Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 25 Dec 1891, p. 3

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Fifi spprronn’s Very ngh-Glass Concert, VIRWESMY WSW“; JAN. 13, 1892. ‘,,~ '1‘. E. T111" HERWRRE - Pfilflfi. 03 To my Brown Dr. W. A. Sangster Co’s New York Life-Immune Company; l’. C. “MUM"! Issuer of Marriage Licenses AGE" FOR THE lannqc'mrm Life 111311ch [In T‘ . frfll Brilixh‘uml .llercunlile -Next flour to 3. M. Waninel’s. 8330 V53 STOVES Admission GREATEST Tm ANDRES BLOC: ASL Mullah DALEY’S HALL.» .‘Il That's W 25c; Reserved Seats 35c. Ax or HALL NOW OPEN - ’ Mr. may w.'b Ha . .MArth Miliui Mr. G; F. Smec ,.Threc Beggar: Mr. F. Warring-u: 901:" It A run-Ir; \VV. ‘iv klr. 1 Harry W. SAVE THE PART II PART I‘ The Quaker F. “'urinz; EEHELDDI {Iflh Her Not ........ . . . . and Mr. F. Wuringm ng Heart Drugs, Spices, Combs, Brushes, ’ - Perfumes, etc., etc" ROWAN 60., THE LEADING DRUGGISTS AND STATIflNEBS Choi m)‘ bah n “'righ Tronb} W. fli Wrig'm n mm ‘ hlb'mflo-ul I1 Ind maul [Intel “- Fur childm. llulo folk. and M: [olh OYSTERS IN SEASON S Ina-non at: on .825» an M3: Saran laugh 3.! I30. 9: v:- erai- 153:. . REMOVED SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION >~<GUBE. PRESENTS Hugh McDonald. 0H0“) BIBLE : Confections sh Fruit. Tobaccos Cigars Fin-31mm Nuts, Eanned Goods c‘ I in prepare! :0 mm :uslnmen in superior s 'h-c. all ml] lad [It In! ain Alla [huh mu EST (HOLGH CLRE. this CD )IE‘TIQN CURE is “AVIS enterminment *aricty‘ Adam Geible anzington HeGlenn-n “'01 Pink S Adams GII’dH‘IBl’ Wiegam! Boettzu Brightnn my many Huntley Smedley Nicholl‘ Lansing Hewitt Norris M5114 Gillie Verdi Bulge Pam H- Millard,A. Brown; lVâ€"L O'Brlen, M. Burkhnlder. M. Hullnga; gr, II]â€" M. Pennock, IL Turner. M. Jamel; JI’. IIL No. Iâ€"J_ahn Barkey, Thou. Woodznw, Wm.’ Sanders and G. valh. jr. III Na. 2â€"T. Hadden, L Widdlfleld. J. chkmn; n. Ilâ€"Mly Vnnum. Funk Rob-on. Nelson Non- dxck; jr. IIâ€"Jau. Stung Nems Baa, "Abel Park; Pt. second No.1â€"M Yuung. C. enem, T Brllllnzar and A. Mug :l’zi nomad No. 2-H. Davis. A. Stow-n, D. Motrin; Pt sec- and No. 3â€"H. Cook, 8. Fleury. E Booth; cluul P! lâ€" L. Spalford. E. Hollow-y, LSmlzh; clau 2P! 1â€")}. Bflllln goal. Summer. W. McKinnm'J, dePt. 1â€"“. DH”, M. Glbney, F. Dul- Toul "my! attend-am mtg)». 919. ' to. in 1886 Ind has since that time been located here where be his succeeded in biliiding up a large and increasing practice: Mr Clarke since coming to Swuil'vilie has ranked among our most prominent citizens having for a time occupied a seat at the council board, and it is with reluctance that we feel called upon to part with such a valu- able citizen. The Trusuru: joins with his many friends in wishing Mr Clarke and his estimable lady every suecessin their new home Standing. of pupils in Stoufl'vllle PubllcSchool for Decâ€"Vâ€"M. Rae, The many frlendx or J G Clarke the much esteemed veterinary surgeon o! Stoufl'ville learn with regret that he has disposed of his practice here and is about to 'move In the United States. Mr Clarke graduated with honors at the Ontario Veterinary College. Toron- A New CANADIAN Alumnusâ€"The Dominion Illustrated announces an important departure, and one that will mark a new era in the high ciasl journalism of Canada. The publish- ers of that splendid weekly have de- cided to convert into a monthly with the beginning of the year. It will be u (SJ-page magazine. differing in shape from the present one, handsome- ly illustrated throughout. and its pagan will be graced with the writings of the mat gifted Canadian authors. It will be. called the Dominion lilus« trutcd Monthly. Ind the subscription. SLED per nnnum, will place it within ranch of All. Address the Sabiston Litho. 8: Pub. C0,. Montre-i. T:30.nner which a. programme con- si‘slinz of addresses and music will be carried out. Rev. A. B. Chambers,L L 15.. Toranzo. will deliver an uddrI-ss on “the grrazesl thing in [be ecclesi- astical world durlng the past one hundred and fifty years." Addresses are also expected from Revs. Hninar, BooLor. Raid. Blanchard and Whisker. Music by the church choir. Admiss- ion 25c. , All Adv-nu nyllou [nun lnonloulnmu (II III. Tulullfiffluuw or lnlan-nnll n which In law-don rm ll oh or from which I mini-r1 banal: I- dun mm b- mld fur n m. ruoo! nun out! but [in nah Ina-"Ion. no shut-1w “III "mu-flu cum. Whan Mll- 9;!an It lhig oflq. 9r «guru-tuna I «fur u m 1mm . hm:T»'é‘-'1"£fii b. Big fur sale at Spofford‘s. Big overcoat sale at Spoflord‘s. SteelBros. hive dl kluds o! plush goods and nlbums. Alton: correspondence received loo his for this week Phenyle! Phen) la! Phenylu! What is I: 1’ Ask Silvester 8: Daugherty. Best assortment a! bedroom suites In S. Burkhnlder'n. Porn suites rochouse AI‘OID. If 31m want your hair (a look nk‘e gut um: 01' Silvester Dougherry's new curlers Insure Your Life Mi P“?! lhe Guil oIMr. G By Kim Vitfiflz Bellerillu. Vim (Ire. v Di phlheria Pepsi“ or, F :ery. -â€"â€"IN THEâ€" Snn Lite Annranee Company. a nasâ€" Low. All I 'nl nlld [tho I b Ana-”ova Inn’- In finial-33h" .‘ S'I‘OUFFVILLE. DEC. LOCAL ITElVIS- Miss A Brown. teacher in our xblic school. is spending christmas “Mays with friends a: West Toronto. let. the terms or the Sun Life Cnm- my ol Canada before you do any 'u insurance, R. J. Daley, general IHE TRIBUNE Policies Non-Forfemug. t is rumored that Pllill xgwond. who is takings Ontario Veterinary Coll‘ will probably locate in will probably locale in Stoull'villc. >0"le Weekly Globe and tho Stoufl- le Tmuuu: can be obtained from pr. «en: dale In January Is», 1893 81" (5. \‘0w is a good lime to sub 'he v ha v .n'eujoyabh Guitar Man , after which n: of addresst :ed_out. Rev LOCAL NOTICES 1 good local rundiug plompls ) borrow their neighbor's :. II is true that your neigh' not like to refuse your modest but ynu can imugjno what 18 about itâ€"“too stingy to liS Own local paper." For the 1m of one dollar you can m TRIDU§E till Juu. lst 1893. 2th dins'church unnual festival he in Daley's hull, on the of Va» Year's Dan, wlneuu )nsisting of ions: fowl vog- .. wlll be served from 5 to n. J. DALEY, Jmh rlden Plug,"sold at Hugh the market fruit and mid n Ssow.~A whole lot of and sleighvbellsut Silvest y LYCOMING RUBBERS a. I). Stoufl‘cr at C0. sole my] Aunt Ind lmmmr. ‘isc'overed it h is wnrrnnl featurt venk Com Th M Philip taking a c 1m. m the olin,wns and Banjo playing His solos and it! “What" m-d (u cure Iroublu,Dys- iscs. Put up Box 89. 1h bin (huh- I: [ll ompls neighbor's Butto‘ mm 1891 , qumnx Pnoxo’rlox EXAMINATION.- The following is the r--sult of the exeminatlon in the Stoufi'ville Public School, held Dec. luluâ€"Promoted from senior II! to iVâ€"flechel Turner, Maud Morris, Celia Daley, E is Mack lem, Claude Bray, Marvyn umee, J. Wideman, John Urquhart, Herbert James. John Marshall. Recommended: Minnie Pennock, Nettie Greenbury. Edward Pearson. From junior III to Dr. “1â€" Wm. Macklem, John Barkey Thus. Woodgstu, James Smith. Wm. Sanders, Frank WalesJennle Hunter, Lizzie Perry. Gracie Smyth.ElIs Van- Zant. Father Highfleld, Pearl Bar- tholomew. Merv Caster. Gertie Con- wath, Minnie Mlnns. Harriet High- ileld, May Brownsbcrger. Recon: mended: Louise Morris. From II to junior IIIâ€"Gertie Doley.Lllien Mack- lem, Martha Adams, Fred Hslner, Harry Perry, Maud Armstrong, Lyle Hedden. Gertie Addison, Nelson Nan- dick, Alice Miller. Remmmended: May Vnnznnt, Frank Robson. Wilbert Flenry,Edlth Hastings. From second part Ist to second bookâ€"Mine Young, Pearl Ynke,Amy Hsflden. Ada Bruels, Msrtha Morden, Father Tone, Wilbur Lehman. Funk Hnrlney, Clsyton Martens, Mend Wsrrlner, Alice Mo Klnnon, Edw-rd Flint, Ellis Eek, A. Yoke, Josele Br'lllinzer,Arthnr Mush all. From In pert 1st to second part latâ€"Elle Young Pearl Miller, Maud Kemp. bottle s’mnh Emily Zellsrs, Edvard DIV“. Nellie Kelly, Flore Moi-shell, Prod errlner, Welter Dickson. Uno McMullon, Edvard Hollow-y. Nothon Gnlnm, Wilmol Warts, Roy Booth, Lenni- Sgoflord, SURPRISE Puntâ€"On Tuesday avening before Miss Shnrman's de- parture for Ridgevray, where her lervices have been secured as teacher lnr 1592, :1 number of the young people 01 the Methodist church mu! a: Mrs. Ferguson‘s where they spent a most dellghtlul evening. The chief feature of the ocmcion wnslhe pra- sentinzt’hliss Shaman. our hlghly esteemed tenchor. a ladle“ companion. Miss Sharmnn has always been an active worker in the church and the young people regret exceodluzly her remain} 1‘er among- Lham and'wlsh her every success in her new sphere oflnbor. me great Jam: at the popularity of I’m-m- lL-e'u Vegetable Pills. OYSTER SUPl’En.â€"An oyster supper “‘1” be given by the Y P A of Melville church Cushnl, assiéked by the congra- zaliou, on tlm evening of Tuesday. Dec 29th, 185“. Short addresses by suveml‘clcrgymen. Music by\'iclorin Square Orchestra. rccilntions, 'and instrumental music by members of the Association. Supper served in [he busmm-m, from 5 to 8 o'clock. Cbairmken by Rev H E A fluid. B A. at 8 o‘clock. Tickets. Adults 25c children) 15c. Extra plates ofoyuters children 10 cents. What does “Or" Mann? It means the only ltclinblc Kidney cure ever put on the market. Put up by the Dr Company, Box 89, Bullevillc. Encores were given to avery piece rendered by lllr. \Varrington, and re- spondcd to in every case through the warmth and enthusiasm of the nud- lencc. Brandon Sumâ€"He will beat Spofl‘ord‘a concert on Jun. 13th. At a meeting ofthu trustco Board of the Methodist church held last Friday awning. after considering the whole situation. thuy rt'scindcd their further motion to enlarge and by a unanimous vote ducided to build a new church. - Although Jus. G. Clarke has sold out his Veterinary practice hero and is going to the United Stntns yot ho desire}; to inform the public that the pmcticc will be continued as usual, as his successor will be here to tnkn chnrzc of the business before his lcavinc. "Arrangements have been made by us with the Empire Publishing C(L, Toronto. wherwby we nm enabled to give the weeklv Empire and the Tm, on. 7"bargnins, " Steel Bros. have a large assortment of candius for [DC a lb. A few handsome sets of ca'rvers It Silvester Dougharty's. Fine union) to let in Mertena' new block. Apply tow. J. Martens. The balance of Spofiord's Xmas goods at [min price for the next ten days. Mouuxmu Goons.â€"Envelopen. paper. cards. 5: always in stock at the ’l'lu- uusa oflica. knile sun-s Daugherty rumofing all obstruction“, David Wells. 0! Km: City v'uxlcd at [us brother- m law‘ a. \V. Mullov, of the 'I‘muuwa. on Sundan. Ornnzea, Demons. tigx. dun-s. nuts. clmicc confectionery at [high McDon- nId's, the mnrkeg fruiter. known Ladies in need of Millinery will find it Io Iheir advantage to call and inspect our goods and find out prices No trouble to show our goods. D. Slonfl’cr Co. have found the WALKER”) ' The publ Bennonable apply to R. Just arrived a lar e case of New \Vinrer Millinery Including all the MILLINERY an‘ ‘ld Spofi‘ord has A house to rent Spofi'ord has a big winter sale going RIBBONS , FLOWERS, FEATHERS, FELTS. AND COLORS hates’e $tg1e$ NEW WINTER In the \g all ‘t sutisl‘fiction of any they Ever nica cheap Hm; or placed for children n: Silvester .c hall property for sale. prion and on easy terms J. Daley. MRS. F. WILSON n mild \Irgntivo, Liver nus Bowels. As the financial year forlhe nrious municlpulilieu of Ontario has juu ex- ircd it will. no doubt, he a mum of considerable inflame: to the “uplyers LIAIILI'I'III. Due to Public School Ball-(l . C14 k Ind Tmluur’n nlnry . Co octor‘l . . . . Contingvnb upon-u. . . . . . Hummus u per moonin- na'd W. a R. Bruce .............. Nun dabenmm and coupon. Cash on hand ...... Unpaid tun u :- rull. Unpaid 3‘ch of 890 ml per return .14) the County Tit-hrs; Franks: m ............... Printing ........ Schoolu. . County hx Debenture ...... Loans returned. . Salario- ........ Road: Ind walk- Miwelhneoul . . . leleowr to dnte. Franc-m! tn ..... For atone Ind old plank or each municipality tq huqvl what amaunr of money has been collfm for nbllu pug-poses 1nd how that‘ money u been expended, as also the present flnnm-Ial standing of the municipality. The following Is the qbstmck of the Smutryuze acqguntn go: the yeu- 1391; ' “mum Bul. from I ‘ . . Buck taxes???” . Loanfl. ‘ . . License: ........ fginlulive grunt ranch; cnlvas $1 to $6; lambs $2.50 lo 84; wheat 86¢ [a 87c;hurley 45c to 46¢; oats 30c to 8h", pens-3 black-eyu 88c; pause small 560. ; pork $4.75 (0 05.00; lard 12c lb. gorse 6c to 7c “1.; turkcvs ‘)i: to 10¢ lb.ducL's 55c pnlrgnlalkc 36,50. The annual meeting for tho nomina- :ion of candidates for tho oflicn of recve and councillors to wmpoac tha Council ol' the Village or Stoutl'villc [or 1892. wlll be held in Daloy's hull, Stoufiville, on Mouday,Dec. 28m inut.. It: 7:30 o'clock p. m. And ’it‘ more L'nlldidutes are nominated than are required to till the respective oflicn-s lhe cli-ction will be held on Monday, Jan, 4th. 1892, from the hour of 9 a. ll]. until 5 p. m. and no longer, in much of the two polling subdivisionsâ€" ln polling subdivision No l, in llnley's‘hnll, south side of Main St.. by N. .1. Armstrong. deputy yeturn- in: oliitor; and in polling subdivision No, 2. in tho Mechanics' Institute rooms. north side of Main St.. by U. Hamilton, deputy returning ofilcer. Nominations will also be rccnivud M the some limo and lgce for three public Ichool trustees, to til! the vacancies, and if more an nominntnd than are required, the election will tukc place at the same time and place a! tlint for council. it. Mr Stew-rt nnnouuuvd that next Sundly evening he would continue the subject by pointing out some or :he “rummmynm man. {L - The Methodist Church was crowded last Sunday nuht by an inv-rea‘tcd congregation, who listened with grunt attenlion to an able, enrnest and aim quunt svrm'm, preached by the pastor liar J \V Stnwnrt In young men, from the to}: found in Probcrbu chap. I\'., vv. I and 16. the preacher rnisodlour danger Nignnlu warning young' men ngainanâ€"lst bad compuny- , 2nd pro- funih- . 8rd games that Inns 1: mn- dencv to Mid to gambling. 4th intern- pemnca; all of which were powerfully yet lovingly presented before hishenr- MARKET Rarou'r. â€"-Stoufl‘?flla was indocda .busy town on Tawny- km. ’Ihe hull was II. tlmun crowded In its utmost capacity Tlm supply at lur- let-45. geese. 8w, weru fully up to 'thu demand and ’Ioromo prices when; paid for them. Persons came horn 10:1,; legs. geese. 8m, New fully up to 'th demand and ’Ioromo prices were puil for them. Persons came horn Ion; distances with thulr produce and, n doubt. relnlmt thev weru amply re unrded by the good prices lhuv n’cniv \rnrdcd by the good prices lhuv n-coiv~ ud. [lunar 16c to 16¢ eggs 11c to 25¢. onions SI bush; chickens 50c m 350 a pnir. pozucocs 40c bug.;npplus 81.25 barrel; cubbugu 25c lo 40: doz.: celery 40c lo 60c doz.; caulflower fix: to Sc era. ~ Th1; ind-vim given was timely. practlcal and wise. and' we trust it will prove Agra“ blessing; to all who heard The annual holiday musical and literary entertainment. will be held in the Baptist church, Stouifvillv, under the auspice! of the Subbmlli school, on Tuesday evening Dec. 29th. The pro- gramme will coniiez of readings. Ind recitations interspersed with music bv the scholars. also by Miss Nellie Miller, of UxbridgeJhe new! girl singerngcd 13 yt-ara. All thaw who have not yet had the pleasure of hearing Mm Miller should not fail to be preaanL Admis- sion, 16c and We. Eutcrlllnmenc will commence on. 7:30, A kind welcome to all. THE CHILD or BHIILEIIEM.â€"Thu Methodist Snndny school will hold their nnnunl Christmas service in Daley's hall, on the evenlng of Chrlstr mas day; when an attractlyc pm gramme will be presented in which pastor. ofllccrs. teachers and scholars will partlcipato. consisting of the planning cantata entitled “the child of Bethlehem." rccimtiona and solos 'lhu chorus singing' in the School will he matlu specinlh interesting. from the rut that they will be supported by nn orchestra of eight instruments. Other new funturefi will be: introduced. All are heartily lnvltod. To com- mence M 7:30. Adlllibfllon 15c. child- ron 10c. A Inge qunmlty of turkeyl, geese and duck! wlll bu shot for opposite the Globe hazel. Paar end, to day (Chrlsh um!) commencing at. l p. m.. at which hours mal llvu swil‘Mboled fox wlll be allowed hls liberty and than catch lnlm whoever can. For faring! pullo- ulm-s m hllll. E T. Wlllinms‘ uxzéhalvo npr‘cliée during 'vncltlou. Miss Emily Campbell, of Toronto. ls spending a few days with minivan and friends in this vicinity. My. Wm. 8. Cook. of the Ontario veterinary Gallegos, was culling on friends In town on Monday and lull on Tuesday mnrning {or Sunderlnnd gham he intends taking charge of Dr. Mou leo Goons.â€"Envelopel.pnp€r, cards, c.. nlwnys lu "Wk It thv TRI- BUN! oflice. Silvester Iud Doughurly ad“ line plenty of clump and handsome haug- lng lumpa. That prime {um-He. Harry W Rich, in Ms humorous song. Ind harmnnlnua roclmtlons were received with uxcnn Iionnblu favor. Toronto World.-â€"He will be at Spoflord'u conc'en on Jan. 18m Just :00 comic-l {or anything. Have you seen Silvester Doughnrty'a mud turtles? You ought to. mm: surmcns ‘for m Chrmmu trade, It D. Stouflhr CO'I. Flue llnn 0! window shade-Iowa than ever a! S. Burkholder's Sllvumr Daugherty urrv the Inge-b stock of stoves In the county. Fun EALIL â€"Blldutmlnbono. Apply to A. G. Stool,.Stau[vlllo. Florldn onngoa It Shel Bml. from 200 per dozen up to 60:. Total Balance IXPIIDIUIIH. ans :2 wmmmwmmm mmmmmmnu .y 3 .0 w . M 068079 Mn 87' Mid 8028 .302“ 18310 mum mu” m on 1734 lo 28] 25 I92 70 150 00 98 m 74 Tho mgr-m lnr tlla Innunl Convention n! the \ hiwhnrch To. hip Sabin“) School Auociatlon il randy or ulmuhuoii. The Qonvgnzylhkm place At ch: higthodjn nhnmh Bullumla .oommancingon Thur-d5, owning, Jun Nth Ind continuing till tin following evanin “Rev R. . of Qum- “119,in ‘.vet a openiniud nu. Ran. W. W. Smut of Ne 60. N. Hill, of Lindny. J. W. Star-rt, oi Smfl'viiie. Ind Die-n. J. L Hmhei, oi Bloom tan Ind A. Bonn oi Btulrumm, hnvonl con-cup ed to introduce nubjwu nl ymiioti import.- .nce. A0723 dill: pmpnnd OopItiV-udnn in llllnrflmg on they: mgr-minim m. an fiddly fitnruoon Indian (or- dtitan. Mr. H. B. McKlunon. palm". Mount Albert, uy-Eâ€""IA-t mmmer my Intern gob impugn”! with the lead and turpun- Lim and m pniming; m Indy wu cover» «I wiLh urleldpou u {urge ”A 25mm piecc.nud I Wu in Inch a naval could namely wdk. I gull home 0! Northmp (E Lyman‘u szuubln Discovery. and At once commune: filing it in large data. Ind [alum one-half the bottle wu uml than w-a not I spot. to be seen, sad I nuvcr fell. hen- in my Illa" J. B. Nixor. af Aux-on. hu iuucd a writ against John Nixon, last Iurvivin admin"- tmtor ul tlm canto u onb _ [I mug; Ann-an. whmllcnlln l . having ‘90 worlllof In any. l’luinllfl'in enLillarl to une-oiglxtli orllu: mule. but shim: nova: lulunru rtaived it. Under the term: at the will the arm m not to he lllVid‘d until the (lentil o! the widow of the mum». which (00k place only two yen-u Iqo. Jmob Wnlum and S. 14mm an: aha pin“! pl dufeudnmn. Do you feel tired and worn out? II life nbunlen to you! An: your cheeks e Mill-Inflow? If so, try Dr \Viflinnu' 'uk Pi": and you will feel like. new pernon. They nu'ur (nil. Good for boll: wxet. young null old. Than: inlnlemhly pninIul and con-untly hnrmuunb: thing: culled piles. which troubl- w mnuy people. are non baled by Dr. Thnmu' lx‘lecl " Oil-4|": grunt exterml mmedy for uh I sufl'crhlg mu! menu of 11:?“ng pu'yn. A very mm“ qufinfity uhinvufnhulu aid- and, The I“!!! which hid arllucted on the try: clnuc ahufl in L‘nue‘n Factory. NewIn-rkel, wok fire n few clap- lg“. uml falling on a pile of ruin-e hem-All: put it on fire. \Vlwr Poultry Annual-Hon of Ont-r10 will be held In lhe Town of Bowumn'illo on Jun. 4m. 51h, 7th and 8th. 1892. For Drlzo Ila: and other particulars address J. M. Horn, Secretuy, Bowmnnville. A nonmble feature of 'I‘uudly'a Market was the fine display or 0wa]- em meal hv John Macdouald. butcher. Amw [lurch-Bed by Mm from John Mom-sou. 2nd can Uxbridgu. druuod .l’novmumn Puuumv Snowâ€"The glglgluemh annual exhlbltiou or the A grind shooting much will be held at lhu Mansion Home. Stonflvlllo. on Friday (co-day) Doc 25m There will be 100 turkeys and get-Iota be shut lor. Shooting to commence {at 1p m sharp. A150 at 10 um. fox will be let loose. A. Hutlnga in about openlng out a first-class watch, deck Ind jewelry repairing lllop on Main St. opposite A S Leauey'a. The anuunl zen-party and entertain- ment will be given in the Prelbyimhu church Ball-nun" on New Yelr'l evening. Tee served from 6:80 to 7:130. Admission 25c. A good time expected. We undennnd Ihlt B J Dlley in own in the field fur the mvuhlp. Buy your confectionery It 1-1th MCDDDIM'I. the markat mm store. The Mechanlu' lenrv will bacpen buween 3 and 5 p In to morr0w(8nur- day) See Bpolotd'a dollu- mum Sue prognm for Bpofl'ord'u concert. Id- Welll, o! Aurou, I: the guest 0! Mn U C Hlmlltou W'IHIIMHIMM Ont and comumly , which trouble halal by Dr. gum! exwrm! at Mean-in my huh (mus. 5 {mm Ind Municipd govemrfiem Miscellnnwul Relum 0' lonn Ind inlzmt Count tax Sch 4:: 120‘ tax. In dog m: fund CANDIES Otanges. Oates. Nuts BOOKS, STATIMERY, TOYS AND FANCY GOODS xxrnsmrcnm. me P] mud: .Ind bridges (IX. In dog m: fuu L! of township in lhhllce luwlu “ Ilog lax m minutes 1:: pick u ‘dmll‘ a: ll. be mud Ilul p in {ht P011 H: “pulled." The undenigned luving been 069ml Inga and cxmmive pumice in a cilv the United sum and having sgm‘ accept of the cam: bu wld hi. pmyfiue thi: phat. Noti_ {a 1-»me given lndehw to me wi‘l plea“ And nettle berm-c Jamuu owing to ”In lung 1“an manual: will luv: [0 be had) for collection. License cu [An-u 1mm [And improvement fun-l Interval an lumk account 5-1: 0! tree, L L c. Nan-uninhi- h-d u hug-{erred (rum (Inga: w Uncolleclml ma Due {rum Tram-nu Santa % Claus Steel Bros. 'l‘u balance Arman a! SILVESTER c‘ .ud balm llimd's Lininenl for Rheumatism. SPECIALLY NICE LINE OF SILVER-PLATED WARE. Al‘ THE STOUFFVILLE HARDWARE STORE, WHITCHURCH COUNCIL. NOTICE. Our Weather Strip to Keep Out the Windâ€"the Besl Thing Knfll‘ TOTA L BA LANFE NOW IS THE TIME GEI‘ YOUR â€"-â€"ATâ€".._ )lurklw COW TIES, HALTERS, SKATES COAL AND WOOD STOVES, JAS (L (‘LARK no call at In) my m. l Rance A“ unw be plml ill ( all T0 PREPARE FOR GOLD WEATHER. cell (led Cooks and Hwtcts, in abundance Leading per yard up. Shining from 8:. 1 Dress goods from Shaker flannel lo< Dry Pine Flooring 6; Siding. Gloves loc. per pair. Bright sugar, cheap as mud 3 lbs. best curmms for 25c. 3 lbs. best raisins 101’ 25c. Luge assqumenl of ribbons from 1 Highes‘ price lot butler and eggs in :xchangc for goods. lifllSJA/S. £165. £23 1'58} LATH SHIN GLES no.1a 2 BARGAINS ! Dry ( Confectionen Al gn Hui nS. rial NM I‘ urfh - MEAT!_ MEAT! JOE BX KER NEWMBATMABKET. J OS. HUNTER Cedar, Scantlinlz, Timber. ‘ ('ume and see the "met ynu with 'A M And other reasonable goods OVERCOA ..H JOHNSON, , ClIIislmas GIOceIies. Clothing‘ lint Bill Stun' Cut . J. “OflKflOGSE J08. HUNTER. 'cnfly reduced pr make room for r Florida 0:11” MIXED CANDIES 10m PER LB l‘lllS WAT F0} Slbs. Bright 5 lbs Bright MRS. STOCK WEST END STORE and C J oel Baker. to MC. per yard OF STOUFFVILLE, per find Merchant H: JOHNSON, HAIR mt Hum-arias in [own and we will lu-istmus and Happy Sew Yw.‘ J. MONKHQUSE, ign and Domestic Frfiit Stone. Main Stneet. Stontfville 1d 1 lb. 01 11mm] for an. I W. J. MERTENS A LARG‘_§__STOCK FU RN ITU RE Cm Hun-ml BI RKIIOLDE B 8 F0185 - 9306's Toilet Arficle: and Purine: School Books DIP]! Pnoeriutiou unfunny MUM om II n all! lid in uni-OI- " 1h- k trio-h In And ml :«nldnynt'o? wormed-I‘d “I” I‘l all. i- uanunv mun-in.- DRUG STORE. All REMOVED ! PHOTO GALLERY FIRST-CLASS MEATS Ofall kinds. It "nun-blâ€" Dried. J olln Melbonlld ‘me 113 mm.â€" STOL‘ - "in-bud, Baby Carriages and Patent Medicines, rPT a 1- Bed-Spring. SANGSTBF- t? 90..» l\' season lbs. Rniains for )f 25c. Tea for Lemons 30c. dam The Market 'mMLh-onkmktmâ€" “w I" luv "WI “an "In... NGS Fl“"ILLE fikrienced workmen vice-- and Drum-“v uulriu. 1, Daley's Block Tailor Stationery, )oda the choicst Dd lo ink-r: [he will: I Bum Show in (Ion-u. «uni-Ins nu In [In (nu thin Del llu- lh' (all In“ sum! 31.. tad null in all branches ikerchicfs, Tia, HrJ‘ Bum-l Black “705ch - null: I'd-cod makes. Irish Stu-u. .11 ‘ my!) the

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