halfeuough room Lo displayonrgmdsor commotion om: immegsa crowds of customers on Thursdays and Sammy!- We also intend making some altemtitms in our present‘stme which will nemitam a. big clearing ot godds'at alteration price. so .the next two weeks look out for bargains as we have increamd our staff and intend making the goods fly. We have not time to Quote nrim thin WM]: 95: WA am hmw wnicn mu nenaitate a big clearing oi goods'at alteration Primaoithenext two weaslook ontfor bargains as we have increased our stafl'and intend making the goods 115’- We have not time to quote prices this week as we are busy marking down goods ready for this gigantic alteration sale All we need say is to come and see for yourselves what we are doing. Follow the crowds and you will ï¬nd us. as they all throng our Mammothand will now more than ever, as we are doing the trade and intend to do it, as we don’t carry goods from one seem to another. We always show the newest, the latest mid the but good- and at prices that pmllze the snail] merchant- who carry 01d goods at away up prices We show all the latest novelties in every line of goods. We make it a point to have every article in stock the best of its kind. Now, remember all dur- ing this tearing down and building up sale .we slash out the goods at Deva before beard oi" prices so just: WARM surprised how far a dollar will go in buying fmm us; it will startle you, especially if you have been buying in other stem in the town. and even if you have been buying in Toronto .you will see we save you 10 per cent. Now independent of the cut down prices and slashing out of goods our presenta- tion sale of beautiful silverware is still going on until the 30th of September when all cards are called in. TABLE A LARGE STOCK FURNITURE Conouully onhud It BUBKIICILDEB ‘ S Faun-«ll West End Boot Shoe Store IF NOT, WAKE UP! may; YOU . srzcxax. BARGAINS aBuilding Alteratkï¬sg Star Bed-spring- TRY OUR TEAS AND COFFEES. Baby Carriages Special fill the two fail Days 1:1 HERE AGAIN Pure Cheap Groceries. 0 $25 will be entitled to a. present as follows With a purchase from 250. to 50c. you get your choice bemtiful amber hair pin or gents’ patent collar button :h 15c. or a pair solid bone cuff buttons With a purchase from 75c. to $1.50 you get a canvas or gents' ring tie or a pair of boy‘s ï¬ne braces worth 150. With a purchase from $2 to $3 a mixibeautiful cufl‘ but- We intend giving the following special prizes for the fair days. Every customer buying a parcel fmm 25c. With a purchase from pair of gents' or Iadia‘ With a purchase from Startling Prices. OCT- 4TH AND 5TH. 'dish worth 32.50. h a purchase from $11.50 to SIS a handsome sugar a'ï¬ne sealette cap or a good hardwood folding table 9 presents Iii}? thfl RE THE F m by shut. nag-nun gut 1w J OIâ€"INSON’S e worth 50c. ase from $5.50 or ladia’ ï¬ne k 352 from $8.50 11 $2.50. 0,, _. e from $15.50 to $20 ’a beautiful 5 ; beaver cap worth $4. crowElâ€"Extra staff on hand. FRED. SPOFFORD. :dore The only place in FACT! Gallium-color may: and Dorm Mud-{l orth $4.50. for Oct. 4th and 5th only. and are al] for the occasion and will be shown purchasing, so don't miss calling at the «EIErand‘ New Studio. H. JOHNSON, AT‘ r' mudkoodl. new In kid gloves worth $1. ,0 to gs†a. beautiful cream jug VI. J. ï¬EREflS. fluid: In hu End In: with tho his“ I: "Icic- I moumriu Ind bun mil. India: 0 not nuipwd Ind but [try In “I. Dublin. we. wait 19'» M9“ to see our 156 Come one. calm: WEST END BOO PHOTOGRAPHER. ATIONS Photon-mu uiva him A an dF ’CCUPEBS HIS *ood sealette mufl‘ EIVCI‘ ‘n the west end at “in: stock m. BAR__GAl, N Hi) SHOE regulated ‘grw and n 250. uP- :3. Show] Block bottle I). STOUFFEB (10. ll: 'will "be adventageous to {on and interesting to us to ave you call at our- Boot and Shoe Store while attending our ' Fall Show" and see for your- selves our immense, complete and varied stock of Foot-wear. Just what is needed for the present and coming season. II Our stock 15 carefully selecb ed, well assorted and 'complete in every particular. Of course 'some people will have chap goods. We keep them, but we don’t recommend them. We expect to do a large trade in men's long Boots and Gmin Bals. and have supplied ourselves accordin 1y. You mmmse rain Bats; Men's ï¬ne Bals, Congress and Oxfords durable, stylish am} cheap. Our good reliable goods are what we recommend; they are satisfactory in quality and prices; satisfactory both to the sellAer and buyer. It would be a great deal better for merchant and con- sumer if there were no cheap, trashy goods made but then we have to deal with things as they are not as they ought to be. Ladies. and children's foot. wear in almost bewildering va- riety to suit all needs and tastes. Our shocmakers are very busy with ordered .. ‘rk and the endless sn'cam of repairing that is con- stantly coming in. Our village customers have been very considerate in bringing their repairing and doing their shopping" on other day s than Thursdays which leaves us free to attend to our outside customers on market days when there is such a rush. Welcome? ever welcome at “The Leading Shoe House." D. STOUFFEB 00. and no Ether nail in ills warlll an produce an ï¬gu- inhmm u that Of Wrginln. Some of our local comma yhn are romldarnbly anxious at the amass or um Stonflvllle rnirendeavorod recent- ly to deal it a crushing blow by com- paring the nominal «mount on the poster- with tho actual nun untamed on the prize lln. Mulch-m prize lllt bu n nomlnnl Imount or “600 but mu abort by over 01750. Uxbrldgo Inn 32500 but should have reduced It. by aver .900, Ind owing. we tap- in lake nonunion, Noun-rite: bad scruplu thou; â€uh: I coul num. With minim weather, Beonflvlllo (III It sure to be an unqualiï¬ed ant-1 can. And don't ya mun target lh All ldnne- nollcu Inlhe l- .1 column 0! (he Tun" a. meeting: or an mmmanm II which In udpiuion fee in ch . or from whioh I pecnnury benam ll dun" III! be pan! {or M. lhu rule oflann oenu not [In emh inlerL'Ion. no char-lulu: III-n evenly flu: cenu. When hill- m printed at lhit once at 1dvnniumon n a! un- manu m mum . brie! loo-l will be On Tuesday morning of last week Graham Bros. driver. which was tied to a post opposite MacNab's store, Clnemoui, managed to remove Its bridle and dashing across the road up- set the buggy. I! ran into Derusha‘s shed. dragging the vchxcle on its side. Not much damage. Mr. Thomas Balkrd, Syracuse, N. Y‘ writes:â€""I have been afflicted fur nearly a year inh [but moat-w-be-dmdeddiuuw Dyspepm... And 3% Lima worn out with pain and wmt of sleep. and afkr lryin al- most avcrytbiug recommended. I tri one box of Pnnnelue'a Vegetable Pills. I am now nearly well, and believe they win cure me. I would not be without. them for any If the roads are favorable to marrow Saturday) M.E.Cook.uf the Wenderers‘ Bicycle Club. Toronto, will make a century run to lower his previous reâ€" cord sf 8 hri. and 40 minutes. Mounted ‘on new! pneumatic, he expects to lower it considerably. The course will be from Toronto to Bowmanville, ï¬nishing at the Mansion House here. ough and'S. W. Burns for the plaln- I'm. C. J. Holman for the defendant. An lotion to set aside. aconveyancu made by the pluintifl, on the ground that. aha was an infnnu It the time of IE, execution churnof. Judgment for we plaintiff selling usidelbe convey-nus m question. No costs to either party. [inn Iron. Spofl‘ord has a. gnod house to rent. Spoï¬â€˜ord is building a new brick ad diliuu lo the Mammoth. W. Malloy or the Tmnnxa and wnfe, returned on Saturday last from visit 'mg friends in Forest and vicinity. and the man who boua the jib. It. is the superior qualities of A'er‘: Sampmilll let give IL its ucknowl gen] preeminence over all ulher blood-pnriï¬en. ‘ Chas. \Vntu, while landing somu commercial baggage at the G. T. R station one da_\ last week, landed one of those little iron-bound trunks on his toe and now a slit appears in his boot for the greater amfort. of the pedal digit. compounding, make Milburn'u Amu‘mlic Quinine Wine the criterion of excellence. Rev. Mr. Millard, pastor of the Bap- tist Congregakion. Clniemont, has n- uigned his charge,and intends to leave about Dec. 15:. The race of taxation in Newmarket for the current year is nincIeen mills and seven-tenths and separate school supporters have to pay $2.28! on the 9100 assessment. C. W. Patterson. of the ï¬rm of Crossley Sc Pntlersnn, King CHy. hm! been unpoiuuzd clerk 01 King township been unpainted clerk at King to instead of L S. Humbly, w gone into business in Toronto. Acollection wns taken un Methodist church last Sunday brethren of St. John‘s, Nfld', In in rebuilding iheir churches were destroyed by the late ï¬re. I: is educnhon that makes all thn MFMullpn v. Yake.-â€"J. W. McCull .. «v n , ,.,x_ THE TRIBUNE. STOUFI-‘VILLE. SEPT. 80. 1892‘ LOCAL ITEMS- He bougbphimsell a buggy whip His bay maré he said wns Inzy. Jemirmn. sinnrtghcd it 31kb,; grip' And said. 0!] isn't ft 5 daiéy. . Market Harness Shop F. B. Wicks warps. wuws; wmps LOCAL NOTICES Patterson, of the ï¬rm of EPntmrsnn, King Cny. has tiuuzd clerk 01 King township If L. S. Humbly. who has businem in Toronto. ‘tion was taken un in the church lust Su'nday for the )f St. John‘s, Nfld', to assist ding iheir churches which 'n lh all the g in th: differ- ditch MILLINERY Our Ihop is‘ new full of new good: a great way of them purchased Direct from the leafliaa British and German Manufacturers, 30m Mlsl Lydia Connor villted n: the home of Mr. Higgins. 0! Markham, on Sunday. ‘ ‘ 8?me menma â€"â€"You can deâ€" pend on genius: the pure full strength of all spices at the \Iarkeb Drug Store Farm of 160 acres for sale, good bulld|ngs, about 15 acres ï¬n:- class hardwoo'l. Price \ery low. it sold It once. Daley Stark. S. L Hoover has a stall: or beam. of the tree val-lacy. on which them are 1‘25 pods. Many of such would mate porcus feai- for his fata‘ua much luhrl- cam- would he required. Grocers should know. Ind in. turn lntorm their customers thugs chemist ndvisea that canned fruln should be opened an hour or two bafore- using. l: 1: far richer after the oxygen of the air has been motored to it.‘ An Ontnrlo health alhcnr recently received the following notion from one of the residents: “Dear Slr.â€"-I he; to tell you that my chlld. aged eight months. is euï¬'ering of measles a: re quired by Act of Parliadent." Mr. John Anderson, Gran-mam. Ont. “Titanâ€"“The Vegetable Discovery you sent. me is All “one, and l am glad to any that it, has greatly beneï¬ted [hose who hnvn used it. One mm in particular my: in has mmle him anew man. and he cannot my ux»_muul_z for its cleansing and cnmzive qualities" _ Lovers of the manly spud, the‘imh potato," as our southern frienlla call it, will have to pay ma for it than dur- ing last winter. The murphlcs this Season put on u lot 0! style and in the: lunguugfl of the street wen: “elegant. lockers," but when you reach for their true inwardncss with a hoe ‘hey prove just as smnllnud rotten as would many a stylish man. if you could get at him with a hoe in the same way. Mr. E. T. Bailey. Elklmrn; Mnn..writca:â€" My dunghu-r wns sick for eleven lllunlhu; she was nu while u it was possible for an): living breath r 30 Dr. William 31631.00. Brockville. 0 t. or Morristowu. N. Y, At a meetinz or the Executive Com- mittee orthe Stonll‘ville Young PaD'pla‘e Christian Society's Unlon it was de' aided to hold the ï¬rst meeting or the union in the Bnntiat church on Monday evening, Oct. 24th. An effort is being made to secure a speaker from :1 din- tnnce who is well up in the work of these Societies and who will be able to interest all who Attend. A paper will also be prepared on "The relntlon of the Society to the church. ‘25 cents paid nnm the paper will be lorwarded direct by the publishers till the end of the venr. when doubtless the recipient would be [led to continue the subscription on his own responsi- hility. Send us the 25 cents, we'll do the rest ! About 50 dclegntes from the various tempenuoe organizations in Toronto assembled Tuesday evening in .the meeting house of the West Enil C rist- inn Temperance Union, at L71 ath‘ urst street, to consider the ndvisehilit’y of holding a plebiscite vote on the question of local option at the next municipal elections. After thoroughly threshing out the subject the fact thnt the question of Provincial prohibition was still before the courts {or settle. ment was regarded as 3 strong reuon for not pushing the matter at the present time‘ it was decided, how- ever, to begin at once organizing, clubs throughout the city with 5 view of working up the temperance vote and getting into good shape for a future campaign. ~ THEY ARE FAVORITES ALREADY.â€" The Emma. Wells concert company as previouslv announced. openeda week‘s engagement in Dalev's hall inst Tucs- day evening. The company is com- posed at two ladies and three gentle- men. The ï¬rst night the company was greeted with a good house and the play. allon the quiet, more than pleased the assembly as the perform- ers took their parts admirably. The playing and singing of Miss Emma Wells already captivated the hearts of the people. She is the only i'our- voiced vocalist in America. singing in four distinct voices. Her plnnurenâ€" dltions are simply grand and have got to be heard to be upprecmtcd. Jennie Ray is also a favorite with the theatre gocrn while '1' E. Marks, the funny man. in [whole show of himself. Sufï¬cient to say‘the company is good and we bespeal: for them crowded houses for the balance of their stay with us. which ends Monday Oct. 3rd. Admission only 10 and 16 eta. I! you want a good laugh hear them. swan. wear. mime. Ida Bl... want ad. Dlvln- unleo m SIM-y II. 0:80â€: nu" p. ..m Bunduflnhoo “2:11pm. nnml pram mu 1 an Wodnudlv onnlnl WP 30. Yonu nnyllk Ilnu on Thu "1|:le MI I m an min: 7 sum LA" lut- Inn. Etna-gun "lam“. Sanka (n Dal an â€ll 5am“ Mlln. M on“! Almwlll mun“ on mm mm Nothing is so inlerustlng to an M» sentue as perusal of his home local paper, Many of our subscribers are in the habit of sending each \venk'fl Tm- uusa. after in has been rend, to some fnend or relative M a distance. paving one can: postageâ€"52 cents a year For Dim" afamumuu. nu.'r.nobku.pnm Ruldonu Al'bm 81.. loath. Divine unln starts-{I191 u mm Ll: d 3 day llll .. “v.4, mutiny Ivan Union "an In "loom 7 VETHODIST CHURCH, Ohunh Ethyl. HMNIIILï¬". J Fresh white lime at Baker's. Exhibit something at me Fair. Spoflord'a presentation sale closes We hgvc ever had now in stock Call and see our goods. So thug you will ï¬nd our prices _all right. §bNgREGATIONAL CHURCH. Mimi's Linimont euros Dandrufl’. Eiiurch Notices. MANTLES APTIST CHURCH Cheapest NEW Mrs. 1‘. Wilson GOODS The ï¬nest and .u‘Es' Pink Pillu uzflunllml for all In All “ï¬le 'or -Aln- Financial -Brokers. GENERAL The Sun Lira Insurance Company Mlu EH10 Hai I never: stuck or Illness last w but {a now much better. ,1: Wiï¬l never gets out or Jan. Miller. ‘ w 'ronlo. ll vlnltlng his brother, I. Mlller. ol the Manâ€" Ilon House. ' Joceph Rubi, lnmbic, Ry. unfl'er'ed from hmh win 1: humor. ull he wu pefle'cUy cured by '- Sunpuï¬llu. ofï¬ce. situated on can :Eas: Gwlllun- I: has been closed. can be aneceuful- a. Shrubmount the townline " hm- und VIII... Pb tor Su- Ind to Hunt Mica: Ddoy'a . Stouflvillu st Spoll’ord‘a. “the best new- nrlwt. muse... Bï¬z Illentlon The New Wlllil in: mucblne In} > work. The New W!!! In: clays gives ‘perrect aux-ram . The New WI In sllnplato mun- age We will! mm quantity 9! old mtslnataad monev In maule- mem of accouanllvealer. Dough- efly's The plan of ‘ a hall for reserved seats for the Fan-query concert wlll be open on and am: Monday. 26th XML, at Coulaon'» drug non. \thle gown: an: of his buggy In Newmarket a Mr dIVB age Arthur Patch. of Whuchurch. caught his foot. la the lines and fell heavily m we ground. brenklng Ma arm. V The New Williams is szroqg Ind durable. The apple-packing gangs are busily engaged handling the any [or the English mnrkat, and large conslzn- meme of {all l‘rulc u'enlready on the way. Last Suturdty was abipplng day from thls station. DALEY «Ezs‘rARK INSURANCE, ' REAL ESTATE The N running. nda Foraylh v. Parkâ€"J. A. Patterson for the plniutifl‘, moved to commu tha defendant lnrrefuninz to answer ques- tions upon his uxnminullon u n judg- ment debtor. J. B. Pactullo {or the dufundanc. Order made for the da- fendant to attend on Friday next for Ina-examination M. his own expuuse. Costs reserved. Pntrqnlze home industrv theNuwWilIlmns.1Camdian from your loc'ul agent H. Smufl'ville. , t, has n . rs‘ couw I. which will be held ll Daley's hall on Wednesday evaninn .Ocr. 5th. (the last night of the fair.) 6 comesawilh a zunrnmee tqmnko ll “Ian"? who hu‘e never “Inn" below And his name seems is indicate (hm: b will be Equal lo tlm task. A: Sinufl'vlllu fair, (let. 4th and 5th. the New Williams will be on exhibltlnn. Miss E. Pauline Johnson, the Indian princess and celebmwd lndinn pout- ess. who Is to appear at the rorcsturs concert on the second night of the luir needs only (a be heaidm be appreciat- ed. Her Indian descent lends pecul- lsr interest to her work. It is ï¬tting, said the late ankur poet. John G. Whittier. that one oi their own race shnuld sing the songs of the Mohawk and Iraqums in the English tongue. Don‘t fail to hear her. Exnminu tho New Williams and its work at Stoutl‘vxllo fair, Oct. 4th 5th. A trump tailor from Toronto visited Uxhrldg'e a few days ago and pretend ed to take ssiroll the following day in the country to Visit mands. 110' call- ed at one house and had his dinnur, after which he went lo the house of 1; Mr. Selley, and ï¬nding no one at home entered it, and appropriated whatever he could lay his hands on that was of any value, among which was s. sum of moneyâ€"variously stated from $10 to 840â€"and I locket and chain belonging to Mr. Sellay's daughter. While scon- stuble was being sought to arrest him he made hisuscape, and has not since been seen or heard of. All the work [in exhibition IN the the New Williams is the work of Cyn- ndian operators. Twn farmers named John Lowrie and James Wier, coming from Brown‘ a Camera. warp preparing about 7 o'clock Monday e'ening to leave the hotei shed at way. where lhev had been on bugintsa. Lowrie we. buy talk- in! to some men about something or other. while Wier. Mo was anxious to get home. backed out their two teams. One of the waggona in backing mshed up against the lance. smaahmg it down and frightening the horses in such a manner that both teams ran away. dragging Wier. who cinng lenacioualv to both teams, a distance of 60 or 70 yards, injuring the un tortunatn man an that death reunited almost Instantly Dr. Shaw who was summoned, notiï¬ed Coroner Britten. who had the remains removed to Woodruiï¬ Hotel. Money'_ jp _Loa.n 'lhe New William wlll In: a life: Anna in: bulb. (I! Innnnu Ooh. Wind's Wt cum Bum. M DLLEY Oriana “In! Prawn! New Williams Is quiet and light THE "Ell! SURGEON and buy machine, Har mun. rm Per Barrel RalleTflFlour BR: IPA Y No PM) FIT- Olin- Sundlrd Bank. Blonflylllu. Mu nun: Impar‘nl Eu lam-no. 00. o! Iandnn. nu. ' Poiléiu uuunsn m. yur mm .11 lb- ppglpml pnldnlgd. '13:“ ‘4! ,V," cm. con- ALL KINDS o! pollelu land. For (all pmlcnlln'ol lb: Onnd Autumn]! don Pnllov all upon I:- Teas that please everyboï¬y aim A“ 0"! slumgmom m"ï¬nn"-"u' In fom our . éummau Anouunvmd In annul- Ind In um had-o! [In Mdanwml and: â€WWW. â€WHORE“ Ind H 00A DNTBBD Am. {I l | (one ONE 0.1%??? I . yr b.“ n _1: amumxxs u [oykhlPQLIGY now. .... .. ........... .. i u t. BANKS chum 'holdm mï¬ln'iurgoucm; [Inn on lupin-flan. . New York Lifahxnrance Company, A. G. BROWN. Sea Spoflord‘a clothing dept. Huppv Thought Range (or sale at T. E. Tmll‘a. Mrs. Hollnwnv is under medical care owing to an attack of typhoid. Miss Pauline Johnson, the Indian Prtincess, at Foresters concert. Oct. 5! . , Int-Hid"! 1â€. Earl on“ f 0-: 330 ' Bnfldm‘ Mann-13" mifongflflm a! . 'Indn Bulldlnl. Ton-aw. m urmsumcï¬imi TufwnLn ms ac:- mmn m Henry Dixon is sufl'ering from an: attack of typhoid fever. but wu hope he may sonn regain his usual good health. Jacob Ynke has workman and is promptlv an‘ and watches. Mnjisu-ate Deuison, of Toronto. had 90 cases of violaflou or the liquor License Act baron! hlm on Tuesday morning. We have just opened whips from $1.49 each Just think of it n 6 1t. and other line» mumly Silvester S: Douvhc The annulrcon'yenllon of the Couniy anork \\'. 0‘3. U. wlll be held in the Methodist church. Newmntkct, an Oct. 41h and 5th. beglnning on the “lemma of the ï¬rst named dav uml pure. The hu'mral sermon of C. Mitcl child, who died with diphtheria a weeks ago. will he preached in Christian church at Ringwood, by Rev. C. H. Hnincr. pnslnr, next 5 day. Oct. 2nd at? :80 pm The Rev. Alfred Osborne. D the debt. It gives us plensun Andrew Smufl‘er. whu ‘ two years hue successï¬ number of singing cln: commenced operation! flies. Mr. Smuï¬er al‘ Tessons on the violin n We believe that thosx advanced in “unit In ~l'cssonli on the violin and voice culture. We believe that those wlshing to be advanced in their musical education cannot do better than place themselvea under Mr Stoufl‘er‘s instruction. The gmt demand {on plrmnt. sale and reliable antidote lorrull nifectionn_9f_ 9h}: 9m; mm accuuupumx mgqvp a; hde the peer from if! beneï¬ts. Tho Toronto Weekly Empire has produced a premium for its new subâ€" a:rlbers this autumn which really calls for special compliment. The proprla. tors of that paper lmve prepared a 11311me picture of the Conservative members nl‘Pnrliamcnt. well arranted. executed in the ï¬nest type of photo- grevure. and printed an excellent paper lor framing. No premium given away with Newspapers this veer equals lt. The whole ipicture l; large, and when set off by the tasteful oak frame, which is so feshionehle l nowndhvs. will melee At very handsome adjournment to the home. in the centre are the members orthe Cabinet while grouped around them are their supporters in the House. The pictures at Cabinet Ministers are large in size and every oneis an excellent likeness. in the centre the photo of the Premier is by far the best Sir Sohn Abbott hes ever hsd.while the: ofSir John Thomp. son, the famous leader of the House of Commons, who is represented standing with his hand resting upon the table. an attitude he often assumes while ed- dressimz the Home, is llten‘iiy n speak- ing likeness. The photos of the in- dividual members are upi l; they ere not smell and unrecognixs le. reeuir- ing a micrmcope for indentiiiostibn, but the Conservatives of every county returning a Conservative will. in this group possess an excellent likeness' of their member. An :1 work of srt this group, picture takes hlnh rank; ufsn eeeeptnblo addition to the Conservative houses of the land it will be pretty sure moirenlste from Vancouver to Hell- fnx. The picture. to give sn «not Ides oi its importance, mouuresfl [bet BAKING POWDER Pickling; BARTON’S None Better. TEAS 200. per pound, SPICE. Telephone Store. JOHN RLLIOIT. AMI. employed an A1. prepared to repair good style, clocks Twine be thrown )3 dozen now down to 10:: “Mp for 10¢ zood udue a: Mitchell's ole that ‘5};er “Ice liuu few the the xgl‘ THOS. E. TRUI 4L. Summer -:- Goods! Stm‘res Remember, HAY RACK 10 be found Influx In the mid. as you can (urn v salient u continuance of the sum engines. HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE See Spufl‘ord‘s advertismenr. See Spofl'ord‘s new mamliugs. 3 (arms to remâ€"Daley'é'k Stark. Call“ T. E. Trnll‘a for coal and wood stoves. See our Id.. re stores. we can give you a cholw of 30 cooklng stove; Silâ€" vegler Daugherty. Aaocial will be held this (Frldayl evening in the Congregatlonal church under the Iusniccs of the Y. P. S. of C F. Addreu by Rex-A J. P‘ Gertie B. A.I Tornmn. Barreshmenu will and has (“Ind canes w other tux-uncut. The PM Albert M‘ tond holding- Lhal home on Sunday a: and 8rd. Services conducted by Rev. ll r m. and by MI 3. m. ’Tnn and em dnv evening. Add Sh Honry Tyler and party passed (branch Stonflvflle on Saturday oven- lng hm on I tour ol lnapectlon. Thuv went to Jnchon‘l Poll“. Incl rcmllned than over Sundny. Sir Henry ex prou- odJmmell In well plum vmu tho weapon“! muking the Palm 1 “and nurnnier {econ for anomo poopla Thuvl to W. B Sunder! ko maxed the £mpmvemonu onhu hkavlow pnmhu and um um would uahflah I‘ mum: than md perform whatever othor lmpmvementl they wandered noose-try tn: the ldywwment of me point. A few second hand Stoves for sale cheap. COOK STOVES HARDWARE Heaters, COAL OR WOOD. Call and see my stock In this line must go in order And a full stock of TINWABE 5LEAEI _AND.. AGRIGULTHRAI. IBIOI'I EYERYTI-IIN G ~ANDâ€" l STOUFFVILLE | | WORKS. | THE PANTRY \lk We have a large quantity of them on hand; best quality prices bound to suit SUGABS, all grada, at hard-pan prim thodi CHOICE COFFEE S. PRESERVING TIME IS AT HAND. {CAUTION A. FLEURY S035, CURE!) MEATS. we lend the trade in GBucERIES. ' TEAS and COFFEES a Specially. \\' nll ovmu wunh $15 (or SIB. overcmn word overcoat: won]: 58 (or ‘5. ac . M. Rudy made sum. the name reduction. . 1000 yud- prints. 25 per cent reductiuo. A big job in remix-nu. lee thin but prio Tweed dress goods. H yuda wide. from 0 drawers 1mm 25¢. each to 81; 1000 hdkls, 3! 500umplea of urpel 15c. and we. each; I grey flanncls 10c. to 40¢. In fuel we have the has! selected stock 0! l woman or child good squat: banal duling. o! the MR prices :- nlnngflcd The mom. ovum-an Sh mutton-u jun [Hindu S. X. Waring!" 8150 m '5. gnu ulna. 1500 new fall and wlnm mu. ‘ Wu an In“ every bay and mm In swuflulle Ind plan; come Ind see them. 800 ymdl Sequin [mum-5 per vd. m as. grand nlue. 10 use: mnw. We hnv Myrtle - Navy /V0/VE OTHER GENUINE. lunw accompanied I pn ware “king I tenth of Whuchnrcl: the mim- ahead “1an Mr. yud. Both tuvellers men t mnocnlu "nodule" m com: journey. wh|eh no doubt wm hme‘rtilulng dlversk chum was um Rouble Sen Span" Spoflard : ide for 84 YOU WILL WANT make mom for our lat On Tuesday WflliTll READING. J. H. RATCLIFF 6:. CO. EACH I’LL'G OF THE 1N BRONZE LETTERS‘ new Th‘ I‘ll I1 IS MARKED Proprietors. am J. J. RAE, THE WONDERFUL CHEAP MAN POE nbled s. M. WARRINER, TED T154 LE1~ roan, In on)» Wanda-w ivhirl in Tl: lk “loll M! no d be An ‘DP consignments of Fall G A. 0-_E- \V. Stoufl’ville Lodge, No. 109. I. 9._F. - Court Stoufl'villg, No. 329. l'. C. HAMIL’NN Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire and Life THE MARKET DRUG STORE {k W; ï¬ï¬ifï¬ï¬ï¬. opposite the Market, WALL PAPER EABHFAEE‘SHUP. CEITEIIIIL SHIVIIS PIRLOI Militia B'EULQA THE PIHIS TOISDHIIL FIRM“! DOREN\VEND MlLLlNERY MATERUL, grown“. Kati-methamphetam- vbinityu win M will tonne: uni hon. m- THE PIONEER. qmbe‘nhtin Ill and will gin m IS 30D GOODS nice Agent HAIR