‘IIOOI'. when ‘lwavs 3' 0111‘ Wamner is holding a f Will be our bargain day for gents’ furnishings; 5c ties for 18c.: 15c ties for 100.: 100.ties for 50.: same reductions in braces; $1.50 hats for $1 $1 hat for 73¢; 7.30. hat for 50c.; $15 Suits for $11.50, $10 suits for $8; $8 suit for $6: $5 and $6 suits for $4; $4 suits for $2.75; also in the dress goods department we will give Special bargains as we want men, women and children to visit us on Saturday. SUGABS ARE 'DOWN Tremendous Bush for the Bargains. At costa 50 lbs. Bright Sugar for $1.00 Big snap in Izondon Layer ‘ Raisins as we have pur- chased an entire line from wholesalenwe can sell them at 8c. per lb. or 7,50. per 11). by the hex. Sunlight Soap ‘50 iper bar or 17c. per box, On the abOVe date our lease expires and we are closing up our business and until that date we will offer our comâ€" plete stock of School Books, Pockét Books,B_vmn Books, Fancy Goods, 'Toys, Games, c., Tilsonberg Rolled Oats,’ Silver Package Golden Age Flour. Windsor Salt. Wea Agents for Whaley trilments. ['81 Witti a boy‘s suit of clothes of three dollars 61' more we will give a sack of flour. On The Pantry we are still to the 26 1b. Granulated $1; 361b. Raw Sugar $1; 32 White Sugar $1, every day MONDAY MARCH 18th s We buy our sugar by the CARLOAD we are in the poéi- tion tc giVe you the best prices in the market. We wiH guarantee the quality as well as the price. , Be- fore buying hear our prices. ' Waxiu repeat the NOVELTY ’ SALE $573395? 553.35%?! mm We w ill give 401be. Light Sugar and 3 lbs. of 0d! 350 Tea for $2. 00. 37 4 “ 30c. " $2.00. An woman 0: man buying-ï¬ve dollars worth or more Dress Goods will ge UKUIï¬uv uuv v.-w_-... also offer for sale 5 show cases, andour completelce Cream outï¬t, consisting of tabla, chairs, freezers, en- gine and engine house with fix- turw c., c., at a :bargain, msms aw ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚fï¬ï¬‚iï¬ï¬‚ï¬"; This Week and Next Our and below. NQW for bargains, as the whole stock must be cleared out at once. FRIDAY MARCH 15th Our Specialties AMP/EL 15“ 4* is giving special bargains every day for the next We weeks J Pi RATCLIFF 8903 WILL BE CONTINUED “nu. ' we will hold a general slaughtering sale in every department and the It our Opponents will be excluimi g: Warriner is demoralizing trade al- al we ever intend tu carry the s ay for Bargains. 11: Novelty Sale which is causing big excitement e'very d; front with good goods and low pricw sugarand tea sale, and will offer everything in the crockery line right down to cost. sfc. FLEUBY a; 00.. Roy:e Co., Music and Musical In- . WA‘RRINER. Tea All ndvunuo notices in the Inca! column: of ghe Tunuxl'oï¬meulinm} or anterhiumenu n winch an adylaalou fee. IB charged. or from which n penumary beneï¬t Is denvo . mun be plidfor at the rate ofsovon cents per line out inuerllon._no ,ehamqlesa than _twenLy-ï¬ve cents. When lull: are printed at thm 011303 or advertisemunw ofen- Lermnqmenu are inserted a brief [on] will be iiifan from E. Trull's \\ The best Pucfï¬ and Extracts at J J Rae u. Yen 'ï¬ne new prunes at 5m per lb. at the Pantry. ' Chicken thieves are visits to llencoops in ship. Rev. E. anworth. Fib'ld Secretary of the Grande Ligne Baptist Mission, Quebec, is visiting- friends in town. Mr. Bosworth will be known to many residents of Stoufl‘villn as about 20 years ago he preached hero and at. the 9th Ilne church. Markham, and was present at the dedicatlou of the Bap List church here. Miss Edith Williamsbn is verv ill but we hupn she may soon be restored to heed health. Tin sap buckets made to ï¬t the new iron spiles. Prim-s riflht, {at Silves- Let Dougherty‘s. .10} nï¬puf pun â€33 W ssauwnasaq om punt); pun paqsauu In a case, Interesting l tried before Magistrate on Tuesday. some ancie to the time of Edwaw which Mr. Du Vernier. urea must be mule by t. ized bailiï¬'. Walter J. with huvin committed Inuit, on a nililf. His Builiï¬â€˜ Grezu Lo dialraii sent. up n Iimn. This In leave the house. As C T'HE TRIBUNE. STOUFFVILLE. MAR. 14 1894 Iu renewing his subscription to the TRIBUNE, Dr. J. Franklin Adams, of Mount Forest, Iii, son of Jus. Adams of this town. states that he is unable to pav stoufl‘viiie friends a visit this , Ls, I.-lâ€"~ -I-..n with Dr. Sporry to attend to over two thousand patients. However he promises the readers of the TRIBUNE an article on the great proposed water- way between Lake Michigan and the guitar Mexico. We likotorecelve contributions from absent eons of Stonfl'villeas we know our reed-A's will be pleased t: peruse them. The Doctor iii eminently successful in the practice or his profesaion :nnd tne Tnmunn wishes him every reward which his ability merits. HI paw bun. - . n... . winter owing to his bping alone with Dinner and Tea sets at Parlor cook coal stove cheap OCAL LOCAL NOTICES woman "so ‘saaud qsamol sq: am numas J0 A‘mnz Eet ITEMS- pn in nocturnal .1 'or town- â€DEM 'fl 'cI Rae‘s at T‘ Prints, Duokings. Dress Goods, Tweeds Shirting, Flannelettes Table Linen and Towels Gloves and Hosiery to'choose from. The designs are far ahead of anything chr shown before and the price is Away Down. Call and see the goods, no trouble to Show them. Farm Produce taken in exchange. 25 “mm uranuhmd augm- for $1 at Rae‘s See our new baklnz powder at 15¢. per 1b.. J. H. Batcllfl'ï¬ Co. Warriner made £18,119 ‘ahlpment of dried apples lash week ‘Snndn is so. Pmiok's Div. set your ahnmroc I ready- White and uegllze shitts .in great varietv at Mouklmnae'n. See those flue'ofl' stalk raisins for 81 per 28 lb. box at the Pmnrr. WANTED 500 able-hodivd men with ten dollars a peiue to wear Brav's chuap Tweed Suits to order. Losnâ€"On Main St., StoulTyllle, a black lur mitt, right hand. Flndn-r will oblige by leaving at this ofï¬ce, E) ening Star and 'I‘nnmxu: for 82 mnâ€" nnnum. Now is vour time if you E) ening Star and TRIBUNE for $5 per unnum. Now is vour time if yot want. two good papers for a‘ small out lay. n “n. m. ....... V,, r n rivina beneï¬t Iran: Hood’s Samparillum'hy don’t. you try it. vounelf. It is highly re- commended. Whv Buv Readlende Clorhine wbun you can get a Wool Suit made to measure; ï¬t, workmanship, and durubllty guamnteed.fnr a ten dollar bill at Bray's. Daniel Ritz. Proprietor and publisher 0: the Humburv, Ont, ludependaut. Buys: “I was unï¬t-ring from Dvspepsia audliver trouble,I took a few bullies of Shiloh's Vimlizcr nnd it cured me. I can hearnily recommend it], Sold by G. Commu druggisl. It. is not to be wouder’ed at Llnt Ayar‘u Pills are in such univrml demand. For the cure of constipation, biliaumcsn.‘ or any other complaint. needing a laxative, lht'au pills are an urpuacd. They are sugar-coated. easy to Re, and every dose in ‘ effective Rm'. Donald George Sutherlan d. l 31.: A.. Lb B.. D. D., pastor of Cen- tral, Methodist Church. Bloor-streel, Toronto. died on Tuesday enening. Deceased was one or the most scholar- ly men and successlul pastors in thu Mothodls: connection. ancc and Germany are waging a con- mcrce war against. the Uniï¬ed blames which may yobbe Jar ranclnl g: in its results. Uncle Sam does nor her protection when vigorously applied by another nation but: thvy cannot expect. any other ism: to the example they themselves are sult- ‘ ing. ' When so ynnpyyogple‘flrï¬ taking .and d The lecral Conservalim associa- tion of West Ontario, will meet in convention in Daley'a Hall on Tut‘F- day. March 19m. at 1 p. m. for the election of ofï¬cers and the selection 0! n candidate to represent thé conservaâ€" tive interests at the approaching Do- minion elections. Joseph KPH’. of Chilllwm‘k. B. (1.. nephew of N. G. Grieve. Ringwood. is erecting a cheese factory and has purchasgd frum E. A Llovd. of 10th line Whilchurch, a 7 weeks‘ pig which promises to ha a ï¬ne animal. Mr. Llovd has his building ï¬tted up with every modern convenience and in- tends to give his liltenlion:to making a success of raising thorough-bred animals of the best type. I’nnnelee'a Pills acting speciï¬cally up atimnlalinz to action of the system. there l’armelee’s Pills possess the power of acting speciï¬cally upon the diseased organs stimulatimz to action the dormant energies of the system. thereby removing disease. In fact so great is the :power of this medi- cine to cleanse nnd purify. that diseases of almost. every name and nature are driven from the body Mr. D. Canwell. Carswell P. . (int. writes; Ihavc tried Parmelee's Pi s and ï¬nd them an excellent medicine. and one that will sell well. The California Legislature has pass ed an ironclad Cigarette bill. It reads; “Every person who manufac- tures or deals in or sells or offers {or sale or gives away or otherwise dis- poses oi‘ cigarettes is guilty ofa misdemeanor.“ There are not two meanings to this law. It makes it a misdemeanor even for anyone to be icaugbt smoking the Weed in the little paper stick form.. Cigarettes will probably be banished from California. WALL PA-PER DMBY Mu‘nxfl.-â€"AL 2'p.‘ March 22nd. in Ihlry‘a Hall there will be held'n public I interests of dnirying. J. Uxbridge will give an addn ing for proï¬t. and the care cow†and M. Moyer. of expntiute on the “require tradeâ€. An open > ‘discuuiu expntiute on the "requirv tradeâ€. An open discuui place after the Addresses. and his wife also should run] be present. The London banker‘s hockey team played a match in Woodsmck Saturâ€" dnv night, 1nd while the train on which the team was retumlng home was passing the nut London station about 4 ofcloek Sunday morning one of the members of the team W. B. Carmichael. a clerk In the bank of Toronto was seen to step on: on to the platform of the car. It is 811'pr- od that for the purpose of ranking homegmorequlcklv, and mbcalcnlat- in: the speed of the traln. he jumped end was rendered unconscious by the fall. His body lay on the tuck and was knocked of! by the unbound exprens. The Injured mm was dlacovered About 5.80 a. m; and re- moved to the hospital. whnn he Renard: died from the injnfloa sus- uined. Cumlchul'u home Is in Mnklmn. J. URQUHART ‘ 5000 ROLLS Proprietor and p'ublisher of m, Ont, lndependant. Buys: m from Dvspepsia audliver 3k a few boules of Shiloh‘: iv. mind me. I can hearLily ,.', Sold by G. Coumw Has received his spring stock of At Prices that cannot be beaten Ever shown in Stoufl'ville Also the largest stock of At gpffn :21: Friday J. URQUHART. l, 'Szouï¬vme. meeting in the E Gould. of reason "Feed- of the dairy Toronbo, ' will 9mm“ of the on will mke Every farmer kc it, I paint to J.J. Rae has the best. Basins and Currants. 100 cords green wood wanted at M. Warriuer's. Fred O'Bnen. of Boston, is visiting hlB parents, 200 barrels ol good apples wanted at the Pantry. J .H. Ratclifl' Co See our ad and be convinced that we have the hat you want for spring at at BrayE 100 cords nl‘ ï¬rst class 4ft llardwOOd drv or green wanted at the Pantry J. H. Ratclifl' 8: Co. $1.99 willbuy a pair of pants made to your ordrr or a stylish Tweed Pant- ing at Bray's. Jess l)a.\' 18 has purchased his broth er Ab’s dra) mg business, and the lat ter is engaged with a team 10 below zero onjlonday and 10 below this morning. The “lamb" part. ome-ch is slow in making an appearance J. Jme has just received nhost of while dishes which hem able to Jell 25 per cean-ss thnm the regular price Call and see chum Tho specdieat. and most. reliable remedy for all .dorangements of the :hroat and lunzsin Ayer'n Cheury Pectoml. Thlfl wonderful preparation checks coughing. induces mfmhiuv sleep, and afford! great relief. even in the advanced stages of can- sumptinn. Daniel Bycr, from Stuner. who has been very successful in curing cancers and lumors has removed to Dr. S. L. Freel's premiï¬us, East End. Stouï¬- villa. Our hockey club went to Claremont on Mnnday evening to fly events with the Ulnremonts and alter mach hockey- ing the game was declared a. draw. _ The nttendancekt the carnival on Tuesday evening was very large. The prizes wen: awarded as follows:â€" Best. gems' costume. Geo. Smith; best ladies‘ costume, Synlhia Cook; open race. Smith and Querrie tied; boys‘ under 14. Im Lott; J. Barby; brat ladv skater under 18. Miss Celia Da- ley; best looking ludv on the Ice, Miss Jessie Thompson. Dr. Smith. Dentist. we understand has leased the dental parlors over Snoï¬â€˜ord's store. and purposes moving lmo [hem about the last April. These oflicea wnich were built purposely for dental rooms will when furnished be equal to any city oflice. H. A Sang star. an undergraduate oi Philadvl- phia Dental College. will be his assis- tant. Ilia rllicu will be opened every dav for consultation and practice. autuuons Purmelcu’s Pills act like a charm. Taken in small (loses. the dim: is both a.‘ ionic and a slimuinnt, mildlv exciting the secretion: of the body giving tone and vigor. , Besides taking part in the budget dubate in tha Local Legislature Mr Chapple M. P P. tor North Ontario, has introducuda Bill to amend the Act respecilng line fences, as also one to amend the Division Courts Act having forils object the exten- sion of the jurisdiction of the .division courts to sums oi'5300 in cases where the amount claimed is ascertained bv ‘lhe signature of the defend- ant. Smu- C.\n Accmss‘nâ€"Mr. Thomas Sabin. says. ‘ My eleven veer old boy had his foot. badly iniumg by being run over by a car an the Street. Railway We at once commenv‘etl bathing the foot. with Dr. Thomas Electric Oil, when the diacolora» tion and swelling was removed:an(l in nine days to cou‘d use his foot. We 3] wava keep a bottle in the ho Jae readyjo any eniemencv." to so far relax the :qunrantinc regulntiona aalo allow of live stock being ,shipped to Britain vin Portland. undergoing American Government inspection at Island Pond. Formerly sheep were allowed to be put aboard ship at New York Philadel- phia Boston or Portland, under the new regulation they mustbe shipped from Portland only. These tarrangcmenta give the railways mentioned a monopoly of the land carrying nrade to Portland no result they charge 30 centaï¬pcr head for cattle from Toronto to Portland whilst their rate from Chicago to Portland. well nigh. twice the distance, is only ‘28 cents. This in creatin some rumbling among dealer- hero. %ne goode ect of the new regulation will be the chenpening of ocean rams because of the :ompetition between weasel: aailin from Halifax :or Montreal and Portion . Dcalera claim that some ment for more :considentc rates should be come at if the idea is to have Canadian cattle go through to the old country via Portland unload :of by Halifax The "arm! Mimi‘s Linilenl the Bust 11in Boston 1-. wm Baby m lick. we gnu her Canorh. Whonihn III a Chlld, Iho cried (or Cub 11L Winn-kahunaâ€, Ike clung to cm Winn-ha hm! Chm-hapvomumwwfln. Granl Trunk Railway, tl mt. Central Railway.-has ucing therUniEctl Stale} ( New York Philulel. Portland. under the new muslbe shipped from These :nrrangcments give ntioucda monopoly of the trade to Portland ans :9 30 centï¬pcr head for Home to Portland whilst Hats for Spring, Hats for Summer Hats for Fall and Hats for Winter Hats Black and Hats Light Hats Brown and Hats White Hats Large and Hats Small Hats Low and Hats Tall Hats for Boys and Hats for Men Hats for Youths and Hats again Hats Fashionable Hats Cheap Hats you can buy for a dollar a heap Hats Stifl'andlâ€"Iats 50ft Hats on and Hats Ofl‘ Hats that are Hats and all of them SNAPS Hats that are not Hats at all but CAPS Belnember that FURNISHINGS are going at HALF PRICE at the PALACE FUR- NISHING HIDUSE the Spofl'ord's Block, H. H. Bruels. of Windsor, visit his Brother, T. H. Breuls, thls week W H. Todd makesa specialty horse'shoeing‘ We understand that our citv {am and School Board sat for flash 1i; photos in the Masonic hall mdav- Albert Lawton. of Stratford, vi his numerous friends here an Bloomiuzton this week. Will ‘he person wh‘ axe at Joseph Ni; on Monday kindly lea net's. best 00th Cure. Only one cent a ct:., 50 cm. and $1.00 per bottle G. (lullnnl. drumvisc. His many friends Will much to learn that. Maxson Jones‘ of ington. Is in a feeble : health. The closing carnival of the season will be held on the Stnuï¬ville rink on Thursday. march 213:. There wil' be a barrel race. an open race and a young ladies race. Admission-skat- 815 15c. spectators 10c. ticketbolders Philip J ones. assessor of \Vhitchurch township has kindly tarnished the TRIBUNE with the followihg stalls tic 5 ;â€"-Number of acres in township 60.â€" 004. cleared 45,615; total . assessment 51.624. 060; population 3.797. cattle 2.957 sheep 37l5, hogs 1065 horsm ‘27‘20. dogs 36!), steam boiler; Sun Rnwm Cou- Drunvism. A large crowd. ï¬rst'class In good ica pretty costumes and CI( contested races races were the ( of Thursdav evening last at carnival. Several outsiders Port Perry, Stouï¬â€˜ville.m. Albert other places were present an! all{ “119d i: a good (time. \liss Orr. as , “ he Frost Queen," secured the ï¬rst 1 prize for ladies costume; while Mr. ‘ Jan. DeGeer. representing “William“. of Orange." was nwnrdad ï¬rst for gents coalume. Misses Beaver and Gilpin won the girls prize~ Mafler E Wlllle Chapple carrying ofl' rhe boy‘s. In the ï¬bres mlle race Dusty won with ease. Wnlker oLPort Perry dropp- l in): out mar {the ï¬rst‘ mile and a. hnlt', Dusty having gained ,mothan 3 hp on him rhnn. Frank Gould came recond. The mile also Wentlol Dusty. A. Bright winning second place. In the boy‘s race Frank Gould won. with Geo. Gould a good month Tlmen. l HATS! HATS‘. HATS! ln‘ 12h Only ls here and at} week. ‘ ho picked up the: El \ghswander‘s :alv ‘. ave ital D. Con ‘. told . L. REEVE “F at THE JEWELLER 60.â€" i sment ‘ cattle ' hnrsus bniler‘s . mg Kill- ix hours AERICLV ly is a cians on \ 'lie 93?"? WEEKLY Lil :eh‘ To niew subscrib- ers: till Dec 31, 1895, for Merchant Tailor, STUUFFVILLE. â€"AND Smuï¬ville