Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 14 Mar 1895, p. 9

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Warrmer is holding: a fire Having secured a renewal of Oul‘ lez the old stand near the G. T. R. Stati business there as formerly, and ha ve received a large stock of Which we will continue to sell not below cost very close advance 0n cost chased an 8c. per 1b. bn' or 17c Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, Dates Candies, Oysters, Fancy Goods, Toys, Games, Sporting Goods, School Books and Supplies,- Church Hymn Books, Toy Books, c c. Monday will be Bargain day for Prints. Now they will go Cheap. Tuesday we will make a great Slaughter in the Dress Goods department. Everything new and nice in that line and lots to choose from. Fine Black Goods and all lines go at a great sacrifice that day. Wednesday we will hold a general slaughtering sale in every department and the prices put so low that our opponents will be exclaiming: Warriner is demoralizing trade al- mzether. but as usual we ever intend to carry the sway for Bargains. SUGARS ‘ARE DOWN Will be ou1 ba1gain dav for gents’ furnishings; 25c ties for 18c.: I50 ties fo1 10c; 100. ties for 5a.; same reductions" 1n braces; $1. 50 hats for $1 $1 hat for 75c.:75c.h21t f01 50c; $15 suits for $11.50 $10 suits for $8; $8 suit fo1 $6: $5 and $6 suits {01 $4; $4 suits ('01 $2. 75; also in the dreSs goods , department “e 11 111 trixe Special bargains as we want men, women and children to visit us on Saturday. ’l‘ilsonberg Rolled Outs, Silver Package Tea Goldeu‘Age Flour. Windsor Salt. Agents for Whaley truments. As we buy our tion tc give I We a The I 50 lbs. Bright Sugar for $1.00 26 1b. Granulated $1; 361b. Raw. Sugar $1; 32 White Sugar $I,‘every day Tremendous Rush for the Bargains. With a boy’s suit of clothes of three dollars or more we will give a sack of flour. On We Will repeat the sugar-and tea sale. and will offer everything in the crockery line right down to cost saws?“ mama 16th 51 We Are Still In It buv our sugar by the CARLOAD we are in the, posi- tc Szive you the best§prices in the market. We will guarantee the quality as well as the price. Be- fore buving hear our prices. 1re still to the front with good Wdhd low prices We will gixe 401be. Light Sugar and 3 lbs. of oar 35c Tea for 37 4 “ 30c. " Any woman 0: man buyingfive dollars worth or more Dress Goods : snap in London Layer Raisins as we have pur- an entire line from wholacaler, we can sell them at 11). or age. per 1b. by the hex. sunlight Soap Gc. 'Lper NOVELTY ‘ SALE per .Box Our Specialties [ONDAY' This Week and, Nexf Our FRIDAY MARCH 151h JH RATOLIF‘F 00. S. M- WAR RINER. 18 giving: HRSBM, mm MW ewal of Oul‘ IeaSe for a term of years at G. T. R. Station, we shall continue the erlv. and have during the past week WILLiBE CONTINUED Great Novelty Sale which is causing big excitement every day Royce (10., Music and Musical In S. C. FLEUBY Co.9 special bargains every. day for the next two weeks. MARCH 18th but at a All advance npticea in the local columns 0! gho Tnnuntofimaeungg or entertainment: It which an admission fee‘ 1: char 1‘]. or from which :- peoumnry benefit 15 denvo . must bu mldjor at the rate ofaoven cents per line each inurtxonhno charm; leu than twenty-five cents. When bllll are unrated at this oflion or advertisemen'sp! en- tertainments are iunrtad a brief loan] will bu nivan from Rae‘s The annual meeting for nomination of officers for the Mechanics' Institute will be held in the Reading ronm on Tuesdav April 16th. 1895. A lull representation of the members is re quested. Let even" member make arrangements to have the night open so that they may be able be present. English Sunvin Lmimcnt removes all hard soft or callmisvd Lumps nud Blemishes from horses, Blood Spnvin, Curbs, Splints. Ring Bone. Sweeney. Stiflcs, Spmins, Sore and Swollen Throat. Coughs. etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Wurmnted the most won derful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by Rowan 47. Co. Druyaiat. \erv fine new prunes afijl per lb. at the Pantry. A snap in granite iron wash basins at Silvester 8: Douzherty‘e. Miss Jeanette Beanie has gone to New York to qualify for a. trained nurse. QUEEN vs. PIPHER.â€"This case came before His Honor Judge Mcâ€" Dougnll on Wednesday and Thu My of tlus week. A number of witnesses were examined and as the jury were satisfied that no offence had been in- tended to be commit! I by Pipber he was allowed to go on suspended sent- ence. E. Dewart, County Attorney apppeared for the Crown and C. R. Fitch. of Stoufiville, for Pipher Tim’snp buckets made to iron spiles. Prices riP‘ht, ter ‘Doughertv's A sleigh load of young folks from Bunonville vihited town yesterdnv, of whom Lieut. R, 13. Elliott. W. Stiver and R. Stiver gave the TRIBUNE a pleasant call. Accusations are often hurled against l the country editor for his supposed1 neglect in noticing the events connect ed with certain of his subscribers and lot giving fancied prominence to others‘ Those who feel aggrieved should bear in mind that there is no silver lining in the editorial tunic suflicient to fee a. score of active re- porters, therefore he has to depend on his iriends to apprise him of the vari- ous events of interest which occur in the vicinity. Our columns are open or nil items of loeai interest and we would be only too cried to have them communicated to us by post or person- ally. Sometimes persons think certain items are too trifling to be inserted whereqs the {set is that subscribers in distant parts are specially interested in what might be called gossip at home. especielly matters of a personal nature. Let us have the facts and we will put them in shape tor publica- tion. THE TRIBUNE. STOUFFVILLE. MAR. 21 1895 lbs curl-ants for 25cm OCAL ITEMS- Loch. Ho-rloc'u $2.00. will get $2. 00‘ 6: the new :11! Silves- ntJ Another supply of those famous wire ratâ€"traps an Silvester Dough- erty's. 29 lbs best zranu'ated for $1. at J. J. Rae-a Wax-finer made a large shipment of dried apples Inst wnek, Sometblug new In chums. The Cradle! You should see 1:, also daisy and dabh churns at Silvester 8: Dough. eru"s. . White and negflgo shirts in great varietv at Monkhouse's. See our new baking powder at line. per 1b.. J. H. Ratclifi Co Sprlng will likely be ushered in suddenly this year as we have surely had our quota of cold weather. DCM fall to take advantage of the Bargains Brav is olfuflug; during the month of March It will be easier to raise: the wind. Clear bracing coai weatlmr this week Look out. for mapla syrup in a low days. WANTED 500 able-bodied men with ten dollars a peiue to wear Brav'u cheap Tweed Suits to order. J. J.Rae has just received ahost of white dishes which he 15 able ‘0 Bell ‘25 per seamless than the regular price Call and see thfim Daniel Byer, from Stavnor. who has been very successful in curlnzcancers and tumors has removed to Dr. S. L. Freel's prechs, East End. SJouif- villa. We hearthat Mr. Guthrie is able to be around again. He has been confined to the house for the past five weeks with a sore foot and is unable to go without his crutches vet. Tbere wna'a good Attendance at the pancake and maple syrup social held In the Congregational Church on Tuesday evnnlng and a very pleasant evening was enjoy- AL his late residence} GO Churchill Avu.. Toronto, on Monday, there pass- g’d :1an an old resident, Henr Mn'lrn'heufi. '“W'W nâ€"nl nml- nlnna Mrs Pagan. of Winnipeg, formerly of Stoufl‘ville_is. visiting an Mrs. H, Urquhart'u, W. x . , ,â€" ummgw’oog?’ "9'33'mneral took place to day to St. James' Cemetery Toron- to. ' to choose from. The designs are far ahead of anything ever shown before and the price is Away Down. Call and see the goods, no trouble to show then). Farm Produce taken in exchange. Miaalvv |. nt‘ Ailsa Craig. Miss Fiethelln. Miss Hazel l-‘ierheller. Miqs Slim-r and Miss Halfenbreuk and Messrs R; and W. Sliver and R‘ Elliott. of Butlonvillu. visited at the. home of Mrs Albert Gilbert yuster day. ‘,Snnp“ Shankel was a very un- fortunate canine. Notlong ago hr. in his peregrinatinns. panook of poison and had to be quietly pinced into the arms of Sempiternus Somn- us. His stately form in the window wlll not hereafter zract Mr Shankel's numerous customers. Sic transit glorm mundi. 'l'he Mal! and Emplre says that a message from Arthnbaskuviile states that Mr. Lauriur. the Liberal leader. has been Ordered by his phvsician not to leave the house during the present week. and ha w1ll according-Iv be pre- vented attending the meetings at which he was announced to speak. Nervouu People And those who are all tired out and have that cured feeling or sick headache can be relieved of all thune symptom by taking Hood’s Samparilln, which gives nerve men- tal and bodily acrength and thoroughly pur- ifies the blood. It also creates a good: appe- tite. curea indigestion heartburn and dya- pepsin. Has 1." eceived his spring stock of Prin Ducking 8, Dress Goods, Tweads, Shirtigng, Flannelettes Table Lin en and Towels, Gloves and Hosiery Hood’s Pills are may to take, any in nation and sure in effect, 250. MILLINERY Ase Dnessnunxmo â€" Miss Dan-ach has returned from a three weeks.sojourn in Toronto where she was attending the spring open- ings of the wholesale mlllinery estab- lishments. Mrs, Adair and Miss Darrach have now on hand an excsll out and attractive supply of spring millinery goods. also a selection of the latest novelties. If you want any thlag in their line call at the Buseck block opposite S. M Wafirlner's, Main St. Dress-making also done in all the latest styles. DAIRY MEm1xo.-â€"At 2 p. m.:on Friday March 22nd, in Dalev’s Hall. Stoufl'ville. there will be held a public meeting in the interests of duirying.‘ J. E. Gould, of Uxbridge will give an address on "Feed- ing for profit and the care of the dairy cow" and M. Mayer. of Toronto, will exp ntiutn on the “requiremunu of the Crude", An open dimuuion will take place after the addresses. Every farmer and his wife also should make it, a paint to be present. A despatch of March 18m to the‘ New York Herald sewnâ€"A terrible disaster has hefallen the Chinese troops in Manchurm. Their entire supply of provisions for three months has been captured near Niuch. Want by the Japanese. Japan's third “my. destined to carry on the campaign in the Province or Chllll. consists of Tok- in and Osaka troops, and will probab- ly be under the command of Prince Kometsu. Ll Hung Chang's negoâ€" tiations wlth Japan will be hamper- ed bv the ignorance that prevalls as to the :02] designs of Russia. whose move me in the east are being close- ly we it is _reporle(l that the British Mediterranean uqnadronls ‘comlnz out to the East. WALL PAPER J. UIRQUHART 5000 ROLLS At Prices that cannot be Beaten Ever shown in Stouffville, Also the 1‘ J. URQUHART. .arg‘ {zest stock of J. J. Rae has a line of glassware called snaps see it. Miss Vickie Lynn. Elocutioinst of Allan Craig. was in town on Wednes- day. Mrs. Harte. wife of‘ Rev of'lorouto. was visiting nedy on Wednesday week. Granulated sugar took '3 sudden drop at Silvester Doughertv‘s this morningâ€"â€"a goodlv heap ran between the sidewalk and the building. Miss Ida Burkholder. of Whitevalc. is visiting her sister Miss Cora Burk ho lder. W. J. Stark sold his chestnut carriâ€" aze mama to J. T. Quinn. v. s., of Brampton, on Monday for a good price. SuILou’s Gnu-1 It. cures Incipient been Cough Cure. cm. 50 cm. and 5 Rev. H. E. W. Kemp, of Stroud, visited at the home of W. L. Reeve on Monday. Mrs. Samuel Kefl'er. ol' Mcqford is amending her mother. Mrs. John Yake ar. , who is seriously ill. We will Collar. Tie and Cuff you. Brace van up then lot you loose. only 60 cents for such abuse at Bray‘s. Now is the timeto look out for vour :painting and kalaominiug material. We have the right stuff in abundance Silvester Daugherty. Smmu’s CURE is sold on a guarantee. It. cures Incipient Consumption. It is the beat Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose; 25 cm. 50 cm. and $1.00 per bottle Sold by (L Collard. drumrist. ‘ Mr. Howland. Recorder nf the grand Lodge of A. 0. U. W. Iowa, was in town this week in connection with the claims of the heirs of the law Mr- Mchnnld. of Gondwood trouble recommc druggist Ringingwond mills are again running at full blast and we desire to thank our many customers for their liberal patronage in the past. We would also be glad in case of dissatisfation if the parties would represent the matter to us as we desire to treat our custom. era squarely. We would be pleased to receive a number at new customers a: we think we can give entire saris faction. Chop and flour kept conatant ly ou hand The Singer Mfg. Co. will hold in free Art Exhibit of Art Needle work done on the world renowned Singer ~.Sewmg Machine in Freel‘s Block. Stoufiville. for three week~. Anybody having 8 Singer Sewing Machine will be taught free of charge how to do all classes of work. . This work will be a facsi- mile or the work shown at the Chicago World's Fair. in which the Sinerer Mfg. Co.took'1ift_vâ€"l'our first awards being the largest number of awards obtained by any exhibitor and mor than double the number received by all the other Sewing Machine Co's. THE WOMAN'S ;-GLuun.â€"Canadian women are already noted for manv graces of person. character and heart. and now they propose show- ing that they also possess mental powers ofn. high order, combined with business qualities. They have undertaleu to assume charge of an entire issue of the :I‘oronto Daily Globe (for April 18th next), The regular editorial and reportorial stafis certainly all the male members thereof. will be displaced for that issue byastai‘i‘of ladies who will cover every department of the paperâ€"bus ine'ss editorial, local and general The issue will be livery large one. both as to the number of pages and as to circulation and will also be non-political and non-sectarian. The result of this unique undertaking will, we are sure be watched wi:h keenest interest not oniv bv the fair sex or tile Dominion but also by the. on this occasion. more curious male element. Laeaossn.â€"The most enthusiastic meeting in the history of lacrosse in Stoulfville was held last evening at the Post Otlice for the ptuposo of e:- gamzing the club for the coming see- son.Not only the activeflplaying mem- bers but many of the business men who ereinterestod in athletic sports were present an' it looks as though the lacrosse club will this year receive the public support and encourage- ment which is necessary to keep a club alive. The following officers were elected:â€"Honorery Pres, Alex. Low; honorary vice-pree., J. G. Mar tin; pres. W. J. Stark; vice-pros, 1. Tumor: captain,- J. Campbell; sec.- 1 Trees ,H. W. Senders, executive cem- mlttee. J. Campbell. A. Serby and H.’ W. Senders. It was decided to hold a concert on the 8th of April under the auspices of the club and to engage Sarah Lord Bailey. of Boston. elocu- tlonist. and Prof. H. Shoults, Baritone of Toronto The plan of the ball will beet the Post Office after Mondey. March 95th. ‘ Daniel Ritz. ' e Hambun I was sufl‘eriu See those fine of!" skull: raisins for 81 ‘r 28 lb. box at the Pantry. JONAS MILL'E '2. Co. will b again running sire to thank Mr. Harte Miss Ken- of this Horse and dandy brush down. at Silvester Dougher L Arum awzaxxv. U. S. A., 1 Cal.. save: “Shiloh'n Camrrh Hats for Spring. Hats f01 Summe1 Hats for Fall and Hats fo1 W 1nte1 Hats Black and Hats Light ' Hats Brown and Hats White Hats Large and Hats Small Hats Low and Hats Tall Hats for Boys and Hats {01 Men Hats for Youths and H1tsagai11 Hats Fashionable Hats Cheap Hatswu can 13111 I'Or a dollai a heap Hats Stifl‘andHats Soft Hats 011 and Hats Ofl Hats that are Hats and all Of them>SNAPS Hats that are not Hats at all but CAPS Remember that FURNISHINGS are going at HALF PRICE at the PALACE FUR- NISHING 1101781] Open skating side-walk 1n front In cnse of accid‘ Open skating rink on the side-walk in front of John ‘Bray‘s. In case of accident where rests the responsibility? water wiIl flow and freeze and residents cannot keep~the sidewalk clear. The council should remedy the matter at once. Quite a numher of our 13‘ to Stoufi'ville on 'I‘uesdav eat pancakes and have 3:5! general. On Satntdnv. during match betwwn Ahona am D. Reynolds had his leg \ :1: latest accounts he was : ter. Spofford's Block, Miss Buchanan. who has been stay ing with her brother here during lb winter has gone to her home neu Hamilton. Mlsa Millard. of Newmarket, is visiting relatives in ‘this place. 1-; Boothlv purcha§ed a vonng driver M. W. Hood's sale. R. Forsyth had his hand jammed one day last week. Another runaway look place on Mondav but no damage was done We did not learn whose horseil A petition is being signed and wil be presented to the township counci asking than; Miss Nighswander b sent to the hospital for twatmcn of the eyes. This young ladv is near 1y blind and it is believed a. course ( treatment there will prove vet beneficial to her. T. Burnham‘s horse made a. dashlenF‘3 ‘0 in for} liberty on Saturday night Tom l film‘s- had tied it to the fence while ml 1., dealing “w went into W. Mowders. Hearing :1 ‘ Magistrate 1) noise he came out and found that the “-1511 m revicn horse had broken loose and continued argue the. mm its journey homeward. The damage - impression is resulted in a pair of broken shafts. adduced. the: As we announced last week another accused on tri foot ball match took place between that the Ovidc Altona and Glasgow. this time Altona g dust Dallas being victorious by 2â€"0 one of the prisonvr. But Glasgow plevers D. Reynolds had Vinced me th: hlslegspralned or twisted during Wells was no ‘ the game and he ,had to retire; since has been amr then he has not been able to put his that the wet; foot tofithe ground. Another match on ofl‘ the book a Frldav. as alleged. I Whon Baby VII lick. we [no her Cantor!»- Whan [ho was I Child. the orbd for Cum When III. We mu. ah. clung to Gilbert; Winn sh. Md chudnn. than" than: custom. Dr HATS HATS! HATS! GLASGOW ALTONA during: the footba .L. RE 5;.- L. VE badly a link ‘ople wont rty 1 time in 3W3 THE JEWELLER Tl {on m on th‘ as alleg! these :w present case and show the gains: the prisoner. both [or n-ial. " Anyway Minard‘s Liuimont for Rhouufia THE HYAMS' TRIAL Merchant Tailor, STUUFFVILLE. Stouffville murder of

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