Km, Mudonald. D! BARRXSTERS THEE Money To The Growing Boy Ahead of the Ann- eonda. "land «I think," said Mr. Bmhp: an.-. .5. .nuymdn did I Wonderful thin! Buidcnca eomor INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE â€"ANDâ€" _ Financial Broker ennuiâ€"mar FOR The Sun Life Insurance Company JAMES McCULLOUGH. LL Barri-tar. VETERINARY SURGEON. 1RADUATE OF THE ON Money to Loan R. J. DALEY, JAMES O'BRIEN, ICENSED AUCTIONEER TONSORIAL ARTIS’DS J. L BAKER, assuzn or mans: LICENSES ?. R. HOOVER, ISSUER 0F IIHRIISE LICENSESK GREEN RIVER. ONT. J. W. SHANKEL @nhuuz L'ALL AT THE PIBIS TOISOHIHL PIHLDR S‘IO UPI†ILLS. donald, Davidson Paterson, RTERS, SOLICITORS rut-aim Rum-u for ulo 3nd zummd Honing And Shun Sharpening}: speci- G. BITTTO N, VE'EERINARY STOUFFVI LLE. ONT‘ DIJG"! Blu N. E. SMITH, Finn uni VIII-II Fromm yr Loading Pin Inning“ 00/. FINANCIAL. 51'0an CTXON EERS‘ Hui; Drnuinu and Sh“ Solicitor. promptly attended oi'MIin and Albert 5m. m m thougl A! iI and In Ix Soap. Cum gliqne. Mn ‘8. 51mm. he I. complete York ‘ILLE. 0‘“ Block. Smflvillou AUCTIONEER ONT: mar-aid coll-o Adv-n00 qunurio- Order- n‘: prompt Ill-n- uufl’nilmum. rr 8-]. Incl to Rent Buildint: Provriewr. ‘0. TN the m‘ FED Am notice mz- Sub Bum New York, March mâ€"Among th‘ 1011de who greeted Raw. Dr. Talmag 1 the Amdemy at Music um “mom "are a large number of smug“: he: jaunt part.- at the Union. At. the alas 777Aâ€- .m Invln 'or-o I Ll'l‘ Pm been healthful. for it is so lnxplrlngly ap- plauded. It must have been abnndnnl because ls dismissed the nmuity o! u sucler for a great my. Emil penul- hnd a ration of minim a day allowpv to him, and so 15,03,000 pounds wen neeasnry every week. Those were mi times 0! which my text speaks. when men “did eat angels' food " ' If the good Lord who has helped me so often. will help me now, I- will ï¬rst tell you what is nngela' food and than how wr may get some of it for ourselves. In om mortal state we must have for mastic“- tlon and dlgmilon and assimilation tht‘ products 0! the earth. Corporelty 2L9 well Is mentality and_ spirituality character- ’ ‘ " # k ..... ADI t4 DD. 4)?!)0m 0500:.»me O Im><m2r< Z>22? services the lumber, on 1cm ndormï¬ound himself commune! {11 people m an an ordhmtys :11. all Imam on shaking hands V The subject. of discourse for noon was “A Semphlo Diet,“ m-Iwmd heme Psalms lxxVuL 0N ANGELS’ FOOD Rourllhment tion, divine companionship. oelenrumvc jubilanoe. There is one subject that ex cites the curiosity and inquisitlvanosa oi nil those nngeln St. Peter say-i. â€Which thing the angels desire to look tnm"â€"chm 'is. why did Christ oxchnnge a palace fur a horn? Why did he (imp n sceptm from his right hand to tnkoaspear into his left side? Why quit the anthem of the wor shipping heavens to hmr the crooning of n weary mother's voice? Wan it better than n garland? ‘o‘ Could it not have done been in some other way?" says angel the ï¬rst. “Wu the human race worth such a sacriâ€" flee?" says Inngel amend. “How could u aka-Manu- .-«_V in some other way? says 11an the ï¬rst. “Wu the human race worth such a sacriâ€" flee?†says nugel stmond. “How could heaven get along wlbhouc hlm for thirty- three years?" . says angel the 651111. “Through that Mumslnntlon may alnful man rL<e into eternal comlmnlonshlpl†says angel the fourth. And than lhvy nll bend toward each other and mlk about 11 and guess about. it and try to fathom iI and prophesy concvrnlng no. But the sub jecs is too big, and they only nlbble nl It. They only break 017 a piece nf- it. They only taste it. They just dip into lt. And then one angel says, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain I" And unotlu-r mn’xl. “Unscnrchnblc.†And another mys, They only taste it. And then one a the Lamb that was says. “Unsourchnb “Pm ï¬nding out â€Alleluia!†And‘ cup kin MG run at ran-m our wilderness mmp w-dny, and We feel like crying with Paul, “Oh, the depths ol the riches. both at the wisdom and knowledge 0! God i" or with expiring Stepeu, "Lox-d Jesus, wife my spirit!" orwith many an emptura- soul: “None but Christi Nona but Christi" Page around this angeis' (00¢ Carry it through all these aisles. Climb with it through all these galleria“ Take it Imoog all the hoveis as well as among the palm of the amt townl Ginsu un- tious a taste of this ongoll' food. . . .__- -o Luv-n lat Syn-nu} 3 frames would be at no use to them. they have n food of thelr own. My says 90. There my be other courses od in the hanvenly manu that I am aware 0!. but I know of ï¬ve or-slx :5 nt' (and always on celestial mblm n churublm and aemphlm and arch- yl gather for heavenly n‘pnsï¬â€"hhe mys o. redemption. mlest'mllzed muslc, heavenly plccumsquc. auhllme col- ly, eternal enwrprlscs, saintly associa- . delne compaulouship. celebmtlvc lance. There Is one subject, that ex- ; um mu-losltv and lunulsltlvunoss 01 nu Ilnxdon on one angel Nays, “Worthy that was slain I†And unotlu nscarchnblc. ’ ' And another any ding out!" And anulmr any !" And thefl they uh flll tlm M with the “new wine of c] In! linenâ€"M III at tho .Id be the undertak mg the manna ï¬lm .1 the wlldemoss. 0 , ,_ W, mums, for ammon years. It must haw a Is an inaplringly ap- have been abnndnnl d the necessity 0! " army. Each Pem‘ mum-tan any 5110““ 000.000 pounds wen Those were thl Not Need“! 1" Fm Danni: l‘ And than they 11]] sunrumu a... and tnlk nhout h 0“ â€161! tho d try to fathom iI together m. g 16. But the. sub “0†only “"3 y (1qu nibble m miner world: If! a piece "f. it. . ï¬lm“ they ey just (lip hm, It. and be uncn I says, “Worthy 1; lnrgcr? No‘ 1: I†And uuuth..r umlcr thun- ‘ "‘ of helpfuluv leavln! MM 1)} .ry stzm‘ Ids wk] for th at." th r11 Mn the “II )I us 01 mm 5...“. w..." ,, , mum-Mes the forms of those who in maven will be menstruoted. and whm 'ould we want of the sculptured imitav ion when we stand in the presence of the :surmcted original? Painting will hall his side of the grave because the colon f earth would be too tame for hmvan, ind what use to have pictured on canvas he svenea which aimll bu described to us iy those who were the participants? One of the disciples will tell us about ,he “th supper“ hotter thnn Titinn,with mighty touch, set it up in art gallery. The piaincst mint by tongue will describe the lam. judgment better than Michael Angelo, with his pencil, put it upon tho coiling of the Vatican. Architecture will. hnlt this side thA gmve, for whnt use would there be for architect‘s commas and design in that city which is Already hull! and garnished until nothing can he added; all the Tuileries null Windmr castles and St. Clouds of the eart-h piled up not equui< lug its humblest residuum; all the St. Paula and St. Peters and St. [make and St. Sophim of the earth built into om- mthedml not equnliing the hmvcnly tom- ple, but muzzle will pass right on, right up and right in, and millions in heaven will Mknowiedge that, under God, she was the chief mum of their salvation. l 011. 1 would like to be present when an -i __.a um mud III up a.†..,,... ._, , wlll Mknowledge that, under God, sho was the chluf mum of thelr mlvnthm. 0h. 1 would Ilka to be pmwut when all the great Chrlsunn slugm-u nnd the grout Christmn pluyeni of A“ the ngus shall oou- magma In heaven! 0! course they must. like All tho mat of us. be ulonnsed and mnwmad by the blood of the slnlu Lamb. Alas. that some of tho great ortlsts of sweet sound have boon as dlstlngulshpd {or profllgacy as for tho way they wan-bled or sung or ï¬ngered the keyboard or tmd‘ the organ pedal. Some who huwe been distingulshcd bosses and mpmuos and prlma donnns on earth I fear wlll never slng the song of Moses and the Lamb or put the I“) to the trumpet v'vlth Rounds 0! vlotory below the throne win: him unto Gm glory I" all huuvt quot for food. Now in the emerald palace of heaven let the cupbenrers and servants of the King remove this course from the banquet and bring on unuthur mum of angels‘ food, whieh is laying out of mighty enterprise. The Bible lets us know positively that the angels have our World‘s a'flairs on their heart. They Mind the rapid tran- sit from World to world. Mllaterlng spirits. escorting splrita,dci'endlng spirits, guardlnn spiritsâ€"yea, they have all worlds on their thought. We are told they sang together at. the creation. and that implied not only the creation or our world, but at other worlds. Shall they plan only for our little planet 'mul be unconwrned for a planet 3(1) times rL . _.|__IA- sh'xpwrcukw utm'y Ming 1! Th use my the to \ple of the sun. They pmsme over coronntluus. It in the great organ of the unlvt-rse one key gets out of tune, they plan for its rctunlng. No undermklng l: we difï¬cult, no post of duty ls so dletnut, no mlmlun ls so stupendous but at God's command they are gladly obtalncd. When they slt together In heaven's places, Ga~ brlel and Michael, the archangel. and tin angel that pointed Eager to the fountaln 1n the desert, and the angel that swung open the ptlson door of dellvered Peter, and the angels who are to be the reaper: at the end at the world, and the angel that ~tood by Paul to 'uucoumgt him on the founderlng cornshlp of Alexandr-In, and the two angels that sentlnelml the tomb ol’ Christ, and the (our angels that St. John an'w ln Apocalypse at the four corners of the enrthmnd the twelve angel: that guard the twelve swlnglng pearls, and the 20,000 charloted angels that tho psalmlnt described. and more mllnnt than nll of them put together, and mlghtter than all, nnd lovller than all," "the Angel of thn Covenant." the nadnncea ol command they an they at: toguthex- briel and Michael angel that palate! in the desert, am quu y_. . . nrth with Bethlehem hu- » behind ï¬lm. and mm n both sides of ï¬lm, and ‘ Golgocha just. below ï¬lm. He sings in heaven? Paul lu mldulght dungeon, and pose that now they sing on “mums? What do we washed us ml and mmh ml and flu That will )1) tu [and m Immortals. hlghest capstone of Unto Hlm who loved from our sins ln El: :5 us klngx and prlests : Lamb, to Hlm be be manna enough (01 d. Tlmt wlll be a ban- Thut wlll be anguls‘ I course they must. us. be ulonnsed and . of the slain Lamb. “3 great artists of an as distinguish“! us way they wan-bled mlghtlly ohnnq uq chiefly com- mon who In 0d, and whm pun-ed imitav resanoo of the slug will huh use the colon no for hmven, red on canvas lescrlbed to us mum-nu! whlch hm'o been 1 roll thém on [I] u uue grant theme Hz tunn that shall )1 cars, H1: nldnoon, His men 1: men The pl: oust ~llnh ench‘pth chluï¬ ( on. v, u... v... is oolehrstlve jubiinnee. You mm 1. nave lo prided themselves on til known people w \ never getting excited. They have ouitiâ€" “ voted the phiegnmtic. You never new 1 them cry; you never heard them in e P burst. of laughter. They are monotonous D‘ and to me lntolemble. 1 nm afraid of 5 av man or a women that cannot cry. I nm b atrnld ot a man or - woman who cannot 0 laugh. Chrint says in the book of Bevele- tion that. such people are to Him nauseat- lug Md cause Ngurgitntionâ€"{Bevelatinn V 111, 10) “Because thou art lukewarm and . neither cold our hot I will spew thee out Of my mouth. " But the angels in heaven have no stoiidity or unresponsiveness. There is one thing that egitntns them into holy warmth. We know that absolutely. If t harp he hung up on the panels at umeth st, they take it down and with deft ï¬ngers pull from among the string»? a. contieie. They run in to their neigh- bors on the some golden street and tell the news. It Miriam has there cymbals anything like those with which she per~ formed on the hanks of the Red son. she olnpa them in triumph, and there is e foetal tuhie spread, and the best of the angels' food is set on it. When is it? It is when a men or women down in the worhi who was all wrong by the grace of God is made all :1th Luke xv, 10) "There is joy ln the presence of the angels 0! God over one sinner that repenteth." Why are they so happily agitated? Be cause they know whats tremendous thing it is to turn clear around from the wrong and take the right. road. It is bemuse they know the diï¬cmnm between swine-1‘ trough with nothing but iiusks and n klng‘a banquet with engnie' food. It 1: because they know the inï¬nite. the ever- lusting dlil'umncu between down and Up. And thnn their festivity is catching. l] we hour the hcile of a city ring. we say Lâ€- Mm ‘vod Hla That In WM: {:3 ““08 n nnd. it you will t main-1t! c of sumndor that will not. (aka I a second to nmke doc-Mn thls, “14 than telemphlc dispatch the no much whom, and angels of God ' {011 would joln your gloriï¬ed l celebrauon. nnd the caterers < would do thelr bust, and gum npbs side by side would mkn nu Glory be to God for such a [1 Oh. that this moment then 1 rush for heaven! ' The S‘ulrn. and the Bride my. C anoicmg suims mâ€"echo. Comm Who mints, who chlmts, who mum. {AmmXug dlï¬emnw between down auu up. And than their festivity Is catching. I! we hmr the bells o! a any ring, we say, “What. is that for?" If we hear romng out, from an nudmarhuu ï¬le sound a! n full orchestra. we say. “What la happen- Hut here!" And when the angels of God "A. .1 â€Hum.â€" nuke wl' mu! mumer : folks \mm. c smndlug ap tr waiting for ‘ have been a na Ulurrw nun»... v. w 5, my howl-s. there me people ln heaven vhu would llku tn hear from you. Your . :hlldmn there are wonderlng when father ‘ lml molhnr \le1 come mm the klugdom, ‘ “Id wlth mom glve than thuy over danced m the hullwny at your cnmlng home at svemhlu they wlll dance the floor of the hmveuly xuunslon at the tldlngi u! father mul mother saved. Besldcs that the old folks want u: hear from you. They m stamllug at the head '0! the oelestlol staln» \vnltlng for the news that thelr prayer-e have been answemd. and that you are comlug on to take Iron: thelr llps n klss hotter than tlmt whlch now they throw you. Cnlllug you by your ï¬rst name. 35 they alwuy-x dld, they are tslklng about you and mylug. "There la our son," or “Thom hi our daughter down in that world of struggle, buttllng. suflarlng. sln- ulng, weeplng. Why can they not see that Chrlst lrx the only one who can help and comic-I and save?" That lu WM: m “V nnd. I! you wulunithqé‘hnï¬;gl% 23:13:: of sumndor tlmt will not. take mom than npbs side 1) Glory be t On. that t rush for he The S-‘Ilrlt Raj oicmg Who taint: Thy Saviour Microbes In Flsh.‘ In lpite ol the experiment. provin‘g Llnt the cholera microbe cmnot exist longer bhnn two dnye in frelh ï¬lh, end only twenty-{our hours in ï¬eh ulted of "naked the fear of infection [I an greet then the return of the Gal-men North Sea Fisher- ies for lS‘M show a decline of 80 per cent. on the proï¬t: derived from this louree during the preceding yea. Al (or the lrenh-wuer ï¬eherlee on the River Elbe i _.H..I. .un. formal-1v I source a! livelihood (rubâ€"ruler ï¬eherlee on the “Iver Moe which were formerly I. louroe of livelihood to I. luge number of people All elong in: banks. they hue ceued Altogether, no em: knowingly cementing to touch 5 huh thnt he: been caught in the huge Itrenm. Inw much u ouviere is derived for the most pert from uncooked ï¬sh caught in those diltricte oi Rueein where the cholera wee moat virulent, it true apprehended At one‘ time thet it might nerve u A vehicle of contagion. The Germm eholere microbe, however. eceml to be Io erdeut e petriot thet it immediately proceed- to gin: up Ihe shoot on being brought into contact With Munoovite ceviere, end M thie (not in gen- erelly becoming known. the consumption of thnt condiment mentioned with on much appreciation by Shakeepeere iI arednnlly --- «inn m norm-l retia throughout the A deapnlch from Sudbury, uyl :â€"- It. in | F understood here ulna the Creighton Gold l: M'ning Company us about to curb nctivo I operation: niacin on their property some 1 twenty milel went. 0! hero. After the mine closed down on expert mining angina“- Idviled exploring with I diamond drill mm. 400 ynrdl west of the shalt, nnd u. I dopth of about 200 feec a vein of qunru Wu Itruck indicnting n tot-l width ol over twwty {an and showing levernl very pecimena of free gold. It in under- stood that-n meoxing oi the directors 11.. been held or. Otum Ind notion token Lo‘ rovn conclusively cha aunt of the ole l dy. Gold min my hon been inactive in y‘ thlolooolizy reocnbly,nnd it is thought um, ‘ thin discovery will nrouue intend-t Among g owner] of properties in the Varmlllion ; River volley, II It in thought the umo ; vain which run- through tho Creighton - nronerw “undo throughout the whole shut it. immedmtmy p ghoul. on being broug Mmoovila «vi-re, u orally becoming knn‘ of thn condiment. me appreciation by Sh: ramming m norm-1 Germ-n Empire. 1 Gold Mining A despalch from SI understood here um. M'ning Company no “What. um full dhlP‘L‘U‘ thirst mwers n' howl“. tl‘ 'rioh aï¬ecimenb mod chum m‘ hm held 5: 9 owner! 0! prop“ River vnlley. N “ "In which run- property extendl vnlloy. Linda Dotâ€"Uncle Genny 1 uncioul.’ Whit. do" th hhxmnâ€"Thu mmnaym Lima Don (mar reflvclio - u..- thing: wi u jubUnn‘ hm- will Little Doc's Conclusion .u.‘ frlom '- mg: m av 11 about on. vm t “01?! ““3le but will not. (aka mom than aka (1001ng thls. than swlfter 11c dispatch the news would m1 angels of God who never 1) your gloriï¬ed kindred in. Ind the caterers of heaven :- bust, and saints and ser- slde would mkn nugels' (nod. God for such a posskbmtyl ; moment then mlght be a bids thee \. u "IV “V... -â€"Thu mmnay (Ill: too much. ML (nfler reflvclion)â€"I n'pole big 5 made so (all:- could any menu ‘loul. hurtin’ mybodv‘a feeling; mmng at SudburY [hing r Why Eh xtern lty I ensure! earthly ln heaven will has happeped': 001118- some say! 1' I thl mam Y â€110‘ who will, my this from The {act JTMMPS [IF THE new ,me‘ may summi- mum bur-volt by Ian Deen- l'mnnndn Ar 01“ llIlIuâ€"Ia errll THEY BELONG T0 N0 REGULAR LINE OF STBAISHIPS. There In on. vary pecan“ to“ mlfltime life at every munuy It very little in gen-telly haw-n n lhe mmp Immahip. Every you of “semen, some luge, gone I! ugly end dirty to look at, end celled trump- lrom molt radix mywhere end uh . bend in huppen- Ah the moment to promi mivn It. And leave ourahorel. 'l footpndl ere genenlly worn A ell-carded by the oompeniel whz end belonging to no regulnr lim Liï¬ed with no pertinuln clean 01 Ilene." .. u.- ierltime life of. every country ebonv. which ‘ ery little in generelly known end thee in he Iremp ueemehip. Every you number! rf ewemere, eorne luge. eome lmell. often Igly end dirty to look at, end commonly xelled trump- from their reedineu to go anywhere end Leia e bend in Indo um, meppene en the moment to promiee e proï¬t, errivu n. end leave our phone. Theee oceen foocpede ere generelly worn out hulke, dilunied by the companion who own them end belonging to no reguler line end iden Liï¬ed with no perliouler clue of cargo. end ere none out. es e meteor ol Ipeenletion to pick up whet. freight they on from port to now. like en old end worthlen horee turned out of the regnler penure to ï¬nd I living by the roedeide. They ere the guerrilla oi the eee. Some ol than: leevo their nuive countries. generelly England, Nor- wey. Germany end Spein, e few month. uefore their eunuel niche“ of impeccion expire. end rennin ewey eomecimea (or yeere without. nndergoinge new lurvey end inlpeetion. On each Ihlpl the boilere mey 0! '1'"! POINT OF IXPLMIOI, .he mmhinuy mly be in l dmgeroul eon- lition, inndeqnebe in power to propel the mip Igeinlt great Itrou of weather: the deering seer mey be wnrnnwd to in: At JOIIIO critical moment ; their hulil mey be In the lat rage of deoey, end perhepe their bone are not ï¬t to float when lower- :d from the dlviu, yet no long In the veuel uoldl together-mud Alter leaving one in" II‘HVBI nelaly u mother, no one gram lee :xeept the crewI who-e arrangement: ere aitimel Inch thet they annual leave the veslel if they would. for care in taken to «hip. if ponihle, only mnrried men. end with en 911's: of Allotment notes, lamina \elfâ€"pey (0 their families. theme mmen e_‘_-_-4â€" will not delert the Ihip during the period :greed upon in the ehip‘l nrticlu. There gun be nothing worm in the way of cheer- »Ienele end discomfort thnn lile nbourd ench unit, end the hll‘dlhipl sud grievnnc- es of these reef-rem ere peculilrly great. The crews Ire ueunlly of a mixed chanc- Ler, end m nude up or Scowhmen (gener- nlly .- engineern), Sundinnviun. Englilh, lrleh. Denel. Norwegian, Germnnl, lulâ€" Innl, LEICIIS and negro“. Chielengineen receive Item 355 («0574 per month; ï¬remen, SWAG: trimmer-514.59:carpenter-$29.“). 'l‘he evenge wage: mny be eeid lo benbout n- iollown : Fir-t. oï¬icer. $43.80; second ulï¬cer, $29.20; chiel engineer, $63.13 ; second engineer. $48.66; cerpenter. $26.76; stewerd {09.20 ; Cooke. ‘23.â€: honuwnin. 519.48:dd|;key men, $20.6†-. le senmen, ; ï¬remen. $17 .03; ordinary unn’len. $9.4. an -n n- runnh mete, 538,60; uconn m-w. v...†. _-_. “vein. $21.23, nble lee men. $11.58; chief engineer. $77.20; I: nd engineer, $36.80 ; third$28.u5; ï¬remen, $15.44; coel trimmen. $11.58; carpenoen. $15.“ ; uuwu-dl. 814,48; cooks, $6.41; boy, $5.79. AHA: Raving been leid up at. Liverpool n: (Hugs! (or name time arden will be given to prep-re the "1mg for nee. Oï¬' she will em on n voynge I I'- will be Ix'luoxmuunux noun. Path-n- m commence with Ihe (oe- to ,, . .1 .L- Path-n- m commence with Ihe (on to Cndiï¬â€˜ for - cargo of cod to ans 0! ch- Wub Indim izlnndu. Arriving It. destiny uon ordan no given to proceed to Rio. where the clpuin ï¬nd: - eugo of cofl'oo for Cnpe Town. llom whence he proceed- L» Ewan-Loi- Foochoo lovr I Ihipmcnt of ' ‘ â€" -_|. .‘I 0‘ ï¬ne you luythlug to n ’ ‘too : rnnl J antics of the pn-onoriv'hnï¬lda :2: [ hom. » EDD-luau“ -u- .. , . ten. to Sen anciwo or New York, it to‘ the lntter part. perhnpe there in “other trip to Rio, and thence a journey to Antwerp. Eventunlly the ship geu bnck home, more or loan the wane {or her jour- ney round the globe. Ind then with n can of paint uni spol'uh to euch met-kn she mny hue, this mmp is made to nppeu to the lendemln'l eye I lunch Ind good uhip. Belidel being uble to carry argue: and height It much lower rue! [hr n the ship: of regnlnr compnniee the ‘1...» at their ,, _ __ “I.-. hum..- aivnl freight n n‘luzh loworrnwl 'th' u Ibo ship .enchar agemad w-cour of regular componiu the ‘f..-L 0! their Romnn tynnny “d being Able to curry on other lumina- given flhem u Itill further opportunuy Ln uufl'u-ly mmpotn with established linen. The eventing expense! of these ocean Lrtmpl ore reduced 00 A very law level. The coal consumption in yam-ll. in may cuu not over twenty-ï¬ve lo {any tan: a dny ; the crew in u mull no possible, und th other general oxponlen Ira kept at. I mini- mum. were lost ugh! of. R4 home where he could (8) Lol- III um. be Iurpx efl'om nre reported. I be careful no; to pine the good deed- uer. In our sense of 31.0. He was, reglrn hil notion,“ unlcrupu of the pounand I loci: .L.-- _... .m' n nun 1' mum. 0n the In the trump summer in but little liked. Blundering elon wilh n bad look- out. peril-pl none II. II the tramp in n urror co the owner! 0! Imell Inning cnicâ€" ynchujuhmg Ind conning schoonerIâ€"end. inking no notice of their ligh’emlun crash- an inn: them, remorleleuly sending some of the occupmu to u wnlery grave. The oflicerl of mnil ate-mere, lllfl,‘ proleu great ‘dillike u: the trump. which mny be partly mumad and pertly reel, for they grenly drud n wllinon with name bedly neared, cereleuly mlnlged \‘enel hennly lgden with coal or iron or strain. The quution in, when becomes of ell the noun lump: 2 Some Ire sold for conning uni up-l'i'cl‘ crude on the African couv. and other out of the wnv nieces; many ere broken up (or dielike to v. e rump. which mey be perrly mumed end pertly reel, far they greedy drud e eollieon with some bedly steered, cereleul mtneged veuel heenly leden with one or iron or strain. The queltion in, whet becomes of ell the noun lrempl? Some ere sold for ooutlng end up-river crude on the African cone! and other out of the wey plecee; meny ere broken up (or old irombnt the majority of them probebly end their eereer, ID fer u any record 0! them in concerned. by being chronicled in L:,L _n._. uuu tuvl- n"-.. tham concerned. by being ch'ronicled in tho duily piper: a mining, which men: LII-I. thely hnvu ï¬nllly succ'lmbed to some peril at he no; A dupccch from Wellingbnn. Una, ny- -A nd we of poiaoning took plnce on Wodnuday It. tho house of human Pine, nbont levenmllufrom this place. Mrs. Pine look 3 quantity of Paris green for tho pur- pom of endin; I-~rlife. When diucoverod in In: too late (or median] nuisance to be of guy “nil. and Ihe died in n few hour: in grant agony. Mrs. Pine was nbnut twen‘y yen-I 0! mac. and hnd only been mnrriad shout. one year. The only own tint. on be given for the nah wt wu ill- ‘ henlkh. A dupetoh from Ander-on up :â€"The moat, doeuuotive nuxunl gee exploeion in the histor‘z, all the Indian gel belt occurred here on edneldey morning. A bmineu \ block on nhe Court Home equere wee blown l ever In the oeutrel pore of the oily. Fire followed the explosion, which use like‘en eerch nuke, end the debris begun burning ï¬erce y. The lot: on the building end content! l: tom, end will reech $400,- 000. The (route of ell bulineen houee in hho neighborhood 0! the exploeion were demolished. peved etreeu ripped open end telephone ceblee torn down. IIAIImd [JD-I WI Grant by Inï¬ll-r “Ianâ€"“m Inna- Are Generally Wor- â€"Glenfllu or the less. I very peanlhr («nun in the .v. Nothin.’ yer Honor. Wall I won't. lecture you thin umo Autionl Ipuk louder nun words, no 1'] jun. [mug you mad he dnuo with it, I Suicide ofa Young Wife O‘*' , , Ind Spain, Ifew month- nul ticket; of impaction ruin I'D, Iomebimu {or Idorgoingn new Iurvoy Ind Inch ship: the boiler: mny Natural Gas Exploslon A Considerate Judge, THE SUNDAY SCHOGI INTERNATIONAL LE MW MI , An 'ey though 1 probcbly me In Bulwaymeu “her- no nixed the dad [‘11 ml: In excitement. n- an. oven: that. the Jewi-h luderl Iolvod to put Jenn no duth u ‘0! the people. Al bin hour ' come he withdrew from me 1 «pit-l uni secluded him-ell It “been-- In I in the vilhgo a! Ephmm the Samuimn border. 5 puwver he left. this run owned the Joni-n be pa aroused the Jordm he weed ioho on hi- wey to Joruulem. of Jericho he headed Bertime beggtr, end in he unrest.- he the rich pnblicm. He enter e gout. end III received in! a Saviour. Vane. l. 2. huge uu'u 'Wu panning through." 3‘ my to Jeruulem from his rel nau- the Jordan nlley. Chi: pnblicuu. The public":- callacwd (ho uxu, which their chief, who In: in turn I the neeiveg-genepl oi che pr‘ “Parbapl the ruin a! his m (vet-u 8)."â€"1Ange. The {on were Inge. md extortion- 9! Inner. ._ . ‘ L___ 3, a. Sought to no Joann. Hi: won more lhui mare auxin-icy to behold the mu: who-e nuns was on every tongue. It m u denim to know him who declu-od himself («0 be the friend of publicâ€:- Ind Iinnun, Ind in him no mk utiliuflion {or the ban- ger of hi- souL Who ho wu. Which non in bhe mingled tad confound crowd which wu throwing the ï¬red; at Jerichol Press. Two crowds jolted “ch otherâ€" Gnlileu: pilgrim now on their wuy to Jornulom, hundredl of whom probably 3 .L. -:..Lt-“r- ni u thy horn Jau- llw more Linn ed hm: in have done for him. who come- nr- 7. They co‘nvarled the ‘ny G . were um: â€P‘ Jerichou mold‘ 1 p 'P' .enchu no new 9.“... x .w... r--u- , Jenn-lam, hundred] of flocked About Jenn. md Jericho. Chrinpuud hi excitement and auxin of in ever “peeling w word- nnd 7 to witnes- Wunluunu works. Little of nature. A: n publictn he would likely be hindered and perhnp- obnud in hit enduvon to penetrate [ha crowd choc urnyod Around the Prophet. He nu before. The only chnnoe the little nun would luvs “my ï¬nding obcuolu in their way to ï¬nd we Muwr would hive given u the alien. md gone home. Suppole gunmen- bud bncame discoungod : whnl. [hen 2 He would hue loo: tho Ipiï¬mnl opportunity ol a. lifetime. (I) When Chris: in no“ Ihould nuke - - - ,,__ .. a..a mm IXPLANA'I‘OBY A the mom. 0! chair 0P!J Climbed up. Aim?! (1) dewrminuion : expedient. ; (3) °°“‘ ‘problble. jean nd \II uâ€""~â€" . . expedient. , 3) oounge ‘u: with-undiug ‘ probtble jean Ind Launc- : (4) sacriï¬ce of lame digmly in one so rich ugk‘mgn plate so humble. (2) Thou who dour: to see Jelul mull. not be repelled by my diï¬culbâ€" in 1.11“ mny urine. Sycunme tree. The Egyptian ï¬g. C very lugs tree. 5. “. Sum him. Out. of .11 the crowd the {Mn-Luâ€: aye mud upon bun, Be knew L-â€" n..- â€ma hi: hiamn u. I mince, Ind Mubar'l aye mud upon nun hm nume, rend his hiaLory u n sppminwd hi: tiling mm (3 en one whose thought: no war him. S-id unto him, Z \There is' great power in diru nytquâ€"n. .- "V" a eve one than thought: ere turned w- in him. Said nnw him, chcheue. (0‘ Thereu grub power in direct indivxdul lddrell. One fervent. penond word will onlwoi h l whole sermon addreued noun numb Age. Notice from he beginning of thin lat lonmnrd journey Jeane Ind send u- Inonerch ;he no lon er enjoin- eecrecy upon hie npaedee,| en this oom- mend m Z-oc‘neue u in keepmg With the Hriumph-l entry to Jaruulem which in ‘ l,llA_ “.5. huta. l5] Soul: must. not be now u: 0 ing the comm-mil at Christ. A u thy hours. An unexpected honor. Jau- llwnyl bellow: an seeking s more Llnn they expect from him. Rex ed hm: joyfully. \Vhioh he would have done il be bid not. previoully lol “or him. (I) but. u- joylnlly native hlvo Eon?“ be'hud not previoully longe for him. (I) Let u jgyfully receive hm: who camel no bring us Joy. 7. Tbav all murmured Till n ugnu in 7. They I“ murmured Tm 3 ml co‘nvoned he on never be recanclh the wny God dilpenael his llvou. ‘ were Almost u m-ny priest. dwalli Jericho u in‘Jeruulemmnd they don mold‘ l p‘ublic opinion. This rel ;nchar seemed to countenuzce u: 3g [Romnn lynnny, my! hiI lofty m nintm-ge‘. “The [can of I pu lugs. md extortion- alum mad: immedisuelulï¬llmgqn in the degree k3 Whig? rld¢l \ Ewgï¬m'ï¬fï¬imm {2:319 “I man 7 dun} ï¬g“! I In ova-IQ lpnvl- and anus bmm cum!»- I l how-m .u nun til hm R I Yum-strum cm: Perm. Ea ‘ \. animus synygu cup: . u , Dian Ho amend hi. home II eeived inm his hurt I {oll‘ ‘rough Jorioho. He van on the ‘ At. the gum m, the blind jet Lmong the mud and alloy 9530 '0 Iuborvilinfl-G'vo urovinoe. Rich. ion. but it showed skill m employ R in with-undiug 0b Mike bane. (5) a nlow in obey- of Christ. Abide mecwd honor. l6) rho-xl-ercoincifled w v 7 1 his lnvux; There prielu dwelling in “sud they doubtless , ‘n. Ihll religmunl men-nee Ln Igem of ‘ hil lolly mom:- | Elvin; h ‘UL. â€is? ’°° ‘y i culv- lree. The Ci mrowd the , Be knew It s 1 ghnce, Ind x'm 3 Christ. noel .......a m. V 0 u COXPANI 3"" For Twenty-ï¬ve [ed No Other Medicine Consumption. AYERS? Summer". of B The incessant wasting of a 1:4 sumptive an onlybe overcome a powerful concentrated noun' meat like Scott's Emulsion. this wasting is checked and system is supplied with strengtt combat the dim there is In of recovery. Kier’ 3m mSarwarilla Avcr'a â€fillmlu. ‘RBB ROY." my cost 5:. T'HEcBoKsaEflEBJEND Al llmue I- ll: n-vy Apvrm Jon-Inning Sew Fur-0v Dock: to be “Inf-eta! JI' uok w, pan for user and Well- so Tuonoucn AS Liaâ€"6131’ SALE spumuu slow Scott’s win for dnr BRITISH ESTIMA u m WNW.- Pd: Well Know-n Doctor The D I- II: In" Alwr "h. All Drunk“ epresslon 60m.“ Years Bron-