Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 10 Aug 1890, p. 3

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GREAT BAAAAAA HOUSE? T -TA IN Mk Skirting [Ads from Skirting munideflf for E FineDnmSetsat The Terrible Slaughter This is the Greatest Sale Ever Known. This month only. Store J ammed from Morning till Night. yunjs Striped Seatsucker at 5c, worth 10c. mi: yard yards Benn; Seamuckerat 6c. worth 150. per yard. r')’ Shining at 5L; worth 8c. per yard. This month only. 'l‘h in month only This. month !" “I!“ 5.0,- MAIN $1.. STOUFFVILLE. SPOFFORD'S naeoflOeSlmka-Flannel marked down, to lie. mmxmthislinefm-it wiuamgoalfiwft my more. 5r uooyudsorgood Shaka-Flannel‘c-pa'ynnl. lsofRibbon at 519. peryud. marked all our good perSam-sucker $60. 5 children: lime: 5e.per pet-pair worth 150. e- 8e and l0e.pe rpair. worth double. ' “ Den gins Lcmeling worth 10¢. for 5h. perm to be sold at so, 100. and 25c. worth double. mi mm from 50¢. upw idery for 39cw worth 7 1d for $1 per yard we worth $1.50 a {hmem Shawls, with 81' mm Jill Corsets worth 500. for ”a, and a mu- 3 to pick from. GaFu an a win: ship FRED. SPOFFOBD. per pair. This month only. J00 yards of Cream Seamucker, all fast (it. per yard, and a big pile of Seamucker dwwellasCreamSeamucker has. f 1%.. and 150. Print for 19¢. pure Silk Handkerchief; worth from $1 1, will go this month only fox-60¢. each. name to sell them at this {nice but we lat so... 100. a Sammcker at 5c, worth $1.00. 3; Cotton at 45c, her, we bought 2 rise in price; - This month only. wry Cotton. mllyxrdwidgfium4npa' only. This. min-til only. ur .30.. worth 50. per paper :u =.('. fur a dozen vards. for]; ryt must rre to e the ich axe sold 1y all shades worth 50¢. per yard. Hose. quh from 100. up to 30¢. per This month only. Now, these plum. Don't miss taking ten pairs. 'hoice Hose to fit children I'mm eight zeds: in Qatar it} IN ALE 1-10: clearing ale which will do umelvthognbpand jump am for 15¢. per our shelves for m- yard. Now '[lR This month only. for 25c. worth 20c. each mli trih double. EH worth 15¢. per yard. , worth 150. Come and see per yard. Twenty pieces plum which won't last long : if you miss them. He. per \ard1 worth 12ic. per yard, woxth 12m. Will n, \en clump. nods for 10¢. per yard .‘lothing in th‘e Dominion ham manufiwtmer’s prices go. We have marked placeuf some lines out. worth and worth$2peryard per yard 3nd not rusty. tbs and prices: and Ge. per yard. c and 20c. 1‘ pair, upwards. 1t fium 290. per yard >111] 15c. Prints Mr 100 rl' 5b WM )rth double. 6c. per yard. 1rd big lot for so. per dozen yards. 5c. per yard, all this is a terrible t0 3* each BIJIHKBII. miflllfl nlgn Dc! In the uddltlouul subjects N mutrlculatlon um wlll luv hted i! he succeeds 1:: ol second club certificate. ’I 46 young Indies successful, sixth o! the the tom] numl lug. The title are npltl forwnd In educatlonal clrcl they keep on the young me be“: the mlnorlty The a your in Jolin Earhart Brown d Collegiate Institute, ‘ first in honor eludes. nu Euglllb. history Ind gear Bum!) and nlxtl: ln Frencl u; extrugdmnly good pl: gallant youths, {air maidens and bent:- dlcta disporting themselves in old Sim- coe's billows in their bewilching and becaminz bmlu'ng suns. Some at the lwninl thought that it was "awfully jully. you know. " bathing in the spray aecompluled by a water nymph. Un- doubtedly a certain fat man mind off firs: prize for gems' best fitting :03- tume. Everybody returned home hap- py except a few of Isaac Walton: TleSnIJIBCunpuy at mm 6c. Mu flannel 11me III when It Spolfmd's. Red up binding wine in the but, :2 Oliver Harman's. Mr. Frank Minus.“ Agimourtmenl this wuek no Dolenine, Man. The Misses Patch. 0! Aux-om, were viuting friends in town on Tuesday. Min Riley, of Newmarket. is lhis week visiting n Mus M. i'crgusau‘s. Mrs. G. W. Lloyd.of Brooklyn, N. Y., is vikiling friends in Sinuifiillo and vicinity. Wednesday will be Simon's cm: holldny. carry. . The Senate 0! the University of Toronto met Thursday afternoon Aug 1th, wd adopted the report of the examlnera in the June matrlculgtion. About 350 mdidttea were examined. [)1 these 225 matriculated completely; 31 have to take nmpplemental exami- nation ln September, 18 other: will pass on the presuntatlon o! I]. class certificates (ram the «location depart- ment; in all 281 were successful in obtainiuga university standing in arts. ThirtyJ‘onr failed outright, but hnv‘e an opportunlty of presenting them- selves again in September. The fol- lowing candidates from theHighSchools in thlu vlclnity were successful;â€" Hr. Geo. Bmmner has ducnndnued his bakery bulw- hu'o And has taken I situation on King St, Toronto. Don't bhme Spom'nd If you miss hat-guns far In: is bound to sell 0]! his Inge Stock before he moves to his new Markham:â€"J. (5. Qt W, J. Stark, Bloomir Mute: Ron Flam-x ll Haunting at Aaron. And his in: is lighkd up will: joys; ‘ For h: ulcnluu Ilia: colic \Vuh ils hitch“ dinbolic. Will simian: uncl doublc up (be boys. . Blush BALL. -â€"To»day (Friday) at 2 o‘clock p.in., I base ball match will he played on the driving park between we Senior bcso hall club of Smufl'ville and the l'nlonville club. ' Admission 10.:H ladies free. A good gums expgcled. Mr. and Mrs. D‘ Stauil‘u lel‘t last evening for Grimsbv Park. They tnku :nin for Toronto. and boat from thence to the Park. H in their intention lo visit Wesley Pll‘k u them-gun Falls on Tueodny Inn regnrn on Thursday. Fun: A 'r Srrourrvuua. â€" Having aver] 1 large quantity of la- and feed from the men: fire in our milL Ind which is now stored in W. B San- ders' elevator. we are selling it at low- est prices in order nu clear this stock out.â€"“'heler Bros. Lindsay Wardenâ€"“I: is rumorei that Dr. Sangster of Perl Perry, has been from his Bugnt pen." I! you do not findnn item of; reference in these columns that The York Rangers aund first in the rank 0! efficiency in conneciion with In: late military campat Nhgam. mak- ing 75! points. 35:]: Simmeb Foresters conic Qua with 713 points. 3rd place, 57th Huldimand Batuiion, 709 points. sill: fitb “‘emavorth Battaliun, 706 points. 5lh,36lh Peel BAILJOE: points. 6th 34th Only-in BntLtfig’i pqiuts. 9n AN ACCIDENT POLICY STOUFF\ILLF. AUG. 1 THE TRIBUNE. LOCAL ITEMS- The urly I ple meth, Aid lh tr hummcth For ”5 Per Anni. Um WWI“ m except I. iples. Wm run and sixth In French. This In xmwrdmuy good placing. He “no Knry Unlock cluslql lcholu. ln d Prints of Walca lchollnhtg Rail. DALEY, appear: to be div; GYM mutation; to lhls ofiico qyefiean cheerfully put mm : lusrim‘ok nnnlz, Church Elll nglon. Uxhridge mpe. Ncumarket i rather tale“ 00' mud-dc. ‘mlly kn' ncchus“ bme dfl'er to trunk!) DaHy .pen and a o‘cll. The d would be P" In :wlnglng. thwlake :r (In: day him. not 'I Ilnh to 'clu mn- Fridn toad of blame :d the (ll! {In [In Thin-an mm: In tho I wlll be MMH'I means-nonu- yen. Mr. Thom Arnold, a! MC. Albert, Immanuel m. Philip Cook on Sunday. Huuun conncllwfll mom ans-mm. the l km. .3 Web- ber'l hotel. Unlonvllln. The Earth-n: “11120 by [IV to nine $1600 for HI: I: School pnrpuol wu darn-w! on Sunday by_ a vote of 46 Go 31. I! the nuns: oftha Manda visMng you do um nppeu- In 9M 'l'unuxu u II no tnult or om We we willing to print “um All. The local news msrket may beqnotl- ed as somewhat quiet thls week. busi- ness in town being quiet wading the ‘ operations of the i’srmers in the fields sunonndlng us which are "white unto harvest. " in every direptlon the sound of the harvesting implements is heard. and the hurt or the {ulnar is made zled by the heavy crnp which Is re- werding his year's work, and the cool pleasant wegther which renders his lo: bars in tho. harvest field ls . WW0!” than usuel. Hence our b nes- man no satisfied with 3 little quiet times, in hopes that their harvest will come, who the harvest home has died nwgy in the land, and even the newspaper ‘mnn fondly dreams of the time when hls burns will not hold the harvest of subscription 3 3 Q 5 that will flow into his coders by-qnd-bvâ€"ln the sweet by- uud-bv, so to slush. ‘ lmitaticn washing silk» and chsllie cloth for 41:, nt Spoflord's. I married a widow who had a daughter. My father visited our house frequently. iell In love end mur- riod my step-dqmfllter. Thus my father beams my son-answ, and my stepdaughter my mother, because she was my fs‘her's wife. My ate daugh- to: had also I son, he was 0 course my brother sud at the same time my grandchild, for he was the son of my daughter. My wife was my grand mother because she was my mother's mother. 1 was my wife‘s husband and grandchild at the same time; and as the husband or upersau's grand mother is his grandfatherJ was my own grand- fnther. When this pleasant position befalls your lot we would be planned to send you a copy of the Taiwan free for one year; while waiting for tint time to come, send in your dollar sud receive the Texans: which Is I: to the times, and you will keep paste on whlt is do- ing. not only in on! own lmllty but whet is poms done all over the mntry. Sumatran. new In Mndu whlpa. M. (“Iver .I Hlmn‘l. 90 «scum. mined-for be. per 315:: I! SW1 h I: currently new 0-: Fully meal will um Nov. 1m 8 Ibrdtn I. gnu during-look ht n; and moving-uh combined. Bond Spoflnrd‘a udverflnment, will do you good. Ha {a bound reduce his stock dnfluk the month August or else know why. The man-l full exhibition a! the Whitchumh Agricultural Soclaty will be held at Stnnfl’villa on Monday and 'l‘uosdny. Ibo 6th uld 7th of October. . Mr. Armin- Unswonh, of Toronto, who Is home {or his summer hand-ya; in in chm-go of Bmun Co. ‘a drug stare while Mr. Coulson la rmslwlng with his family for I fun (1le at J I:- sou'a Point. Spoflon‘l‘a sun Ina been junmed mu \vlth customers all thls weak, and will be I“ mouth for no is selling goods mgnrdleu or cost as he ivnntn mono“ and la going to go: it too. Mr. Mar-mnemkmn- lain-win Customs, Toronto. spam from Friday till Monday with his Pl . and liner. Miss ume Cook, of the Bast end. He mndu the trip on his bicycle from To: rent» in 1.45. - A Jame stock of envelopes. note heads. latter heads. statements, em, received this week at the Tammi- office. If you nrqin need of anything in this llne give us 11 call. We gnu- untce satisfaction in price. quality and style or work. Mrs. Oliver. widow of the law Geo. Oliver, who wu klllad In the Athn disaster recently, wns presented on Thursday evening. It her residence West Toronto Junction with In ad- dress expressive of the feeling of the Junction people and I cheque for .354. the proceeda of a garden puny held for her benefit. Atammting of the School Bond hold on Wadnesday evening the appll- union of Miss Mary F. Gnuton. of l-‘lcslmrzon, was acmpmd to till the vmucy in the junior department or the Stouflvillu public school. Min Gnnlnn has recently secured a second class professional certificate from tho (nmwn Normal School.nml comes hlgh- ly recommended by the Public School lnspucmr of South Grey. 13‘ recommended by the Public School lnspuccnr of South Grey. The Division Courts for tha- County of York for the month of September sit as follows:â€"Toromo Elm, Sept. 2311!; Markham Village, Sept. Glh; Richmond Hlli.S«-.pt. 5th; Newmnrkct, Supt. 3rd; Suzlou, Sept. 4th; Aurora, Scpi, 2m]; Woodbridgu. Sept. 27th. n dlilncllnation to prosecute the man My) allows his land to become A hot- bed of weeds and A general nuisance to the community; and besides, the ob- jectionable plants breed and thrho by the roadside in defiance qr the best work of the lemahtors, and énco'uragod by the I'ndifi'erent vigilance of the com munlty . snciet-ies'm predicate the amount at thelr disposal ln preparlng pnlzc llsta. Canada thistles. wild mustard and pigwccd caminues to grow npnuv, and the alr ls filled wlth the lnmenmllon of the farmer afid the ugriculturnleditor. Prudence said that the thiillcl should be cm before thev began to scatter their seed. but they were Allowed to Supt. \Vcsl Sept. Sept. AGRICULTURAL Gn‘wr .â€"â€"RL'turns from the township societies in the Elec- torinl District of North Yorkmre as fol- lows â€"Kin;: 200 mombera Whltchurch -01; East Gwillimbury, 206, and Geor- gina and North Gwllllmhun Union, 1-16- On the presumption that the grants to the above societies from the government and county will be the same as last yenr.the total to each this yenrwill he as {ollnws:â€"â€"-Kiug. $135:- 4«1:\\"hitchurch.31:16:12; lust U“ ll imbur).813J:-13 Geo: gins pnd North (.wnllimburx. $558 :87. These figures ma) not be exact to a cent. but thm will be found near cuongh for all prac ticul purposes to enable the several societies to nrcdicato the amount at The Ontario County Council at the rctcm spaciiil meeting was occupied solely with tho questiuu of bridges. A by law was passed fixing a span limit of 50 R. as the shortest on which the J In}! government and c mmu as last year.“ your will be as folk +1: \\’hitcl]llrch. s m. Sept. 91h. Jury 16'h: Tor Sept. 261k; Toronto West, h. Jury Caseszâ€"TOrDHm Phat. "h: Toronto West, Sept. l'hh. mt Summonsoa in @romo East 111.. West at 2 p. n1.Y on Sept. l. but they were allowed to l the 5":- jsl fillu‘. with tho mla- little its ofdoqm. The ter- the law have been evoked mods. but In vain. Their is Sépt. 37m DO! I ma hue ball match Ihll (hldly afternoon. 50 dull not: worth 01-00 put not 50- m; u Spolord'u fur 35°. Ilr. W. H. Hull. 0: move of Muh- hm. wu lu town yummy You can go: the but binding who u HIM pllou It Oliver 3 Human. Mon-v 1'0 low At a; per ant. No commission MW. mu, ”arbiter, Etoulhflle. Mll- Ada Robinson. daughter of Dr. noun-on. or Markh-m, 1| vllltlng- at Dr. FA. Freel‘a. Riv. Kr. Booker. at Blanham, will grant In :ho Bnpzm church next nndlv evening. Annnususi amount or interest In “W runto lndustrisl Exhibition is be munlfested on the American aid“)! Ihelino. Numerous applies- “0 Mm United Stam' exhibitors hn been received, including one from a manufacturing firm in Cleve, innduvho ore desirous of showing -the typogrnph in operation. This instru- ment, should it come into gonernluso, will clrocta complete change in the work of newapnpor onions and grant] lessen the amount of labor requlrog, u by its did it is chimed an operltor am not up 5.4m “ems" per: minute. Olin-r cxhihitora from Buff-lo, Roches- ter, Syracuse. Bay Citv. Detroit, om, have made qppilmtlons for apnea. A numborol‘ exéursions 1m being or- snioedlrom dlfl'erent points in the {Inked States. Mn UNI Don short of Damn. ”IL. ll ”an; It In KIM" Barney'- [nmvi no. m. Wu, mute:- In the Markham High School. wu vlllflng thund- In town yum-day. Thimble-be"; Baum: I: a: [nod Ind Mr. 1). Forum secmd yummy 90 n»; of hue one». luk- Gco. Hamllwn, of’l‘oronto, paid his brother, Mr. U. C. Hnmlllon. A visit on Wednesday. 60mm places ‘0! 10¢. check and strip: mrsucker lurked down to 6c. per yard at Spomn-d's. ‘ Mr._E. J. Davis and (unfly conclud- ed their camping n the Palm on Tum-v and returned to town. _______ _ ,_.. .0. .u-.._., up. H. I". hulvh. 0! Manama. wok md- Innov- In mm Itho Tmtty University Mnnculnlon. Mrs. (Rov.)T. J. Denna". Ind Mm Annie Morris leave no daylSFrldny) on n 'vl'm to Manda in Truro, m Scodl. Mr J. E. Gould,Uxhr|dKu. In: been fluent-d u clerk of Fourth Dlvlslou Court for Ontario County. Mi; 6. A. Lewis. genenl agent of the ‘Muuncmrers' Life Insunnce Co., pnid‘an‘ll‘mjum : yhlt on TuesdAy A (own school boy's composition on en editor: "An editor is a mule whose buslnon la in investizqte a huspaper. He writer editorgls, grind; out poetry. Inserts deaths and weddings. sorta out manuscripts, keeps a waste basket. blows w the ”devil.“ stem matter. flies other people‘s battles, eels his pn- per (or I dollar a year, takes white beans. dead limbs, and apple sans for pay when he can get them. mass 1 WW3 mmlly.u'orka ll) hour: of 24mm no Bundey, are“ cursed by everybody, lives poor, dles middleagod and some- timea broken hearted, luavl‘a no money. And is rewarded for a life of toll by e lhort {m obliuery in a nuipaper." Mr'. John'Bmy and Mum- Bung: Ihls‘week vxmlng Manda in Bum! and-taking h: the hummnmn‘onl there. ' There was quite an 'oxciung owl hunt a! the west and the slim- night. Some of the bova had 1:. gm“ “owl“ time. . Mr. W. B. Pam, of Toronto. who passed the recent University examin- ation with'honnrs, is visiting n: Mr. Stme‘on S‘ouflor'n. Mn. .1. Bray and Master Claude smmd nn Monday for a couple or week's vial: with her mother in New York State. Tarflblo one]: in prices at Spolford‘a thin month so hurry up and get mm. at up bug-Ins at: them are lots of llnai' nearly sold out. Mrs D. Syplu-r and Miss Hattie Sloulenburg rammed Tuesday h‘om Chicugo. where they had been on a week's holiday with friends. Rev. J. K. Unn'orth left on Wed- nesday for Winnipeg; In enter upon his spawn and lime been playing good brill their cfiorts should be appreciated ln' avervhod: coming out and seeing the umcs. ”The ladies especially are invi -d to attend, Don't forget the dnY}HonQfl)', Au". ism. Miss Beatrice Dougheri), a pupil of the tnuil‘ville Public School, “as suc- em: in wearing it third class non- professlonal certificate at the recent examination held at Markham. This shows that there is no necessiw for sending pupils to High Schools or Collegiate institutes to prepare for this grade orcortiiicntcs, us our present stoil' of teachers are l‘ull\ able to undsr- tako all the work necessary to that and and a class could be taught uith the same amount of labor as two or three pupils. Miss Daugherty took science as an optional subject. \ir. Arthur Wilmett, lute professor of Chemistry in Antioch College Ohio an old Stouflvillo boy, was here W" week an a visit to Mr. Walter Percy and other friends. Mr. Wilmott has accepted a situation manhunt in Bar 'ard College. Muir. where he in- ten to prosecute his studies. He and iii-Ii’ercy drove to Newtoabrook on a visit, to Mr. Wiimott'u parents Mr. Pen has also lately returned from SI lite. Marlo where he oecup ledltha principaishl p of the Public School, and intends W; “tuition to complete his «rune at Toronto l university. from the Point. Ha im on Monday but took Hi and did not go buck til If you borrow vom- dcr in his absent-u lut again when In: wnmn nearly mum to grief this week. .\lr. Waller Burkcy, one of our Stoulrvillo boys, was nucceaslul in passing UH! terminal nnd promotion examination recently in the 'lAndon Collegiate Institute. Clins. Wang, G. T. R. swilcliman Ind baggagcman It the station here was In ken suddenly ill on \Vcdunu- day. Hu was looking after his duties as usual when he was overtaken win: I “to! upiloply. . Maui’s Llnllnt emu Danni. Burkcy, am: of our , Wm! Rucceaalul in ‘nmn it. as a citizen 'rier for not doingso Seldom hit: our town hen more lym- puhetionlly movdd the. rm condoned on Sunday In: upe- “panhandle milk new: lhu. Mn. W Wllm nddenlydlo ‘ “It the reli- deuoe ofllar dl Ger, In. {LEWIS 726 Queen 3‘. out, Tub). Bhe M here on Friday Inning but in company with her huh-Wing lo enjoy n few dry: vial: with her deughler in the oily Ind wu I really in her usual hmmmgrhawifimmm me! new ' n to he very uheerfirlmviug at. Tomato the got 01! It the Don nation, ulkad lo we BL end mokhhe streetcar in her dugheer'r residence. She did ,nol. oompllin of fatigue merche journey Ind everything went well until Bumrduy morning, when mar rising early and hav- ing ax mod - desire to Ian Wood are? hungh. mmenied by her hut In , event or , return’ shout. 8:30. Mr. mm then went :3 on a lime errand, and A few minute liter her daughter, Nellie, preeeived that Ilse was ill and ulled for Mrs. Slow-rt. The mother {hen naked for her husband and immediately expired. The cause of denh m- hunrt disease fmm whieh she he been Waring for the pun nix yeuu. At time- she was subject in sinking Ipelll end her dad! was not wholl un- awed by ‘3“! “P“Y- Dim-88'), W Cum-IMO!“ "Fe mad as bum:~l-‘mm ].Urquhut. Soc. Public SdIool Bun]. I! csfimnlu for pnblk nhool rposu for the cumnl year. which slated (:3: m: mount required would he 017(1); tho. from County Clerk, re county n15. Ruling (In! the mean! required for men] purposes In: Gals. mad for maintenance of lndquill Home $64.50. Amunl:.â€"From] for “no (1. of pine an: Keefer. Priming and W Th: Road and Bridg I: report of lb: rogre: veiling and I: min. mg when: and mask get to her mm friends. The funeml look plus at l a. In. on Monday. Ser- vices wen mnducled in the Methodist Church hm by the Rev. 030. Brown. listed by Rev. 8 Blnnohud. A lugs cortege followed her remains which "to conveyed to the Lumonvfllé Conway Ind interred by tho aide ofher «Ida! Council Incl u 8 [1 IL. mun nuflmn Racy: In [he chair The minutes 0! ham med ingjur: rad Ind Adana]. _ [cumâ€"be removal forthwith and III: completed and um the knee bu _hu|lt side a! gal land donninl.â€"Cal110d. Council adjourned unlil lil Tuesday John MIdEP, “shouts Buy, Inlonm u- lhnl be In: cured of I verv new": muck I daughtar'of the 1m; David McKanlie. of Mnrklmn wwnulailg. In 1865! lbs m married to Mr. thou and raided in Bloufville for none time. They r:- moved to the 6th Con. 01 Whlmhnmh. where they unlined for abontfi yea- I to b no- and lo W. I. luv don, then removing back to Smlfille when they have since resided. Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her In one sister, Mrs Andmw Pipher, of Udorf; one son, Robert; and three daugh- hnl. Mm. Stewart. of Toronw; Annie, of Stoufivillo; and Nollie, who Midas with her sister in Toronm. Deceased was highly respected by all who knew- her and her suddan demise in n source of re- plated. The Sidewnlk Cox report of the work do malarial used. Ind of Mn R. Sui-Apart: be laid I! [he uzw In Mr R. McKinnon Iddl'tlkd the Louncil in mud lo the lideml‘ k on Slouflu SK. Ind lb: Cagndl_d_cdded lo put day-q: a three [not malls. A chilion was pldcnmd from MLD. Syplm and olhcrs asking (a have [he phnk sidcwllk on Sleuth- SI. utmdul 60 feet mum an, which was gnnlcd. ML 1‘; “qu M ‘MD. 0, “1:30.111 1 Health, nsltgd that Mr. J. Addison b: Mid {gr In order to give u qulelun lo a hacklng cough. take name of Ur. Thomas‘ Ecleclrlc Oil thrice I dly. or onener If the cough apl'l‘s render il necessary. _ loam also recommend Evemt‘l Liver chnlnor and Blood Purifier, It hlvlag raved cfl'cclh'o on a {rlcnd 0! Inc.â€" lizn Enron]. Menu. 5. Armv. An no. C. C. Richards :3 Co. Galaâ€"I have used our MINARD'B LINIMENT In my lam ly tnr some yen- and believe It, the heel medicine in flue market, an I! does all it In recommended to do. MENI‘. Sidewalk L'omm'iuee cum all Mhiliéw. 'Tlaé' beii'hil'r: dinning evc': mndo. and by in the null cconomlul. Blmplulnm In due tonal-van: excite: menl. Th9 dellcmaly mmhuund. um flnnnclcmhu hu'inu man. and lllow whole occupnllou lumen-lulu: gml mental unin or worry. I“ Iuflor Ic- or mum (mm ll. 51:24:qu Illo grant. rcaloror o! a worried bmln, and loyal sleep clunlo the new: from all lm urfllu with a few dance a Pnrmolee'l ogeuble Pilll, gel-lune coll conlnlnlng no mercury. 1nd are gumn need In glvu mll-tnalluu or the money wlll berefunded. Atcr'o Ilnlr Vigor mlom- color Ind Vllflllly to weak and gray Inlr. Through It: heaiingtnd claw-lug géunllues. n pn- vonu the accumuluiuu dandml! Ind ““1th I very“ um. Itmkdnll brad}. dltnbu IIIE f n h) Inf-E unet wot%lf§tnw‘b‘om whl lofl g: Ill ‘1! mean. u lcn um: um bow.- and on: It's w-Ithlw In mid. n. Mun-ml. Wain. Mbruhflnl. Canaan Fol-IS, N 8‘ Au «and. Th. mulhod. unlak And oqr- Nu. ll ulhd by “all.“ And out ON the run-din. Anu- tour 'uh' m I duldsd nllchull bu folt- Bud hill Ic- count of Imam-Ind Iddrw. Inclutlu pal-autumn for 5mm .7 DISEASES 0? THE LUNGS. mm STOUFFVILLE COUNCIL idemlk Commillce mlm'med [lucir )l' ch: work done and the amount of I used. Ind of work yet to he done R. Sunguer ukcd that I: plan]: Idtwllk I! [he uzw bank building on Mdn SL Mill SL, which was Inland lo “I: inmm flnlcl.|"an You-u A mug-urn l-Ilmce BUDDEN DEATH. AUGUST Lhmn.‘ ' of the Baud of Mr. J. Addiwn b: pa'id for L‘“ (as! o! Unmuzr‘s shun. Daniel Klonlcud Scythes, Snaths, Forks, Hoes, Hay Bakes, £43., In vnrlous styles and prices. NEW ‘ FRESH DRY GROCBRIES GOODS. AND A FINE HATS ‘ LOT OF NEW AND GLASSWARB _ FANCY - 4511mm...“ ARTICLES. DELFWARE, - SCHOOL - BOBKS - AND - STATIONERY. BIBLES, HVM/V BOO/(8. £70. DRY GMDS. DELF'WTfi: E. BIGGEST INDUCEMENTS EVER OFFERED. .JOHN BRAY’S We need not quote prices as the leaders. HERE WE ARE AGAIN! B 2 worth 3?; 5 worth Bu worth Buy $10 worth 35 “IS. SUGAR Pflll' $1; I). STOUFFER 11 Co. “The Leading 811011 House.” Job Printing of All Kinds Which for elegance good- wc lnvo Am We will give the A: we do not have to sell old stuff that cannot be mld' In Toronto. We buy direct from the manufacturers, and in the very best market, and will guarantee to sell good goods from WINDOW GLASS. 5 TO 20 PER CENT. CHEAPER PURE HMS GREEN GREAT REDUCTION S Ordered work a Ipeciully Rip a and free of dung ‘ Slncl attention paid m ll BOOTS AND SHOES. TRUNKS, VALISES. c BUILDERS’ HARDWARE New Hate, New Ties, New Tweeds, New Pantings, New Suits, POTATO BUGS Than can be bought elsewhere, or give the purchase {rec Our In price H. BROWN. Sale Bills 8. Speciality. NEW GUIDES ! AT THE of Good: of Goods of Goods of Goods THE L'Sl loll AT THE WHICH WE SELL AT JUSI‘ RECEIVED A LAB< AND CARPENTERS" TOULS â€"EABILY KILLED BY USER CHEMICALLY FOR 30 DAYS durability had the p TRIBUNE OFFICE. DIRECT FROM ANTWERI NEATLY EXECUTED. THIS IS ONE OF THE S. M. WARRINER, ASH 0R D. STOUFFER (‘0. and and and and Slvester Dungherty. We 1:11AM HE FRONT WITH THE CHEAP MAN. STOUFFVILLE. MYLL'” AT THE it is a we] lrk Al TABL} known fact that we are u LASS‘VA BE GROCERIIX. Light Light Light Light Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Dry Good- lfv I“!

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