Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 18 Oct 1894, p. 1

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Over our Stock L001“ 151mm Vinegar Works APPLE S9 0! CI WANTED. paid. 1 Box will cover twice as mnclu surface as any other make. LRM‘ERfiES. J. Brownsbergefl. LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS. 331mm LIGHT s'rmm musa, WWW 1 -~‘~“ v" “‘gg. ADD 4 DIFFERENT STYLE 100.000 BUSHELS ll The Leading Tailor andE M ~00~F 01' 1 o____PENLN+G; Delivered at the J UHN MDNKHUUSE. l’rnmmly mam [To a will be weighed free :e at the building. highest market price JAS. MCCQNNOCHIE. T. E. TRULL- Genls’ Fumisher. ill have all the 5638-3 sty sles opened out It. ill then show erv recognized For The (a) \n Stouffvxlle Man mer late elhat JOEL BAKER Cedar. l'ine Flooring and Siding â€"ALSOâ€"â€" Bill Stuff Out. much an pen inspect them LATH» SHINGLES‘ WATER OH’SLCATARRH ’ ' REMEDY. '1“th mmndv in mun-an. w ’7 Hard you mmru '{ This remedy“ gum teed to cum you. mecca. Injeczorn-aa. Having lately purchased the establis ment, formerly owned by Park Bros.. we are prepared to’ao all kinds of Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Planing and Matching, c.; Material furnished if required and estimates made. We have good machinery and ,are prepared to do first-class work. \\'e have also added a Shingle ~1\Iachine To the establishment and are prepared to cut any quantity of shingles on shares or by the bunch. 'Shingks for axle. SHIN GLES. VOL. VII. NO 41 Will be v. Ponlnnd Cement. Plaster P Land Master. Hair. While and Gray Lime. sm. .hl bv ( The Tribune rlumbin In thelbuilding line, such ers for «'OOD-VVOFK yn hand any quaum'y o! Scantling, Lumbei‘, 'or the small sum of imfl COOK BROS. sent to new subscrib n' the remainder of er nnd Post; at me Cole? Jar Shingles Joel Baker. maul. Plaster Paris IN :hrm which Cull fl'v Brilâ€" ill‘ dav Straw and (alt huts wry Rae‘s. , The 'l‘mnnxa for tha rm 189-1 for 15c. Mm F. Crown. of For: Ligan, yum mi in town this weak. A good safecnna of men‘s ayd bova‘ overcnats an \Vnrriner'a . Ono Ire'e recently cm. Ilqwn in T11!- nre county. Cal. measuredBS feet in dinmemr at tho base. . “Dear little hand?“ he murmnro as ha kissed her hand and man'llv reckohed up What the rings on‘ it Ind cost. him. Geo. Elly-er. milnr,wrst and. hm: re- moved to Lafrov whern lm lmssecurvd a good opt-fling 'for " lmsinnsfi. The Tmunxn wlsln-s him good Ruch-afi. Our informntmn in last wrok'aisane in ruforenceln the purchase oi the PhllpCook farm on the G‘h of Whit. church was not accurmg. The farm has not been sold The Nnrth Ontario S. S. Ansncinlinn will hold thvir annual convvmlnn in the Presbyterian Church. Uxhrldgo, Out. l7 and ‘8. The rnll call of dell L'AN‘H on the 17th should he ar bv some from uvury shnnl cnuntv. All schools um exp‘ quiatus Dr. Th ofLuncr nary. The cases of Jacob S-‘onz. nanrnnrn in cnnnemian “ it!) tho. Rlvnling of Rev Mr Cncking‘u Nm 3 ‘zin cm“. was hnnrd hi'lnYB n v o I Suturduv last. hut_ Ilm Support lmll’ sham 100: and All olhnr work done In, Drnpm‘l low prices The notice given memxn in connection wuh dnne in this nifice is worth as bil]:. owing to the extensive n cral circulation of the '1 through the entire neighhorh: RELIEF x.\' Six H()l’K\‘.â€"â€"Diatrl|§ neymul Bhuliicr diSL‘flSEAI rolim‘cd in bv the “NEW Gum-r Son-m .1 Kmxmr Cl'mz." This new renu great surprise and delight to [thy account of its exceeglipi; prihp] Rowan 00., uruymxns. APPLE EXPORT TRADE. a brisk dumand for .npplc large snles have been made In Ontariolhis week. Amv crshavn been making [1‘ $1.25to $155 per Al)r|.,-f.n $1.25 to $155 per brl. shipment. and $1.50 tr. paid for chine winter some case-s 15c to 20¢ obtained. Prices in Li‘ ing to lat - advicesmrc 1‘25 [0:135 as the nvt fruit in good condltion that the crop in Engla continent is better th.’ ported. and icfsulsn c“ recent rains in Onmri rd the crop. and that 125 to :139 as the average price t‘orl fruit in good condition It is rt‘pnrth that the crop in England null on the continent is better than :it first re- ported. and itfialso claimed that. the recent rains in Ontario hnvo improv- rd the crop. undthnt the yield will be larger than mtticiptteti. l’iukiuz nf winter appleswiil he general in about two weeks, and all who are engaged in that work should remember that the apples that secure the best prices are those that are 'caroi'ully picked and as ceret‘ullv packed and that on the care with which the fruit is hand- led depends the maintenance of the high reputation which Canadian nppLâ€" ea hold in {the English markets. Lust yearn good deal or money was lost on nppins that reached the English markets in poor condition through not having been ‘properlv handled/This can be easily avoided by a little cure andif farmers and apple gr-wers would pnv more attention to this matter the exporters would not so orte-i insist on bllVlnR‘ the fruit on the trees and the reaxtlt would be that the growers would get more for the ‘ apples. ‘d. Haizh \iEited in town ~1jy all 1‘ rtus tn a. hi It In Dr. Tllumnu‘ Eula-trio Oil for me of n swam cold llmt troubled me lll l‘winter.“ In titular t_n give a tn a. hacking cough. mks a [lose 9‘ nmns‘ Eulectric Oil lhriup a (lay. m if the coughs spells render it, uecces‘ DAL ITElWS- STOUFFVILLE $1 “nr 50 or SL155 p s at $1.25 for 50 nr 81 whole shout-i Ht 8'2 [u work done an. prnpm‘li B The notice gin-.11 your . remedy, anniura. xmn’r TRADI- If you n the hlu of the c. It l" min m or the remainder of v ulul “r, 5: 3H uni \\'III II legitimate :11 “1th ru-c tar npplu-s and in De more has bcnn Liverpnnl. accord w [7.1 to 184. wicl mm. (1 uned y the TRIHIINE ighhorlmnd. â€"Diatrussma Kin!» olim‘cd ilmix lmnrs Son-m AMERICAN EIg'in. yisit fl) printing.r tn lnnnuions. We 10110 quarN-r Anaâ€"Where is .lpples and some nndc for export American buv- g pun-hams m ., f.n h. pniutot‘ 7 sl 6') i4 lining Tuna McLeod. ' nwe a dab: of leutric Oil for mt troubled me mlnr to give a mks a dose of riqp Inlay. or was stalenv tore the coat thanp at on Sun E ONTARIO. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, swored in the acted to relief and Sold by inns . 3 "Q Boysâ€"call‘m Monkhouso for your an underfloor. 'l‘rv J. 1.1.} Rae‘s 180:: tea, it beam them an. Fine dram good: at. 55c worth 60': a: Warrinur's. Adafectlm nidawulk cast Walker- tnu a $3,200 suit. - . Highest price ptdd for Alnikn. Red Clover nnd timpghvflemj. A. (}.Brown. Miss Jemfla McCullum has returned houw from fishing frian‘ds in Mom. rcnl. Geo; Flintls nviving the appear- anceofhis midence in giving a: a touch up with me mlntur's brush. The people qmcklv recognize "writl and this is thus redo. the “IQ. of Hnod'a Sarn- purilln are continually harem-inn. Hood’- I! "on mp."- Q. The Ontario flurnosamnkers‘o Assn- mmlnn hm: men formed and will hold a Illflfllillg lu TornmnnuxtJnnunry. m. cm. 404k. Uxbrldge. is chair- man nl‘ thl camrnluéu. Novn Scotia'l rrult prnrl In or grow ing importance. The province will produua thln yc'ur ”2.00) barn-la ul’ upplzes und 510 000 hukatu of plums. hn‘filf‘lt‘fl a lurgu supnly nl‘ small fruits. Altogether 1: la euimnced than!” lurpluer fin- uxmrmtinn will bring to tbs prm-luca £600.01). rlm “"u “1 bank throa boxes of A on I'm: ou mu entire]; mired. Since t at lime, I always keep them In lhe homo." They are may to take. ' Electric thunderstorms lava fired many barns in Ontario this sensmn and I! will be noticed that éompa'ralivuly few ulhel‘ buildings were struck. Tho ru-uson for thin ls am there is consider- able luflammuhla gns evolved from crops housed in; and electrlc contact causes ignition. The euuipped read or wnndun d'm'n. but 320 duty and $7.! have the m dufl surface [6 ”Id c\ us surlacu lhu‘ plenko umnllnt Pin '1‘. of (ha ’I and l c pnpurs 1 seems t‘ fully. 1‘ Hbme Manufactures Tun that Mr olfcr tn “Five years ago. I was taken Lo ill with :umniam than 1 Wu unsble to do nuv ." writes RIM-r Christen‘wn. Shqrwoml, 'n “I Leak throe boxes of A an Pill: .1 “ml entirely flllfld‘ Sim! t Int time, I wnvu keep them In the homo." They are tom of responsible government this nfii-r would he hindlng. and the mens- lll‘l' would have. to be carried through Parlimm-nr, nr Parliament would have to get mmih tr Ministry“. The United Status system isdimxrent. The Minis- try may rrcmmnnnd. but that is the extent oi their liability. Whichever way the question may carry. the Cob inet position remains the some, The Clurmnnnt correspondnnt of tho Pickering News writeszâ€"W n r t h v Miles was beinro Magistrates Holden. Gcrow and Parker hem Iuesdov after- noon charged with stealing three cattle from Wm. Cmvie of the 7th con. It seems that at the Inst division court, anie received nverdict of $80 for food nnd dnmnge done by the cattle. and h“ wns to retain possession ofthem until Myles showed it receipt from the clerk of thu court showing that the mom‘v had been paid in. Tuesday was the lust day of grace. Instead of going to Greenwood with the $80.Mllns went and took the cattle from Cowiu's place. A warrant was at once sworn out. when Myles was srrestcd hv Con- stable Gibson. nssisted by Isaac Mantle It is said that Mantle drew a revolver while his chief buckled the bracelets. This was done in cnse the prisoner should resist arrest. and he {being n powerful mnn should seriouslv wound the guardians of the pence. The court was held in slttlnz room of the-Wilson house, when a large number at wit- Thu “I!“ III mnnic Lll‘lnl fiesssu were einmh‘l’ed. After the 0 dance had all been produced, the pi oner wasrnpquitAteq after agreeing fiesssu were examined. After the evi- dence had all been produced, the pris- oner was acquitted after agreeing to pay che $80 and all costs In connection‘ wlth the matter up to (into. our I‘t n one but 3‘ and s the ad llm'vninledwood luwi gm a specimen of the nim'inus we rcreivu from many rvudersâ€"Degnr Sinâ€"Enclnsm timl the sum of SLOO being 1 of mv subscripzion far vnur You ham imprnved the styh: rlIIBUNl-l very much recently, :nnsillvr it one of the names; iu tho cmulry. and the news ”.0 be all than! Very respect- mpn. null k (30.. Drugglaw Sxmuxu CLAms.â€"â€"-It turns out ‘ Sv-crmarv Gruslmm muda no sultluyx'ilh the Canadian sunl- the. busis of 8125.000. or am’ ‘nsis. All that hn did was to ) be all II) are Very re ldwurd Smarter. Toronto. ridgefligh School is now \ ‘uh slate black-boards iu- the Mar {(15 fast- groWing- «madam They cost $64 laid n! this anmuuh was for >0 for I'rL-ighl. .‘l'hay Maze of pnsuenshlg a flu: t y will "or: dazz- 1 are moon-re: cm who mm). min! my ‘hurd On Q ‘ soft. ‘plinls U gum curl r; Run yld Warrlner'u good grain bags only 5‘2 3 doz. First of Mn:. season. new cheese 11 J. J. Rae's. . Thou. Gilbert. of Toronto. vlslzed in town on Sunday and Monday. Pure spice whole or ground. mixed or unmixed at the Market Drug Store. The law now authorizes a two year term in the penitentiary for any one who drives a horse to death. Itlus been decided bv the share- hnldern to wlnd up the Canada Men! Packmg Compnnv of Montreal. In mon'u or boys ready-lo wear suits Warrlner can null vnu to a T. Suits at $197 worth $8 I“. B WICKS FUR HARNESS. Good harness I make the work will show lt. Farmers once thought so, but now they know It. Goo. Sllvor. of Sutton. 2 Modelite at Nawmnrkor. while taking a ban: at lacrosse wlth Shupe had his n usal organ consldcmblc bruised by coming in contact with hin .npponent'a head 11- took a week'n holiday to recuperate at home. “For )'c1rn."ooya Capt. G. Mueller, “1 have rolled more upon Aycr‘s Pills than an thing «In! in the medicine chest, to re- gll um my bowels. and those 0‘ the ship‘s crew. The-e p‘llunru not. share in their action. huh do their work Lhorouzhly," The _trvasurer or the Sloufi‘villc Creamery Dflill on: to the. patrons for the month of June 5901). Mr July SlOOO and for August 5710. The capacitv of the crvalnery is such that double the above nlnnums Inlght haw been pnld if the nvcossary patronage had been accorded the luslilution. One of the numerous brim-grooms nl’ Il'oqurileI last “eel: was making a trip over thfi rail the day before his wedd- ing. 'lha conductor. Who was awnre of his impending fate. took his ticket 3nd stuck in his hat hand instead or the usual label. 3 card benringVin hold letters the inscription. #1 Get Married Toâ€"moqaw." lbs victim luf: the train with the lubelstlll in his hat. Mn. b. q: Works. Toronto I hum (immoral thpepniu will from this me-‘jci withhold [his e Ilau-ls immclli Dyspepsia. rcmm annulled.” nuth The championship of district has been awarded ham Lacrosse Club. '1 matuhwas plan-ml hero Sep't. 15m. resulting in Uxbrldge, who had on in the shape of Sdmpsnn, Cornell. of anonth J these grounds Markham match. 'lhe standinrr 0 clubs Is as (allows: â€"â€"\[:Lr lost 1 dnmn; l‘xbridge drawn 1: \\'oodv1lln w i Stoufl'ville won 0. lost 6. A special dcspaich to the Globe from Wehbwood sayazâ€"A young man of 19 calling himseli‘ J. U. Stewart. was ur- rested here. a [cw davs ago on a charge of obtaining monuv under false pre- tences lie was canvassing for sub- scriptions to tho Toronto daily papers. offering The Mail at 82 a year. and The Globe and Empire at $3 a year each The suspicious oi Chici' Con- stable Irving of this place were arous- ed. and he communicated with the newspaper orifices, learning. of course, that Stewart was not an authorized agent. Ho had canvassed the towns of Midland, Barrie. Penetaug. North Bm’ Sudlmry and many other places. Ho was arrested at Massuv. the first station west of hero. and taken before Mr. T. W. Trotter, Justice ol‘tho Pi-acu, who committed him to Sault Ste. Marie gaol to stand his trial at the Fall As- aizes.“ It is altonishing that mun can be found in this enlightened ago who iaro so easily duped. There is no such bonanza in the printing ofdaily papers that thev can be thus reduced in price. The man who willalways pay a fair price tor what he gets will. as a gen- eral rule. never “got left." and Enterprises lmwn; Uxbridg 1: \\'ood\'|lle V ille won 0. lost( :cinl despnlch u '00:! mumâ€"A y( himself J. U. S 1894. ills are not share in their hair work thoroughly," urer of the Stoufi‘ville l outtothe patrons for f Juno. $900. Mr Jul) 'nr August 8770. The he croamery is such that ova amoums might haw- lhu nvces‘ury patronage )rded thu Institution. despnlcll to munâ€"A yo! If J. U. SD 11 law dm'sn : mnnuv um : was canvl‘ ) lhu Tomnt Mail at 82 a yr and Empire at 3'3 suspicions 0! Chi : of this place wen ‘hip of m awarded to ,‘Iub. Thu -A young man of 13 U. Stewart, was ur- ieu's ngu on a charge ‘v under false pre- ranvusing for sub‘ ‘omntn duih' papers‘ |il at 82 a war. and r! in u. vicmrv M1 on three nn msnn. Sm'illu (0 Junctmn. II to th lg olrthe Markham Dll oms at a trir. wedd- WHOLE NUMBER Early on Friday morning la: lantern exploded in the ham 0“ Haucke. Tlh: oonoosslnn Markham the barns and crops thu rein were lumvd lusurancw 3‘2 300. J. J. Rue has a nobby llne or Men‘s um boy's hula. Be Sure and see J. J. Rae's line a men's 60am. Monkhouse has just opened his 121‘] stvles in bus. A Tillonbixrg farmer realized $700 for his apple crop of this year. Fred. Manning and wifP, ofllurmw, visited last week at the home of his slut-r. Mrs, S. M. Warrincr. Nelson Conner's trailer Axlellocam out first, out on: fin1d\of 13. in the '; minute (rot at Whilbv’ on Friday last enn iedge of duty was in Iudicrous manner brought the scsnon of the congx thingcrs at Pmis recall! their cmlnnm. orators. h: an attitudekrh'us passiona! tamâ€"“Gentlemen. 1am a thank G .Reccut bacterir have shown that p presént in ”Mr sm be which can be in Vated: which accou Gravenhurst'u tax rate is 35 m Lice little rent. rjurv Illl An inslar others were nugotintix The man was also m mums with farmers teams at $3 pm- day. one of the “sllckest” sc Always suspect the sn iefendauc t onsidur ofi'ers of that kind alwn} s to develop nndulv the amt-ac side or human namre. Alwu' c: to pay a fair price for what 3‘! and thus strengthen that. whi‘ as for integrity. ME. orthe deer At W m 1H for grey flan- and blanketsâ€" also fine lines of and furs. mlfm Sold n and pr‘ present an 344 ail \\‘ Ii \‘ 3K M ur | (h‘ dkr 3330 lb E‘ R MEWS. . â€"â€"THEâ€"â€" QUEEN’S HOTEL \‘V. J. )IER'EENS, LiFE SIZE GRAYON PICTURES Truuli ises, l: flynet: whips Fence Question Solved. B 4 UHUEHlNG FOB 9:; To ilc lb CARRIAGE BUILDER REMOVED |7 so??? ARNE EAST OF A. G. BROWN. 11,4 BRISTOL’S suuaa-cogren ‘V. TURNER, SAFE and up 511w , . snaps, rrycombs,

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