Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 29 Nov 1894, p. 5

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IFFVILLE 'KINS era ”.959 Wshoes, 551L149 1188' ES. YOU: ONE MONTH. -30 lbs. Bright Sugar for $1; 23 lbs Granulated Sugar for I; - 8 lbs good Japanfl‘ca for . I; \SQ bars Soap ‘ i; ‘Rmsins 5 and 8 cents lbs. ., Currants 5 ccms lb. Clothes pins I cents dozen; Our own Imported Tea. at 25c. And every article in his Big Store will be slaughtered at, prices, not to be found elsewhere in the Province. 100 Ladies’ Tailor made liackets, just to hand; 1 Case Gray and Colored Flannels; 50 pieces Mantling; 75 pieces new Dress‘ Goods: 100 men’s new‘suits; 500 new overcoats; and about $3,000 worth of new goods all to be included in this Big Reduction Sale. Look out for Snaps and Bargains. worth 40c 15.; Biscuits 23c. box or 8c Flour 4°C. a sack or $3 The Greatest Bar-‘ gains on Earth in all lines of goods at S. M. Warri- ner’s. ner st“ dark and goodf Factory cotton 3;c to 10:. Dress goods 5c yard lOO Ladies jackets, newest styles. Splendid double fuld Tweed 20c. 55 to $10 . worth 40:. Space will not permit a further price list but we are buund to lead. . Em - FWEER Patras Currants, {fiver Package Tea. EGWBWWRS mm fi" “mm 113 312m Great assortment and made Felt Boots 31: m®33TZZY 833333? 3“ ‘5 _. "MM" to the- Walriuer has decided to hold a. big reduction sale for MAicn'mass Man- yfl, Whereby we are enabled to do all Manner of hue pawn" at the shortest possible notice, Nev‘neas and durability such work done while y _ passed. No more delays, all i t. this machme. criticize its work and be asm to finish all repairs to the 53 now in a position the moat fastidious. -â€"'-- Eamhels. Valiscs, School Bags, Straps c., We guarantee profit and pleasure ' will prove a posiéve saving lo I] cannot fail to please in quality of our large and constantly g REBUBTIEN SALE The Boots, 9 Trunks, Satohell, values, ’eal'of popuianty and 3., MC, $2?ng trial will convllce you, sold by“ Shoes, Rubbers nd unapproachable in I also W men's, Misses am every: mg you want in G R EAT The finast yoil can use is“ The wonderful cheap man for good goods lb. a barrel d pleasure to every customer, Prom, Dccnuw Uun .ym saving to the buyer. Pleasure: because our goods in quality and style. In order to meet the'demnnds vonstandy growing trude we have put in one of those “'"“ u ‘ BIKINI}! But come Btl‘ilg' u! auu u --â€"~~ "all and Winter Stock RATCLIFF CO. FKTCHING Store, EKWEN@ attractiveness and $5 12 Overcoats, Overcoats, big reâ€" duction 1n overcoats. 5 II (I II 3.50 500 new suits for Boys, very chea 500 uobby overcoats for Boys,chea Stacks of men's suits; Stack of men's overcoats; Thousands to cheese from, bought ‘ at 75c on thedollar,we can sell less than wholesale prices. Good heavy shitting, will .wash, 5:: yd; Shaker flannel 4c yd up to 125C, P P U-n-I-I‘ -V net of fine patching and sewing of ripe was and durability of work done unsur work done while you wait. Call and 3 work and be assured [hilt we are I reoairs to the satisfaction 01 Price. See our and Children's Bardigan in the shape of Overcoat for ;ht to the UNDERH'PL'._SA ‘tomcr, Profit, because our {pricen Pleasure: because our goods . n ,,__j_ Overslloes has been placed upon Shoe Store. Tilsunhm Rolled [lat1 was 4M éfllafifig Finest new Raisins. 19mm imcnINEs. always in stock at ugpmg. Stoutfville. M en's hand Overshoes. our Mpg. ff. Wilgon’s, Wide Millinery Ribbon Silk Handkerchiefs Lace Good knitting yai 11 50 per 02 Dolls of all sizes and prises from 50. The newest thing for tidics, shaded cotton. \Iantles, Mantle ‘Cloth Fril- lings, Gloves, Untle1 weal and Wool Goods at lowest possi- ble prices As she is always the first to procure the latest out. All ndvnncn notices in thu luonl columns a! gha Tmaun‘of meeting? or entermnmnnu at “:hmh an ndpluion fee. 13 char ed. or from which n veounllry benefit I! denva 5mun be plld_ for at tho rule uneven cents per lma nub inaemun. no nhnwglau than _twenLy-flva coma. When bul- nn Dpnled at this oflica or advartiaeman 99f en- lgrmmmanu are hum-led a brief local wnll he nvon I'm. 4 ‘ l MAIN uwnxn, U. 5.1L, San Diego (XL. nyt: “Shiloh’l Cltlrrh Banned in the fine madman I but ever found t at wongflJo men y zoo." Prion 50 count. ‘ £039 "uni-.9 Buv you: stoves and ranges from someone You know. you will get better value and more smisl‘actlon than from strangers., Read Sil'vescer Dough erty's ad. about wrought ranges. White and colored shirts an: Monk- bousu'u. ' School books and Stationary, good supply at Rae's. See our cuts of steel ranges before buying. Silvester Daugherty. We have the largest assortment in town of cborin: and worklng mi'm in calf. horse. uuppa buck, smoke buck. unranac and sheep, lined and unlined New and Styhsh The entertainment in Dalev'a hall on the evening of Thanksgiving day, under the auspices of tha Congrega- tional Church was highly successful. Tau hall was well filled andayery plenum): time was spent. The proceeds netted over $80 and was utilized in purchasng new musical literaturu fur the choir. râ€" , r , constantly receiving letters similar to me following which explains itself. Mr John A. Beam \Vatcrioo,' Out... Writes: “I never used an medicine that, can equal Parnielee's Pi 13' for Dyspepsia or Liver and Kidney Complaints. The relief experi- enced after using them was wonderful " As a safe family medicine l’nrmelec‘s Vege- table Pills can be given in all cases requiring a Cuthartic. The Board of Management of Knox College, Toronto. has issued a circular stating that unloas‘the congregations increase their subscriptions 'he incomn of the college, will not be sufiicient to maintain the college buildings. The income is derived irom the interest of the endowment fund and the subscrip tions. The fall in the rate of interest has decreased the former and the sub- scriptions or 1893 fell on“ 51,225. The remains of William Trent of Maple Crook and formerly ol Moose Jaw. passed through Toronto on Tues- day on route to Newmnrkut for inter ment. Deceased, in company with his brother Arthur. was engaged in ranching some. 38 miles from Maple Creek. About four wet-ks ago he visited Moose Jaw and took went a herd of cattle On the war up, while handling a horse, he snfl'crcd a severe strain which. while not at the time causing alarm. has ultimately tndéd his life. THE TRIBUNE. STOUFFVILLE. NOV. 29189;}, LOCAL ITEMS- the cndowmel lions. The fx has decreased scriptions of 1 For the holidays, go to HOT ROASTâ€"The Chrlsuun Church Bloomington. intend hnldinz their Anniveresnry Services on Sunday and Monday, Dec. 2nd and 3rd. On .Sab- ball: services at 10:80:; m. by the pastor Rev. C. H, Hainer. at 2:30 p m. a. union service sermon by Rev. J. Young. at 7 p. m.o prayer and praise service conducted by the pastor On Monday evening the annual supper will take place, when the ladies will once more prove to the puollc thelr well earned reputatlon ln dlshing up roast turkey. goose, duck 85¢. Addresses wlll be glven by Revs. Young. Shuntou, Reld, Percy. Booker and J. J. Baker. Good muslc wlll be furnlahed by the church cholr under the leadership of ‘J. Daugherty. Solos will be rendred by Miss Maggie Stark and Miss Mary A. Earner. Tee served from 6 to 8‘ Admisslon 26c and 15c. Proceeds ln nld ofthe bulldinzl‘und. All welcome come and enioy a pleas anthour. ne proprietors fl“ W13 _Want something) LOCAL NOTICES ‘rmelee’n iii“: 73m eimilur to file self. Mr J nhn _ writes: “17 20c. 100 evening. , ? Reg ulu meetlngfl Innsohool Board on Tuesdav own-Mug} Cow lies from 15 h‘m: u Buvcster 8: Doughertv's. Just arrived 3 ml ‘ 7.10.110! Ring- wood Cheese at my Three feature “Chilled. We sell the wurmvst. morn dunhle and hum- lieu: man: produced. ion Ihonld see it at. Silvester Douzhlny'u. SmLon's Gun: inn“ '1‘- zumntvc. It cures incipient 'on It is the best Cough Cure. Only an out n dose: 2.5 cm. 50 eta. and 31.00 F ble. Sold by . Collard. druwiat. In Uxhrldgo townlhlp l: I: aid that Raov" Millard intends tor-aim at the our. historm and tin! Manly-Reeve Don-swell will be a ulfll‘daw tor the rueveship. Word was rum-Wed In: week lrmn Coloradu Springs Inn uncing tho El-nlh of Rev. John MI: 3'. who for number of venrs was p [or of Knox Church. Scarbnrn'. Be as in falling hnulth for some time and your to Col- orado for tho bonuflt 0! M2 health. but no improvement took phi 5. English Sunvln Linimwt re vcs‘lllharzl soil. or calloused unmpn'und milhes from horses. Blood Spnvin, 'Cnrhs, link, Rim: Bone, Swr-cncy. Stitlea, Sprll , Son: and Swollen Throat. Conghl. etc. Save 850 by use of one lmltln. Wunntad the moat won (lt-rfnl Blemish Cure ever known.‘ Sold by Rowan ()0. Druvoiat. The Central PI'IEOII au'h 'es auto that thev wlll not accept v more prisoners committed as \ L ants or being drunk and incapabl llor drunk and disorderly. The onlykaaes that can be admitted to (he entrn] are prismwrs committed for imo and crime mrlv. County M It: stratus should hear this in mind, npd comm; oflicinh should not rnrget ' tint owing to this dacislun prison accommodation must be enlarged in mos: cguutles. A friendly gulhering of ul lhirtv conplu nasembh-d at the hail of sim- unu Stoum-r last evening uzr the Bible Society meeting in 1 Method. is: Church. Thev did not argue to bring along a good supplv o the bi. 'ulrns and alter cnjnyinn m hour of serial conversation: the magnum was then “prepuredin duu form had all did ample justice tn the tem tiuz com. esllbles. The "Wee le' 'oqrs‘ltound lhmn wending their “av homowards after spending what all eonuidered a very pleasant evening. A Grand 1‘.- n a, 0i Hood‘s Sargagnrilla is that while it puri- ‘fics the bluo , uud semis t, counin' through the veins full of rclmi-as “3 health. it also imparts new life’ viznr to every function of the body.‘ preuion so often heard:“H0( illu mmla a new man of 1 comes that: tired eoling s9 The A. O. I Ephvni‘m‘wua-rmeuyfc cc 1, harmless, always reliable utd nefic'ul The matter or charges to posting up voters‘ lists by the Clerk of Ihu Peace of York County [Ill dMII with by me Counzy evmn 1. Tue clerk was in the habit o! ugln’: $300 for posting: them rip ln ll own oflico and contends that-,iu thl he wui doing what the jaw" nllo a. The council phought o erwiso an cut oil $28? from the al aunt. If be um um governing: the main liable to misin‘ tcrpretazion in an uldas 800) :- posâ€" sible be made c -ur. II is evident that no such sum as coummpllmd Is fees for merely p ling up : few voters‘ no“: in Hm clerk'l wn onion: doing what the counci! _thought 0 $287 from the an ute governlnmhe lerpratazion it an sihle be made c that no such sum fees for metal) p lists in the clerk's â€"â€"Winteria kn king The straw hat and light most eniimiv di. ppur boys and girls a cut 1nd [01L hats and furs, thing clearly indi tea ‘ vest. is past and the summer (5 Pretty soon the mall '00. sharpening his skates wifi‘lava Bllnl‘penlug mu mm“... "7“ â€"_ lemming late on tha pond Already hi§ big brother wonders w h is the must b-coming' to his own manly beautvâ€"a dark or light cola-ad ovar- coat. and his big grown np B‘sler puls a match to the parlor fire before she goes to meeting. Yes. yes. winter is The Dauxnnon for .1: calied "'1 he holiday number‘S table of contents that is extre lructiye and promises well {0: Year. Thu fashions are and described in the usual manner. and there is a speci _ M..- t. her appropriate for the and Girls' pnr'y dz:- ege Seriesn now and the description Educational Institutions is Dam, me first nrticlo being on Cornell. from the pen oi Florence M. Hoddar. 4‘91. A vurv readable paper by Alice McKenna treats of Woman in Telep‘ons Ex- changt’s, and ‘tho Hyziune ofthe Eyes and Ems is the subject oi an able contribution by A. Bilingumet. The spirit of tho time is relied“! in the Display of the Shops, and among the holiday hooks; and there is an ex- ceudingiy pretty "Good Night" Drill for children, Seasonablo making is madc more valuable to the house- keeper by the addition of list. show- ing what fish, flesh, fowl and procur- ed in the markets. There is advice how to serve bananas, and o'continna- tion of the articles on the hone. Thorn are also Around the Tea-Tobie and Floral Work. and New Weighs in Knitting, Netting, Toning. Crochet- ing, Laceâ€"making. etc. Subscription price of the Deimeator, SLOQ _I year. or 15:: per single copv Address orders to the Deiineator nu shin: Ch. of Toronto, (Ltd) 88 Bi and St. West, Toronto, Ont. Minud'n Liniment them [NEATOR for January is lollday number‘S ofi‘urs a mu: that is extremely nt- promises well (0: the New fashions are luatrmd 1 in the usual isfscwry there is a sped 1 Article for lhe season tn‘flissos‘ ‘r'y dresses. In [.119 Coll7 now departure ll made, :rlptlon of Ma '8: the Cu- Inslitutions ls ham, tha .cing on Cornell. from the urea M. Hoddnr.,‘91. A lo paper by Alice McKem-a Yomnn in Telep‘nna Ex- d the Hyziuue of the Eyes . ma :ubiect 0! In lble l semis L counin v ‘ full of r chm-as ans “.H'ndfi' new life] 1 vignr to u”? body. ce the ex' It. ‘5 a 1:“me \ranpur- ‘0- do on of l tantnli :Ig no a, (c . -linble md unfic'uxl. Sm! urges fo poltmz 5:22: the Clerk at the ed on my hu in on Honda)- :king It our doors. light 8851 hue al- ppured. And the out in new units furs, aldaovory- tvs chic the hit. ‘r ‘9 ended. ho; will be a haw to In Roster or mess-Making Shup In A. V onBuseck’s premise opposite S. M. Warriner’s Girls’ trimmed hats 9.3 Ladies hair nets 2 {01' 5c. Fancy hair pins 10c. each Dress and Mantle making rea- sonably done. aeMillinery % Lnn' Acn Olll' House m let, inquire of W nev. 23 lbs. granulated snpar {or 8! at S. M. Warriuer’s. W0. have a verv nice line of Axes and X Cut savm Silvester Doughâ€" erw. Miss Mary Godfrev, ofTommo. is visiting fora few days at the bums of R. Brimson. Thousands offlpen: ‘palrone hav‘e tnkfn Thousands of new palm Hood’s SarsapI-rilla 1his sun rd in benefit in blood purifi‘ restored . Members of remember to u morning at h [or prncN-ding odist Church pruached by 1 Daniel Ritz, I: the Hamburg. III was sufierill Trouble. I too ' Vimlimr and it recommend it.’ The \Vestwood (1380 came up for a hearing Yesterday and Clara Ford‘s confession to having commim‘dthe murder was given in detail by Detec- tive Ruburn to whom she made it. It is evident xhat the girl was drivun toi duaperalion bv Ihu repeated tantalizing or the boys in regard to col . Th prigoncr x115 commit:- drugvm Small-pox has broken oWral points in Ontlrio and vaccination of those who haveuoz had it perform- ed on them should be attended to at once. Diphtheria also is epidemic in Detroit. eleven schools being closed lIy order or the Board of Health. If the anze-loxin remedy 13 of any efiic acy it has thvre ample scope for its appllcation, the mortality being re ported as great. Anv w MACCABEES..â€"C0nald6rable buzz has ‘ been caused In our Stoufl'vlhe Tent of Maccabees during the past week or two.“ popular and well known Deputy Supreme Commanders, Mess rs. R. Y. Coulson and D. hlcNuir who have been starring: Northern Ontario in the interests at theli. O. T. :.\1. "Bob“nnd "Mac" are hustlers and during thetime thev spent at home have been using some of their energy in swelling the ranks of the home tent. tn...“ "\nl‘f‘ navu vau u..." in swelling the ranks of the home tent. Ten additions have been made to the membership lists and Stouffnlle Tent bids fair to hold a high position in the ranks of this flourishing order in Canada. The matter of at East 'I‘nroum t was the subject cussiou at the x County Council. such arrests is $1 wan Lnu uuer.._, uussiou at the recent session at the County Council. The fee for making such arrests is Sl each and the locality is exceptionally fine as mam: wig. rauts make their exit from the trains at this point. It is said that over 15( arrests were made during t’nrni months and locked no in the count\ jail and kept. there at the public ex penso. The tramp nuisunno is one which is increasingin magnitude am some other method than dining [hen at the public board. he the porridg ever so thin. should soon ha adopted Atthe entertainment in Dalcy‘s hall on Tuesday evening the attendance ._-._...a nIunrnd with the rendering or me u parts of the programme. Mr. 1 prefaced the prucnedinzs hv m ing that as the institute was now every day. except Sun henvv expense had to be met Board of Manage ment took ih mi of replenishing their {in baritone singing of Signor \ ulo much appreciated us was evidc the repeated encores and Mad: ikn also delighted the nudiem her highlv artistic Singing. citations by the Misses. Ram: Mount. Albert exhibited excelle and were well received. The the Misses Baker as also the Miss Laura Speight were well ‘ I mucu «lip-cummâ€" .N .7 , . the repeated encoros and Madam Sel- lkn also dulightud the audience with her highlv artistic Singing. Thu re. citations by the Misses. Raunsdeu, of Mount Albert exhibited excellent talent and were well received. The duet bv the Misses Baker as also tha solos by Miss Laura Spsight were well render- ed. The overture by Miss Josie Mc- Carty and Mr. Bert Brnv was well executed and. as a piano accompan- lst. Mlss McCarty merits the‘ highest pralse. Adair Miss Banach, I‘ll ‘ at ten o'clock and arruugu wding to service at the Math- Jrch were a sermon will be [by Rev. .108 Young. Ritz. Proprietor and Publisher of lburg. 00L. Independant rays: ,fi‘er‘m from Dvapepsia and Liver I too ' n fuw Boulvs of Shiioh's and it. cured me. I can heurnly III in.” Sold by G. COLLAKD. NEW L‘oulson and D. McNair wno cnstarrin: Northern Ontario nterests ol theK. O. T. {\1. .nd “Mac" are hustlers and thetime (hev spent at home en using some of their energy "mg the ranks of the home tent. dditions have been made entrusted to miun and we ion and we will use iyu entire sulislnclh atarring Northern Ontario units at theK. O. ’I‘. :31. "Mac" are hustlers and time thev spent at home using some of their energy the ranks of the home tent. :ions have been made thership'lists and Stonfi'vrlle fair to hold a high position is of this flourishing: order in yifxss>m$m ( 3 E k 00nd thin wan ens, itter of arresting Vagranls rrouto by ucuunty constable subject of considerable dist ,t the recent session at the iuncil. The fee for making its is Sl each and the locality tionully line as mam: vag- .te their e‘it from the trains lint. It is said that over 150 were made during t‘nrne nd locked up in the county (out there at the public ex- l‘he tramp nuisunne is 0:10 W increasing in magnitude and or method than dining them only hlic board, he the porridge. B' hin. should soon be adopted. nice lty council passed .1 resolution ertv orialize the Government to N to law as uliecting the case. entertainment in Dalcy's hall lay evening the attendance r good and all seemed pleased e rendering of the different the programme. Mr. Hurtney t the proceedings bv mmonne as the institute was open ry day. except Sundays. :1 xpense had to be met and the l‘ Management took this meth- splenlshing their funds. The winging ot‘ Signor \‘olosko wax pprecieted us was evident from exited encores nnd Madam Sel- AND “a, use had to be met and the image meut look xhls mczh- nisbing their funds. Thu min: of Signor \‘olosko “'3‘ Hanna n: was evident from ‘rndunl illc G‘ nil ,or and Publisher Independnnt m. D spepsia and Li‘ files of Shilo urment (11min ring Schoo),To '). U. \l'. will ga on Sunday and arruugu : at the Math- :armon will be Young. l and strung”: f Prof. H will rec P. Hart ilo an WITH A TRICK Altistic Fashion and Bare At the lowest possible price. This i.»- “'1 old trade and constantly receive lll'\‘.' mule, wear the latest and finest clot‘les wh all will tell you with W J 01111 Bray, ‘ifiéshéfi‘wfiififi' The Diamond Ring, PRIZE COMPETITEON. A little fun for the young folks ring at the end of it. Open to all the fai1 sex under IE The )oung lady who can supph correct words du1 mg the continuauet receive the p1'1ze. ()n recelpt of 30111 {11151191 “e {1'11 numbe1 of wows which y0u base 117‘) At the close of competitlon 011 l 'The wonis leftputiin Tast weék‘s sor‘kg ofliina invite, and the wow which we neglect-ad to hand” thing, finger, have, well, very, month {meAW\m\\\xxxxxx~c§§§\§\§<x (Mnistnms Goons! conditions of pe< thing to suit the ware. See our ens, c. ' Spo fford‘s Block quite a nick to write a convlm clothing nowadays. All deal most of them too much, for th believe. All ”WE" do ist We can only 10c Buv the Souvenir C nicestlhing out. Silvc ertv. “1 Rumor says mm: w. a. dovs not iumnd to run lnr ship of \Vbilchurch and xha test will be between the N S. Baker and Haiues. 1t NAME A cqucE T0 no Goon â€" i on can uu good to humanityâ€"co snfi‘ering little chudrenâ€"â€"if you like. 'fhousandsot people have canned fruit [hi year in your county or township. Now. if vnu and vour lricnds could collect a huu dred quarts of fruit and send them u the Hospital for Sick Children. College Street, Toronto, you would conleri ' blessing on the hundreds of sick liuli ones cared for within its walls Wr'm the Secretary, Hospital for Sick Child run. Collegu Street. Toronto, and m rangemonts will be made to have th fruit. brought. into Toronto. earring free. Mr y this wee um her moth ‘l. breaking lieve. All "WE” our stock. It. is 035: to put into the clothe Kinard’s Linimont is the bust. 16:5, silverware for a Christmas ‘hn M‘ .a most rf people; young or old Lt them among our sele our silver photo-mm or‘s house. slipped :u her arm. that W. A. McCormn d to run [or the we» oyer. of any man in airâ€"Rae's. ADDRESS ‘ your answer we give you :1 cm which yOu have riss'ht mzirked t of competinon on Monday. Dex Lust present their c‘ l‘ds at our 5: :rnoon (finding that it will be 1. we have changed the :ime for ( M: S D â€"You can do suffeflng little Thousands of lit ‘his year in uld contera or sick liule walls Write r Sick Child- Dou o sell all the [0W1] mi th‘ stock pl‘lZG. i ek’s ad areHâ€"Tastetul pe '01 d; or the previous we .q eating M3. wax-3,: don‘t tI'\' “'1 rich ken no mattdr [1‘ meet. us there. suit um ful Making I'll lzum H HI] )uI 1\'( )lIlDG EWELLER 1'1 1) ) num : the ri th )mcthin SH] Ill] Nll') thin Jffi'ille fancy hold

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