Court Stonflvflle IIII CITTI'I 3. C. â€MYTH, Ifsum sum: mun IOWA 7'3 LETTER. Itemier and at £0. bu nddre'n SIIIIII‘ "Ill ‘, No. 329 “non gas 1 am gaining in strength rapidly, and on- I 0! 5¢ ,nd a :14 we be an‘tzke : two-mile walk without fee]- ingtimd. ldo notmfl'anaflylo muchfromcahrrh.andï¬ndthalasmy lmgth incrcnu the aunt deausa. lam indeed a changed mama, and shallalnyufedgnmfultoflood": Sar- nparflhforvhacitlnsdonelormc. mu holi we amp Of my thou-uh 0' W “'0 Myudfyuqtbeumflemolnd beneï¬tobhlnedï¬omflood'lm nib. Ilyounduvlromanydhanor Mnmhyinmblmdorlnv m «the mum Ihwld OH- too be... One Dollar HAIR ' Hood’s Sarsaparilla than flunk“. m :uLlwonnw..u-on,u., never ï¬nd anything to mama. A short time ago i was induced to try Hood‘s Sampm-ifla. A! that time I Iwasunablelo-aflrevenashortdil- lance without feeling a --umum:Formny-yws1 have bezn sufl'cring from cannh, neuralgia and gtnzrd debility. I failed to obtain any permanent relief from media] ad- vice. and my friends feared} would For Deblllty, Neuralgla and Catarrh Cured. of Neuralgla. rmuywespphedfl mdwwmjoyi“ add»: Innow enjo Raff“: Allh‘ Annie c. I. Hoop Co.. Lowell, his; TM- lo Only On. Hood’s Sarsaparilla â€"16 â€"16 In Iddilion‘wLbe above the trials of patiiions agninat four Libénll line been proceeded with, Ind stand for judgment. nunely, in London, .Peel. 80nd: Ontario md North Perth Then Kingston 1- "- unt by the death ofSir John Mlodonald, North Ltnuk by the resignation of Mr. Junieson, Ind Quebec West by the ex. pulsin- of Hon. Thoma: Meg int“. 4‘, â€,7 n...) Then romain- Io be 1ried â€"Lheâ€followin1 Well Known Lady Tells of Great Benefit- Dorivod From (knee nher my testimonial ahfl be pub. order flat when mfg-lug a} ham how to be beneï¬ted. In mmufuny, ‘Mu. M. E. Minn. " 36 Wilton Avenue, “ Toronto, Canada.†Toronto " LIN-1, 9. Th Mugï¬unisodfor Ink of e â€A?!“ UNPIAI'ID. Ingnm. Em Elgin, Ont. Header-an. Hum, Ont Blnnhdl, Em Middlgsu, (ht. yijlgrlPripee Edward. Ont. I. My Wish mï¬mï¬mm“ pom-eu- L'iillp’nlldhuahflwmen- Ludhn-duonheuinh nTru hunchdui-o puopwnu' . h. ï¬nghIlMdmuba humid:- mun ununn Em Brae. Ont. “flanked for lack of evi- uid, or became the petition and their innpilily lo present [ï¬ll pmcliorrnvnn bulb Victoï¬n, 0m. [MLâ€"Dan Sin,â€"Lng linun wen taken vary deal ya "I: Almost in e hep: of Curing them. mainf- Yellow Oil. I cum-i vJu-m rfecdy, WY“!!! “1! b in: of m n 'mln umsn mxanAnm Algonn. Ont. Gleam, 0m, Hddunnml. Ont, Egon Que. “Huston, thoun Quebec Comm Quebec County Muqmu‘. §gpi§mm « Kant, ‘ North Nurlolk. South Oxford Not-ch Wheel-lav. Centre Welling North Want-m North “'9 ' North York, â€"Tou|, l4 TRIAL MIMI-tibial lL P. Chapman. is the happiest man around here. He was presented with 1 daughter on the 8th inst. The raising of H. Badgerow's-barn took place on Friday lust. H. Dike the carptenn'r is doing A great busi- ness this {all and he has had'rery favorable weather. The Methodist Sabbath school here inwud holding their annual Xmas tree and entertainment on Wednesday, 23rd i The programme will con- Sunday but. "CiflllVN Miss Sarab' Tomlinson is_ at home for a few days. \lr, and Miss Barclay, of Plckering. were risuing at \I. Williamson's on i The Canadian Jubilee singers no to gins 1 grand concert here on Friday. 18m iuss. The farmers in this vicinity are en- joying a good sleigh ride this week _lur :lie ï¬rst time this season. Quite ll number from this place at- tended the hot dinner and entertain- ment at Bloomington. A good many were not altogether satisï¬ed with the quanlilv of roast brought forward. Council then adjourned to Ignin on Saturday Dec 26th at The ta'x collector wked for an exten- sion of time and on molion the tlme fur ramming the coilecmr's roll wns extended to Dec 26th. 1891. H Johnmnmhnirmnn orthe sidewalk committee presented a report re front- 11:6 tax. showing that 817.01 had been collected. which report on motion was teeth-ad and udoptod. On motion 0r Juhnson and R: the net-uni ofJ J Brown was ordipvglobe Dlid. age lax. nhbwin collected, which mesh-lad Il'ld ldl On motion 0!“ A communlrallon was received from J L Dawkins re single Lax maciatlon. The following bills wem presented: D Reesor. 1495311115 gravel. $11.96; B Singular. 139; yards gravel, 59.77; J J ofcouncllroom at man- iclpll uIL-ctmn 84. Moved by J J Rae and C Armstrong and resolved that the accounts of D. React 5nd R Sanzater be paid. 7 Members and Todd. Dec 15th.1891. Council met in the Mechanics' Libra r)‘. H. Johnson in the chalr. Miss Bertha Silv l The United States Supreme Court Monday held in In opinion rendered by Justice Field. that a tax levied by the sure of Meme on the gross re ceipts or the Grand Trunk Rhilway Cnmpnnv oi Canada for the privilege of exercising: its irnnrhise within the note of Maine was legal and constitu- tional and was not contrnrv to the provision: of the constitution prohibit- ing the states for regulating interstate mmmeree. Four justices dissented and live signed the opinion. The tax levied ranged between one quarter of one pence“: and 8k per cent of the gross receipts per annum and amount- to $.569 in 188! and si2.095 in 1882. The court, in its opinion. says the tax is an eXcise tax for the privilege of exercising the railway franchise with in the state of Maine,end in so dx‘clnrcd in the statute M. C. Gamma, m V ' for Wen Huron. III-WM [or conumacts by wk. â€him man. Mr. Cameron In more disliked bv Conservatives than is even 8!: Richard Cutwrigh‘. Since Mr. Huntington's death. no Liberal bu been so penhleusly persecuted 3.: has Mr. Culnnron. The. remarks a! mu Conwrvativu press over the success of the use against Mr. Cameron's seat, was hinmrly gleeful. Mr. Cameron {w elected by a mr‘ionly of nbo S hundred Ind zhty. no that.‘ ‘h not improb‘ble that he will be m olecmd. ’ Alan for the poor whfllnl ! Acting on the advice of the United sum dmde: Attorney at Buflllo, the Acting Secretary on Mend-y Knltruclod the collectors 1:! Glutam- u Blair-lo, Oldenburg. Sum-Ion Brldge and Plumb“; to cum photozrlplu to be taken of nll Chin-men arrested for unh-rul entry Inn: the Unlmd Blue: from Cumin.- h l- upeu-d In this way to «mum. n nonldvc Identiï¬- uziou of all Chinnmen who return ï¬d-lhll country lflel' having once bun deported to Cumin u the country whence they came. ' w Bertha Silversidnn, ofUhthoï¬â€˜. nailing her relatives in this NOTES AND WINZMSE STOUFFVILLE COUNCIL CHURCH HILL. nll prawn: except Dale SILOJ M4 recitation and sing- ids evening last was I one )reseuL did :Hbill a} fare. On ‘ n ea were a rent! wavy 10541115? roan); Jingu. but the grounâ€" xe crowd. Tim pm- wu- excellent, the all it. would hold. lax: Ilnipou Town I loo-l option byll‘ rould hold; In Mondny "188! Nominauon Township of Whitchurch' , Your vow m4 Inflllmce’mpefllufly â€lurked for W. A. McCOBMACK Tell yotir neighbors or 561]}! [ha fungal.- In your relative. Balance of1591 free to new flllbsk‘l’ibelâ€˜ï¬ for1892. The 'l‘IuIIIn'F balance of 1891 free. The TRIBUNEIIIIIiIJnn. lst, 18523 for 0on dollar. 'Ihe clrcu'ntion of the TRIBUNE mmeSquletlI forward and new IIIIII- scribera are added almost dinlv We elm to eh I: the local and dlstricz news. Dems pretty ylld: p'bya; look vat Inousmuhea dev crow. Apparently the Ontario Houne pen [lo intend to live well from the axle sire butchering curriéd on Friday, Better call for dinner boys. Panama IKEKAkKs.-Who is the mys- terious orruspondnnt, and when: does he huil from 2’ When is Miss A. Barkey going to return to ï¬ll her position In the chnlr? For Hen: to.- .391 . ninzlionwslh Dec" new. Elzcdon Jan. an. .1491 umy‘cmum. and Happy New Year to nu A “word regarding the Church. “’ouldiit not be appropriate to have it little innovation in [nu way of hunting the church? Would il not be preferable to have in heated by coal stoves or hot nur, instead or the prawn! defective system? We wnuld nisa suggest the appointing or n couple of ushers on account or the [urge congregations. It in very embarrassing for a stranger to locate a seat. We understand it In the intention of the elder nnd oflicials of the church here. to hold a revival in tha near future. Ringwood is ripe. Serious complaints uro made by visitors and new comers about the di- lnpidult‘d condition of the sidewalk. Reeve's attention please. Signor Gunshion. the rumou- corn and bunhu docmrmanvlmthln lawn last week. Ho Ins a very soothing appearance. The agitation over the Patrons ol' lndufluy continues unabated, but it amounts to agitation, nothing more D. A. Svphcr, the enterpriuinz pro prietnr of the Revere House, intends holding a high carnival on Christmas hélr bus} Santa claus passed through the town on \ionduy morning This' in no: Hur prising: as it is so near Xmas. We are much pleased to see the we! come mm: of our energetic threshcr, A Pipher, In town again. Hovxms EAuLv _.- Minard's Liuiment euros Colds, etc. The Gospel temperance meeting will be held lln‘lhe basement or the church F‘rlday evening. the 18m luau. when an Interesting deb-ms will occur in which some of our best locall talent will ukg pan, {The Rev. Mr. Whisk or or Stoufl'vnle 18 expected to dcllver and addnwu Buadiugs. mualc and recluuirms will also be glven. Our p'oatmnsler got a telegram from St. Marys Ian: Tuesday evenlng (which should have come [he duv bel‘ow)~nnnounuing the death of Ms mother. The messenger who brought 1C said the wins were down. which was the cause of its not having been delivered sooner. The P. M. \vua lhuruhy prevented from allelldlng lhn funeral. ‘ T0 THE BATEPAYEBS Municipal mutate are booming quite lh'alv lo Whitchurch. » The people would Him to know.â€" Whnc would he the wusequuncu l! nu irreslallblo force should come In con- tact wllh gn lmmnvnble pout. The nucllon ula ol’ sllndluz umber belauzlng'to J. Daugherty wu fllrly unended Ind good prlnes reullwd. Quite A number of our cltlzena attended the parw at Bloomlnglon on Fridnv ovunlngJ-at. All pronounce l: n grand nucgeaa. . W. Wright. who has been employed hy S Biker during the past summer lma fulï¬lled his engagement and taken up his abode under one puemnl root. A. Janina, VI!“ to Minute: E. Clohdonlm Nnrkham, spent , 'I‘. lAm'uns. our estimable builder. has umplnvcd some . which is uu indlwlion of â€"OF THEâ€" moxvnum fllNG‘VuflD. IAXIIIILI. ‘ and A. Hallâ€. 01 Sunday in Hill vlcln- n and Gun talking at M In: In uflbson‘ M; Lin. carri- UXII’H [not on: for their 250‘ amt-clan oqunl to In! an duo nurku. t A full mortment of Seal-y'- oelabntod run. A nt- 0. N. W. Talen- h Co. Agvllhe old nlinblo D'l‘It more nor. Church And Mnln su‘ R. P. COULSON. ‘ School Books, Stationery, Jewelry and Maxim Instrumam 8pc ciao/35g Specia/Iy. 0n Innounl yo! Drugs, Spicéim w Combs, Brushes, Perffles, etc., etc., With to announce that on "count of Km" on in: Around opus non. 1h" bu. l contugl with ï¬nal Clllll .0 Iupply lmn wllh a full flu: or \ ‘Tbu GREAT comm CURE. um aucceulul CONSUMPTION (JUNE. II withaul n purullel in lbu hilwry of medi- cine. All druggim u: authorized to sell it on I‘poaillvu guarantee. n mu (but no other cule cuu sum-mum alnnd, I! nu have n Cough. Sure Thronlmr bronchi’l’ic. use 11, for it wi | cure _vnu. 1! your child lmu lhe Cmup. nr Whooping Cough. um Iv. promptly. [and Mic! I- sure. I! you dtenrl â€Ill iusnlluuu disease CONSLM- PTlON,dvu'I/ail l0 une il, it will cure you ormsl n lining. Ask your dlugxisl (or BHILUU'S CURE; Price 10 ch... 50cm. um] $1.00. If your lungs re a: n: or back hmc. usnb'hiluln'sJ'orous Pinster. ROWAN 60.. THE LEADING DRUGGISTS AND smumnns 108. EB. WEST D STORE Cupllnl and'Funï¬a 31200030“ All I‘ hm: mm" d ld- 'dlfla m...‘i'.i‘.‘$':'5q..Ȥ'.".".'“ "" "'° ' A church'- (how-bred. Yuri-Mn whil- rfurlrrvlce. Tumufl umbwm nus. Canada ï¬fe waaaace Company. EST .AIHB [SHED 1817. IL 113m... uFe-ï¬ndP-rteiJG; in: a; ' . l t' “°° ""51 ' "a†""Jonu mam. 11 oh h. :h' "h 0E3 'i'"‘a Chnhrwuï¬luï¬rfgruhmfld 0 m m" P. R. noovnn sons 7 Choice Lily While Family Flour Mr. M. Y-ka'n. nu cnd- ud I! Mr. A. (I Brown“ T-kphnnl Sun. Stanlville. U um EL.E£oufl'vH|I. mile nutor. nudanoo ‘hln HI.- I 3""; "1" Isn'mflb'l' It†an O N I "I .5". 3.3.3123“ u V pun- Ht Ewufl'fllll. nutor. nudanoo ‘hln EL linin- "on Snub Sand. dun boollnd «la-lam: Balan- dl, Ivonlnl. Y. PB pm r-mulin. ans W ny "In!" luau Inc. A Vulcan. lo I"- METHODIST CHURCH Church SRmL Rhml-III- u" l The wl-hml III I l o ’ unabï¬ï¬ï¬m’: $822?“ "' Houvuâ€"Punhkâ€"u Wodndly be “may.“ or,“ aha punâ€: uh 'ollrmâ€"AI Glilblld‘ 1n Iha w"- ol Heller Planarâ€"AI (bodice For children. Hm: Folk. and hi: folkl Vary cheap. cull only And to: flu: chain.» AIM their IIIIIII full Ind ulutlinu or \ONGREGATION Boar for Service. T_[.QT mam. :0, WM? Duld u.l my; y Boar for Service: T. LOT 32. Em. m, MARK uh. (.mé'ut John aw Annual floun- ovir 01,100.01» Boar for Service. T_LQT 25,?0N. 9. WHXT TORONTO STREET IARKET nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION (HIRE. PRESENTS I of "10W Inn Ind (hem-In; ulu thulr Hook I. III I nut. {nah Ind nli- lo. (DXII‘0BD BIBLE. ’hui'd'h ,i‘bï¬cesi I,-â€"-w r. 0! Hum rot-â€h. - . -AI Good-cod. an. My. Due. Ill Ihn ,rw-n. Par-on. III a 0mm". ' -A\ Smnlvlllu, on Maud-y Dec. Ian, J: at John mum of. dlughlu. ILWIVS OI SILE IT 'innndu'n mm.) Iâ€"ln Uxbfldn WI an uh hut. Cunningham “.1 Khm. mum THE alum: THE ALTAR DECEHDEI. both 9! uuME‘ILï¬mp THE TOMB ge stock of puxup' 'énidiino, Stouflvljla B". J. W. as Mun bl" wound m!†at mm m. nnd'l U Izzy-r- CHURCH son. Mn), Uni. of Penn mm 95. Egnï¬d‘ u m- x :7 In LIN! no! Sloulvllla thll Du: d.) u. u n HEINN mu- (ll-r'I. Nollnhhmh’ than an the (ongoing in I true uninf- nmpoud Bth whlehh hu bun mun Inw Mar-fl “on nudwhlnh vlll be Innlly modcbyl cloonnellnllhc nmlnl ml «tarpon. Ilun nfï¬wonflvl "I VI Ilium In the ountol‘ lhI Hunt of the Inter! Much [Alma lhonlo um on. month mm the In! whunulnn In t a nun cull-d thu SlouNllI Tribune lhc data of nth-r all In! publlonlon I . hdmnlh A.D. lfllmd 0 â€new {haul-hurl: Ind (or um" vou ofun Ill 0100‘.“ tbs poll: will it hold- Human d17_a|' Jinn-7. A D- 1892. 3: (ha I hmiu Inlhlllu mom n the vlllnu ratatoui- vll at the hour ofono o'clock arc honhy llud u ,tlmg Ind law hour. then and whore lhl nlurnlnl a nu ll sum an the vou- [Inn (-1er lulu-l. thin I]; w Ind dual-re the haul! of mid mo. 11:. mend day olJnnu-n 192 Ind It Dllay‘l lull In Aha uld vlllm uswumu. n! the hour otono o'clock m honlu and u the mu for m wmlnlmllll ofpcr-onl to “land I! [h- nrlmn polling phou and um. lml lumnlu n or [In you. 1 [ho nturnlnl olfloer on bob-l u! the umnl [nun-tad In and mnollu «r oppodnl mmtlulv u:- punlnl o lhll Byluv. .mm .2; ‘1 u byl-w dimeud Inh Ind mun: haninnharx [or mun. sub Di SM: 5 nmhx-nmwih. come Into ï¬gjnglusfhlg'fn um! um (bl nnnlh du Soc. 8 And it ll onby further maul-d l I“: he qnnjelmflly ,7 , __ ...... c." on! or III! fund harsh! or “£02..“ a in his h-nd- bolonlln. to tho nld m without other authority lhln thil Doc. 3 Thnt the aid Imounl lube niud Ind cullnlod annu-lly to my ufl‘lhu u|d< the lll'll of HIM hundwd duh-r- m be lavlod Ind unlinked in nu!- of uh! dun. â€up-um nm "mum: mentor on I nluble pmporly_in the aid municlpnlity‘ villm o! Bwufl'ulle. Sec. 4 Tin-uh. Tmlnmr or the aid 1 ofh'mufl'villajhull my the aid insulmu‘ they full dun Ind‘nmn lh- day they l'-ll d u:- p-rlv of In In yumlnd to ncolvo an See- 2 That In order to niaq the m ' mm a! nlm hundrpd dnll-n (he mnnlow-I couun'u ol the will-n ofhluulville Jhnll nine. lay and collect upon the ntuble property or gml wubln |he ni carporlI/iou or flu munielv-hty ur the vlllue nfb'toulvillu aver-ml ganva nll mher um nhod lavlcd Ind uolloclod lulhln tho uid mpnioipnlhy uflho villm ofSloul'vIlln. the rollowml upwine mm. nuns! :â€"ln Ibo yur~1892ï¬m nnmox 9.0: In the your. 188 IhI'IIlfll orb»; III III“ nu. I“ On nun nf‘m; 'hl‘h man no ‘mnd Innu-lly vlll be Infliol-nl lo nu ofl'tho uld contact debt 3nd dl-ohnrn tho name I: the ï¬nal-dumm- bcoomo HB- 5450.1 Til-lit lblll Ind [my be unrpomtlnn ofllla villnnofb'umfl'vi n dam upnn thacndil ul'lho nld In nine hundred doll-n {or (In purpoc mentioned. 8 And when" itil deemed ndviaabls Lb“ the nid contract deb! lhglll be paid by unnu-l imm- manu durinl lha mrxod onbm nar- from (In 4-: an which an Byllw knku efl'ecb Now therefore the Donnell. or (In carpal-lion of Lbs nmnluiplllly of 2p. VIII-n ur sloulville onuun follows and It In heruby muted. 5450.1 Tin-zit lblll Ind mlv be hum: mm- au‘m ni’lévonmn hw Ind um um; of whit bc-nnna data 0!! [In ul_SIouï¬ iIII nnd eilhl |.nnumi'.§§Ts"r'.'-£: tum bur-thud and lal’tmly eifl ml Ind uromy ï¬ve doll-m _ A AndJVherunlholmnur :50 pl! .uv will: lullllll lllllluuel'lll Ill dullu-I nah. I And What-u to pmvld- for lb: pun-n! of [he uld lnnull lmulucnu ll tho um: "II“ In“ du- 15ml be ply-him II. I“! b- race-nu to nine :1 cert-mu lmlflc nun lump“, fol lb. dun ulymaul of lush Inlulmonu dun he uumncy u! the In†unnlnel Ind uulll I]: ma due And "In 1592 Inn-Imam lax-bl. I. follow. â€" In! Muir-I hundrvd dull" . In lhu ynr. IDA! Inilll- .QI orthm hundred dollars: in the nu. law Imulmnnt of (hue huudn-l doll-n. 5 And When" [he Ihnll mm to be nind h'ild Ind colleclod unnu-llr byuumill nteupou nll nu nimble p'rvpcrly U! the corporal“) onhc villus afï¬luuflvlllo w m. an»... of p. the mid contract dam. u at am" dun. I! the ‘ nulwnullrum at three hundred dull-nu over nd Above nll other "lair-nod In i341 and cyllecl- ed in the mumciullily ofllm vi In ul’ Maul- v. o. lb}; ;: 1 \thul Lbs: Mnnlalul Act. II E- 0.. (iv-J N-umlh-mn‘fl- nl IHI l. cuurinlummmu "dunn- upon Illa Mir. of tho mid mankind": Inch Inn: or mun of mom! l: mu bellman-n for the entrain; our. of tho lame. ’ 3 And When" it In flair-N0 (In! the num of nine hundred dull-n. lhg (Him-nod coal ofhxhk in; 0:. umel- u! llm maul vlllm o! Sluufl'ville Inh Emu-h: Light for the aid wriod ur Ihm 1 VI, of locnl unumoul Ind 5‘] lMum-l Inlllllnenll ul 2 And \Vhonu (t In dull-IM- that the "mu 0! (he municipnllly nl’lho vllhn (manfl'v'llc bu lilhlad by Electric um. ° ' By-Law N 0. -- unumomeonuiniu their “all mm. addnm- Ind aquarium-u In full plrtinull‘ or Ihzi thin: and m- nature of thy necurihu. If All) ldby "Inn. ml lhxl ullgrlhu uid â€(b d ' of Ann-0' lm the nld Adm: nntor ol the and out: In] lama-0d todialnhulc tho asset.- of the nu amount the pun“ anmlod lhem- “In?" x nun! only no ‘lhI clnlml or wlyich n nh-ll IVI bun wound unborn ' uurod Ind [but tho nid Mminhlrllnr will no: Iv i-hl- Iornld mm or my?“ damn! lo In: prrunn or venom nolipc nf- mplllm hu not been rt- uivnd II “In nmu ordt-Inhnuun. "PI-Id ItTumnlolhh 11th d1: 0! Dee. A‘ D. 1351' On or before [he lllh day bfian'y. A. D. 139: Pnnnnnl lo the Run-ed Sutulu of Dug-yin 1m Chapur no. nation as. notice ilhenby nun Lint-ll urodltur- and other pumnl h-vlnr In! ' :th lug-K5 M101"! Gilbery l Inn-- he Count of round. who diod ink: or I ul thumb; Offlal. $131191. In uqulnd to to: d H noun-d lug" 1" In an or to Menu. Kc _MMII‘L Dnndmn .k yum-on.†l'nlanln .. V urn. Io'Rmr nl'con 7. Kinl. 4 Inllu 11mm Kl-inbuné from King Euxlon; [nod md :. walk from out mill and I ale-:30“! ulldlnna mun-lull!" II“; nu- ale-mu. bul-noa bad: And r-u‘lun. and run: thumb nun" llnd A hi on pnmhu or to Jab {hummus émfl. I. 0 mo.“ In Ihvz nugllcr nf â€Intuit o/Jolm GIL bu'l J lunatic. a; «w. a J. Cir}: 'ï¬E"m'i§fl} and“ or 7 per ml hr mh. N. ESmllh auctioneer. - Un Wedualdny. Dec. 28rd, at o'clock p. m., a Glasgow, Je O'Brien, auctioneer. w||l sell by pl auction the housohold (smacks, In cow. cutters, buggies, wagnu, In FABDIWLE ALUABL? FARM. 101 non-.lnt2mr nraon. 'L Kim. a nun Ao, the can: hall‘ a! lo‘ 10. can. 8, U3:- brldge. on Frldny. Doe. lath. at 1:30 p. m. then: will bu sold by pllDIlC nuc- tlon 15' 5cm of cedar. “wood, ï¬n, lots go null purclluen, duo mme cord- um m 10 months‘ crediL Ju O'Brie , nucfloueer. At lot 1. con. 5, Whlthhurch, on 'I‘ueSday. Dec. 29nd. at one o'rluck p. m., the horses. unlit. nheep, pigs and July. the propucv of lirnul Clubiner Turningâ€"810 Ind under, nah; over that amount credit ull Oct 1st, 1892. N. E Smllh. auctionqur. Al. 10:2. rear of 7th ed", Whltchurch‘ 2| mllus north or Ringwood. on Wed- nadny Dec 23rd, at am: o'clock p. m.. 40 hvud of cattle and I good twoâ€"yn-ur old driver. the property of John Coonâ€" ey. TUHIIN.â€"]0 months‘ credit or7 sums of.†and tharJâ€"cu‘hrovâ€"e-r ey. Tuningâ€"1rd 713;);“8' per cent ofl‘ for .cuh. N auctioneer ‘ M mmi church, on the farm J S Gilel. ADMINISTRATOR’S NflTICE. the municilmlily Ql‘ â€Ir Village 11/ Slanjul'lle In Mr mnlrach‘ng oft! (Id/l qf' nine hundred (in/Ian upon Ilw trail! of (he munitipnll'ly (Ell/1e I [I- luyc 0/ Sluuï¬â€˜m'lle fur llw put-pm: rff lighting (Iw mm: n] [he laid mum'- u‘yulity will: clrctrl'c Ugh! for, the period of line: ymrn. I’d-min l/u' mun! of III! Inc munich/Iy of Mr Sloujfm'llt (a Mr mnlracIL of nine: hundred tin/Ian And Whenu Lha nmou nromrly mr the um I dun uuhe hut revise! d gnuplcugnl‘ yboinx fl NOTICE. SALES TO BE HELD mm. proper cedar nlh I70- r- nqulre Ind lunar or to duh-or to Mean. :1. Ulvidnan 1k Pillar-on.†I'nlunln b -ulirilon for H. “E Wwdnle. ndmil h» ll“ .7an Ullborl. 1)“: Donna" or (In corpora-lion y of thy villus uf Sloulville mu (1' berth: muted. half at lot. 2. can 4 WM:- Monday Dacfllu. It I p m. stock. implemnmn 310.. of A 'i'ermn.â€"Fowln 1nd Ill half oddollnn: in [he Jur. luau huudn-l dolls", In if"!!! nun to be niud Innuully byumillnleupuu arty ul â€Ia convomuon oflba lur [ha #:3er of buying of It. u it oun- due. in [be three hundred dull-n over yuflnuodlarinlnnd mum. \lly oflhu villlle of hwufl- : nmnunt or the whola mu- ' nllm or Sloufl'villu refuted Auoumnnl Roll of bent: forth: nu um [ho :- 0er is lh_a _au_m u! ' jam; Ii uni. oflha exillinlde uryorglipn of Rh: vil r lawful for the rill. In mnlnu Inunicipnli or nu honln- u $92 Inn-Inch? Ir. [Danna-unl- Lhe n-r. mu no In re the tuna urn}! fund.- mulch-lily ‘ UNI-- lg‘n' .ll' '11:} ball†of (he mid litâ€"u Kin!» ! milu dealers of nlenul xix}: uur Ilolln n Smith, at one James pnhUc lmrw , lmplu Elisha "V. -w .. .m. m an\\u\\: MACHINE in the Inrlll is [he STANDARD Romy Shuule. ll holds but - spool of thread. The STANDARD is unloubudly the but on unh. Try '3 Indy-:4: will buy nn Mb» 3:... "I. I, other. Forv;i;'by TM: is the universal cry of '5“ they can be mlumi m honesty. Th Mazes: bobbin F VALISES VALLSES alt befom pumhzwin}: The West End Boot and Shoe Store! You will save money by purchasing your G1] selling all lines at exceptionally low pl'il'Ca fur mull. Our goods are always fresh {mi of the very lmt qll Our Teas, mug-ring fmm 250. to 50c... zme unequalled Full line of new Canned Goods (‘mckeryu lzlaswzu'f A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR MADE Owing to the increased demands ofthc Tailoring Ready-Made Clothing and Gents' Furnishing “IRES of Clothing bunch. and as he has almdy ,received a largi [NEW and seasonnble goods to chose from Prices gran invite you to “take stock" of our show windows. Call this advertisement is no humbug and that the goods 3: READYMADE 01.07%ch when the pic was upcnal They Ill began to cry; “lfwe can't all the STANDARD We will In sum!) die." “| l‘.‘ moooaooooooeooomoooooooooowuooooomomolowlg moon Sing l tong u sixpcnoc. A pocket full 0‘ rye. Two or thme New William: Allin . pie. LLACOU Uâ€"Jlr (LI CUU_4<.C Hunâ€"Ll mogogeoogooooooaoogmgggegm BOOTS AND SHOES! [001' W39“? .’ All kinds of Repairing pmmptly attend b gmgrigan and gamuiian Rubber; A GRAND Parties wanting to buy their ga‘l‘ionadggr age Mutiny, â€Magda/s, WALKERT ON AND OTHER FELTS OVERSHOES, ORDINARY AND EXTRAORDINARY SOX AND CARDIGANS, TRUNKS VALISES. Rips sewn] fn BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS H- B. LOTT, A'lHA,‘ ONT r‘ull “me of no“ Canned Ghodst rocken'. (11458“1116 .1111] [In Call and be com inced that “e sell 0111 000115.15 10“ us the The highï¬t p1ice paid 1'01 Butte1 and Egg . D. STOUFFER dz ()0. Don't {orgct to see our remnant table Full lines of Men's, Women's and Children's Felt Boots. Oversh Men’s Fell Boots, bur own make, (nothing like them.) Men's Felt Russians, Knitted Sox. Women‘s and Children's Car Come and see us. A grand display. A great stock, and just w We mark our goods low to sell them quick. All prices at 10\\'~I Ordered work a specialty. ‘ “THE mum: Fruxwmxu Hul's; J. BRAY, sown 511mm]: .me ST.‘ - 5 .- c- ,, W7 , ‘ The Leadan Shoe Hons Have you tricd~ those Tea at 250‘ “'ch cry 0! ouroompelikors be Mural to c. mndilion or Fim1i§mn|es' am Bibie's‘anflvia:m In Main “THE PALACE BOOT AND SHOE STORE" SPECIAL BUSH PREVIEWS T0 STOCK-TAKING! THE PIONEER TO THE FRONT. 'AMIL" SE\\'IN( AND GENTS’ FURNISHINGS! THE PANTRY. rigwht prices and coal \alnc \mnld do w elsewhem. A full and (amok-m FALI R. UNDERHILL BIBLE SOCIETY DEI’OSITORY. Has the stock that mccls the expectation a ml; can STOUFFER CO. HOSIERY AND- GENERAL DRY GOODS. . H. RATCLIFF é: CO. I all work bought of Lu}: HTUN‘W r~r:.-â€": run BEE Our motto in to g. §§_les‘. sue/{mm . BARTHOLOMEVV A fuTI and complete 500 OVEEOATS T° t“ a 5“; fmm an hour “1d up to one Imam: Mm Yes, and the biggest NEW sUrrs *ry complcl BO0TS AND 8110118, TRUNKS AND owl value would do well to (-4111 and examine mv marl: l anvth :hasing' your GROCERIES fmm prim.» fur (21511. of the very best quality. 30c. zme unmuullul. LOTHING MADE nsh p1 md G) Stacks of Mun-tie Cloths, sun-ks ot Flnnllels, Stacks of Tweeds. Cases of I‘m- Goods. stock. and just whit you want All prims at low-water mark. Ri nzwood “'0 k ust [33$ ._'. >GOODS ll nothing but u want ‘tler Alto Prat .nlitv of B. UNDEBHILL. FALL “‘00): {.1311}; Dn1e3"s Blot-k; Stoufl‘tillg' J. J". RAE. m Now cue-p M... Irylhing in Stoufl'viu MM. antic ,. n. “'ABRINEB. Rubbers, etc dM‘ a TO ORDER £062" â€I18 I lple Hues alw {he taste d Shac Store, Stouï¬llc. Elia“ or anlll Tau helps: than any Min L It the big“ bugaiu examir Sum. swmuh FFVH me my st0( Jae fmm. IS “'8 are '5 on hand home in [In