc :iuL: tun aimâ€"n vino. MB. A. STOUFFER PREPARED 'll't tii'x'li l.\'â€" I luuctjontn \'tcil Ir-l '>.r-i.rl Home. for ith cvcrr rutqnyrr. lotsllr. rv- providing tlwy did it II promptly II .t nation Ind it In I But I intend unk- Ind an prtpuu‘l lo eIttonI thIt my nu- The um not Belt Myrtle CAUTION EACH PLUG UP THE cum ut Irnkuen ury -- tsp-rd bv 1:; rial belt form Quorum: Inlu of dnmt-J -r\ ' Navy â€â€œ11â€!“ of Sloclnvtiy- Kerry 3 lI-OH'S “TALIIIR. Ladiï¬gsya;f:- â€nihilism-i magi) I5 â€WEED .n‘lpimn .. ‘ . â€at.“ :vslcu M w ' » . e~ tnuwg'ï¬ï¬ anew ’ _ {ï¬rtï¬mii J "a" '“ ' m““â€"â€" (J .. ..°. 2;... S LOH’S CATARRH ._o 9) .0 9) ENEEDI' REMEDY. m BRONZE. tumors. 3; $3.;ma;,__ Roommmdam' 'iik‘i’ __ od'ucudhy tub-.- t.‘ Imaor“! managglvï¬nmmth EF‘utfg'L-JAZEZ: 1W1“ 3;...“ " mwmwm-w NONE OTHER GENUINE. 5.43“" °’ “° " "‘