Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 20 Jun 1890, p. 2

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I Him-77777.. “I'M Cl 0mm; 1m 2m... But-u...” me. . l Ewnhy .... 2 urban-nan 3 “glam... 4 hubby...” sling Clash. «WNW-~- 7 Nobbtou .8 Unydtmm ... 96nd“: .... "mum: 1 Wanna" 2 [guanine .. Bog-8m . PineOuh-fil. 6 Vivian ...... Lowmmmxr l Murray's , gm”??? BQnecn-vilhn '4 Bolt ........ . 5]; Alba:.. 5 8 S No. 10.. 1.97mi! l mulch...“ '1 2 Balbven i 8 8 5 Na ‘1... ‘ 8 4 5 menu dumpmeed nir. Ir. Screiber hey: the actual-ark olhnringilmolt inter- e-ing, Ind hp done efldently end ex- peditiously. The Imgth o! the actual tunnel rill ham feet. a! which 2,810 feet will hinder the rivet For the cam Portion of this distance 13$". will pmtienlly he on the level, the tenant from the centre on either side using 1 in 50 The Ipproerhen com- prise u open cutting on the out side a! 3.2!) feet and m the welt ride of 2.560. The tunnel. cylindrial in {arm rill have 3. diameter at 20 feet in th? ale-r, Ind in being lined withart iron, the action being 42218 inches wide and two in hick. When complet- ed-honth mutant iron will have been put in, not to spell: of the wrought iron bola. etc. Behind the Iron plates cement grouting is poured to fill up the new tameriy occupied by the boring shield before it 'ulm ed forward. When the tunnel reaches the centre a! the rirnr there will he 18 feet 0! mad Ind chrehova it end 40 feetnlyuer. B! thethddy Act of I“) rubric)- to the extent of 15 per tank (the value a! the work, hut not u g ”10.01), menthwixed by ' aver up to the 3m Deemnher. 1889, but In that math lheComixny lpplied for payment on account a! work done, showing A total cash expenditure up to the 31a of October, 1880, of over “SIM The Chief Engineer revert: tht the whole work is being carried on: in a man miehctory md substan- tial manner. nun-_..- . Th [0110'th In (In W :3 mm nuke voting in this riding on Thursday. Jules“:â€" mummvnmmum tutu-hdps â€" .Apblh‘ WALTER m Multan-WWW Martha Cup Hen Sue, li- duiumeonminlfil. - ThekdminQubeeuMy MM '“WSIYinkvunflb Gov. ”m m’ Wt! hail-spinning tun-25mm Thunder“ the 0p- mwummlmnu Cu- Magma rowan-gun! theHcKinhyBflLmdinaflsd-Iupm Candi-n trul- mdannqrilu. the JmnfldColnn-acn ohm-mu. “ho aufimdmnmsaemmbougimm; £13“de inlpluclthe mummy political jumla udmanmmhcwuem lathe-avian! the" put ltiuo tumult-“Clad: penis: in qumly minding in on human m: u she did like: the nbroguion of the Baziprmity Truly by the United m none you: ago. Thu" [3.8. mnwm naeunrily chek this export a! m surplus agrinltntl products Ind turn than in Another flirtation. There should he no cuddm'fla cun- uuciou or an: aunt. ”pod-fly when to can-id" (In: tho Mn: colony of New Zuhnd “mentally upon: nah perishable article- ” he! Ind mutton. mUnideumn-y Ila-menuâ€" unlmrtetformflflngood- hunhen Mmutry illkol competitor ui: pro-hee- tho nine michl, and light to nah them. too, in Gran: Brit-in. V 1m. 3: .mwgmnmm”m hum: for IE. because it isnlmou nets Iain that no change! will 116 made in BM ngricnlmnl schedule. â€" Inn-gar. THE VOTE IN NORTH YORK. Ir. Ed'ud Finer, dint dun m'flljdnltanldtthha Ia medimthl'fiwrtflflJnlvlfl. Mr. 1.3. Willinanbecnmmungm mmgumm umummmuu’wm “Mina".l‘lylww Mui- . Ir. Calling-00d Sueiher. Chief En- gineer a! Government lkilwlys. In: hen Ruined I'- Sarnin inspecting Illa StChir tmmiu ImmeLI-hich is being hill uderdleSL Chill-her a: un- mthe Gmd'l‘rmkudtha Chic-go nil Gnu! Trunk lymuu. Mn ‘b- at 33': that n the Port Huron 'da 2300 feet or m. tunnel pmpel' ve “completed-mi n the CI 11 {- mmo mes. The axe-1m “mu‘fl mmnm “VIRGO GIMME". 1â€". all-Id I I.“ THE TRIBUNE. C'AJVADIANS ”DISTURBED. IISCRLLANEOUS NOTES. THE ST. CLAIR TUNNEL hm. Roi wm fl; so .. s7 31 a: .. 49 19 mum. hum-u 14 57 57 79 74 31 74 Bickle'a Anfi-Couumpflve Syrup m ulhehadoflholin for all dim-u at the anon lid lungs. It lcu like angle inbrâ€"hngupncold. A cough u soon Iubdnod. lightne- of the chat is tinned mlhcwontu-eolconmmpfion I: luv lined. vhflo m "can: an n mybo nidnevcrtow. I: h I medicine pn- wen Iron Ihl mun la arvlnue. elm medial her . an be de- mdad upon form oomphlnu. . "My! her, It Ibout Illa-g: oi my. hm all the air from the ton of his bad. 31m one 1:01:11“ trill of Afier’l fair ' r, lb; 'rTncomlnan ,int ree mambo had a no growth othdro! me man] wlcr.”â€" . J. Cullen. Slump Spring. X. Y. ENRICH THE BLOOD by we use or Mflbnn’e Beef. Iron Ind Wine, which mpplieu the my blood building ma- terial. , . ' Mr. Wanlesslu-vm a wife And five chudrenmho are sadly prostrated over Ihe.unexpccted calamity. The Cnnn- dlan Plain: ofl‘icials spank very highly of their late servant. He has been con- nected with the road since itsincennon end was formerly stitched to the Tar- onto, Grey Bruce. He wu nbont 35 wars of age. James Alton, engineer. resided It West Toronto Junction, and was also It old lurid on the road. hav- ing served on the Credit Valley line. He leaves a family of seven children. ‘ Georze Oliver, fireman, raided at Wat Toronto J auction. and levee n wife and three children. Coroner Clendennn, of Chremont. has secured the necessary pnpera and an investi- gation will be held it once. The work of remixing the Inc}. was completed on Thursdgy morning and the men commenced to remove the de. brain in the afternoon. ‘ y A representative of the ”Influx: ‘vixited the place where the Incident occurred on Wednesdly. It was an dectimz scene. Young Hinm Lott‘s father, grandflzher and other relatives with those of Jerry Moriarty and of the other entr‘mhed victims anxiously uniting the recoyery of tits bodies of‘ their loved one; ' Hundreds of citizens from Slouflvilie and surrounding canutrj visited the ill-fund spot on Wednesday And Thurs- day. and avennince the news or the dunner mlurned both sides or the stream hue been lined with anxious specutors. The remains of the fireman, Geo. 0|iver.and those of J.Moriarty,section- man, were discovered about 6:30 yesâ€" terday (Thur-saw) morning. Oliver's body laid benailh the boiler by the bell. and Moriartv‘s body- woe partly in the fire hole and pinned down beneath a any man; of wreckage, but these bodies cannot be recovered until the debris has been removed. The remains at Hiram Lott, section- man. had not been recovered on to the hour 0! going to press, but a portion ‘ of the lungs of a man were picked up r» in the vicinity of the disaster. and as the bodies of the other victims were not torn open. it is supposed that he has been terribly mangled, and that the portion orthe remains found belong to the unfortunate young man. He was about 22 years of age and had been in the amply of the company but a few days The others were married and leave both wives and families to mourn their untimelv death. - C. P. 3. mm of ‘ ; Jury Mutiny, union fumnn It Riv- .; Bin. Lon,::fimiu.moan. Lott, arpmter, £3me River; h m- gineu, Slum: md Duid Nighswudu, Mm‘ yum tt Loans Hill. Mr. ‘ Nighsmder Inning volumeuad his ser vices to lam in mph-i the "slicing In ‘he absence of due of e sec‘ionuen. The bod_ of James Anon, engineer, ‘ and h M Seth [App and others Elm-bout ! of a The loan] tnin going an. In pad anenRimonlmunIofa w t some dimm beyond due bridge, flue pu- Iangen walking to Clmmonl. I few of whom '21! told by Mr. R. B, Willa», A. B. Nighanndu, Ind other: to report the dangerous mm of the bridge: may. “in.“ WE Loam: Kill Ind Ibilo going It unit: of aboutfifleen nn'la In hour. the ill-filed spot Inc who?! when the horrible fa wily occurred. Without - moment's warning the bridge gue my and the en- gim was precipitated head first into (he swollen creek, about men ‘ feet below. Themhoftbewnerbe. thmd com- pletely undermined one , 1e of the stone abutment. refund if: the innuena. The only one of the nix pawns on board who numged to mp2 was Nighs- wander, who was hanging on the handles othe engine looking out for signals. The pilot of the engine struck the oppoi sale bank with great force, ma the shock thm Sighnnnder completely clear of the wreck and into the water beneath. Afizr emwling out he filled loudly whis companions hut reeeiud no mponse un- til Mn. Conlaon. who lives neu- immune with n lantern 1nd assisted the mnriver into her home. nher which she went I mile a' Y a half 10 her brothfl'a, Funk deer, who in turn mused blast-aliq- er, Wallace, [100ch Ind others, who im- mediately went!» the mane with lanc- en‘s, Not bang true ufthis fict, Ibout ll 1).an aging and lab: will: the Ibore menonbonflahfled Glenn Bin-:10 leplil Life washout 1 _mg * Es. Tidings of the maiden: quickly reach- ed Locust Hill and Cbremont, and :1] trains mdeuined‘ Hid it been one of (he Inger trams that. met with the Incident the results would hue been fear- l'ul, the mbnbility being that the death list woufd hue been much larger. When the news was received at West Toronto Junction, a wrecking min was immediately made up and da spawned to “:9 scene. And at once pro- ceeded to repair the bridge. At live o'clock on Wednesday momâ€" ing the body or'Mx. “(unless was dis covered tightly wedged between the tender and cab of the engine. The rennin: were greatly disfigured, “he face being terribly mlded. intâ€"'19- ;". The put one» non hnbout to chums buds. Mr J R Mumblboufloremova {rm- Mount Albert huh. many an. We!hhhudwmbd~.nd on ondny,Jm m. nmddnukpn Kr hm O’Brien, e! um. mil an In Mn tap-bile ’ t Mr. and uh. Geo. Urquhart were at Mt Albert since last Fad-y, and when returniuing on Tuesday morning they went under the shelter of the Selvntlm Army sheds to escape a pmlng shower. ‘The building was “ruck by lightning and they were greatly stunned. The Presbyterian congregation intend holding their nnnunl garden party at the mldenee of Mr. Men-m Douglumn Tue-- day, July In. The Mount. Alb-m Bran Band wlll furnish mule. Ind n large gath- ering in Indgipuwg. ‘ The Metbndlat s 8 held their annual ex- cursion to Big Bay Point and Barrie on Wednesday, which was well atronized. The chfldren and their frien s spent a “2:311qu _ The delegates to the C. 0. 0. 1". GI Lodge, at renton, Mam. P. Sleeping A. E. Jone- pavc returned home, and pug an imgregging agaiun. One of our young town-men will short- ly oh: the Army 0! lbc bencdlcuz. e Mann! Albert Ems Band attended a very mcceaarul garden party at Holt In! Tueadufigening‘ Mr Bob! warm had the misfortune to lpnin his back while lining I heavy rnilynq q-y hat week. disused uue' nul'l‘hursdav morning. On motion it we- decided to strike olt five percent of the uting peyinhnt'e tor overv day'sde v in deliyering matter order ed. It was aluo decided to pay the ‘l'ownuhipol’l‘armtoiafullforthe re- pain or the York road in that township. The discussion regarding the abolition of tone-tee in Yorlt County come up in the afternoon, and there we: a pretty lively time of it. Motion: and amend- ments were made, and the warden was frequently celled upon todecide points oi’ order and keep the order of “progres- nivcs" and "anti-progressives" with hounds. At times the hnbhuh plentiful. Finally a motion was pill that the warden sign (nrthwith the agreement entered into with the City Council of Toronto, but the agreement is not to go into eficct until legislation has been obtained authorising it. It will be remembered thrtt the agreement ;. was that the county abolish toilgatea when the city abolishes market tees and assumes control or the Lake Shore road. The yees and neys were called for on this motion with the following mnlt:â€"Yeas,25â€"Anderson,Armstrong Brown, Bull. Clarke, Davis, Humber- irtone, Holden, Knowles, '1‘. H. Lloyd, J. W. Lloyd. Morgnd, Peterman. Pug- sloy. Peak, Richardson, Robinsonficott. Scoor, Stephenson, Tnmhlyn. Winch, Woodcock. Willonghby, Wilson; nayn, 20â€"-Arnold,Armitage. r.Campheil, Donn. Daley. Forster, tld, Bolbnrn. i High, Jones, McCormic , Peggy Rona, Russell, Stokes, Sch ' t, Slater, Van- zant.Wa|lnre. The result was received with cheer-st Mr. Gould at first refused to vote. but the Council compelled him to do so. and he then voted against the abolition of tollgatcs. It will be seen by the division that the principal oh- struction to the removnlotthe tollgetes came from the Townships ol‘Markhnm. Vaughan and King. The Council went into Committee nlthe Whole and passed the following new by~laws:â€"Giving re- wards to those whose evidence leads to the conviction of horsethwves; appoint1 in: ofiicinls ot' the industrial Home at Newmarket; appointing school inspcc tors for the year 189091. and to define the High School districts {or the county. The Council adjourned at 5.80 > “La" ' i “.4“ VJ . mMfil‘fii EMT. ll," Lloyd. reeve of New- marketâ€"“That he Will move at the Nevem~ her session that it is advisable to separate the Township of Georgina, North Girillinibury. Est Gwillimhury, King, Whitchurch. and the towns and villages of Nirth Yorlt from the County of York, and erect the same into a 5: ant: county tor all purposes, and that all the questions of accounts between tbé County of York and the mid municipalit'ns he submitted to arbitration for settlement." Mr. Pegg. rceve of East Gwillimbury, gave notice that he would move at the {all nation to have the municipality which he represents mum: con. tral of all the roads in his section oilhe county in lieu of having to contribute to the general taxation {or the maintenance cf the roads. He also intends to ask in November to adopt a resolution allowing Holland landing to main- tain at its own expense all the roads within the boundaries of the village. but than the bridges he still maintained and controlled by the County. it was decided to seek legislation to prevent all reeves and deputy reeves from voting on ques- riofls afi'ecting the toll roads in which they are not intmed. By this resolution representa- tives of municipalities not contributing to the ‘ taxation on York roads could not rate on mut- ters afl'ccting contributing municipalitics. The report oithe Commitme on Equalization was adopted and recommended that theratc for the [mt year be levied on the following amounts: Township of York, 84,750,400; Town of North Toronto, 88oo,ooo. As the arbitration between the County and West Toronto Junc- tion has not been completed, it was decided that the town of West Toronto Junction be cqt’filize’d at the sun: of_ 83,090,930. > report 0! the commissioner: on 1 county property wu presented and ‘ do The re tented that All the Yo:- med: were Ly cut up end in a bed condition. The tongue: hld been mint until July let next It the old figures, except the lake shore and Dun- du amok tollgnks. which ind been re- iet et 1 Allghtb' reduced rate A peti- tion we! pro-entail paying the Council to take Iiepsto have pain weighed on the unrket lulu by dielnlcmeted weighen. The petition was tabled. Notice of motion was given that u com- mittee be nppointed to ascertain exactly what proportion of cost each mnnieipei ity must pay for the maintenance and repair of the York roads in the event of the tollgetes being abolished. mum ALBERT. 7 Sleeping and Gnnd grafnmsmmmcx noun-mum c." and “mine my will not buy elsewhere. Mogul-e lemmings a nebula. HI"! you léon than belntif Baby. Curing"! If not you Ihon me than nt once. Special Line of Hummus: Parlor Suites. Sideboards, Chairs, ‘ Springs, Mattresses, Manges, Sofa. M. CHEAP FURNITURE! lentâ€"Journal. The next thing on the tnpis is the onâ€" ‘nuul Methodist S. S. celebration on July lst which is to be held in Mr. Greg: grove near the station. A program will be given in tho bush by the children and the young people of the con tion will have n tent and cell fancy rinks, ice cream and flowers will be olfered and all the novelties in confectionery. After ten in the bush, which will cost twenty-five cents for adults and half-price for child- ren. in concert will be held in the town hall where n vnriety of interesting tab- lenux will be given, some silent and illum- inated with magnesium light; some in motion, also kindergarten songs and choice selection: from some of the best vocalists in the neighborhood. A band for the afternoon program ofwhioh there will be further particular! on the bills. An immense crowd is expected, and the hall crowded no on former occasion. The concert will be 25 cents and itistobo ro- gretted that the hall is not Inger to ac- conimodate 1111' who would like to be pre- xonO Â¥ 'Aâ€"â€"- FURNITURE! Why, Lac]! 3 ANNIVERSARLâ€"The members and friends of the Christian Church. Church Hill purpose holding their anniversary in MrsJ’ryne's Grove, on lot 23, midway between the 8th and 9th con. road, open ‘ each way, on In July 1890. Dinner will be served at 12 o'clock, noon; Tea from 5 to 7 p. m. The following Rev. gentlemen have been invited in attend nnd deliver nddresses:â€"Mcssm. Percy, Morgan, Willoughby. Hainer, Brown, Barnett, Stewart, Hill and I‘ol'oe, A loot ball match will be played at 10 a. In. The Mount Albert Cornet Band will be present to furnish mitnble muxio. A re- freshment stand will be provided by the committee. All other! excluded. Dinner and tea each 25c; children “So. Come and enjoy a social holiday with us. ‘ “5"?" n! o r citizens are In ‘ [93%| me p c-nic [3 be held In an “Bunion Saturday. June 28m lust. All uh la within reach who hnve not received In in- vilnlion, may consider um an inviullnn lo join with us and allure the pleasures of lha day. Games are being arranged for the ullernoon. All schools wlll lry Io be on the grounds nearly In the allcrnJon as pomlble. AI the Lowe-t. Living Wt, â€"-â€"â€" l'. Spmgue. W. Planar. â€" .Glmlby, mallard, 1011611011 and ”LAG-nub}. Mu â€"C. Hing-ml E. Winn. 0d:- ivnâ€" Vivi}. SlomélI-I. S. Ublhom. B. J. n . nch. comin¢m~ .lLRpmer, .qi-Eochu. D. Burnett, md J! Bhpleton. nnHinâ€"I. Monk-d. ' ‘ 0n thence- ’ I: lhnmlhemoIWM'. Trail. 1). VIII omun. \V. H. Margin, J. Gilfillon. Friwd,Momm, W. R. Young. M- Honsbemu, W. Pruner, S. Purdy, J. Prosci- TI._: Ailerthe appointment of the naive oom- milieu for the Ien'on. lever-1 gentlemen from a dirt-nee rpolte briefly. Among the number ofvlsitnn were Rev. Mr Gnu, ohhe Diaci le brethren: Rev. Mr. Billings. of the Meth is! and Rev. Mr. Barker. of the Btptisu. Rev. John “'illouahby. of bloafl’ville, mpied the pulpit on Wednesday evening Ind preached a very accept-hie sermon, supplemented by re- mlrh from Reve. Billings, ot'OI-o.» hhffi‘ sor, of Oehawn. and S. Fromm of Kennett. On Thursday the pulpit was tilled by" Mr. Wilson, a young Methodist broiler, melting membership in the body. In the evening Rev. Dr. Summerhell. lll‘rrsident‘lol' the Christian Correspondence Co . N. , delivered his celebrnted lecture onc‘gsl‘he ris g young man" to a full house. 'lhe lecture In: a rare treat. and the when vine handled in n masterly manner. Hy request the Dr. consented to re~ peat the lecture on Monday evening at tlharon. On Fridnyat eleven :1. m ., Rev. 1. P. Winnns occupied the nulpit. in the even- ing Rev. 1. l‘mssar preached a very appro- priate sermon, followed by Mr. Qua, 1 Japan ese brother. The remurlu of t latter were very interesting and wonde lly instmctive. He is at present seeking an English eduutinn that he may be better able to serve his own countrymen as a missionnrles The evening collection was given to him and amounted to something over Sts. An interesting discussion took place on Saturday morning growing out of: report of the committee :ppomted at the last annual conference to confer with the Disciple brethren with a view to the amalga- mation of the twa bodies. but nothing was ac- complished. At the close of the morning ses- sion the Rev. Mr. Billings of the Methodist Church was duly received as a member of the conference and his name added , to the roll On Saturday 2 p. m. the conference met in their Annual fellowxhip meeting when over one hundred warn: testimonies were given in Ervor of the religion of jam. while hundreds upra< ed their love forjesus by rising in a body. the time being too limited for ornlexpreminna. At the commencement of the services two young men were set apart for the work of the ministry by the laying on of hands. On Sabbath the Town pulpiu wrre filled by the following ntinistersr-ChfiHi-tn Church. lo:3o n.m.:tml 7:30 rum.I by. ,.\l. Summerbell; 1:3o p.m. Rev.A. Henry. of Little Britain. Methodist Chuteh. ll:oo n.m.. Rev. J. \\'i|loughhy, of Stouffville; 7:00 p.m.,Dr.\\'.S.Clnrk,1‘nronto Presbyterian Church, rtzoo “n , Rev. W. H. L‘hitllcy.of King; 7:00 p.m.. Rev. Mr. Burker (Balilisi).0i Stoufl'ville. Congregational Church tt:oo a.ni._ Rev. \\'. Perry, of Stoufl’vtlle; 7zou p m.. Rev. J. l’rossar. Children of Pace Meeting Ilcuse.$haron,Rev T. Garhutt, The elecfion of ofiecn for the "filing yur resulted u!allow::â€"Pm.. Rev. C.H_Hnlner. Ncwmukzt; Sm, Rev. W. S. Cowle. Eddy- stnng; Tm, \V. W. Trull. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Jumimn are off on n lri_p_vin_lling frlqnds_ in Millil‘mslf.‘ The hefi'y ml u) have ninfié things look prgsperou; nmupx] Bnker Hill; TALK ABOUT \l a whole Bedroom Set. for $13.00. GOOINVOOE CHURCH I! ILL BAKER HILL. "17 Mai god you The best value in Carpets, in double and single widths is at J. Urqulmrt’s. The best value in Wall Papers and Borders is at J. Urqu- hart’s. ‘ ‘ The best value in all lfinds of neml Groceries 1s at J. gmuhurt‘s. The best value, in Black Ten and Young Hyson‘ Tea is _ to be had at J. Urquhart's Our Pin Head Japan Tea, at 40¢ is better than any 500. Tm in the market. Every- one who has‘tried it says su J. UBQUHABT, The best value in Dress Goods is at J. Urquhart‘s. The best value in Prints is at J. Urquhurt's. The best value in Muslims and Embmideries is to had at J. Urquhart’s. The best value in LaceCurtains; is at J. Urquhart's. The best value in Ginghams is at J. Urquhart‘s. The best value in Linens and Cottons is at J. Urquhm't's The best value in Fast Color Shirtings is at J. Urqu- hart's. The best value in Tweeds is at J. Urquhart‘s. The best value in Towellings and Tabling is at J. Urqu- hart's. Simâ€"l was formuly : resident of Port 14 Tour and have always used MINARD'S LINIMENT in my housohnld. and know in to be lh: befi remedy for emergencies of ordinary character. m. “ILLl!-'Al ToronIump mo limb-Ljdwud Jam Hodnon. In. Dunn, a. u A ' _ . C. Richards 52' Co. . nu-z.uuuu nquNl Holli- w y . loll u A. and 1‘. Hahn-(ed 5 yrs. Ind G In nlhl. Sulvnâ€"Suddanly. n: [he mldonca at her nephaw Mr. \V. [LS-mien. Slouflvillu.on Wldnudly mh Jana Mn. E. ILSnmh. molher nr Mn. .Vunu Rofllmon. urn-mum. lied 82 um. Hod ' "'77. P bl‘l' 311' II n‘ r on. n o m r r .Boul Yum-m: 79m ,1.‘:°um.‘:'.';f’ ° tummyâ€"Al hi: residuum?! Shiner EL. Ton-n10 in the 2min" of hi: In. June: Alhlnld table! I [inner III II"! Tamale Ire dwmmcn: BoaAnâ€"Al Dourltown. on the llh lmL. gnu llnnrinl illneu onhm yun. [lurid Adeli ulna-on. wit: a! M r. Juhun Bonn. Ind an yun ' knee. Mnln street. div-rd. llo un Mundzy 1:“.an . Wednudn and h‘lmnulnv, the 9th Ind 10th ul , will be In dnyI in Sutton. The riving PM Anaemion of “In! place in ofl'ering 8600 in pfima to be competed for at. (his their second unulmeeting. ’ Eufion il banning mbiljnu to don 5h» tun; Ir. Hoary Tlllur wu on the mud Int week liking the census with n‘view to inmrpgmcion. â€"E. N. Runner. A. Human, A. Grove. [I elmâ€"I. Winmer. E. H Burner. E. Sunder, Sequel N. Smith, L. Koch. I. 8! â€"Ju.s. Monkhouas. F. Rumor. L". -â€"N. Goudy. A.\\'idannn, \V. Widemln. Arithmetic Sr.â€"W. Meyer. A. SidenM. Meyer. Arithmetic Jr.â€"E. Clements, S. McCarty,Jno.Koch. Arithmetic III. aim.â€"E‘Humans.Ciumanm,A.Gowlmd. Geography Sr.â€"W. Meyer, LSider. M. Meyer. GeogJLâ€"Elinmer. Joe Koch, A Grove. Literature.â€"E. Clements, Jno. Koch, S. Clements, ml- Uxhflh pui BnVWeJimâ€"Qi. MonmJor.â€"ReponoanblieSohool for the month of “my. Number on to“ 6‘). Sick Linkâ€"M. Mowr \V Gowlnnd, N. Pi pher. \V. Btu-n IV. chmâ€"Jua- Kook, pE. Clements. Altman III. chm. Among lllose who have passed the ex- Aminntions offourlh yea: students at. Oa- goode Hall Law School, Tomnw, we notice the names of Messrs. Thou. II. Lloyd, of Newmnrket, and A. B. Armâ€" ztmng. of Lloydlowu. They have one year ’0: to finish the course. Quip meeting in connection with the F190 pugodiu Church camufiumd in Ln'sl. week depuuuions from the Methodiit, Presbyterian, Christian, Cun- gregalionnl and Friends Suudny Schools met nu ajoint mmmince and decided to hold in grand union Sunday school ex- cursion on the 16th of. July. provided suitable nrrnngemenls can be made with the milmnd. Col'ingwood will likely be sclcvlcd as [he mnuinnl paint. TO THE FRONT.- Dr.\Y.J.Kalmnn, of Newmnrket, 0nt., and Misc Nellie Mel-1w v, of Newark, N. Y.. wexc married at. Omaha, Neb., on the 2nd iusl. Al "vloleu Hacked will u u- mw unin‘ ' I0 I (pod unpa one» km. n mu can mnin. An u- tlelo Ihmh mu extended trill Inn rm! (mu Ind ulima rolll on b _md duds ml lnenuu. II (I Burdock Blood _Ilum the but cum fur dy|~ vam- and III blood duo-um “I TAKE nlauun In mum... um I hm uud Dr. Foil-fl Extract of Will! Slnw- bury kn my fun": (or Jain Ind nnq It nun our: for fii-nhm and Human: comm-ml! boll: [av vhlldnn unl ndulll."â€"Mn. John Helms)“. flehbomo. Onl- \VAuI-CAanllLâ€"AI lb. home of (he by nth". WalTorontoJunellonmn Wodnaml , «h hut... by the Ram \V. A. J. Mnnln. Hu- viul 8., dnulhlu of Mr. A Cunpbnu. m Ju. T- Wdlh. o! Nuimnrht- anâ€"lhnuâ€"M lb: home nflln bridn'l (uh-r. on tho onnlrgl of \Voanny-lllhnlJunmby H". J> M- ammontflr. Fm]. M.Dun. mor- Tnmnlu. to Sh:- C. Jonvhlno. d: [hm Ihnh ol Richmond “HI. PIOIâ€" n Iho Inn in»" It tho Muhod nun-n. Richmnml um. by the Run C. in: an, unelo of (in) bflda. null!- ad by lb. rid- l fnlhan MnJahn )1 Robinson. Editor at (In: Evunlnl Tnlemm. Toronto. to Min Julia A. ll, 3.. second dluhur of Row. J M Slum-on. Lamâ€"on Jun. m: or' immfiuuxnumm wife of Wm. hum. of noon-villa. Ouvuâ€"In gunman} on the llliJunl. (ho wit. or Mr. flurry Oliver.“ n hum". Norway, Me. Let All the People Hear. Glnnu. Mumm, Mun 9n. WWI-mu. Mimi‘s Linimonl for Rheumatism. 'I'lcllbornr, K. 8 P. H. “BREAK To‘VNSflfl' THE CRADLE Plurklng \‘Inletl THE ALTAR NHWMABKET. THE TOMB Emlflfil. JUNE Joscph A. Snow LUNCH ROOM BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS! Steel Bros. Soda Water and Summer Drinks! Ice Cream! 2% as Ice Cream! -y dro in audio will fir; "fin. ntifi I a mu. Gloves, Mrs. F. Wilson’s. .In_conn:ootm_‘ Whgn you are hnn‘ BELOW TORONTO PRICES GO TOâ€" Wm rm: manna; W. J. Martens Account: were puwd as follows: 0 Eu rd. in John flue-1': not: a? n1 ma Ju‘ ‘XlIk-ah an: Iarpollhu booth Div. No. J h 'F'i 5'“ N s 0 2': 9* Jo h: v.11; nnl ofhouo for In Mi John Van. wood tar Mn Hill: In .Hiuud. indium, . £01. Dada-’9'- - mind I} Thou. Mantle. Jnhn Focklu. m for Him foul. Shun Skim. m: .u ~nth a ll nln. Wnnhuuu ouwiu [hilt-y Station. Sluuflvillc. u.- oqhand a lugujyfll 10:, Pine maxi-I. 71:6: Dowém-liâ€"wu [1;le nu. Ju. Bhutan! ”7.80 and Jacob lord-n 01.05 M Ihoc l by dug- unpovyu. u.“ -, u...- uuâ€"wu u. ' LRVDBWIK-ll was - updated a commis- llonur lo unmlnu aldehuu bulwecn 101- 15 and 10 In con. 4. also on 4th, comnppmllc lo! M. Thu eevu wu mnruclcd to have I ditch opened on and con. «.ppmlw lot 30. Illa on Ildclluu between :0 and 81. can. 1. [bacon {It}! to_ exceed $15. July Chronic derangemr-nls of (he Ilomnch, liver and mend, arc speedily removed by the active principle of (In: ingredient: rn- mrlng lulu Ilu: cnmposiliou u! Pnrmolcv'a Vern-table Pills. Thuse Pills :cl Specific" 1y on the deranged orgnnn. allmnlnling mac- tion thy: dormant. energica o! the system, ihcrehy removing disease and runewinv "ft: and \‘llallly lo lhc nfllicled. In lhil lies Ibo gn-nx accru ol the punularily cl I'nrmelcu‘a Vegetable. l’ills. Out: . . Bran. per Inn BlmrLs. per lnu Clmp slufl- Pup. black eye inlay)“, per bag ppm per bush Eggs . Butler . Lnrd . . Podx‘, . ‘V. P. I-Ixx‘RTNE‘Y‘. D 13-6 11E}? _ 1.x, Lunm. U huh. Shin In P] r Pun-y C Mu} “600de on Snwrdoyflih- Th0 principal bull-mu was In connecllnn with llu: romln. A pellllon 0! Thus. Rub|mlou um! 17 olheu, ukln fur pmlccllumto UoodWood nllirny c303- ngyulnld our. "35E: '1'. Omsk! «A» nlnlcd pnlhmu- ler {or mud dlvillon 50 nslcnd of fun! 50:91 (wiped). ‘ Councillor Dow well wu Instmcled Ia onmlne wuhauln etc , on 8rd, {In mud on: can. mum at lhn swuflvhlu mud. and Inlv‘a lung "mired u once. , Councillor cu nu nulllorizr'd to ex- nmlno wnubnul on ml luwnllnc xppauw lot 11. the 0th con. upposih: In: H. Ind Ildellne opposite lulu 20 mu] 2], ‘nndil noggmry repnlr 1h}: mule. The wast 150 rod- of Iiuldino bclwctn lots 85 and 86 In eon.5 were vealed In John Johnson. to remain unlll wanted (or road plums. The Bond AlidVVBnd 00ng to were ill-trucked to confer mu: Pickering coun- clljn reg-rd lo south Iownlinc. Full When! Sprung Wheat Flour. per hhi I}_nrlcy . UXBRIDOE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. I 'l‘lha iéove wu Instrucled to grant bl: order on the Ire-lure! for pnymL-nl of work done In connection w [1 Ike wuhouu.ulc.. (tagged by the hue I . 55 wnu'zilnled tin-«715:: Mnnllpdndiy out. ad the former relolulion ln‘rexard lo him wu rescinded. The council accepted the offer a! Bdwnrd Mayer in regard to making :nnd null right 0! wny to gravel pit on luv. 9 In 2nd con. nnd the clerk was instructed to vrepnm In}?! aim h_nvo gnu; same execulnd. HATS. BUNNETS WE HAVE OPENED A LARGE STOCK OF THE and Frillings CHEAPER THAN EVER. Fruit Store. mu. Minile. ludlflnl. ‘hn Focklnmul sin an ur m can ('Iauncll mdjourncd lo firsts-turd” "AKE NOTICE THAT PHOTOGRAPHER, Main St. STUUFFVELE. and Ribbons A! lrom 10 lo 25 per cent JOEL BAKER 5T0 L'FFVILLE MK IIK HTS. If you want tdmy your Parnsolu "pairing wuhnut. cum. 5 ARTISTIC 5.1": cunAv‘; 4!- 53?“... :1: O ”has 95 090“ 92 "' N. 19th, mo. We hlvc n9 tpace to quoIe prices in um circuh get. qnomion- before pflchuing elsewhere. \ lot cheap goods. DRY GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, HATS AND GAPS, Having bought out. the above firm, we int stack at almost your own prices. We mu stock of spring goods. which we exp: We Are prepared to give yon more other house in lhc trader Smooth. Twisted. Plain. ( Wire, In all sizm Made fmm FiN-( 'l:lx~’ 'l‘in Strainer Pails Milk Palilx “utm- Huwls :unl Acknowledged by all to be the last in maxim «wily “u very dumblg and much (‘llL'illl‘l‘ than lust was“ We will giyo them twu “It-ks on trial. ffiéfiutififlhshtb'ck of Fran; See the'low prices I have I Wool, Tapestry rand Hemp Carpets ELEGTIIIN RETURNS ! JOHN BRAY’S YOUR ATTENTION! J9 J RAE M‘Eunds. Erncelies and'Wall Papas 2 Span]: for 5:. 3 Paper: of Pius for be. 6 yards of Line for 5c. 5 Jnrdl Sill: [ace for 5a. 2 dug Dre,- Bulluna 5». Choice Ribbon- bc. yard. Shiningu 5c. yard. l‘rlnu 6c. yard. Gingham 5:. yard. 0mm Samuel‘s" be. 1 yard ofyard Gown 5:. Come now and let me [how you our new l‘rinL- in I" the lib! pumm- of this union. . Shinln n in endleu qunntilicl from 5c. to 13¢. per ynrd. Great valuo. Dru- ood.â€"0h ! We could not. number the pricu, uor cpr-in In". 5.; than: yonnelvu. Bluk Ind Colored Cashmere-s, {mm 15c. peryard up 103]. We'lteep nobby bat.- for men And b0) u, very chi-up. They are going {us-L I’llu Ind such of Clothing for men, youth; nnd boyl. cheaper than any other ban-n in the trade. Warrincr cannot And will nul be uudenold. Our Grocery liopartmcm in well nasurlél Mill: thu’clmicrll. good. Hun money can buy, n! price: llml defy cunnpclifiion.‘ Our Ten at 20c. equal In any 354:. Our Tell It 221:. equal to any 006. , , Our Black ‘lun at 25c. and 301‘. (gull to any 60c. am! 60:. These are facts. Try them mhl wr. [I Hi" I! the from, with a Inge and we" Elected flock of good-, which he in loll ”the have". pouiblc pricu. If you should (hop into any other store. don't. buy liII you cull,ou him, fur the mica Ind qulljtiea nre convincing thnt you can do "only per ccnl.bcllur with “'urrincr man at any other place, nadlnin- (la-l." " to IL [1- fl‘ flu; Iu munlv P330]: Ila Iorda ' I a. llll’e Inlo u I "am?. nltmx. but com] “'1 moulded-1| work "on shun-dun nul- Mllflnhll If n convlnw u. on who huhuc lot" B. I]. B. India ounsl. Thom 01:54:11 mnme Ina-pklnl. dl-rrlm. "- m u. nouns: nuulvu 13:2”..4. inn-m." «,0 \“isbcs to draw the anemia New Hats, ’ New Ties, New Tweeds, New Pantinge, New Suits, lfiwd's Lininenl cum colds. eh: 100 as Creamers 100. #1:: nfhlll’ an?!" mun»: can fur 1;” wimp Ilnu nun wh- van-um. DAISY CHURNS! I kcsp ovcrything llml I‘riccs right. FIELD AND (i;\h S. M. WARRINER 16 bars Soup for 25:. 1| lbs. Gnnul-(ed Sugar for. G]. We on nvc you mom-y on Hrouu S \Ve mean to cghblilh [be on]: system and 51,-! All kind: of farm produce taken in “change. Tho highut price pnid fur park, butter and 4.- SLO Wan-inn. um wonderful cheap man. BARBED WIRE. R. MONKHOUSE Cd ‘OOD BUTTER WWI flu Bull": 1' HIP. HIP. mp, HURRAHT Poll-lo Schumann Bead Wurriner’s SurpriseiLiut! , Plain Gnl\';gniml :unl Btu-L all Kim and m lmtom prlr-o- Stuufl‘villc Hamlwum Stone. EASILY MADE BY l and Table Oil C Silvester Daugherty. took of l’rints are on Display. prices I have put on them. E M Y 3 Papers of Pius for 2 Jul. Dru: Bulluns J'Oszfifil‘JNTER, Bnm‘r Bowls and huh“: this circular, but we an]: r ‘f [11‘ J. J. RAE, Your: mnpopu'nny -Todd'n Bl/ck, Wm .. . ...... gums.» nuu or nl mull-nu.- u. |.,¢.| nun. Ufllfll {no mall‘s-nu. l'amn- nnl poduo Inst-mud KID-rial": nnneeuu ‘ unw. lgl mu 0! humu- i! I It "at“! I (10’: lyp ’ Tull UKDIMXEIJIIED JIM! PUB SERVICE I! Iota 9013.7 .Plelurlnl. - Haul-h. n..u 17w} Anon“ unal'n GROCERIFS. GROGKBRY, GLASSWARE; (m W6 can 'l‘IIl‘Z I’I( )N'EI‘ZIK. ] )ISN SICEI )h‘ rphgxiex‘sm mm ALESMEN WMTEV Bull for Service. lcll‘vcbelfnr thin ‘b- gig-LL we uk you lo call And pnrulyxe all opposition EEIIEII Nana-tun ['k I‘uinml Fem-o (‘\' at the SNUFFVILLE. .. .-... mun um 7. Helurln I llouuin Bull ck. Tum l. Al'fllo Y BAKKIIY. End x all In immenm tn 01 our 11“ We have the hams! Ga unto: we can give you n Eng {mm 121x. up u in}: {mm 12; Our Urdcn I-nmiug. we intent! to km We have 1 \\~ Ill‘ be 2 “'0 In You yum all fur 10-: [nor yanl Full utlk‘l‘ lmgainmm n! mum i 500- Fir. and $1 Cum-b fur : Inn" Mum '\\'0 am tho 1 tmvn and (1m therein“ .1 tries to keep ever-31h! If the allure is not imltm customers kindly Imw your [kn-gain House and we will 1 Don’t Ms whi :h Big stock of crab adcs. also tweeds a: [In » “'e h from 90c gnun price; “'9 ml! Domini and can peril slits. nape-re the l’: sterling silver plated Ba mic-haunt quadruple p pun-lust: and a lmutitl.‘ to have a large tamâ€"{e bail he <1;me the DAL-x Hm Now. we do not want I Grand pmmm Sale. whiqh gas a gram! _ 18911.1113: Ls Ilium J he vriven on all punch. u'x awash: to empletc Our "mm at: good during the 11th of )4 HJ to have a large more In he opposite the My H; Now. we do not “an! Ththeat 1890. That \\'e In We HELLO I ..in mg (fade. Big ml: of 1a. A big line‘ of 1 GREAT B fine: \‘err VI The Second Sale of im r vhoiu: u! yuul: all I? ' mmmmm 3V ll‘ MAIN ST III dirs .Ib!‘ will

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