5 TERIVIS. I) :5 Par Year: 01.00 I! P-ld I. Adv-non. . ADVBETBING‘RATES: IIII STREET SHANKLE’S BARBER suon lllll ST., STOUFFVILLE c. C. Robinson B‘USI}?ES§§ 63331209. 'H“ 7 Hi! nom msonm. mm For Fuhionable HAIKDBEQSINC Luvuvu a9. MR5 STOUFFVILLE. . ONT, {onev to Loan IIISIOI HOUSE 9nd THURSDAY , ludmld, Davidson h Watson, RBIsTER-s. SOLICITO)». \ No'nulu Punuc.rr-. rxdzl A da‘ude 5!... F. wax-nor Vlcwmst‘ Chc QTrihunc UTTON9 ’._G. B 070300, W JAMES lidIUllLOUGlL LL Burrh‘lar‘. Solicitor. Etc Dlley'l Block. ETERINARY SURGEON. \DUATE OF THE ON DEN'I‘A L. ‘ SMITH. L113 D.D.S wands nhinson. Jonn F. Lennox T. Herbert Lennox ouflville. Ont, V-ETEI:INARY â€"I8 "mumâ€" Tl: THROAT . E. SMITH. ED AUCT] 'C'I‘ION I'JERS‘ ENDIUAL mm] m nrxbemnnuâ€"lonl. mankind. no luv. lnurflon. and!) Inn!- xuqnontinnflion. rd: an. inch And under. .5 par lulu. includint can] of hip". ’mrsday E vetting rut-eh: MALLOY. ,B azors arid Scraps forkale 1e best. Workmanship mfcigarsalwa. iv ..ock J. W . SHANKL‘L, Pnormmon “PE". IOnurio (n \V. hACDONALD J. A. PéTERSON. A. (IRAN 1‘. PRINTIN Emmi A55 Ploruml VVILSL‘Ns ,Y in AUGUST. L59 poinlmem. ion-the 2nd ACH MONTE FOL- le STOUFFVILLE. BIT EAR. NOSE Am Solicitors, ARTIIaTS. smurmLLE CTIONEER i you. {ndew undar. 059-! py ol pup". be non: ingot ol’ eh-nn ol 1“: not: In"! be not in not yl 'Denbintry idence 697 i" open MANSION ‘n the ya! Cul‘ Chm T :1:th mytn'aept M01V7£ In". :1; Churn: HI: MOI’I' Bl: ild Truta' Tlua ‘ronl LLD RELIABLE DRUG STORE SEEDS! SEEDS! Fumi’eupe ï¬weg "Down 5. BURKHOLDER This is what Everyone Wants now. You will ï¬nd our stock Com- plete and our prices moderate. Best assortment shown in Stouï¬'ville lower. from 900. up Full Stock 0t Field and Garden Seeds. The ï¬nest Extensi market. It will pa; On Farm or. Village propertv :24 \ $THOMAS 5 TO 6 PER CENT VIET‘JR EXTENSION TABLE $16 $19 .r O BANKERS Haley’s Block, - Stout Oflice Hoursâ€"10 a. m. to 3 p IL. Saturdays IO 21.111. :01 p. m. Also Agents for Canada 3 and Leading Fire Insurance . And take: for collection. Drafts Issued on the Imperial I and its Branches. and on all point Canada and the United States MONEY TO LOAN Notes collected at Lowest Rates. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Interest allowed on deposits. Good hardwood budsteads, 4; ft hig‘ STAHK 8. BARNES Wovel. wire beds at Parlof suites upholstered'in plush SALE NOTES CASHBD MONEY 1T0 LOAN reat assortment of fancy rocker: d. cobbler and upholstered seats SEEDS! @Make it Buy from us S. BurkhoIder, Main St, Stouï¬'yill W. J. STARK CHEMIST DBUGGIST I‘INANCIAI On good security Has on hand the ing money Order of I AT FROM ST.) Jri'JIL'. A. Todd: Manager. for tr Pric‘ Stnuï¬villa Point to perial Bank all points m 1nd tit an‘t CVCX’ mion l mmtin the Pro: In ‘Tlia ideal CltlZGll is the man beliéveu thnt all mm are brother that (ha nation is muralv an vxtl ofhls family, to be lnwd rim} and cared for accordinglv. Dr Bruc‘ has bpen v1 Almirn. km farm and If the c effcc SEE HE! .. _\n_\' pl facmr‘v buggy cim hm bv leaving: (hair ordm Toqa, toun‘ville. . Wm buy a M may: of 1895. with light in weight uni in Applyito Dli. Ira. crushad unde down. but he in time. The Annual Report of the ial Instructor in Roadmaking, issued In the course of n In. The Report is bamg sent to [I cipal ofï¬cers, councillors. man farmer's institutes, dairvlnl up but is Fnrsvth, small growers and kinvln The question of road movement is mm vlnso able pfnmmnncn at vh w is the wish cf : éullurc that th( ch all In whnm it v i eiem. Persons r copy/through the sour tiuned may obtain om Af which pror ernn Supernnnuutlon legislation to [II and such minor are absolutely other hand Sir nartur work Athn irn; 'ettir rld LOCIXL T inurd‘s Liniu [I the Th A W ,lildinl, llin n “I hl the Plot all rol- n vxsitlngn . ieft rm Mm : of the Gm: Bu ytnrmn (‘ will STOUFFVILLE. ONTARIO. 'REURSDAY W at \vh VI nuK bills,nnd to conliu xtnrifl‘ and aupplv hill departmental hilii n nbceasnry. (In th Char! M. huh! I’urra [he 0' My to mum Monarch T the man wl lhl liripp 1‘“ pr. '1‘} 31 mm fru HT I II brocl «am. In at flu nr ality wvidir wâ€"blt v mp" Vll‘l “fl ' 'slout. n labh uhopkce " ‘3 bonus-.- ‘ mes. a unhhunn‘i TI ‘rir Idem ll at of cour \\'l Id» 1 Tar [h 'Jiln II that ll‘ JUNE 10 J“ J. “RAY HA I; v A In Incoming. rather' I Ire dcï¬c some of II iii Tr 11! ll Av’cr s- Cathnrtic Pillsmnve no equal as a pleasant arid eflect- unl remedy for constipation, biliousness, sick headache. and all liver troubles: They are sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with- out the annoyanccse in the use of so 111 pills on the market. druggist {or Aycr’: Pills. When other THE PILL THAT WILL. you, Ayer's 1897 Retiring. @tibmm. ‘ct. Ask your :r’s Cathartic Ler pills won'} many of t} D‘ rience ivul :tter Minard upful on It it n WHOLE NUMBER The Market Drug, St Turnip . REHOVED 1‘0 BRAY’S BLOCK Carrot Mans ADMB 8: DARRAGH SEEDS! John Bray FRESH A.“ Ure our JOHN BRAY ll The Old 1 And G. COLLABD. C. H. KEMP J BAKER SEEDS CLO Makin >Call and Inspect )CR and Learn our ‘0 lbk