cam V.â€"C<mti.nued. . "Ah: I he Then the his want ï¬nd Gerald wga â€3%“ no lo ‘Aett alone. He locked a damn years used to :10." older than ha had looked ton men. He took previously. All um light and glldnusimlï¬t “ID 13‘ ‘ 1 had disd out 0: his me; ho had the nix-lg $211? 3:: of a. man who was weighed down by |' “No need! noun ‘roublo. nlmoat heavier than 1:01 berqd'in 5 10 could bear. "She is afraid of my w-ï¬nï¬; inc cold." he said to himself. with I be still an" bitter smile as his wile cloned. the door: to I. t_he qhi (1:42] I‘ mile "Poor darling! it l were to take cold m and have a lever and die. it would be te ,lhe best. thing that could happen oith~ er to her or me." Bo‘begun to pace l'ho room glowly. his hands behind him. and his eyes bent on the ground. "Nearly three months have passed since Kuovnky‘e visit. and nothing has yet been dpne. Only two more weeks are left me. Coward. that‘l am. to have kept putting on (ruin day to thy dc» in: that which I ought to havg done lung ego. Even this very :itternoon when I reacha‘l Beaulieu. I had not the courage to go in and contront Von Rosenberg. My heart Zailed me. and I turned back. If I had begun one letter to him I have begun a. dozen. only to burn or m: th-rn u_ unfinish- ed; but now there is no :ime for (ur- ther delay. I will warn him that it he wishes to save hi. life he must leave hero immediately, and seek some as)" lum where his enemies will be power- less to harm him. Shall I vaguely hint at some shadowy danger that impendl over him! or shall I tell him in plain terms why and by whom the death sen- tence has been recorded mung him? Shall I write to him anonymously. 0: nhnll I sign the letter with my name! Better tell him everything and put my name to the letter: he can then not on the information in whatever way he may deem best. In doing this. as Kar- uvsky said. I shall be sealing my own doom. Well. better that, better any- thing than the only other alternative." He iltoil by one of the Windows. and >l00d gazing out of all the pleasant feature: at the lands-'ipe he had learn- ed to know and love 50 well. "It seems hard to die so young. and with so much about me to make life happy," he sad- ly mused. "I think 1 could meet my. late on the hank-field without a‘ murâ€" murâ€"but to be murdered in cold blodd â€"iu be; the writ (or some stealthy us- sassin! Poor Clara l poor darling! what will you do when I am goneï¬f'. lle sighed deeply as he turned from the window. ,His eyes \\ ere dim with tears. ‘ This man cleared his throat. Gerald stared at him with eyes that seemed to see far beyond himâ€"fur beyond the room in which they were. “I [15;] been down to King's Harold. sir." begun Dix- on “to see Thompson. the farrier, about IL»- chestnut mare. and. was riding hank. “hen just as I got to the Beaulieu iudgwgales I see the dogmrt come out with Mr. Pringle the Inn-en’s man in it, slung with Dr King. and another gent as was a stranger to me. Seeing lbu dnctnr there. and that Mr. Pringle lunked very White and scared like. I pulls up. "Anything amiss. Mr, Prin- glei' says I. with n jerk of my thumb unmnls the house as the dog-curl pamâ€" ml me. But he only suxred at me and my poor musicalhe baron. was found on without I: wbrd. Then I tune to the lodge-keeper's wife and sees that =hc has her apron over her head. and is crying. "Anything serous mums mum i“ says I. “l alon'l kno“ what yuu ‘3“) sernus. young man." says shin "hut m)’ P'mr master. the baron. was found murdered in the little shnily in H!" He simply nodde5. Mrs. Brooke rang the bell and D xon the groom énlered. â€You had better tell your master all you know about this frightful tragâ€" edy: "Perhaps dear. you would like to see Dixon and. qwtion him.†said Clan-g; to her husband ML»: Pgimby came bustling in. "0b. m) dear Clara. can it. be possjble that {his dreadfulâ€"dreadful news 15 true?" 'Only too true. 1 am afraid. aunt. " ' Poor Baron! Poo: dear man! What a shocking end! I never knew nman “ilh more charming mannerl.“ on off In the flower of his age. as one ma: say." She told him again. ,"Murderedl Rawnberg! lmpossnble!" “Dixon brought the news; he has ridden up from King's Harald." Gerard sunk into Lus seat a in. eyes were fixed on vacancy 023,11 moments he lonkedr as ifd ms hymn been paralyzed. "Tell me again “' 1t y'uu told mevjuét now " he sud "u: .1 voice “hith Clara a :chely recognized as Lhat of her hus- band eil’ his Fuch’fri’gï¬e'xiedwhis wife: ‘ sprang forward and Jaid, a. hand on 1: 25:11; 1k 531091: in 0H almoggroughly. '01: r.- Gerald rosa slowly frqm his chair as ii‘ drawn upward by some invisible [oi-u; _ Tye snglep pallpr‘ ghat‘plangh- Presently ha salted himself at. the ’davenpon. And drew pm And paper to wards him. "No mote dell-m this véry night the Baron shall be told. Bu! haw shall I begin! in wbt terms shall I word my mingf‘ H» mm and mused for a minute or two. biting Ihe end of his pen as he did-so. Then he dipped the pen into theJnkstapd‘Ind began to write: "My dear Baton, from inKurmtion which has reached m3. “18 an-uracy of which I cannot. dolibt. lam grieved io have to inlormryou' that gun life is in great and immediqte gel-ll. You have been sentenced to ‘lculh by me Chiefs 0! one all those :"etrel bucielies of Lhe existence of \\ Inch yuu are doubtless aware. Your unly chance of safety lies in immediate flight." Gerald turned his lethal face down- mud on (he blottiwmd. "Ten-ibis uewx Cllmf' he said In a lone u! stufliâ€" ed Ludilference. 8135- your num' qunivl owl-4419!: itself and_'â€" "(h-mm. don' [2' she cried in a pain- rd, \uice. "Baron van Rosenberg ls dadâ€"murdered in his mu: house lo~s [bun :unhour ago!" A But at this juncture the Hour was apt-nut and Mr; Brooks came burned- ly Into the room. "0 Gerald. such terâ€" rible newfl" she exclaimed. lireathess- » :[rrmgely you talk, dear, [am yuu are ill." ‘re you are mistaken. I am well Eluntly well. But. teli me this: 1 In feel glad. or ought. I w ‘rryT On my life. I don’t. know I ought to Jed!" H 0 Gél’fll‘i 1" .\'h:|l. shall 1 551 next!" naked 643:- tell me," said Get 1 {in truLh mvakt .Jmt that You R‘ Inly half an hour Marvâ€"shut .b-.- heart by some hlood- lhnrsly [ didn't wait to hear mun. made all the haste 1 rank! you DEAD RECKDNING. ry (uscinating ir said Gerald pl" h awake. nr h nherg \‘on few had know." . I “Yogi n9 [queer conï¬de in me a: you He took no notice of the “may: "‘Letv the Dead Past bury it: dead.’ . he 533d aloud. but 5 me exactly as he might have done ad he haen Mona. ‘ “No need to send. this now." ht mugâ€" tered in a luwer‘tone I: he took up hll pnlinished letter. "II I hnd but. mm It a week ago. would Von Rosenhgl’x be ,sull alive? Who can sari" Croumg to the chimney-piece. ho lighted u. match snd.with it set ï¬re to the let.- ter. holding it by ono corner as he dld so. When it had. burnt itself nwafl he [Maul £0.“cb.i§tle wdasï¬is .9r09t - _“0 Gai‘aldl' said his wile in n galmved voice. I had forgotten; Pardonâ€"as Karoâ€" vski' would any." a ’ “ um grieved to say so, dear. but his. brain seems slightly nltectpdf' u'ln: red Miss Primby 1.0 her niece. 'II were you I would call in Dr. Pres- ‘Lonfl' "(in-M, henrrn! Man yuu Lulkin nhnut V" an \xilh Mun" ed lipa‘ "'I'lwy any as huw ML the gentlemanâ€"the Bu {numL dnnd shunt n [K M l believes a word of ladies. There was .1 pause. herald. â€Y Du qu~t be mistaken. ( hild \\ hall can thv Home be coming here for?“ " Iu L1 .- Muster Geril. " "10 mm at my huulwlnd?†Margery nodded again. _"“_'hnt can they want "lo arrrst my huulwlnd?†Margery nodded again. "What can they want In urreat mu: ((Irf" 'l 01' murder." 'l-‘nr I. urdpr'" ejruulnted hath the . Befoye Clara. could reply Bunce came 1n wmh a lighted lamp halt turned duwn. He lell. the curtains undmwn; for a son, yellow glow still Iiugure ‘ uver ï¬eld and woodlnnï¬. > ‘ "ALE. Ihldlorgotm. You don’t As soon as be 11 Brooke crossed to the couch on“ . her‘ husband had swwd himmm,a_ laJnng one of his hands in hers! an "1)eu1jest. ) must. not let .lhis’ufl" shockmg t) cgh it be. may Km much an your u. Ad. It is not as if you had lost. an old and valued friend. 'Bnmn Von Rosenberg was but. an acquaintance â€"a man whose name‘ even you had never heard 31; months 3396‘ Mani L'Ot'nn- sh? tu'lnng u 3.1,“ H Um nulis' Is vumiug. and [1w y from Hulluo‘lo l ' .he “hit 1- unmng. About thi< Lime i ‘ vun RrN-nhpxg svt up his ment at Bvuujwu \n required In thn- [Jun thought slip ~i:nuhl liket so i_t,_ pus obtained [(1. her. "Why. I‘Iamvn. matter-t \\ by do )nuA “an! >0. arthuJurh‘ 'nskml Mrs. ‘t'salraut h ulmul .\Iu.«t um uuuu umâ€, u.†m"-.. Clam waited :1 mm En'd'liï¬aï¬ she said: “Will you not. come and dress [or dinner I" ‘ _ pm! ruthyr Hun lhnl. uf a ruliunnl ‘ mg. “Illiugl '. gladly would slu- ha L'ml dun-n hu-r fife fur hr-r h-nefm-ln' ‘0 80 bar}; [-0 her ohl life on the-run About HH< Lime it. was lhnl lhl' Bu! vun ï¬rm-{13mm svt up his Psluhli ucvtu uw... 5.. ........... _ _. His only reply was to agtuy stroke the ham! that was ppkflng 0518‘?! his. ,A _L_ «1qu no longer either, drive or handle the ruddur. Agile 5101. her in its I‘lll'l't'l- [as g’rip. 'l‘ha barge-mun for whom she worked landed her at King‘s Hur- olll with instrurlioua to a relative of his to he? on to the \mrkhousv. Bill. be ore this could [In dune Mm. Brooke had found out the. sirk-girl Shv was planed in a decent lodging. and the misfress of Beoxhley ‘l‘mvers paid all expenses till she was thoroughly rosturml m hmllh. But not only did she do that; 51m “ml Lu see Margery thrr-r ,or [our “IIIL‘S a week. and mt with her, and talked will! hvr. ‘ml read In her. uuvl trim] in mriuus Wu 5 to let a. [engrays of light, intn th gir s darknneil mind. Sometimes iL hap- nml that Mr. Brooke “mud n-ull [qr is wife when she- was on lhem- run-Ill- Liuns. nu whirl: occasions ln‘ wuultl ul- unys shy fur a law lllinlllt‘H In harp a 01111 u‘.lh Margery. su lllill in :l little “'hil» there was rn surh gnullt-nmn In exi<tnnvr as "Muster Hem." llul |n- wards Mrs. Brut-L:- hrr I'm-lint: Wasp“? pf llouznlle‘» yldtiuule and (Q'VUIIUD; t was like the ‘lovnli )u (If n dumb nm- fl rose nbruptly. "Dï¬ss'for dilu- ner !" he exclaimed with 3' strange d15â€" "nrda ‘- Ina-Sh _"FTow thty commlv‘nnd truge y 0 Me ostlu eucn other! bnm death claps on I. a Iunskwf Momua and tries to persuade us that he is a many gentleman. Hora :1 white cravag. n are» cmt. the lemnt jingle u! kmves and lurks. ‘ '1‘ are. n l a! blood. a cold and rigij farm. a g Jstly tum with punk sun-Lug eyes that seams appeal- mg to heaven for vengeance. Yes. let. us go and (has for dinner; fur. in truth. you and I ought to rejoice and make merry toâ€"nightâ€"if you. only knew w " :e nuima - u a an or- dinary human being. Her feature. though by no means uuvomely. were wmewhnt heavily moulded and did not respond readily to emptiunul expres- siun. For the rest. uue nus 11 well- grown stronglyâ€"hunt girl. null when she laughed her teeth flashmt upon you like a upris‘e. Mar ery's .Iugh. it laugh it. vould be «All I. was perhanp: the most singu- lar thing about. hex: It. was witch- likv. \veml. uncanny: it nPu-r vxleuth ed In her (was: it hrokc nu! uflhv most inuppunuua moments: to han- Iern awoke by it. in the (lead of night. and no“!!! have known whence il emunuH-d. might have slmkcn the nerves of Ihe stfgngnst man‘ "Gerald. you frighten me." ‘ "Nay. sweet one. I would not. do than" he answered as he drew her to him and kissed her . "I am in a strange humor toâ€"nighL I hardly know myself. 1 coud laugh and I could sing. and yetâ€"and yetâ€"pour \‘pn Rosenberg!" .3» turned away wuh u. sigh. _ AL this moment in cama‘ Mr. Bunce again. "If you. please. ma'am," he said to Mrs. Bruuke.‘ "here's u strange young pussuu come running to the Towers all in u. hurry. who pays aha inns]. :ee you without :1 minute‘s de- ay." net Ions: lhuL she «:1th der n bursa or steer a. lurge as well :15 any umn between London nnrl the Didlanlrls. But. Ithorg came s}_rlny Vheu ll}? gu‘l Margery \ s an orphan. and until she was sixteen years old. had been brought up on a canal lmrgr. Il nus her Ivast lhuL she «:1th der n bursa The "strange 'oung ussun" bud [ol- lowed dose on is bee 5. "Yes. mum, withuut u minute's delay." she cun- trived to gasp out. and then she stood panting, unable tu articulate canuth’er \vord., She was breathless with. run- um A] hat. will do. ï¬ance, thank you sagi Mrs. 5133032 “’th .qurie‘l. (Ilgmlyn ~Wall. it ever!" exclaimed the scanâ€" 4 13ml Bunge. ‘turrning sharp†o_u he \\hy.' )ou ain't. even \lx'ibed yuur shoes." ’ Bunce sniffed and tried to his nusc further than nuLun: already. "Sick murk!" was uu-nL L0 himself as he left. Ll) man 1.0 himself as be all the 'lhe person to whom t5: is (Iepr If?“ epithet was applied was 11 31 of s ’ sn'tven or smentaen summe rfgeMar Shook by name, who “as dlessed In ru coarse but clean bib and apron. a :hurt cotton frosk consxderably the “ms“ for u ear. gray worsted stockings. thick shoes. and :1 quflted sun-bound, from under the (lap of uhwh her nut- brown hair made its escape in tangled elf- like locks._l1p_:_l:dght hazel 05:13 11an in lair) tlml lrl-sh en 1mm pol ‘I he; upgan mlis. mum," Llnnn‘l’tll of her um Juny laugh: ulm bani never Imam a awn-.5 mvu a Iinlc in \Iurgury as if she we ninml es pcnl from ms .1 mmnvnt's fhreuthlau Wald, with one hnml on the 'lmir. and one knee rentin l. hull tlw immssive air 0 um nnlhing morn run sur- km-l gum Lhrnugh so much I for a time it seemed as if I sumg‘ hurl pawn in ion/ch Murgcrv. “hut nre "‘ szud Mrs Brooke \luatvr Geri! shot Huronâ€"“hat was haur ngn. Not of it," Hhe milled with A touch 01 contempt In par voice. "A phtol set with gold and WM) funny figures scratched on it. wu‘ found nqt [u- (mm the on and they any It belgggtto“ nugget _ 01-1! " l u.... h. wnvu. a “a uv .u. Indhnwï¬inul which I lent to Von uberg an mks 330." said Gggnld _quhtly?l~ "Apd now {ho’ pom have gone to;. m wnnn to take him up." udded the m . "A gnu-rant to arrest. my husband " ~Agmm Margery nodded. $113 was a 31:] _vth. M a rule. was Bpll‘lng of her Vvorda "I tha Hunters: 0! Von Rosenberg 1" said Gerald. with a bitter lau‘ï¬hfl 'Such an accusation would be ridic 0113 it it were not horrible." Mrs: Brooke \vrung her hands and drew Ln hex- breath with a hull moan. The blow was an In lining. that (or n tewmomenu wu d3 32 ed. Irozen on he; hpgz ‘ .. - 1d,. an..- quld tux-mad to the window. "Can the Irony of (ate 0 further than thla.†he said to himse I. "that. I should be accused p! a crime for refusing to comâ€" mi}. winch my own [He was to have my! the .pennalty 1" WW 4... _-..‘ -n-a-inn Gumld took it and read. "Mr. Tom Mr. Starkie I“ ."Sny3‘1m want: to use you vary per- tgcler. Bit." "Into‘whkh room have you shown. tnrkiaf" “Into the blun room. air." \ "Snv that I will be with him In one :11 went. Coma. Clnrn. come aunt." he Id with a smila. :5 won as Bunce had left the room : "let us go and ham- what it is ao'“portiolor" [nut Mr. Tom has wjay to_m ." LUJ nun “an.--“ I W ’ - - . In came Bunca oncq more carrying an mgd on u salvpr winch he presant to hls muster. worl Juigeâ€"(‘ouï¬' s adjourned look uu Hm law Tho.- hm- Kim: uf Spurn. ll".- Iare Elu- pvmr lI‘revll-rirl: of (inrnmuy. L119 lulp King thur Emmanuel and the pre- wnt King of Greet-e are all in the same category in (His respect, Md the only monmrchu of the present time who have gone through the easily ceremony at communion are Quaen Vim-Ioriq. (he Em-v panor 0t Rnsain. . .a King: of Sweden and of Denmark. and King Chnrlss o! Rnumnnia. Um killer's (-mwn. unlike am of his hmlher monarchs. 119an not. of gold nor wet with ‘eweln. but 0 3 metal and steel. ta nu Emm the calfnnn and the swords ruptured Um Rnumauian soldiers from the TM in the bloody war of 1876. ' w u, .u mu. None of them untmed that Margery had stolen out on to the terrace, and was there waiting and watching with her gaze fixed on a distant mint. of the hi h-roud when it and enly curved. he one dipping into the valley on its wny m the little market town' at King's Harold. Twill ht. still limp and in tha west. and nrgary's eyes wera almost A: keen us than 0! a hawk. lick-rd Dl\n Sclu- mr for Pruprlunx Arrlnl nil-l By (tn-Annual llr. When the‘ idéa of Richard Dix. 0! London, England lwrried out lueoplu London, England. can-led out. peoplm will be able to L I through the nt- mowhore in our igh above Ihe oarlh. impelled by co [used 311': 1'. will he a railway wit 1:: angina; v “haul. cables, without Wtriciha 'I'h; {ms- auuger roaches are to be pendent from u lube overhead. Compressed air is to be [Dread through. this tuba from the central powe; station and the car will be propelled." ‘l‘hiu aunpendud tube or permanent may is made of iron, It is open at its under aldalrum end to rnd and supported M. a den red height by lattice-girders can (1 at proper inn-râ€" yals by pillm or posts. The lubu is m secuong. with openings at the ends of each spawn which nu'e closed by vulva; x Elaltomle preparations uin made .1erme far lhe stand 1‘: of ‘hv‘ rurunulion of Quevn minu of [he Nehmrlumls. uhh signalizv [he wrminnliun of h urity xlnd hor :I\<u|u[rion of I of gmernluvnl llï¬xl year‘ It is (-d llml the funv'ï¬un “ill Ink» AmJurflznn rmlmr than nl 'I‘lm nllhnugh lhe luller IS the naliv ital. llw rulellmlm‘u n! Amslvl “1‘“ :u lhc su- Illl'll NM. (‘huh offering Lnr lm’lwr :m-omumdmi The longitudinal opl-ning in [he lube pruv'uféa [or the [um-mgr from end lo end of a. pair at pendent plates. {mm which the curriuxu is an .ndcd, ‘l‘lu‘se plulus severallnlupend mu: trolleys whivh ruli “‘ll Ila tho tulyo. mmh curry- iug n liislun [hm [ils the lube. The planes are prm'idn'll ail their 1 - 'phery wilhjm Phi. - lull-king [gr I 'Iug nu closimz sn‘tinn ll]|plit"l grrss a! mission. air-light joint will] the tube. The lung- ?‘udinu‘ n‘peuing in the lulu in covered y :m elastin vulva formml prefvrnhly of imlinruhher. iluln-ddetl in (be {are of vixen is a strip of slusl. MOTOR P0 “1:211. The pendent plates which are nLLm-ll- ed to the mining; to I - a [011an with lateral flanges, \le'u- join at the [or- wurrl end ol the trolley and constituty n kind or \vmlgc fur lil‘lin',’_LlJe longi- ludinnl elastic. valve from Its soul. to open a passage for the pendent trolley plnlga _ 4 -x «wmï¬mmmn sm- uons into rgx‘elvurs and connected to [he pernunenl “ay tube will! pipesund caps. .\ small high pressure [llpL‘ fixed “'0an the luln- svrves, I“ Hm eml vulvus (Ire closed and rnmlnunii‘ulion is upen between the pipus und the suspended lulws or tuhulzir way. In supply this cmupressvd air In llus hack of the pislun and‘ in l‘urre forward llm earring». This urruugeuwnx prmides for the pressure 1mg puL on M unmcnicm. poinls in Lh ~_\":l_I-|u In lomz dislunms :uldilinnul pumping nnginvu nmy bv ended. .\l the vliun nl' tlw nec- tinns lho lube w' hp nus-u In Hm :u- mom-here. .nnd ( impetus giwn tnthe lrnlloys will .ul I'm. when dmirrd. 1n puss the suspl- (lml currimza I'rnm um ascliun In the their. so that on the closing of [he enul valve in the m'w Judgeâ€"Why own’s the mule? Cuaeyâ€"I own wan half 0v him an‘ arty owm [he ithw. Yer Humor. Lï¬eullgvzâ€"T'hen whnt'u the trouble? Cug‘yâ€"f‘ogdflrly won't let his half A RAILWAY IN THEAIR .A LmAL DTLEMJVI’A caowumo ,4 QUEEN nl' [he and valve in the m'w rezu'hml, lhe pmpelling powen IS Imhu‘t', will I'nnlinua the pro- lhc carriage wilhnul any inter- (To be Continued.) 'l'llll'lll!‘ uf I'Mlal cl ï¬lm I it and read. "Mr. Tom \<u|up'ion of lb? rrins lax! year‘ It is expect- ;{Liun nil! Ink» plan: at mr than nl 'I‘lm Hngu». 191‘ Is the narinnnlmnp- :lln'cu n! [\Inslvnlnm. as llll'll NM. (‘huh'h [In-re. .-r :m-oummdnl inn than ‘1' Iln‘ mum- kind at Thu Hw rhynl [miavo at All]- uI illn- nuhln'st alrur- helm: >erony “'ilheh ~h is lo . Ton": min: PREDICTIUNS NEVER FAIL. AN mazmous WAY TO Fonz‘rsu. ms WEATHER. unenuu qulu mun-d n In" 0' '- Julherl‘l luau-ulna â€nonâ€"1d“!- III-I Approve “the law It‘ll-d “I Are Anxloll l0 Il-va ll I'm-fouled- A new and thoroughly scientiï¬c methâ€" od 0! making ‘5'th predictions in now ““178 tested in Paris. OI iu suu‘esa no one who has examined it has the flight- est Houbt, ud minly (In: excellent mums already obtained by means of â€â€" m in some memn a guarnnlaa that it. will in time he found to be unv arrinz. Mr. Alphonse Bertillon. the lu- ventor or nnflm'opometry, in indlreclly the author a! this new method. To M. JMNI Jnuhen, however. the credit 0! being bl): nauul invenlnr is d!"- H“ in Um direClor of the municipal he: Men of meteorology in Paris. (1011' [or some Lime he has been trying to discover a. method by means of which reliable weather predictions mn he mmla One day it um-umd to him to follow in M. Bertillon'u foulsLops. In other “ords. he said to himself:â€" "U human beings mu he unerringâ€" ly clmeil'cul by means of anlhmuomeâ€" LU. why mmol atmusphexinn condi- tions be classiï¬ed in the same “11y!" ITS I-uumzsr PERFECTION, Notwithstandm the >diveraitled ele- ment. comprise in this tremendous or- ganization. the Goveynmgnt. with very rum exceptions. mmnmms order. and glare il nonmppnrant sign of (linsoluâ€" on. I- All zones I Empir“. fr†Huduon Buy man The commurt'ifll vince does no Without. I doubt the must. Kjlll'llllitl jewel in the Queen‘s croun is II I“; dim: Emplr which is equal in 'I',“, i!" we exclude win, to (he (‘nnlinvm of Mum: Rum: hulls at Sun (‘an Town. bemg £th while cliffs howewr. a riving at. 1 Lo Caylon. MulAl‘u, Gibr , llu-n-w by [he l’ncil'lr l0 Jig-mining hm HM) be “pure, l'anung. Mauritius, 'L. Hairlinï¬he [mu-r piace 1. stujmng'e ere Britain's are reached There is, nllernale route ufler ur- nng; thence he mm go ombuy. Aden. Perim. ur. and home again. a embramd in lin- Briush the icy “'ildorumu of the trollrionl jun Inn of is scnrml _\ A pro1u'cl of luv which a Brilsh pro- 1 bring forth In Europa. ulstion borderlnz on thrae hundradpgilliou.'i_a copypud of I “riot, a! diadnot nntionnl| falling I multhpda of religions, pram lining dun-ï¬nk; aqd speaking dil- {erenc mm . Offlculx ru sum than an out I hundroq d slim: lan- u. s: n. from dmls‘u. spoken In ndln. any 01 tha rm no (u:- thar divided by discordant reJudires. conflicli Ioclnl Inga. Inn antagon- intic ma inlflipterpam. ‘ Tho divorailied clement: muslituting tho ludin possessions rerun-Ont. ac- cording to I late Governorâ€"Genoa]. u complicated A will and puliliL'al or- gunlntion M bu over taxed human in- conuity to govern and odminislrr‘ After India romeo Canada. and the Australian colomes. which are about to form a now southern Dominion SOME FACTS ABOUT THE GREAT JULY CONFERENCE. > Brllrr Ind Prrvr-Ilon Work â€" I’M" J. "rum and on." wlnl I'ruhluu- Io Br touuhlrnd ~l4Irgr 'Allrudnure [Apt‘fll‘d â€"l'rugrnmmr oulllnrd. Toronto in being sperlally favored by lnrge Confzrenraa this year. The firgt of these great meeting: in tho National Conference of Charities and Corrcvtions “kick was \Iilli a public reception in the Hï¬iiultural l'axilion on the evening of July 7th. and um- kinues in session until the altornoon of July lltlx. This Association is com- posednf In’e leaders mule great chariâ€" tab 9 movement that is doing so much be present day to ameliorate the condition of the poor and the afflicted. Evers' phase of 'benevokent work will be represented at this meeting. from the humble contributor to the poor 0' his or her own neigblorhood, to the [hwy-nil Sun-x fannh rhz‘rw l'-'V« rnlxnro. mill lo data bank to (4.2 middle of lbe seventeenth ventury. Al the ngrimmunl [air annually hpld at Gent-nay n great many “New rams- Hm have been exhibited which were 'lmow'n to be from 190 (o 200 wars nld. ‘ .m oldest. um. has yet Men dilplnyod belongs to a counu-y squire living nmr Gamay. who shows his family record med on a cheese made in 1660. official heads of the great inntitulinns for the can of the immune and the cue- tody "f the prisoner. Men and wo- men whd have made a life study of re- lief work and who direct. the charity Organizations 0! the country will be present to exchange expl-liem‘e and the managers of arm institutions will state the res of mites: that is attending their rts. 'lhe morning and evening me tings “ill be devote-l to papers and addresses at a general rhnm‘ter in whirl: all will be interest- ed. «bile the afternoon meetings will be given over to some six or eight 50‘â€" lions dealing with speeiul branches, surh as charity orgnnltalions, chilnl- uving. the «are of the insane. muni- cipal and county rliaritii-s. sucinl net- Lll-Iueule and prison nlurm. ORGANIZED UHARITIES COULDN'T TOUCH 'EM. Ethel-Did you ever run acme.- a real mum-t man in your life! Penelopeâ€"No. inï¬ved: ruv-h men amp wry quickly when wa hear u icycle bell. ' ‘ Sheâ€"It. wna junk three you: am hi In that you proppï¬ed. eâ€"iNow. what d'vd you wan! to I: that u» for an the onlv night of Week “1:ng have mm)- ‘fmm hush; NOT A \VELCOMF wan! to bring night of the TOPIC. years ago to 310 max .bow much cue one my the to (nud‘agnlnsl u. shine»: come! to every haul-hold wine time. Then the hdmwik'u htlin is taxed lo the um lo wuvido nuuude and Lamplâ€" ing (an {or the patient. The pre- [station of dish: for an int-lid is ; pal-plume problem. to: II“: loud should be misbmg and nu'ely cooked Ind wed in the dainliesl Ind mt al.â€" mctivo unmet. In Addition. clauses Ina conntanrly reqmred lo lunpl I. uptick“; “mi-(ï¬le; These few sim- ple hints may be a! 1.51me to some An excellent thing {a I delicue or “hunted Munich in I. 31m at hot milk. Sweolm it slighlly and put in s piano of nick chmmnn while it is Doing healed. On» 01 the mom. satisfactory unys of giving an invalid nw bee! is in a and- with. Bunar lightly on the Ice! brand (many-tau: hours uld, 1nd than shoe it. very thin. Scrape a choice. lender it. very thin. act-ape a cnozce. piece 0! beef. season it with s: llso popper. if the law: can i an; spread it upon the buttered [In another piece 0! bread me:- then cut the sandwich inlo then m the sandwich into lingvr piecw. being sure to remove all the cum. Sena than upon a pnnily embroidered daily or a [timed DApkm as soon In they ire nude of milk. Beef tea is I food of which a! quickly ï¬rm. Try making I jelly. Sun]: (or nn hmw a I box at gelatin: in water When I stimulant» is required. lry putting u. spoonful o! “'hlakey or mm- in a cup of beef ten instrnd of I glass - ,wu. v.__ __. __. 1v I. box at gelatin; in water enough to nova it: then put over it 1 pin! 0! hot heel tea. ; season to sun |he lute‘ and mm the “quid into 311:“ cups or individual with and not biz-don. when Dreded. m {rpm can. of 'lbe moulds u dainty moor. Served w um‘c days. You haven't ln‘vn in Iho three years" dm-LIro-l the slu‘ slammed 1h» nln-ur .ll' “04 boll GiMIOn 5038 â€ml «u quughl from whim x l jisl «mped (rum lhn Mi 01115." slid the nun Ill Hm I nolh'mg to eat. 1 wua in If FARE FOR 1m: 51cm HEALTH. no almmnt or nourish- oblained as when the m in liquid form. . d of fhich u: invalid moulds out 'up‘m llhe Tl†which an iaulid “in: all. And 5- un he luk- Juucred bread. n the jelly u I" Min it Into imik Wy l-whflhDd-pâ€"m dMImmWII-flb mama. .‘hvelve thousand [wt of lumuer m unluded {ran a raerd ur and piled in twenl mum a (manner. In“ :3: olher To gun bar liberty a mgr“: man- Iggd Lq upgu herself l-ciupen_bar| ITEMS OF INTEREST Am THE BUSY YANKEE. 33]} six 'inchnl apart at the Pub. Tum, jail in is .81. ngid’Eunur of 'i‘routdfle. 0L. km- ed um sash. one o! Lbun wqubmg «n pounds in lthc-lumlnu River in the ¢1rly pl" 0! lbn month Harry Snyder's coon dog. in «m of a. has at “'flljaquon. MIL. neiud Lbo curry and stqmped no abrupt!) mu it bran its own neck» WHM [INCH SM IS AI. At West Cum. N. H.. a I'Jd emu mahot which measured three feet urn has in lengua and [our feet u: u:- alas [mm him; [0 “mg bn twelve day: 0! Lb: mnple sugar m in New Hnmpahire J. [-2, Han- Iord of East Hebrm made 1100 pound- of sugar. (in upped em Heels In a rainy mllision in North (‘an [inn O [our-you'old child a an own on window was Harm": out 9! the win- Lb; ice melted um year, the annual Lin-km of [ht inc dunng the mute: lawns pm the ï¬shes u: perish d dim kahuna; strud the hon»â€" of Ma:- “15915“ It Hiram. It... and at: fire to Eu roams besides laying up a board under Mr. Sprung': mull“ 4nd min“ a. bronze brawn neu- nun um 91 A... child.“ stood. 1h: whole {and} 1:.- uycd unhun. boW'er-‘r. Kid "hm hematimawd mu macaw (ma Ware «5!. upon "1: Ihore of Lb. at: a boring Park. Minneamha. When Lb: we mellcd [his ml. the unusual thin-knee of 1b: intrghru'mg the guinea; w by (tn shock and camped mjuryv An ughsy-yur-old Inn: 01 Semen-me. .. ‘21:! f f ' “f 5 be, . e I or In] his I 1;: £53435; blind and NJ . A s gins" in l12:1! ï¬rst-bout treatment. Swarm Man's [mil crop will ho huge (mg awarding to indium m u is said that in Lb: nounâ€, rmunâ€"N‘IE ASH-ï¬nd In“ the popular ,3 “-ul he reqnu'ed m thin out. the an on the trees. Uul. at this jun lure the iloor 'i’ DEAD magnum}. cam V.-â€"Continued. Then the Luis want And Gerald w‘.‘ left alone. He looked 3 dozen years older than he had looked ten weeks! previously. All the light and glndnessi had died out of his face; he had the nirl of a. man who was weighed down by l' Home truublg Almost heavier than he could bear. "She is afraid of my task- lnï¬ 0016." he said to himself. with I bitter smile as his wife closed the door. "Poor darling! if I were to unite cold and have a fever and die. it would be .lhe best thing that could happen eith~ er to her or me." Be‘begsn to pace the room slowly. his hands behind him. and his eyes bent on the ground. "Nesrly three months have passed since Karovsky‘a visit. and nothing has yet been done. Only two more weeks are left me. Coward that'l am. to have kept putting off from day to tiny do- in: that which I ought to have done lung ego. Even this very afternoon , when I reached Beaulieu. I had not the courage to go in and confront Von Rosenberg. My heart failed me. and I turned back. If I had begun one letter to him I have begun I). dozen. only to burn or tear them or unfinish- ed; but now there is no .ime for fur- ther delay. I will warn him that if he wishes to Live his life he must leave here immediately, and seek some asy- lum where his enemies will be power- less to harm him. Shall I vaguely hint at some shadowy danger that impende over him! or shall I tell him in plain terms why and by whom the death senv tence has been recorded against him? Shall I write to him anonymously. 0.1‘ shell I sign the letter with my name? Better tell him everything and put my name to the letter; he can then act on whatever way he msy deem best. .In doing this, as Kur- uvsky said. I shrill be sealing my own better any- the information in doom. “'9“. better that. IhingItlnn the only other aluernative.‘ He ll siood gazing out of all ed to know and love so well. ubuul mt‘ to make life happy." Iy mused. "I think leould meet rule on the bomb-field. without 21‘ mur iiiurâ€"but to be murdered in cold bloo‘d â€"Iu be the mrk for some stealthy us- sassin l Poor Clara! poor darling! \vlia will you do when l m gunefl'i sighed deeply as he Presently he seated himself wards him. night the Baron shall be told. how shall B ll 0nd of his pen as he did so. grieved to have to inform you the your life is in great and. immediat .r’l’ll. You have been sentenced lt‘ftlll by the Chiefs of one of thos :«e’treL societies of the existence 0 “mull you are doubtless aware. You â€lily chance of safety lies in immediat rum." " .\‘li:iI shall I say next?" as H _w:i .iponed. and Mrs. Brooke wme burrwl ly into [ht room. "0 Gerald. such ler ri" le ncivs'†she exclaimed breathless I_\'. Gerald Iurned his letter face down \\.ird on the blotting-pull. ed Lxldllfr‘rr‘llc‘l‘. llns your s] ovcr-«uten itself :iiiil'â€" 'Gvrulil. don't!" she cried in :i poin- IS .ul \uice. "Baron von Rosenberg dudâ€"murdered in his own bousv lcs ih.iii .imliuur agol" herald rose slouly from his cli.iir :is invisible The sudden pallor ihzii blanch- .‘jlie sprang forward and laid :i hand on bier! lle Shook it off almost roughly. .i .Ir.iwn upward force. ml LI.» by some fire frightened his wife. lrm. "Tell miv again u now." it you told lllt‘ ju.~.I bond, She rub] him again. ,"Murdered! You 2. Rosenberg! lmpoï¬ible!" "Uiion brought the news; be his JuSlv ridden .“I’ from King's Harold." Gerald sunk into his sest again. His eyes were fixed on vucnnry for’a few :i.IIm>-nls he looked us ifd his brain hull lawn paralyzed. Miss Primby come bustling in, "Oh. my dear Clara can it be po$ible that this dreadfulâ€"dreadful news is true?" “Only loo true. I am afraid. aunt." "Poor Baron! Poor dear man! What .1 sneaking end! I never knew uman will more charming manner!» (‘ut off In Ilia» flower of his uge. as oni- msy say." "Perhaps dear. you would like to see Dixon and question him." said Cluru to her husband. He Simply nodded. Mrs. Bruqlrr' rang (hr? bell and D .i'on the groom entered. “You had better tell your master all you know about this frightful trag- My.“ ' The man cleared his throat. Gerald sz'ired 'Jl him will] eyes that seemed to see for beyond himâ€"fur boynnil Ihe room in which they were. "I lifijl lrt'l‘l’l IlIIII'Ii III Ki ’s Harold1 sir." begun Dix- In "to see 'I bnmpson. the furriI-r, .ibouI Il..- chestnut more. and. was ridingbzirk. “l -n jll~l as Igot to the lleuulieu l...l.:.â€"gnIv-s I see the dogmrt com»- on! min .\lr. l’ringle ilie baron's min in . .ilniii; “lib Dr. King. and number k ii! ’15 was .1 stranger to run Sl'I'lnl-l c doctor there. and that Mr. Pringle ’wl very uhite ztnil red like. I in . up. ".\nyih:ng .im .\Ir. I’rin- ul.‘ 5' says I, Willi u jI-ri: ul' iiiv Iliiiiiib lirll’ll'nls ll)“ house .IS lllt‘ dogâ€" :ll‘l pl'e‘sr ml rzu- llut he only ~I.lf'L’Il .viI Illt‘ llf‘l’l my your mumr.llzc Itirun. “45 fuiiiitl on “About a word. Then I Iurn~ in! ’l.» l-nlge-keeprr‘s wife and area Ill-'ll \lu: his her apron over her lli'JIl. and trying. "Anything sorulh' JlulS‘ IiiIirIi ? ' ~ I_v< l. ' l .I..u'I know \\ li;il .‘"u I'lll~ svr Iii-z youni.r m'In,‘ says SLIP. "I III Ill} p-vrr fll'lfler. lbw birun, “us found â€Myrrh-pui In Itw llllll' slimlly in Iluv Lvirzi'I-n only half an hour ~Inrvw-slinl he IIP’II" III sum.- l-loo:l»lliir<ly i viiIln’I visit to ll.“l.l‘ lll'Il'". rn1rle all the basin I I'Ivul'l Is I can lllP “Tll'vl sing-Gerald. Ii.†min i If t .l rurimidv. Unï¬nsl doubt- I-swziu-r ill» mis‘. r hall ll"'ll"l :i i of “but he llLIl d. know.‘ ' be said aloud. but a be shed by one of the window's. and the pleasant features of the landmine he had learn- “It seems hard lo die so young. sud with so much be sad- my. lle turned from the Window. .1115 ayes u are dim with tears. at the ‘davenport. nnd drew pen and paper to- “No more delay: this very I begin? in what Ierms shall I word my Warming!" Be ml and mused for 3 minute or two, biting Ihe Then he dipped the pen Into the.lnkstapd\nnd began Io write: "My dear Baron, from .nlormation which has reached me, the accurui'y of which I cannot doubt. lam to ked Ger- "Terrible nun. t‘llr1if"h€suid in a tune of studiâ€" iiunt's lieI sud in a voice \vhiivli t‘lsru sixircely recognized as of her lius- uovlilerl again. You donft "You no longer confide In me as you "Ah; I had forgotten. used to do." He took no notice of the remsrk; "Let the Dead Past bury Its dead. . ins exactly as might have done Id he been alone. “No need to send this now." hs mutâ€" tered in s luwer‘tone as he took up bin unï¬nished letter. "If I had but sent it a. week ago. would Von Rosenbel‘s be lstill alive? Who can sayf".Crossing to the chimney-piece. he lighted a match endwvith it set fire to the let.- ter. holding it by one corner as he did so. When it had. burnt itself away he began to whistle under his ‘brest . "0 Gel-aid!" said his Wife in e i; ieved voice. I had forgotten; Pardonâ€"us Kerr vsky would any." a †to say so, dear. but am grieved . .. his brain seems slightly inflected: \vhis red Miss Primby to her niece. ‘lf were you I would call in Dr. Pres- ton." Before Clara could reply Buuee came in with a lighted lump half turned down. He left the curtains undrawn; for it soft yellow glow still lingore over field and woodland. As soon as be hndI left the room Brooke crossed to the couch on her husband had seatedhimsol’f, taking one of his hands in hersf "Dearest. 3 must. not let .this’ shocking ti ugh it be. preytï¬ on your n. ld. It is not 95 if you had lost an old and valued friend. _ von Rosenberg was but i_1n acquaintance â€"n mu whose name even .you had never heard six months ago. His only reply was to softly stroke the h-‘Illll that was holding one of his. Clara waited :1 little and then she said: "Will you not come and dress for dinner I" ‘ . He rose sbruptly. [‘Drhse for din- ner !" he exclaimed With n‘ strange dieâ€" "nrda ‘- la b. "Flow the comedv‘nnd tragedy oflllgife 'ostlu each other! brim death clnps on t e mask) of hlomus and tries to persuade us that he is a merry gentleman. Here it white cravat. u dress coat. the leasant jingle of knives and forks. , 'l‘ ere. a l of blood. It void and rigid form. a g .istly fame with blink staring eyes tint seems appeal- ing to heaven for vengeance. Yes. let. us go and dress for dinner; for. In _ truth. you and I ought to rejoice and \\ . eraid, you frighten me." ' s . sweet one. I him and kissed her . strange humor toâ€"nighl. know myself. I would laugh and could sing. and yetâ€"and yetâ€"poor \‘o Rosenberg I" .Be turned invay Wit it sigh. At. th to Mrs. "here's It young puswu Urouke.‘ t inusl. see you without u minute‘s de- ay." lowed close on is heels. without at minute's delay." l word. _ ning, daliseil Bunge, turning sharply on llt‘f‘ “\\'hy. you ain't even ' shoes." “'i not will do. Bunce. thank you.‘ said Mrs. Brooke with quiz-t Iligiiily.v Bunve sniffed and tried to screw his nose further than nuture had already. "Si-'h murkl" was hi , iiicnt to himself as hi' left the The person to whom this (leprpcizi epithet was applied was a gi 'l of 5 l 9 e f 1' 8 wear. gray under the flap of which her nut-browi huir made its escape in tangle-l elf-like lit hazel eyes had in (Ir- lut'ks. .. . he who [Eat of an s dinitry human being. Her features siic girl. xiii-I Stun. 1-1.: the resL grown stronglyâ€"built like a urprise. lgir thing about her. lth‘. ueiril. uncanny: it never l‘klt‘llll- mnm-ul‘luuf- moments: to have li-i-Ii awoke by it in the lll'iltl of night. and might have slz'ikcn lllr nerves of Ilie strongest man. leurgury‘ivas an orphan. and until she was sixteen years old. had been brought up on :i canal burn». Ii \\1l\ her boast IliziL Slit) could drive :i horse or steer It barge us well :is tiny iiizin between London and lllt' llullnii-ls. But [Iii-re crime II day when â€I? girl could no longer either drive or brindle the rudder. Ague not her in ll.\' iiierci- legei ï¬rm. The barge-mun for \\'l|0lll she worked lilntll‘ll her at King's ll;ir- ,olll With instrurlious to a relativi- of lils tn iass her on to the \inrkhiiiisv. llIIt be are this coulJ bu done .\ll‘$. Brooke had found out the ï¬ll'klglf'l 5b.- was plm't‘ll in :i decent lodging. and the misl’ress Iif llvlit‘lllvy Timers pilltl all expenses till she was thoroughly rI-storcrl In Iimllb. lliit um. only did she do that; ï¬ll? nent to see. Margery three _or four tiiiiis ll \ieek. :inil :ul With her, :Inil talked \\illi her. and read to her. :LIivl lriml in v.iriI-Iis “a .~ to lot a feu'ruys of light into â€I!“ III! "' darkuneil mind. Sometimes ll li;ip« lemul llLII .\lr. Brooke “IIIIJll call for is Iiifi- \vlion slu- was I)“ Ihesn- I-vpcdi- Linus. nn IleiI-li Ix'tdzlltnifl llt‘ “Ulllll :il- “le\‘ sIIv for a low iiiiniIII-s In have a I'll‘ll \i'.ili Margery. so lllill Ill :i liItli- \\'ll:li- tin-re Iv rIi sui'li m'IillnInuIi in exl\["n"r ris "Muster Iii-m." Ilul IU- ivzirds Mrs. Brunhu- Iii-r I'm-lint: was one of Inimdles’s piulilliilr .inIl (vau iun‘. t was like lll(. .li-mii ll] of II diiiiib :lllh III-ll i'Irtlin-r llmn Ili:il of .1 r-Ilinniil bin. “15'- Wllllflgly. Klillllj' \l'IllllIl sliv ll:l\L‘ llllll vlnun he'l‘ IIIIl fur lll'f‘ ll‘lit'lili'lrl‘\~, to go lurk (4) her Ulll life on tin-min II. About this time it uus lliiit IIiI- ltIIInii; r-SI IlillSll" liis (Issisl .i l_|l Mn ‘ von [Ina-mm“: set iii>*iit_. Ii! liviiiilII-u. .\l'l l‘t‘llUlf‘C‘Il In llll‘ Linn "v" thought she ~iiuulII liki- tiI-‘sfflld so it_o:is obiuiuml [0. lift. “\\li_v. .il.llL:r'l’_\‘, \\ll‘lL run matter} “by .Io Mi particular ' "It‘,~ :Unul . shn minugu-II I up \ I he â€"llu.ul .\Iu~lcr (ivl‘Il."i gusp uni. ‘U iiiuiul. lllv‘ p ll\ l~ coming. .ind l'i’i- i'Iiu'il :Ill lb» iv from Iliilluu l0 tyll you." ‘ ' I lll‘ ii I. it I IlillllllK. Maroon; 3" I " l'hn- [Flil.~. iIiIuii.†.III~\\r‘l"'|l llll' flirl , \\'lIll “110’ of II -r uni .iiiiiy lingln .\II~S' l’riiiiny. uliu hIIIi never llr'flrll iiiy'lli'iiu llKP ii bel'ui‘u. give :1 llllll.‘ ~I|llll|v .iiill‘ \l ll'I'Il M Murphy us if Slit' \wrc sumo. ~lI'.lIl.-ll‘ .Iiiiniiil wzriipml from :i Iiien-‘ lg. -. ‘-‘!iin pmiv'e. l suppow you men] I"! M'irm-ry nf"lil\'4l. and begun to IIilt‘ 3‘ 'Ul‘lli‘l' of lll’r :ipron. "You mud bi- mistaken, I‘llilll. “'liaf LlflllUf‘ be coming hat? for I" " l'u i:i 'u .‘lzistcr (ï¬eriIH‘ ' ".‘o :irrist my husband?" Margery “What can lhpy want with e I...» :AvM“"t.. ea earn 0 fh‘rmfrom the 00 belongs Von Gersld quietl make merry to-nightâ€"if you only knew would not do that;" he answered as he drew her to "I aim in IL I hardly stinger roaches are to be pendent from l u lube overhead. Compressed air is to i: be forced through. this tube from the The "strange ‘oung pumon" lllHl ful- "Yes. mum. she cun- trived to gasp out. and then she stood panting. unable to articulate «mother She was breathless with runâ€" "\\'ell. if ever!" exclaimed the. scanâ€" iiipeil your stxtI-en or seventeen summer . Margery Shook by name. who was dressed in a coarse but clean bib and apron. u short cotton frosk ronmderably the nurse for worsted stockings, thick shoes. and a quilted sun-bonnet. from though by no means unvomely. were suiuewhat heavily moulded and did not respond readily to emotional expres- “us It \Iell- when she laughed her teeth flashed upon you JIJr‘ery's laugh. if lziugh it could be call I. was perhaps the must sing-ii- It was \iiti-Ii- ed to her eyes: it broke out (Irlllt‘ most not I.) have known whence iI euiiiiiulml (‘l.- I] you. “an! In seI- i . : Skwl .‘ll‘s. lrlliiki‘ v of contempt In her voice. ith gold end with funny It. wed-found not and they uy it to Muet eril." Indinn ‘ l which Ilent to uberg to weeks ego.†said I “And now {hi polis have [one for in wnrrin to take him up." edded the gi "A wernnt to arrest. my husband Ageln Margery nodded. ï¬he woe is girldwho. so I rule. was sparing of her wor s. , "I the murderer of‘Von. Rosenberg I" said Gerald. with s bitter ls h. "such an accusation would be ridieu one If It were not horrible." Mrs. Brooke \vrung her hands end drew in her breath with a. half moon. The blow was so ov lming. that for u few moments we ds 3: ed. frozen on her lips. Gerald turpéd to the tiginda‘w. 5190!: the iron of ate 0 or or an Is. he said yto him I. "that lshould be accused of a crime for refusing- to com- mit which my own life was to have paid the ,penulty l" ' 1n chine Bunce once more carrying a. card on u salvo: which he presents to his master. .. . Gerald took it mud read. ' Mr. Tom Mr. Starkle I" "Sly! he wants to lee you very per- tipler. sir." "Into-which room have you shown. tn‘rkia I" . “Into the blue room. slr.’ _ "Snv that. I will be with him in one ment. ‘Coms. Clem. come nunt." he id with a smile. as soon us Home had left the room : "let lingo and hear what it is ao"‘pertloler" tnnt Mr. Tom has to u to me." Node of them noticed that Margery had stolen out on to the terrace. and was there waiting and watching with her gaze fixed on a distant cint of the hi h-rosd where It sud only curved, be ore dipping Into the valley. on its wn to the little-market town of King's nrold. Twil ht still ling- ered in the west. and rgery's eyes were almost as keen as those of u hawk. (To be Continued.) *â€" A RAILWAY IN 'l‘l-IEAIR' lull-I'd my. scheme for Propellluu Arrlnl (Int-u I] l‘a-prrued Alr. When mi idea of llinhnrd Dir, of London. England. ' carried out. people will be able to t I through the ill- mospliore in our igli above Ibo earth. impelled by co reused air: It will he a railway wit ut engines. \v iibout cables, without Wtricity. 'I'lit pus.- centrul power station und the our will is moment in came lllr. Bimce be propelled.’ ‘l‘liiu suspended tube 01' again. "If you please. ma'sm." lie suid strange come running to the 09°“ Towers all in u. hurry. who says she and supported at a permanent Many is made of iron. It is at its under side from end to Mid ilee red height by lattice girders cari‘ d at proper interâ€" vals by pillars or posts. The lubu is in sections. with openings at the ends of eucb section which iii-e closed by velvet I The longitudinal opi-ning iii the lube end of a pair of pendent. plulw. from which the ciirriagu is su .nded. ‘l‘lii‘so plalt-s rl('\'L‘rull?'.lld|lr‘llll rum trolleys which ruti “‘ll iin the. lube, ouch curry- ing ll piston that fits the Iulio. The plates are provillvil all their pcripliery “illi (III i- ll“ [nix-king for making in) sir-light j int “up the tube. The lung- - 'ud‘inul n‘pt'ning in the tube is covered y :in elastic. vulva formed preferably of inilinruliber. iiubI-Ildell in the for? of ’ ich is a. strip of sit-Ail. MOTOR FOWLER. The pendent plates which are nttucli- ed to the carriage to I are formed with lnlernl flanges. wliici join at llie for- ward end ol the trolley and constituti- u kind of wedge for lifting the longi- ludinnl elastic. valve from its seat to open a passage for the pendent trolley plates .wmmpmmr. u HE: l the pernmnt‘nt \iay tube with pipes illlll I'upd. .\ small high pressure pipe fixed along the lube sI-i‘ves. us tlio end valves are closed and rumluunivulion L" open between the pipes Iind lhe suspended tubes or lububir way. In supply the compressed air lo tlu- back of the piston and In Iurre forward llm rarriugo. 'l‘liis nrriinumiii-nl provide! for pressure 'Iveing pui (in :il ronionian points in [lie syin-iu In low.Y disuilivcs iiildiiioniil pumping u‘nizint-s iiiiiy bc ,eris'leil. _-\l tlio ' 1'lllln of Hi.‘ sec- Iiiuns IIio llllk‘ u" be (\:‘l‘ll In [no .vit- mospliere. .‘InLl l impetus giuln In Ilia Itrulloys will will we. when lll\‘ilrl‘tl, In fpiiss tlie suspi- ('l‘ll curring“ from oin- gnecliun In tlin-~ flier. so that on the clminz of Ibo and valve in Ibo nI-w .su-Iion ivi-nx‘iir‘d. llie propelling power. llLlIllllt‘Il as non-m. will mnlinue lheprn. {grass of the Ivarriugo without any inter- ‘ mission. . the I csowsmiï¬issn I'Mlal It s “on“: ElilerJlt’ preparations are being mzide already for lllt‘ grziiiil I‘I-rniiinny of Iliv con-ii in Of Quccn “'illit-b nE .vi of III» Netherlands. \\llll‘l| is to SIgnJlllA' Ibo Icriiiinaliun of llt‘l' Iiiiii- urity :Iiiil li<~r .‘I~suiiip ion of â€JP ri-ins Inf )zlnt‘l‘llllll'lll iiixxl year II is exped- ml Iliztl the Iiiiiiitiun “ill luki- place .il I‘ .'liii~1I-i‘-'I:Ilii rilllll‘l‘ llinii III The Ilriizuv. Enlllinugli Ilic liillei' is lllt‘ national ('np- iI.iI. Ilic riiy.I| pairin- at :\l|l\ll'l’ll;|lll. as “will :i- lli.I Hll-I‘lIlll‘ll NM. (‘liui'vli llll'f'l‘. .nfforing Lir lic'lII-r :iccuuiiiimlaliun than i (in lllt' i-Ilifivi-~ III llll‘ sump kind .II 'l‘liI- . Ilatszui'. lndecxl. llll‘ royal palace cit .\lll~ islt‘rllfllll Is Illll'. of Illl‘ iiubli-sl elm» tunu of Jllt' kind. in l'Iurop-u It is IEI" :(H‘lP-l Illl :i foundation of lllfll'r‘ lliziii Ill.- 1001- ,.ai.-:.. k. :imi I.'-.-i is. immii. :30 rpm i' 'v vli.v alul 1’50 II-ivI high. ll “TIN ' ’ 34H) years .ign, but. Iiir- iou-li' Inuuuli. ll|‘\'t‘|' li:is lll‘l‘ll final as .ailqunric ~ by any llulcli Iiiiiuarvli. xcepl ling l.u.ui~ llnnupnrlv. ‘l' I‘ Q‘PI'I'lllIICl) “Ill «lIiulillI--s .IIIIJ '1 Jul Imiii rill Visiliii's II.) â€III U\t‘l' llll' \yéll'l-I. III! III Kin-w Imuiv-rn liliii-s vor- On'llIllll: :Ii'v 1'IIlIIlv:Il.’ll.\I‘|)' rIIrc. living f‘lll!‘ 'vl. l‘l‘ll um «-I Kl't‘lllllL’ \\l|ll lbs-spirâ€" i1 Iif lllv‘ Igiv. ‘lll'l .i~ N|\UI‘IIIK Inn iiiuz'li of illl‘ lIl(‘-llll'\.ll l‘l'l. ‘I‘liu'x' l-Iilipcrnr \\‘iI|.:iIii IIr'HH‘ bu~ lu-i-ii I‘IHHllt‘tl. fl(‘ll.ll~ vi‘ li.I Kim; llulllllt‘ri ul' Il.ily, nor yet lvll" pi‘I~~ciii K In! of \Vlll'll‘lllllt‘rfl ; Hing I‘vnp‘olil of llclgriuiii. likiviiiw nmev lids been cmiuii-Il. nor )‘f‘l has [be Kim: of llzivuriu. The Info Kim: Iif Spurn. the bite liiu- pvmr lv‘ievII-i‘iclr of (Inrniiiiiy. Lllt‘ Iain King Viitlur liiiiniziiIUeI and the pre- sent King of Grew-e are all in the same allegory in this lespevl, and the only monarch-i of the present time \\ he have gone lllrmugli the msllur mrnmony of commition rin- Queen Vii'loriq. the PREDIIITIUIIS NEVER. FAIL. AN isoruious WI! ro sonnsu. Intellenl lull!- ouu-oe I: len- 0' '- proviifee lor the pimugv from end to none into receivers and connected to Him we. THE WEATHER. Junker“ lean-nettle [yuan-Ident- III- Aron" arm Iew non-u no An lulu- lo line It furnace. A newnnd thoroughly scientific meth- od of making wmmgr predictions is now being Iceland in Perle. Of Its success no one who line examined it ban the slight- est doubt. and certainly the excellent results Already obtained by means of “- nine in some manure a guarantee that it will in time he found to be on. «wine. Mr. Alphonse Bertillon. the In- ventor of nnthropometry. is indirectly U!!! author of this new method. To M. Joseph Jsubert. however. the credit of [mine the actual inventor is due. lilo is the director of the municipal um \ice of meteorology in Paris. nnd‘ for eome time his lulu been trying to discover a. method by mean. of which reliable weather predicnom mn be made. One day it net-umd to him to follow in M. Bertillon's fouletope. ln oLher \iords. he said In himself:â€" "If human beings mu be unerring- ly (‘lflbï¬ltlt‘d by means of anthropomeâ€" l-I’Y. Why mmot ntniosphetiml condi- tions be classified in the same my!" What he Minted was some method which would enable him to predict. the iveutzbera day in ndvancu, his Iru e for Lbe purpose being [he nlll‘lufllllt'r econ- dIlioiis'pn- . ling on the tiny \\I n the pmlivlions unri- Illillllt. ‘ \‘I’hnl doon M. llertillon do wh n ne desires lu clnssii‘y Iiuiiian Iypes? llo observes his subjects closely and mmâ€" ulel . Jot». (luuui numerous notes in rI.h 83-? to their physical formation and points of diflvrence. and roiii'ludes by classifyin l‘liuse noics. taking as his basin of c useifivaliun Llld.‘ human head. Since .lhrre urc fewer points of differ- “"08. 0!: trillioi'. lies likelihood ufcliuullt’ or Vlu‘ialinn. u~' rcga‘rde Ihis purl of the holy Ilum lhere :Lre in regards any ther purl. va M. Jilul't‘l‘l uses a lsiniiltu‘ Iiii-llinlâ€"lie elyles it the mel- eoronielrir iiu-iliml. CLOSE OBSERVATION NECESSARY. 'l‘lu- uninterrupted oliserviil ions.“ liivh are made ivVi-ri Ilivrcc hours by Ilic of. ficuils of llh' im-II-onilugic burn-nu. as well as Iiim'liuuiczllly by n-r'sn-riiig iii- elruIIII-Iils. :ind “ll --li lllll‘ show Ibo lHIUI'Iy llllynlngllliull)‘ nf ibc sky. rinv lltlIl-t'd‘lllesl on Ilse left hand [sipm of II largo ll-dgi‘r. “llllt‘ II“ llui I'lglll Ii.iIIIl llilflr“ iI‘re reivurili-Il Ilii- vurtls pulilisliml each day by the Central \\'I-.'iIliur llurâ€" vgiu in reg-ml lo Ili.- nIinmplu-ric rendi- liuiis prmailiiig Ilin-uglmui I'iurupe. Ily nil-:ine of 'lt's ledger. u.- iiid--\. M Jan» hcrt nrrangm :i ila'v \wuilicr guide. of \I‘hitdl llll‘i is :I mold:â€" Etite o' Ibo wouili'er IN“ l-‘orvu . . . .vaifincns. Prevailing \‘Illld.{.\hl ending. I'Q‘Ul’hdlllfl. Menu Teinponlture .......... \Ienn llunmllt Nobiilosily.. IIIIIn or Snow. "feiisiori'of Vapor H i‘éqerm y Eve-v To day l'l'o 3‘ Iirr ib'. “’lNl) 'l'lll-l I‘llll‘lv' l".\\'l'tlll. ll'lh‘ llvfl'ivullp L!) if] ductile-ring: llll' best Incuiie of visas f_\Iii-_' lllz'. data Finally. it “us dc ltll‘ll 1.. vim. ~.- Ilml phenomenon “lld‘ll. Iri'llliul' i lillll In Ihc coiiiraiy. nnlu illhlflu lIlIL'. li.i.~ IIII‘II‘ fixily Itniii f|l|_\ uilivi'«ii.iiiicl_v. III-v \\ invl. 'I'Iirit l.‘ uli) Ili.- u Ill'l i~ Ilic first onlry nu llle‘e‘ \\I':Illll'| pu- lc-. and uh) :IllI-nlinu is first :‘llt'll In ii» sl "1'll).'lll IIiiIl blll' tIll'l‘Wlllll iii \ilIi-li ll i~ lllll\\- iiur. Thaw \il‘dllii'v guiili-s .iiI- pill CI in [Iigvon lining. llllIl lliv- \iurk lllt‘ll Iluiw. Any one lvuiuwiny.r i'ln- alums. plicrii- I'Olltlilliin\ prmziiliiii' Ull any can riuu ‘lell “but kind of \\l'.'|l I ' 3:50“ lliv Ivllmvinu ILA} b.- millii‘li‘lll‘féirlli lllt‘r uu‘vlv-s for our \\ lui l.\lm\\~ llie mob of :I llllrlll\\l‘.\ll‘rn uin{l un- .ng... Slam of tho weuther .. |\ Iler c-erlain Inndiiimis of ll'llll'l'rlluri‘. llunl‘llll)’, etc. The .«iiiipli- rii‘i- i. um. lliur miiiilitinm Ilii: {nu-nil on .~ .Ill'l pnulu 1- xi sinnlnr rrsuii “In-mum llll'\' ||l't‘\‘l|‘l iipain. II Ilii~ [HIV 4..†no! Ii Ilil giiul..llio (ï¬ll) r.-.i Illl c.iIi l.‘ lie-ailin- llII' prevailing vuIiIlil inns I lIwIigli .Ipiur- (‘_Illl_\ llu- niiin- lvll Iln- \im’nih I>\.i- sinus under nl M‘l'\.|lll|ll. Arr rI-aliv not quin- Ibo sonic . GREAT BRITAIN'S ESTATES SKETCH 0F Til}: GREAT EXTENT OF HER TERRITORIES. l‘llr [Lung-Ire “ III-~lu lrrl â€"\0 Inner hum"; of \m-lrnl or lludri ll 'I‘IInM hlmlle ll. lIr “ lmlr “ nrlll It is safe In my (bat llt‘\l‘f‘ Isis uinnnrcli III-on c.Il|e--I uimii Iu reipii (WI‘I'LI realm of i:i-ruler I‘\'t'nl Iiru'nlr‘r iiil‘lucncr Iliuii Ilui “In. ;. ledm-s Victoria Its Qu ~I-n .LIlIl f'.lll]||’I->\ ‘l‘be Ilrilisli Isles :ilnu.- musisi or null fur short of n ibuiisiiiil distinct ixliiiids or lï¬ll‘lï¬. vii-hiding .snluli-d pin- n 'li-s or risks ‘l‘linir um I\' l'.’l.ll.'v. square miles. Illrlllln‘l Ilic lmlllillullr‘n \iilliiii uliicli FIIIIIII' i-IgliII-cii il'lll.l llillf Iiiillinns Ill Iii:ilm and hourly ll|llfllm~ll| iiifil Ii linlf lullllull (numb-s lilt'. Iiimc,‘ :iinl llult’ llll'lf‘ being, I'lii-i lll'l' ll'drâ€"l fully In lh‘lll its .I ii.IIii-Ii. In llIl‘IlllI'lUlIl of something liki- Iii“ iiiilliniis, “III. In Inv-Iiiiir- of iiini-ly-ulic- ll|llll"ll‘ 'l'lin llrilisli liiuplri' rrmlinn uiIlinui parallel in lllt‘\\llrl1l"( Iiisiury. li i~ n-Iili-riul lll-‘ll‘. itllll nvnryuliI-ri'. \Iilh .III'J .Ip- prmicliingz II-n fllllllnn sviunru- iiiilm lId -l01liiii||I-ins n' iIIli il.iI:I:ii ~ .\l,l. IJlIiilli. III l‘lllll/llll III :I is .i pwi i .Il llt'll‘. .iIi lt‘lvl!“'lll .nu i'Il‘\"|-i.< Ilii- tau-v ll - sllli‘lv'ls an» in lllt' iiiiiioziiy. lllll" lug inn liuiiilrcil iuiIIiun Illll pm», my... N"It'lll_\ llllll'ull .\lul.Iii.IIi..I.IIi~. .llll l‘|,.'l|l iuilliuii Iluddhuis .‘Hnlt'li iii,. liki-'Iiziu.-~.ii..iiliili-I-I~:iri-~;ni\- i-Ii Iii Ibis '... I l'l‘.lllll, III In. II Ir '|\I|I‘ ll lIiI- IlIlIlI' i.~' [-riiilml. Jim I “II J pk Il'l\\ llni.~ IIIlllII‘ pliiiiilly ll'- a I‘llllllll-‘ll'. .i |t‘lllll.‘i|ll.l~ w lvuIiIII‘I-Il IIFI'HIHII'II . ll lliuuwiii .lkl", Iluulili- in.“ puimu-l of IiiI-in. . II IIII Ir» lli.|ll irIi llMIU- sand i~IiinI l|ll‘( Hluit'lllllllln -I.~ rumbles lIlI‘ lrlll~lll‘l' lU ‘lt‘rllll'lll .l I-~it' Mliii‘li lln- iliir oi Illl lllllI‘I “um." t'llll llllllllll ll! I lrl‘lllllll'l‘ IL'J‘" ‘ilV‘ globe and Ipuvli .i {Airlliill u: llII‘ ii.I« pui-wi-siiiiis Iln- “llllll‘ “Ilul[||"\ Smiling Iruii I-Inglinil liI- inikvw fur‘ lliililiix, V. ‘ , ll}! s :I.‘Iii~.~v I'.iIiII~l:I lo Vain-Inning Ilwiic» Iii Ihi- l’auiiov IoI‘ Hung Kong ltmuuiing lIlrt uny bev liiilui nl Sin Humeï¬'ounug. Mauritius»! Cape Town. ‘I. llnb-na. Ilia lulu-r place' being the! I. stoppage ert- Brilnin'el while cliffs nro rI-Mhed. They-e is.I lion-mar. s alternate route llllt‘l‘ nr-, riving III I ling; thence he can go IIII I~'i.iii Europe. three hundr ' _ l vulety of distinct (mine I multitude tising lei-cut then in indie. ther divided by discordant conflieti ietic me iM‘l'ilInn-l llmuis. of New York. ‘J. liv'lwr ,IiI-iiu'l [II-’II ‘l.iiiiliv in IIIJI .- ll Its ulstion,_ bordering on millions. Is composed of of religioall, gran?» dlv rites. and up“ mg i. .n‘nu, omcm ; ru am. an over I hundred d Ilinrt lim- ert from dlulu‘Ll. spoken any of the races are fur- Ire-Judicas. nntugon-' an.“ Initial lenses. on inl interests. ‘ . ’l‘he diversified elements constituting the India possessions reprelz‘nl. ac- cording to n. lute‘Governorâ€"lir‘uer-l. as complicated n social and pUlIlIL‘nl . genizntion as has ever taxed human in- genuity to govern and or- ndminisIt-r. I After India tomes Cnnndzi. and the. Australian colonies. wliivli are about lu form a new southern Dominion. outlinnjiiiiiiiii SOIB FACTS ABOUT THE GREA JULY CONFERENCE. , T Belle-f Ind Prevrulleu Worl- â€" l’over J. "rune nmt on." mlnl I'ruhluu- In Br touultlrrvd - IJII‘K" 'Allrnd-urr [spectra â€"â€"l'ruirriunlur outlined. Toronto is being sperlally favored by huge Conferenres this year. The first of those great meeting: is the National Conference of Charities and Correvfions which cm: with a public reception in the Egg vultural Pavilion on the eveningpf July 7th. and con- tinues in session until the. afternoon of July “In. This Association is com- posednr'ui’e lenders mine great chnri- tabie movement that is doing so much at be present day to ameliorate the condition of the poor and the afflicted. Every phase of benevolent work will be represented at this meeting. from the humble contributor to the poor 0[ his or her own neighborhood. to the Official heads of the areal institutions for the care of [be insane and the cus- tody vf the prison-Ir. Men and woâ€" men who have made :i life study of reâ€" lief work nnd who direct the charity organizations of the country “ill he present to exchange expiiience and the managers of Mom: institutions will state the rec of EU\T€SS llml is attending lhrll f rts. The morning nnnl evening we tings “ill be devoted to papers and addresses of is general character in which all “ill be inlrrest- ed. “bile the lelernuun meetings will be given over to some six or eight 30‘â€" lions dealing “llll wa'llll branches. surli as rhiirity UHLII’lltClllODS. cliilil- saving. the care of the insane. muni- ripol tin-l comily I'lla‘f‘lll-‘S. sociul set- tlcuieuts and prmiu reform. '1 his Asswiatiun bus bet-n in Piislenvo for Iucnly-four yours. 'lhv l'rc>li‘.(‘nl’ is Mr. Alex. John~.,-n. Superintundent of the Indians :‘tulc 5 liool for Lin- ll‘l‘l1l8<flllfl-lwl. \ihile tlie Se'retiry is Mr. H. II. llart, Sr. rotary of [Luv Stute‘ livll’vl of \llllfIl-I's of .\Iiunc<ot.i. Among llic IIIqui‘I-nt suI-Je ts that “In Ie taken up and a few the Sin-.Ikors Ill-'ll u ill Likc p.1il. llic Iul~ liming Iiiiulit “: Un'flllI-III'IIL 'llli' \' of â€IV l'uunnllrt‘ tho sliiiy of nodal VII-ileum l'l'I'SLIIrIlL U.lvii..ii. of J~vl.ii~ “-5 In.‘ ill-\PIMl)’. lhlliilinrt'. .‘ltiu AII‘ IliI- i'IiIIiI.iiII -- “I†w .iltvuvleII I) Ii.-- . in [I‘\"'I‘.\ ‘11 Lil .in-I II. ili .il l mil-my Ii...“ llll' grim l nanrqiitu ... III" I’- ii- lInI-iil ’ .\lts. ul (in E. If. \\i|li.IiII>I-ii I-f l'l|.'| .ll‘. In .liiiinnn ni I..i..I..II.-- on II III i ~ ll.» ll'lll of I‘V'l l.--i. Im- ..n.1r..u_...... 1|t|‘ ' .r _|ii‘u .Iuviii. .in-l kiiiiIrI-i viii. SIM-In \Ui '3 '90. ll \\.lh by so Ii Iii-1i .I.‘ I i’i-f. llvll~ .i.‘:5..n_ of Ilic ('l.; Ipu lflv-Ilslqu. rune. '. LII) ..r lln- >I.ILI' mi .u or so... \ â€rt/7 \_- wr «v ....i.._ in“. . lI‘Il' In‘ I\-ig~| -Ii lllll . .iiivl .‘lr. IZiiicsI Ill kin-II. men-I ll'_\’ llmrd of Stile. I'iIII-iiies of In :I‘Ili.l. ' 'l'liI‘ voIIiImIliIr on IliI- I'~:~~v»lc Iiiin- e-l \liil Io prI-si 'l'Il lurl' l-y III". i . .“l. i ow- I‘ll. ul' (iliuivuol. Inui, .llll ll.. ii..i ll sllvijn'l Iii-.Ilt'l In) ilc Il-lll.lIll|I‘c mil Ic [-I'I-Iriiliuu .‘ll‘. liIII- llllln"‘l \Irlh, of liu~lull. i\.lI rm-I .i [l.llIv'l‘ nn "'Sluli- llcgiiLIIn-n nl' lll.iri.v.ig. " 1“,.1 llr. KrI-Izn .Ii “Louis I iiiini ll). .-.iil llL‘Jl “It†I li.l l slu-I} :i~ ui-p' HI ll! Iic- {c Iiu- .I.-lliw ii; \\li| c In I I t'.ir- s of >_vr.i new “I†Also I rim [.Irt. llll‘ IUlIlLl Illl'h‘ nu Ilie cuiu Ill [be in- siiii- “Ill In: â€motel met lI_\ I-r II t'. lliilto-r. nf ILIIIIp-Alix :Iu-I Ilm pnr .t-i-liiiizu nil! bc [viliciluII-d in by urirly :lll lb I'll‘.lI||llK JulLl.>fIlll‘i on [Ii-n e‘Jrl‘ iif Ilw Insane. \ll> J.Iiii- Addams. of Hull Hour-Iv. I‘LI urn. llcv, l'I-i‘xy .\l.lcn. of Muns- II II llullN‘, Loliiluii. l mil inil. :Inil llrv lluiit. of limihiiiw. uill spun; of s-vul >l‘llll‘llll'ul: Ill try» cilirs Ilm l"ll|lf‘ll.|.lll of lh.s swlinu Is l’rol. l’ra- lu-ly. of llii'vuril luurrstty. lhr l'ri‘vll ilclorm~mviiun ui.lbe ITI‘ .~i-Ic.l over by I liilip t'. Unl'f‘t'll. bf ’bi- lil'll‘lph-Ll. uli’le tlii- lllN iirsiI-n “ill le ‘lziki-n part in by [be HI.“ 5. .l. ILlr- l'lI\\.~, of llltwlull. llou l'b.ii‘ilou 'I‘. .in-I \\'.irrcn lv'. Spiulling. uf Utislun t‘hIlIâ€"sivmi.’ “nrk and Alqu'liilr re- f-vrinlluriM :Ir!‘ tun uf Ib-v l.lrfl“~l and most lnlvrr-Ilng lelvllls of the t‘uii- (pri'n -~-, .In.l :ill lll.llll'l’\ I.» “I'- glv lwl :iu-l ili-IeIIIII-III IbibliIIn \\Ill 'e .i...n..sgl .ii Ilicsv iiiva-ngs All » gulp-r iliu miilmrini: prum.w~ In lvr .i IIImI unjuyulw Iinnl :Iislriuliic our, Sim-mil r.lll\\ i_\' .virr:iiii:riiiaviiI~ are I» . Iiimlv ulicrv'l-i ~‘.l‘.'l" firv TIIV‘AJH I... u-riiru-Il, :inil,.l a- no lvl 'l..iL ii.iIi_\‘ t':IIi.iin.iii\ li'I-Iii all pprh nl ll.--, .mintiy iii‘. .Illllli II..~ Ulr-llll,‘ ll-Ii. 5. ll Illik-v ix- of II..- ln .ll l’llllllll.ll"l', \\lilll‘ llw \I‘Iri‘l triv- iiic lli‘. .‘l .\l. llusvvv-riigzli ilivl Mr .I .\ll) dun-«l iiil'ni‘iiiitilvi. -.iii b.- sr iirml I._\- \ir.liiiz lu Ilieiii . Hiihi lc t'llllfvl\ ..I III' linvlil In i0 Ib- i.I.-.I-.:i,:. ILc “Mu... .. â€I; Illil Iii v.1 ...' IIIIII) sliiiplii i 'Il-IIIISHllslhl' ll.ll .nnlu c .I gruit iii.iny ‘lilllu‘l. iii~ 1.. .iilciil I I~ I â€".â€" l‘.\ll\ l-l) 0'." v I " I\ (‘llliL ll" llllv~t [mfi i' ll.lll‘ll.| i~ Lu \Iiii I‘ll III‘I‘\ II [or ll’ll lié- .Ii \\' .I‘ ll Ilzv‘ vb .s I! "iiru (LII [Hr-I;'Ilio- \IIll \«'.x"'l ll. pi r 5. .lll iii w -i u". fisivnftr'hi llnl-‘flnsfv' :i 'l-‘L' "l" .--- l’vii' Hm} I III' 'li.~ :.~ [irin'wI II. II.- u.-.l,l.w'. l' p c Ill Ilc .i. II II- “will ii: I! .‘ iiul “ 1' Id Ill‘l by l . ‘ii .inl :i~--.l rci.r .<I_.-r Uv. Ha .I- L. I" -I. “.iI-I‘ li~II-I_\ of II. fiI.l_\' siII‘l'i IIH lv'v- l~ nibvr IlK’di l.‘\ uh. I. I I: Iiinki» ni " i\ of Iln-u-I-Jru Ii -.r 2... bn. .~- Iii. is†'ll.«' 'I I ,_ I'll'l said In Ilille back l“ U - sevvmeenl ll rem ury. AI ll);I nsrriI-ii‘liiral fair annually hold at (immunity n grin-Iii runny ulicew rrgvs- ten luu'r lien-n i-rliibiled \"Illt‘h wore Il'I' i’ilxnir niiild o of Iliu ‘.lll. lw: Wrol' of Russia. I .43 Kings of Sweden and of Domnmrk, and King Charles of ï¬floumanin._lho Inlter'u brown. unlike [pm of his bmllier monarchs. being ; not. of gold 1101‘ wt with ieivels. but of jgigi metal and sleel. taken from the a; nun and the swank captured the [humiinian soldiers from the ’I‘ur in the bloody war of 1876. In v,irrrst lIlIIl fcrl‘" "Iv‘or murder." "For l..llIll?râ€' ejm-Il ladies. ’li:Iti._ you l)i.\.i1,'hviv\iillilii.â€~.ll'l â€I" "1' _ lll': nun urrml :I [Ing- ‘FA 7.. l".l'll“lli'ld .inrl uilda his (-in , ll ""‘“ I'Tr‘m'" r'inJrkflld “‘7“ There was '1 Iiioiiii-nt's Ibreathless lr iur 'llt,‘ sump-II HUD: ‘rl-I‘r" p;iii.~.-, tie-mm. “llll nm- llllllll on â€19 "‘ '3 .. 1 ’“Ill'n' ‘I'rf- “Wm-I‘m“ â€l “"514...- uf il plum and Illl" knee restin bmllt ll“ Inn wit, hml Ilio» iiup.i~sive air 0 .I Iirzlii “HUI“ nothing more min sur- ly. piiw. If.) llfl'l gun“ through so iiiurh ugly 91' of III" IIIIII In: Ii time if seemed as if d- ill" .p. lrI-sli mmlimi hurl poucr io iour-h "15’ .\ _lf'III.'1-l) you lis'II. :ifi'I I. 3m; are ill." "(Ji‘mit llP'lI'Plll "'I'I. I} mu :ir-- mnmken. , you lIlllClTl â€Inuit!" sziid Mrs. Brooke F " .Iy Well. Ilut tel. HIV this: _ ..‘Il| lrlllnl' N‘Il lips . l .mpm .' I I foal I'lzirl. or OUR!†l “I " I My My as how Minder Grril sliot, f, ,.i ., .rr‘ f (in my life. I don't know IIu- flPuIlh‘llllInâ€"lhe llIIrunâ€"u ll'lf. was . w an I'. debt to feel!" I'aviinal rim“! about n hour ago. .‘voII "(.i: U (braid? an I liellevw: a word of it," she :iIlIIt-rl Intvrl both the (all me. ' I l‘ri Iri:v IniI 'a..l tieruIII [rI->~‘III» unlit-v ’Il' li'vc on llui-nburu ... 1 _.~_.*. IF .A LmAL DILEMMA. Judgeâ€"Who owns the mule? Caseyâ€"I o‘un wan hiilf ov him Ilfl' Iirty owns the ithur. Yer Homer. . uilgeâ€"Then what's the trouble? (.‘IiN‘yâ€"l'bgilwrty won't. let his half ork. .Iiilnoâ€"f‘ourl's ndjournad. 1 mm look III) the law. III-1K. dear. l.iii.v .‘lill'fll‘ri’. “but are 1 am “'1'“ I In Ceylon. onibiiy. Aden, I’ei'ini. .\l:IIIII, Gihr. ur. and home again All zones I :- embrsmd in Ilu- Llriiish Empire. the icy \i-ildornms of Hudson Buy the tropical jungles of llllllll. The is scan-My a prmlul‘I of coiniiii-rr'inl I luv which ii llriIin pro- vince does 11 . bring forth In ITS [no icsr PERFECTION Notwillielnndin the diversilleil ele- ments comprise in this tremendous or- ganization. the Government, wilh var rure exceptions. mainliilns order, I'lnll there is no apparent sign of dissolu- lion " . Without s doubt the mus! spli-mlul Jewel in the Queen‘s crou ii [.4 llll' I... diun Empir which is equnl iIi ivv l' .we exclude Ttussiii. lo the (minim-"I m r l jlrnnwn to be from IFII In 200 yum-s nIII I‘m o'dmf. thm Till.“ yet been ll=*[lli’l)l‘ll ilnlongs 10 n rmmlry sqii.i'v living nnar Germ-tiny. who slimvs his f;\.iiii'y retard mrved on a chi-mo made in 1660. COULDN'T 'l‘OI'l‘H 'ENI. Ellll‘lâ€"Dld you nvcr run arrow Ii rm] smart mm In your life? Penelopeâ€"N0, inilovtul; such [in-n ‘ump \Try quickly \\ hen they; bear Ii Tiicyvlo hell. NOT A \VIC 03â€â€œ. TOI‘II‘ Elieâ€"ll. “1m just time years ago lu~ ni bl Ihiil you lll‘t'llilliftl. . finâ€"Now. wit-ii Il‘ll you \vnnI In brint‘: Ilini up for H†llw only iiIi'liI of llic lucrk Iliigl have away from Idiom“; -HEALTHLMM FAILE sou iiii: siCk. No maths: .hou' murl. care on-v ms! alto to gunrd'agiiim'. II, all knees comre to every household some tIme. lhen the lunaeuife's llIJll l: lax-rd lo the 111me to provide suitable .lLul trmpt- ins Lune for the patiI-ul. The preâ€" paration of «balms for on inialul is a perplexing pioI,l--m. for lllt‘ food shalld be Mllbblng and nml; coukrrl and served in the dainiirsi and mm! at- tractive manner. In addition. changes (unsian'ly Tqu'lllfrfll to tempt n capricious AIIpt-lllc. 'l'ht-se few sim~ pl» hints miy be of assistance to some one. An exnrlII-nt thing for I dkllffllt or exhausted stomach Is a glass of hot milk. Sweeter: it Ellgl'lll) and put In 5 piece of stick cinnamon while it Ls being heated. One of the most solisfnclury uuys of giving an invalid rnw ll-tt is in .1 sand- wich. Butter bghily on tho imf bread tummyâ€"four hours old, anl Iben slme it very thin. Europe a cl.o or. tcndrr piece of beef. season it viiib sali, and also pepper. if the lulu: can be tab en; spreul ll upon the buIII-rml brand, Int another piece of Inn-ad mcr ll. and then ant the sandwich inIo fingcr pieces. bring sort to rcmmu all the crust. Serve them upon (I ivniiily arr. embroidered dolly or n [I‘IDgl d napkin. as soon as they are made “'hcu s stimulant is n-quirml, pulling a spoonful of “hiskcy or “HIV in a cup of lmf tea instead of a glow of milk. 4 Beef tea is a fond of which an Iniulld quickly lirm. 'l'ry making ii into n jelly. bunk (or an Inn: 2| lll.|'tT Ill 5 box of gr-laiine in wan-r enough IL" io cuve'r it; [bun pour over it n PI“. of hot beef tea; wagon to sun Ihe tu-tv. and turn the liquid inio small I‘llf-s or individual maulvl» ‘In-l set‘il auay Io harden. “‘lmn nl'l'llkd, IUIn the jelly fr_um any. of ihn ulll_l‘l.\ uui upon Ll dainty “Jl‘l‘l'. knelt-ll marker ii in“ ‘.-r_\ ing. and ibo’eama- amoin'. I.f nt.ur:~'o- ulI-ul “ill l!‘ oblziinvd Ls when Ilir beef In is iakrn In liquid form. . Allil'li'fl’ luriid of u'lmh :ln inialitl sun!) .in» In 31.1“ "‘3 uiI h :iiillr ï¬r u Ill-J. [Lll‘v :i dip of but coll nnvl solar. \u' a» it i. rgir [.rciiulsly lit-Men grulually sllr it inio the irrparwd ruff-1‘. qurulmd’ 1th tsp building. Ila- ivuffce in -i pan of be ling “utor II; 5: rp iL Ion. hut. Hus mutt†a chain: Hui is wry [ulnldulc a» m-ll :i~ suing b- eiiing . . AL. iy.‘ gixo s pane-n: a x‘ulirrwi glL~>. a red onc A gum I'Llll is Io Insu- In. . i -lir.-. :1...“ m a In: \ $1, Ol'flilll “Ir-l In gill Ind i.»'- .’ I.I _ as... ~r :omnlih. Du: a lid IIs~I v. bin-I .ii-n Ilu- >su v,»‘. v iii"! .Ii: ilivu- .. bun ’,i'.;-i. lw‘ i:i I. ..I[.. "l [U .i ;n..ll ~l Iii l.i~ [Llll' ‘- .~ L... «I lkl“\ :u I. g .c r-Il u.'.ll Lt. “ I " 1‘. In\|l- I41 all \kr)‘ 1p and no.1 3b.... an i l...†1.. ‘c pup...»- ' .ll\< . in). l: r Illll.i.liL1lA Lug. .. nu... .l 1.x... i.- o ini'm i. 1a.: Hui l.l'l»~[v fli.\ .n |\ in m- l'-r. 1‘le { i: .i pvn r~u~ pvh' .l . (.K» ' l-le .iii Intimxu: “l-Iv ...II n p \\| .i. In. 1 r x i ...-. :im on... .. I.- Ill: :i. .l\ i- -l i.l~ of .llll [ax .t'lll.e' u. :i l Mon. LII“ -r .Inl aizi a. .i.! I~ u u 11..» .Ii.i.‘< ins} Ii-I.\ ll ll.I .. l; .:i 'l.r...vl II II II' . I...’ i‘ll' I . 3.)“ Add In. \lilv~ . u ‘ev‘y i.,.l. r... «.r. 'l‘Il>lI Iiiil Il i:i'I fiI It'l‘ in-ii\ 'w. 'l. II in llii- l'iri- Ind I‘\<.K g. 21.: uni...†oi... 'l sicuv .iiil . â€".il . .: slung L'lll'l,\ II" lll.llIl l-i: â€ll-‘4 c p7: .~ . “ill In~.Il-l~ Iii-m ll‘lA\ ~ lllr‘l In; at Ii.l.«n ii. .il In nu llL-Jl I... lllll'-ll L'V‘J'l 111' mm .Ii. f.i. .Ilv q'iir. “II i-r, “it .u.» i‘ '-I l-«;- ‘ . . .i. . , Inn; \\l:- ll \xcll i... \III, .m. r .\l)l Il.h4‘ L- I' Ibv \\li'l’g" it \\lll JIL‘l rtiiih‘. Lars. Smmn u.Il. ml Illll.“ ii [alluidllveu .t.’.‘l >9. ‘.. col. erlin l' Il.zI-. l" swir lo a ‘lqul an) I}: ll.. Ii. r.ii ..i ll .. i... -,â€":-...i l spa-[:1 ll II (n an. r. L: U N'YIJXL' an iii..iliul “III. to oral Frdt‘l Is Llquir l\\u ll\|‘l I.I| lr?[-v‘II.£‘l\ h llesguonl'blul II- o: 11,-; Lvlf .A In,- ... “uh; lV‘l- inning Ill-'lll n. ii :in lids“: loin: \\.I‘--. l,«-' Il..\ u. .‘lr\\l} .I J. le k ol IL- fr.» ‘utl in! n: :1 u:‘.l.-lâ€li_lil) lfv‘wlil . king iuil.~ you-an pl 1..» 3..r. sun gzviicrvnsl} \\'.lll >..ll a i. I} sign. .lhul a soup.“ in If nu‘ [Ira-l ‘hnulvl ’ll‘vv I-n ~~ r\.-.I u. liki- lll‘ Iu'l‘ll-Aul t“; l. .‘l l\ ",v'l of pi l’.‘. ("lll‘rll , . lll'll. .\ iimvi so l I» m r.- :l.. .~.i -1. .l.‘ .11 â€A. ‘.l .c u! \T... ll- for I'll- ugl; r-‘nz. I .l d ILJ' luv» .1 1"l. I! ll. ircill w. - in n. l Illlllli‘ lulu.r l\\l- .iim l'i iv. I.; an. liilf a dip of m.~.ii~, :i:,l \‘JII'. v. gust Ln» l“\ .i l.~ |’ lg uf Ila u .f .» mm i I I; Lilf1i.ii: ‘li- ll AIME. awn IM..' ..l (hi‘. >.. m... ..f 1 win: .; ,x \- “I l‘vll i2. . p; Ill .. ll \\.H I ui I.l~.\lf|llli. II :I. ’ .1. {on rm to III [III In ls» inf-ii \\I.Il1.lIII‘ r-‘uii ii,b.. «nil .ll\\tl‘.\.1l\lll 'lI". III. .I . p .,. ..i in \ .I \ l ll ' H: .I quill \llll‘ I Iii-l. .i:. v. .ii .I Ill.ll. -l \\.|l 'vIl' Iiiv lIIi- I --r ‘l gin-ms .‘lllr llt'll iIm uv . 'uri Im. if \\I\“l\ «I n :b‘. ui'l ll.l'- ï¬xivk. n|fl"l'r,‘. Jl II .iw. .- .Ill be some and dry Ill" llull-l» 'lmrv I'. “IS .\I’l‘l7\ll\N<'l~ lilil llill Ill“ ‘1 i..~i vac-pcd from Ilc .‘ll*\i~\»‘- flow S‘lJl llll‘ iiiiii II III.- I< suiiI-vllnnu I.» (“II I “us â€I u ii. llll’I‘I‘ Illy‘. \mi liivvii'I throw yI-virx" ~lw sl'iiliiuml bull ,u I II. hm" ilp \\.I~r I II.- \\.iv II‘ |IIIl ii (lf‘l'l Ir. l lllI' .Ivni‘ (Til-bun .KQ).\ Ili'Il brought from Axis In 825 M... :I. ». . lllll- Iv \ Sen-ml u.'b u ni-vly‘ Iv} mum; .i- .11 \\ ,Lli .\ .I» II I_'.iI . ITEMS OF INTEREST AM THE BUSY YANKEE. Neighborly Inumt III flu Del-pâ€"M-turl a: Manual und rum: (lens-red fro-I hl: Dnlly Record. .‘lwrlve thouslnri f-- of iU];..nâ€".' “8-! unlo‘avlrd from a r....r I.. l I..r ‘D’i piled .up .n :v. my 34nd: st Gardiner. .‘llt. the olurr any To gin her Limr‘y i. Digit};- “(ml to squeeze ersrlf only xx Int‘lf.‘ ‘der1 a; "lrnn. Md .1 I} “in. Dawd iiunzar of Troubnlr Ur ml Iwu sails one of lflvLL‘ Int â€unp- “(I pullutls .n Lt.- LU-luzn-v I Ilmr :Le . .rl_v part of ll..\ mv-s‘u flurry borders coon dug .2 LL‘ at \\'.llisn_.q-..Ir;. .‘dIi . sv’ quarry and s‘.:mx-d ta. aP-ru ii l-l’uifl! lL> oun neat“ AI. \Vesl Canaan .\ H. was shut “'b.( n nn pure: tLrI-i limos-s in law i. .ind luui fee: Iuhr~ from w. wng ln valu- an): of the maple «.gur season .0 Se“ Hamgsmn J IL 1.. ford of East Hrvbrun inside ï¬lm In -cdl of «iiuar. lie inn-«1‘1 ‘w :rm: 11. a railway rulllV-IU in .\ l:n.i a rouiyu-ar4zl.l cum a 'j'll air \-..In iuu u.†i! rmxn (vu‘. o '-\.n- do“ 4-} 1hr shr- . and vs .li’l‘d .r._sr.\ lll)-_Tl"4!'-Ollj me" n of mm. r\.l.‘e, v for half he 'il "u , .r‘.» rind wril‘ d... , up. rwmvrrd .. “.3 in lull 'uizhqu Iru'mrni. . . I, m Oregon's lru.l crop will: he lA “It“ one. aborting to indiutions. , .. sairl lle in Ibe umnuy â€Hing»l..ud Lalf the [Idol‘- IL: :4- _. rs Lb: Faint Aâ€. I- I .i. I , m- .4 r. I I “ Id gm .'.\0 n I» ‘.r-.>- 'wrn' .inl lulu . U,“ “Iii If required no Li..n out lru.l Jn Ilir [fro-n It L‘u bum related (be: 10.00.! dud ï¬ssile-is err: mt upon the sncre of In! {Law at I/ Perl; )llnb’fli‘lIâ€"i I- LVD Ill»: 1;: invited ll.†yeur In» unzsusl {Untitlexe of we lIr :JJ.L¢' inn, n.z.'rr inf-amp causcd Imâ€" lisnxs to pâ€" of suit-Mum. Lg-IInlng Sll'u‘d Isitlli slung zit uiriu, )1... {to s... rwms bend»: iv.,f..'.t I'uni'ur Sir S;'â€" -.. I ‘4 Inturunr chuu- . n .r » .. :I'Lidlcfi 5'u;l lnr ui. lapel; unnur' hum‘ r Acvoro ng LC. .\ [or bear: s {-4.4 on (Lit ext. I-ru.n'- ncsn. emit Ll’; hr ‘flmpsznre hm ;.._sn..-,â€"i.. ..~ i1... . the hire are l'. lung liver Ibeâ€" élaiex A is . null luiil’ ILIâ€"_\ Lnsiunxts I.“ Lgh' . Nllr' .L 1;†I the n L.’ 4L. I-“ ._ .5: of I" “.h‘ le' l..~ ht .1r W “.L‘ a“ . 5.; 311' would», .\ >qu rrcl Mn»; Lcmv uri-lrr - Li.- .A ne u’.. av . Iv.» sea-n i . xiii.“ ‘l.-Al" 4 prqd’r by yurw ..i. ' v --.r lilu '.;I- BE SHOULD KOT HAVE TOE. _. “Ior_l arm.- Ilnn “Ian nu.“ lp III. hk-Vll.‘ . I an Int-e l‘roun. -_ I I >. "l In-r lull" n.) III; l “A“ xii» Lin . lbr Ls IL |\ nn-t' . I l "I vi I [I