0mm! Immac- Anne! Phon- 1"" A m Ind woven remedy for per- m: colds. ofephoe bund- mflh end because a! he elm-ep- “a nature drives out germ: end ee- Iu nature to 'll‘d on queue. 'u.ooA non-u. Y!“ Y Y“! \hâ€" on INSUEE [N San INSURANCE m.lmmneollnonoodunh not Q minty. (or It II n luv-t4- lm you Mn and. for th- doll“. m of nimbudnz you. should VII I. no Inlonnnu :- to cum: In. or Injury. ch.) Knish. do not we" not do. an.» Imme- proton. you In“. You (arm: you nu (or Ild no not}: Thonfor'o bare in Sun Insurance through TI. Lawn Block, 810nm OIL In. Boothh'y was out from Tor- onto our Sundly visiting her home here. J. M. STOREY DBUGGIST '1‘. Hon. 0‘ Quality Drug- mxl noon To ï¬nd u wall «mm Bah" In. our! In A mull town. We mm to dellvor the beak bmd and one. that an be ptodueod. 11 you huon‘t tried our product to lo I! once. Tow-n Ind conn- m delivery. AMBROSE STOVER Teacher 0! Planotone. Playing and Theory STUDIOâ€"LEHMAN'S BLOCK Phone 4801 CREOPHOS MOFHMSCOTIA ABankmg Service YouWill Apprecmte THOMAS m Mao Rut". “9.300.000 Rm 3245.000. 000 “mm-m. bankingurvlcethn “ammummm mmhmwwnM-"flm? warms-mâ€" hd mhmdmyomcouecdom “I! mumâ€"â€" mummmWwâ€" Thin and. Wu barium Wind?!“ mmuâ€"umm.md Baker RELIEVES BRONCHITIS HAN GS 0N COUGH tint @m monffmlifle mailman and the Orlmchnupu-m BIGGEST PRIZE LIST MARKHAM RACES EVER OFFERED. .. The bl: mine “It to be canted tho come-unt- In the In! day at the plovluu much to be bald I! (he ‘Iunlclpnl run: on Oct. 11th. 1- pro- m: m Inn-t our cloud lot a oneâ€"d†event. In Ontario mun: couluu. TN- lntonutloml Plowlnl Dutch in! be hold (mm Oct. lllh to the Nth. but the an: on, II 00101] In churn or North Yorl. mt York And Klu and Vaughn Paula: A:- Ioohtonl. The boy- In thou clubo no out to nuke thelr port of the bl; "out a mom. Through the gonor- onlly of the people at York County. they an able to oflor over .1300 In cull And [ood- tor the nm day only. 11m ll comment to the lot-l print ‘11:! for the nmolnlnx three day: which I: undo! dlrocllon o! the Pro- flnclul Anon-non. Only ruldonu at York In" plow on the ant day. ,_ ."_ __, ,.-r. __ . -. __,. Prlu Hlll wlll be on‘; next week. Innounctng the locul 'ovonu and the prlul clued. ‘ML Sanders came east owing to the dean: of his father. the lute John Sudan. for many yam A local ‘coal muehint Butter 3 Bun............ ...... 4T Alsike ............ 38m S‘ hu When! n............. Barley ............ . ..... ‘ New on: 55 Potatoes ............ ...9< On Tnudey Rev. E. 0. Sender- leit on hi. return journey to Oren- iell. Salk. where he in putor oi the United Church congregation. 0n Bnndey it we- with keen delllht that nanny heard thll old Btoulville boy deliver the evening eennon in the church where he spent his boy- hood dlys. He preached irom the words at St. lurk on -printed in chap. 12. verse 34: “Thou art not [or from the Kingdom of 00¢" The Ipenler delivered I powerful appeal to those who ply the honeet dolh: end would do no mnl. but Itlll no outside the Kingdom. to tote the great Itep that would menu eternni liie to them. Aloe! the [rent lnejor- lty oi‘ éhnrch goer- todey no doubt- less to be iound in the nnke of those “just outside the Kingdom of God." .He epoke wlth conviction. and no one of the "lode oi Stanl- ville" not no very long no. his words must link deep. and leave on lndellhle impreeeion on hi. congre- getion 0! tin! evenin‘. Send the Tribune to absent friends. During m tenure at yous, the tormenllethodiu church lent out 3 men for the mlnletry In whom they my be {may proud. They no Chancellor Chan. Flint. Rev. S. J. Clarklon, Q.D.. and Rev. E. G. San- de", B.A. AN OLD BOY PBEACHES .........'... $1.25 ..... 73 bus. 56c. hnl. ...... 904:. In: :3». lb. ...... 41(050c. . 33 to 8107“}: The Westminster Guild held a very interesting meeting last Thursday evening. .‘ goodly number were present. The following program waa enjoyed. Heading. Blanche Tophnm; duei. Mrs. N. Geyman and Mrs. P. Spofford; scripture leunu, Mia! Edna Hnuck. Topicâ€"A general outline of the Camel according to St. John-â€" Dr. Gray; organ nnlo, Bruce Deman: Bible content. The program was in charge of MI." E. Ranch and Mini Helen Stone. I mums Yumâ€"0n August {1. 1021, to Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Ynko. con. 5. U:- brldxe Tu. I daughter. SmUI-‘va, ONTARIO. mummy. smmaaazznd,1m 7 [ On Monday evening a‘humber of ‘the friends and former companions 01' Miss Currie White gathered at her home to shower her with slits and good wishes on the eve at her marri- age. The Junior Mission Band sale at Cauhel corners held last Saturday afternoon was a splendid uucceu. Oren! credit In due this energetic band. Mr. and Mrs J. W. Lehman spent a short time with Mr. A. J‘Shefler. Stnyner. while on a trip to northern points delivering woollen goods. Miss Blanche Hisey oi Streetaviile is visiting friends and 'relativeu in this district. Wedding balls are ringing. Don't forget the corn roast to be held In Houck’s flats on Friday even- lug. Several people from Almlra visit- ed the scene a! the wreck at Gonn- Iey on Saturday. ‘ A- null 'Illrhhnm rm will pro- ud. n bl; Nolan 0! home hell] The ch10! flu: in! nu- nvouu In Friday Ind autumn. 8.9!. u nnd 04:1. In. How In tho olllelu pro- gram: mu" 1." m)! or Mooâ€"Purl. "00; l mllu. but 8 In 5 null. Pony ruo~Pum us: ll hund- Ind under; but I In a bun. inc-[oral] he! or Putâ€"Pun. "'00; mil. hull; but I In I. Hï¬-mlle Sluplochuoâ€"Pum .100. and the Brodie Silver Cup. Hydro electric current was turned on In Stouflvllle all Monday after- noon, In order to allow the workmen to Install the necessary transformer and other apparatus at Mount Joy. that electrlc energy mny he extend- ed to Claremont. where they expect to be electrically IIghted about Octo- ber let. M-inllo Running "coâ€"Pun. uoo nlnllo duh. Pony r-co. ms hunal And unduâ€" Pum_8fl: hllf mllo; but I in 8. - Hunua hom- allglblo Soot. Ill. Rlden of running home to rlde In colon. No entry fee charged Ind no charge for Ilnblln; nee Dorm. Tronon Allowed 5 neondn. The local Anglia-n Church will hold thelr annual Harvest Thun- giving service on Sunday. Sept. 2591. at a run. The public Invited. Rev. J. J. Robbin. rector. After Wednoldny. Sept. 2811:. the hull holldly wm ceuc In atonmmo pull) “other Inmmar. The old~tlmp corn to." wu ro- vivod here one evening In! week. when young people from the “Mud Church put on I cobâ€"eating event In Memorial Pnrk. A navy blup I!“ can. belonging to June- Wlnhnrl of Lemonvllle Iehool. was Ian at the Plrk noundl, Sept. 12m Finder plum luvs at Tribune omco. There will be no [peel-l train from Toronto [or Mirth-m tllr. u udvertlud. but the regal-r mm will be prop-red to take care at the extra mmc. SATURDAY 1.30 Trot or Pantoâ€"Pun. .300: l mlla; but I In 8 Mall. Pony Ranâ€"11% Inna. tnd undo: purse us; bl" mIIo; but a" In I. 3.1! Trot or Fluâ€"l mllo; yum "00; but 3 In 5 huh. HIIfâ€"mllo Running Rueâ€"â€" Punt 8100; Ilnlo duh. Pony RICO. 18% md mad-Ir -â€" Pam "8: ml! mlle; but 1 In 8. M'mlk Running Run-â€" Purse uoo; uncle duh. ADDITIONAL LOCALS I! you wish to know whll people In, or you behind your buck. Intel: to what they may of otherl. The [9918 crop In nlmou I Minn In this district no hr in tho good winter vuletlu no concern“. An' interesting .Me of‘hotbnll we! played. here on Eemrdd night. when Cinromont won by I to o in the cup finals. The gems wee lively and f‘lnremont goalie um I 10! of hard lhotl. This game. u we underltend in not lennl. the referee having mil- 9d It of! before time, owing to the dune-e. it will he played over, and will alert earlier whether the players ere there or not. With the addition of I flew ver- anda: and painting tha building. Wm. Todd‘ hnn done something oxeany improve the appearance of ur vill- up. Someone broke Into Edgar Latch- nm'sA garage, but only took u tube mmy, . Mr. and Mrs. D. M. McLean of nmmnhud Mrl. ankle. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fauna. Potatoes are going up ln‘brlce. be- lng 9am Manyv tuber-5‘ Ire'_ reported to be rotting. Mr. and Mrs. John Relston and daughter of Pituburg. Ps. have been visiting friends and relatives in Stouli'ville lately. Mrs. Relston is a daughter of the late J. B. Flint, and was born in the house now occu- pied .by Mr. W. Stewart. Main street. \‘l‘hey have lately returned from a! visit to South ‘Americe. where Mr. Rslston is interested in the Sn Paula. and other Electric ‘R.R. He‘ is a brother of Major "Bob" Rslston, superintendent of Engineer's for New York City and whose services during the Grest‘Wnr were so sign- ally recognized. Mrs. Rnlston was onpocinly enhhuslastic and delighted with her native village. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Silvester and Mr. and Mn. A. S. Laney motored on Monday to Minden, a distance of 100 miles. touching Kirkfleid. Game- brilge. Miners' Bay and -Moore’l Fails. The wild scenery. the rocky road: and the beautitni tinted wilder- ness, with lovely rivers and lakes, makes this one of the most beauti- ful motor tripa. [j PERsQNALâ€" mi Mine Marjorie Stewart. doughter of Mrs. 13:. Stewart. Mill street. has entered Grace Hospital. Toronto. In (mining «- A nurse. A: e pupil of swuflville High School Marjorie showed good ability. which will stand her in good needy in the chosen proleulon. Ir. Harold indu- ll lunch] a couple at van on I uln to Now Yul. III-I. Arm-tron of Dolmll. nlooo of In. W. J. lather. r. the [Inn at or In. \I Mr um in. mall. hunk o! n‘oronto. In the [nut at In. M. Will-Inn. Ill! and. our Ibo took and. Mn. 8. Phllllpl of llndon. all!" at In. A. 8. ulnar. In tho non of the Inner for u [out Huh. 'ln. Wm. lordon ulurnod home on hilly. utter l three vuh' trip to Nlunu and olhor pluu. Munro. Arthur and Douxlu Kirby with the Illur'l two children All from Roche-tar. N. L. hue been on- )oylnl I tht u tha home of Mr. H. Kirby um Bullanlne. We are planned to be nble to re- port I [rent Improvement in Mn. 1". Willi-moon. utter : very savor. Illneu. the with Mn‘. R. N. 1mm- who I: m u the home or her non. Eldon. Hr. and Ian. anall ma unsh- lar Mll- El". Ilsa Mr. and Mn. 0. H. DAV-on. and Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Grove Ind children, were recent sue-b or Mr. and Mrs. Ella: Leh- 0n Wodnudny lut week ï¬r. no Mn. Nulun Fourth motoroa our with trlondn 10 VIII: ulnuvu In paling. Itch. Mr. And Mn. Hiram Alum u:- nounco lho cal-bruion o! the“ 60": nnnlnrury on Oct. ltd, no will b. It home lo rclulvu Ind trlandl. In. [on Run" at 'I‘orontmopom the week um: her plants. In. and Mn. Abrun Rumor. Church uncL In Thou. Bllln um angular. Helen. ulnar Ind nine of Mn. .lu. Hind. ll mum the lunar (or u uhurt Ilme. Mr. Chu. aim, x.o.o.r. ound Hutu 0! Ontario. and Bro. Mulcolm alncmr called on Dr. I". A. Dllu on Dunn-y lut. Nu. Dunbar Ind Mlu Irons Dun- bu of Dumb-non wan vhflnu with Dr. and Mn. F. A. Dales-on Thun- du Int. also H. B. Atkins, Rex!)- lnr Council 0! Phyllcltnl Ind Bur- geonl. and mu Roberts. chief clerk. Mr. And Mn. Lloyd Turner Ind Mr. Ind Mn. mm. Stover upon! Saturday Ind Sundu on A delightful motor trip to Nlugnu Fun And Bum-10.. Mr. and Mn. W. 1'. Power and Mn. Alonzo Pony": at Toronto. upon! "so week out! With It. Ind Mrs. H. J. Halley. GOODWOOD l H. S. WIrron. B.A., pastor 1 0 Sunday. Sept. 25th 10 a.m.â€"Sundsy School Reunion. 11 a_m.â€"Snndny School Rally in conjunction with congregation. Special program will be used. Let every scholar. teacher and friend oi as. be present. 'I p.m.â€"Rov. W. M. Bellemiih. B.D.. - Secretary of the Lord's Day Alli- ance. will siren the observance oi our Christian Sabblth. Those who attended the service: held last Sabbath in the United Church were delighted. not only with the address of Dr. Manning in the morning. and that at Rev. MENNONITE CHURCH Sunday. Sept. 26th 10 tumâ€"Sunday School. 11 tumâ€"Service conducted by the Secretary of the Lord's Day A111- ance. Rev. W.M. Bellamlqh. ED. 7 p.m.â€"â€"No service. 'I p.m.â€"Altona provided for by the president of the Young People‘s Society. Prayer meetings, Sept. 30. at 8 p.111. East clan. Joseph Beta. West class, Church. Altonn. Sept. 28. Church. - All are welcome. Open «Jr meetings are closed a: Lake Mnuelmnn. w. B. Whiteombo. Putor Sunday. Sept. 2511: "The Love a! this World"â€"aSundny morning at Sixth Llne Church. Sunday evening service It Baker HllL Not even the loud dld end time honored ramp meetlnn would drew eueh crowd. to Gormiey el \‘Inlted hero Int snare" nhernoun end all day auudny, to vhuv I'm; what of tin.- freight are fun north of the notion. Ten {relyht cero were crumpled up like much wood when I ClN.R. freight cruhed Into two etendln‘ trel‘ht one, Ineuntly klll- In. Lorne Smart. l‘od 27, or New- Inertot. end formerly 0! Mt. Albert who wn weep In the ceboole of the eundln. treln. Fourteen cetue were 11.0 dutroyed in the mix-up. It In uld the! the [nine were runn- lu loo cloee together. end when the heed one etopped [or repelre It our nation. the other one wee upon than bdon 323:5}: could be an: cat. The crelh occurred rlght In front of the home of Reuben Hleey. end the nohe of the lmpect we: heerd over at George Coll-rd'l term. Bev- erll thou-end people vlewed the wrecken. end wltneeeed the work of the euxlllery trelne eleerlns the trecke Ind removlns the debris. CHRISTIAN CHURCH E. Horton. palm Mr. A. J. »Wnrd will punch in the Christin: church next Sunday evening in the absence of the punter. W. W. Fleischer. pastor Sundly, Sept. 25th Bible School at 10 s.m. 11 minâ€"Morning service. Our sub- Ject will deal with a man who started lite right. We ahsil spank about his greatest single asset. 7 [umâ€"Baptism At the close of the evening service. David said "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path". Let us make the Book‘our Standard. m In Inn. of tho am an- t“. cont-Inn none. ol the tum-por- allou ol the Dunn um Ola-m Compnny of llrkhnn 70'“th- ‘l'hl- In on. o! In. olden «mouth: In Yorl County. ell-NW by (m morn than :00 non In. And huh"- lo Iuwrvlud by tin-tool. l! wu (ouud "noon-um to loop an ground: In repair. Two yom no u-Conn- cmor .1. A Mitchell 0! Blnlwood. lonln-r Ivllh olhon rnlud enough money to put (h- nonnda In good than. but D. In tel: that tho only ray to loop thll And other com.- terlu prounuble wu by I bond 0! man-uncut with power to impose ch-r‘u. we the Incorporation (ol- lowed. Falling ncllon by the town- lhlp council. 1! In “1d, lhll noun. mly be pursued by other cemetery bond- In the township and oonmy. E. (l. Sanders. In the evening. but were emocmly pleased will: the nnanxement and dlnplay of bun- mul flown-n. 'l'ha lhnnlm of th- conxmnnon ll hereby henrllly exlenl‘lod to all who gave floral mnlrlbullonl nnd nulnled there- with UNITED CHURCH .OF' CANADA NEW CEMETERY C0. 81'. um FREEMAN Rev. W. E. Fuller. Th3. Bonk:- negt Iiuncrllyrlt 1.80 9.11:. AMONG THE CHURCHES GORMLEY A. V. NOLAN. Publhhr AUCI'IONEER. mmmvm Graduate National Anctlon School Cunndn. Ellen magic to meet ownen approval wme RR. 3. Stonfl’vlllo (oidut on the Continent) Paid In death cllhm ' Paid to Hm: policy holder: 808.070.008.00 mvldondl Alone omedod the an“ claims by over In" I mlllloll Dmaomh Alma omodod um chin“ by over In" I an doll-ta. Auk to EwinHMMn-l LII. Pulley. omuoâ€"aundud Bank. lip-nun Pun. ome- 1011. 30.14.00 “to tun-acted nod council Adjourn“ titer pulling «a. iollowing Account-1 0. Wall-co, cutting "can. .0 10.00 I. A. Forum, Iidow-lk rap. 1.50 i Than In little bu-lnul to b. Flour tor Gritlond-n . . . . . . 0.00 h Hodglon. 15 MI 20:100.. . 5.00 ;8. Bull, grading Ind gran. ..120.15 1'. Hill. cutting wood- 0.00 w. Thampgon. rewiring . . . 18.00 N. l. Redraw. rep. Men. 1.50 Walla? Belch. work ...... 28.00 J. Alsop. culling weedl. . . . 1.50 C. Vincent. 20 you mvel.. 8.00 C. Gourlie. cutting woodm. 1.25 A. 17.. Ward. 71 ydl gruel. . 10.06 J. Kydd. 74 ydl gnvel.... 11.10 M. Wugg. 164 yd: gnvei.. 28.10 A. ngg, to pay blllnce grading and rep.. grueling ...... 230.00 On motion of Mum. Wags and C-therwood. council Adjourned to meet on Oct. 16th. for genenl bud- Luau DRS. IRA HERBERT mun The alumynuu dunes in the Int- ent thin; av. Mumlman'a lake. After a. couple of roundl the dancer II III puffed out. J. F. GI'IOI'IOII. mm: of the Pom. um a qument 0! number of juror: to be return“ by um Munldmuty [or 1013. Ir. Mu! lnxlnnd Interviewed the Count!“ requuun; repair. to tho 6th con. lwunp. hm noun 0! mo Newmnrket road. 1 Ulbrldu 'l'ovuhlp Council not on Bum-d", 30m. Nth, um: nom- bon all mt. un Roon. Charla- Lu. pruldlng. A oommnn‘catlol an recolvcd mm Can-ulna Good Rom- moch- Uon muutlng dnloulu Lo conven- tion to be bold u Nun“ nn. on Boot. 27328. 29. No action vu ukon. Notary Public, Coin-uncut. In DR. NEIL C. SM]!!! Honor and-nu 0! non! Coll-a d Dunn Inn-non and mu mammal“ You mm 0! mm OMIdm'I Play-lulu: and Sun..- omen: Cor. O'Brlu “I In: Plan. I" Rona man-u of non] 003.. of Dental announ- “II at m Unlnrdty of mu Bop-r Sudan. 0! Ron! 00“.- ot Donal Sum um at tho MACULLOUGH 8: sum m. comm. 0n":- UXBBIDGI TWP. COUNCIL E. S. BARKER, LDS. DDS. n. o. KLINCK. mu. ï¬g}. I a ll Ln. lion. Wot A M I to ! p.111. sauna-y n... Thus. I: luv. m Duflmmfunï¬mtfl 0:. 9mm Tu...†HAROLD A. SANDERS nmma. Wk. lnnon‘l Noel. sum“. How u Lu- IN 1000 THE MUTUAL LIFE on. In amm- I“ Markham "cry has." one. In War block amvmm" ‘ "i‘u oer 77 Elton. 1800! BUSINESS CARDS GEORGE KEAY i7 swim-nut Olly b7 moi-mu: only Cont-luau: Bonn PHONE 0008. o!