STOREY’ S ~ DRUG STORE "0!. 100‘ Tb: no.5 reliable . Radio Readying Set on tbe mark; VOL xxxvx. No. 51 What- I! would cost you to ruin. your tun-um" It destroyed by In 1 Do you any nufllclant In~ Ian-co to Mnnhh your homo I not. nu “a coat 0! immune. II . brick hone In Stonflvillo h lea ma 1:. per any per $1.000. 7 THOMAS BIRKE’I'I' Genenl [manila Broka- Lawson Bloch. Phone 18202 murrwm . Hugo-LKlngâ€"M “I. nutrients. 29 Wiluny Av... Toronto. 1n Nu- “, ovonlnl. fobrnry Mb. "27, I7 II. R", Ron-Id Mnetnod. - Viol-t mm. only aunt-.- of ï¬n- lnd gourd Ille- I Ipodnlty Wino 3.11.8. ltoulvflh (or urn- ud on... no“ â€0!. Gradum Nluonll Auth- School In: home low mood homes for uh a tram $5“ to "00 has than was paid for the properties. Lem m'fll on good security. See bin (or Investment. Ynka. sunlvmo. TRUMAN W. EAGLESON TEACHER Ol‘ PIANO Conservatory and mu bunche- o! mule mum, muonblo nun. Rom“). Saturdays. Studio our A. G. Inhmn'l Shoe Store. cum BL. - swarm. my. Nil-(h! uni m 9 to 18 In. AMBROSE STOVER DID YOU EVER THINK ‘I VII. an In. Pontiac King. In lunc- nluur mm at Bun-lo mum 11' ll only Mr to your inmily tint you Ihould give them the vary but of foods upon all ocea- MI. I! this ll your ldu oi the matter you ought u oncé to [u Icqualntad with OUR BREAD Ind omér bakery good- Your family will give them I hurt! welcome. and you'll to- ...W to order our Bread nu yum. Inf- mry lousy Inning “std-chum. ODDIILLOWS ILL]; mum-s mun Volcano zu. Burkâ€. V. a. links. H. crud Rea-Ia LOYAL ORANGE [DWI m WV". Fin. 8mm" no. In. Mum. Out. Raul" Hedi-II I'RIDAY. A! 8 pl. 0:: or More In“ loo- â€nudged-h h- 060 to 8435 mum mm: JACOB YAKE mm “AI Baker @ha mnnffmifle @amihnm Tho Council of Bloulvlll. met In rolular union on Thumny evonlnx wlth no". annual- u ehllrman. A mu“: vu molvod (tom the town bud [or tho Annual Inn! o! 3100. which wu [fluted on motion 0! councillon Borlmky and Ramon. Councll decided to nun the 3.. 8. Tolenhono 00.. “ per you for mo 0! I “tar mater. The usual byl‘w wu panned to empower the Ichool tru-tou to u! the nocemry monlu (or school purposes from the bank. Aecounll were ordcrod paid (allow-:â€" Goo. Futon. Ihovalllnl ....$ 3 III-ton Soul. wmth.... 5 June Cook. navel ........ 10 J. B. Daugherty. Inn. on truck I! Sliver Bro... coal _ ........ N Do. up ............. line-t Luger. work Hrs arlade. culls ..... 0.. R. Baker. (rue. . Huh Andemn. chuny‘ . Typewrltor (0150ch A. 3‘ balm-n. freight Electric llzhu. omce W. Crouen. urine . Clerk. rel. blnhl. etc. .‘ Pounxe [or omco ...... Rep-1n to motor- J. Gowor. work ...... Id. Walla. work ..... Goo. Pinon. work H. Bursa". work A.B. Lenin-n. freight .. \J. Cover. llno work .. A. B. beblnln. urlrga Wm. Crouen. art-gs . J. S. Douxherty. powuge The general meeting of all corn- miiteu of the Old Home Celebration on Monday evening gave over two houn‘ time to n dln'cuuion oi the progum which will be put on during June 30m to July 3rd. The cele« nation in to oven on Thursday night with I reunion and close on Sand†with a mu meeting in the arena. Frldly and Sauna-y will be ï¬lled with lnloresi. with a pnrade. sports. street carnival and garden party. The advertlslng committee wlll shortly Issue a circular loner. En- sure your trlendn gemus one by placing mm name: with secretary Harold A. Sanders. A great deal oi time was spent in the discussion of buildinx a tour? roamed continuation school, but u the Inspector had not sent out the glans which he informed the board he would iurnish. little or no head- way could he made. Mr. MeMullon thought that an addition to the pro- m school would meet the require- ‘mnu, but the bulk 0! opinion favor- ‘ed investigating the cost of a new Handing. nocertoinins the actual last to the ratepayers aside from \eounty grant. etc. The discussion \dropved without any deï¬nite action ‘ubn. Accounll punt}: Lllht (or 1026. church héaa'l 810.70 Caretaker, Inppllan . ....... 8.00 atlvor Brat, coal .......... 52.45 w. Ora-ma. "mu ....... . 5.00 Inn-mar Ind helper, remodel- In. room 11.40 The Febnhry meeting or the Smnil'vi‘ile School Board was held In the than] building on Friday oven- in; iut. Chairman MucLeod pre- side! and members prenatal were Mum. W.fl. Shaw. Jule McMullen, Edw. Lloyd. Edw. Baker .un A. H: mm. On motion 0! Messrs. McMuiien ï¬nd Lloyd, the policy was renewed. The total insurance on the building and contents is $30,000, and the new rating will apply to all policies regardless of what company holds them. The annual convention of school trustees wm be held in Toronto. from April 19th to 213i. and the board were requested to appoint delegates. but the matter was tabled until the March meeting ï¬lo-monthly report of Prlnclpnl w-uon showed 170 on the roll In the public school. with an nvorngo Iltondnnco pl 155. )ir. Jae. M0 at. caretaker. re- quelwd an In no in salary in View of the new class room being added Which would increase his duties. He in flow paid at the rnte of 841.60 per momh. which was in- creased ‘by the board to 845.0 8540 per pour, on the motion of Maura. Shaw add Baker. By renâ€" non 'of vacating the Pwnhylerinn church basement. the baud have been relieved of an extra caretaker at to per month. _ Thou. Bnrkm. Insurance agent, amend, and lnlormed the members that the school had been glven s new mung {or Insurance purposes. whlc’h would greatly reduce the cost 0! Insurance. and presented a pollcy for renewal. smountlng to 812.500. In the Nurwlch Union Fire Co. COUNCIL PROCEEDlNGS 35th ANNIVERSARY CARETAKER RECEIVES SALARY INCREASE DECIDI NO THE FROG RA M An out-null" event wok plwo In the Ohrllun church It Bloomin- ton on Tue-day nub! o! In: wool when tho Chrlullu Dado-vol" Io- ’cluly colubruou m am manor-tr. "I‘m- noclocy Ivu arnnlud In the 'old church under lh. valor, Ru. 0. H. Hun-r. who Menu" Ill on! re- ndom. The ulmn ul‘ ma u c u- ur member- wure rum to tho pooplo u Tuuduy'l moounu u lollovu: STOUFFVILLE. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17th, 1927 Loui- Wllu-ml. Chlrlu salon. Wllllum ‘Fonklor. Alllo Wlnurllnln. Jonnlo Wlllllmu. Bom- For-1th. mllh Ether. Anni Gaul-ton. In" ’l‘nvll. erlhl Dough-fly. MIMI. Hopkinn. Mun Luunby. Llhblo Hp- har. Luell. Burnett. Joule Konnody‘ Hcrbon Burnett. nullud Poul". Harbor! Hlll. WIlllo Punter-on. In Rumor. Fred “liner. 1!. Daugherty J. H. Elmer. The March nldlnl. 'l'ueedey eveninx'e pronem wee Iplendldly errenled. lien Anne Stepleton. e charter member. hed churn. Leo We“ Tend the ecrip- ture. end the topic tor the eveninl. "Interdenominetionel Fellow-hi ." wee well carried out The l or had invited Churchill. hinnooe end the you: people 0! Bloomin‘tOn United Chumh. The eervice wee made complete by eddreeue trout lire. III. A. Storey. who expleiued the ecripture lee-on. Mr. 0. H. Kellinx- ton. on "The progreu end growth of Chrietlen Endeavor". Jecob Grove. “The lmportence of Chrletien En- deuor†. The president of our C. E. peve In eddreu of welcome. The eecretnriee 0! Churchill end Rial- ‘wood nave ehort reporte of their eociatiee et ornninlion. JM. Grove did not have n complete Illt 0! their cherter membere. but menttoned three per-one lho were preeent Ind joined the society when it wee etert- od. PW. Silveeter. the present reeve ot Siouaville. Nine Penny alive-(er (Mre. A. s. Lune!) end Miu Belle Mitchell now 0! B.C. Then mem- ber: Iver. choeen an delentee to the ant OJ. convention which wee in- terdenominetionel end wee held in the town of Aurore in the Iprlng of 1892. Ringwood hne . real live C.E. society whose etteednnce in the last three mieeionlry nllhte num- beled 75. 65. 60. . Once agnln (1H. Kemngion Ipoka for Churchlll. This nclely In the baby of the dlnlrlcl. Ind was organ- lud In "12 with RGVMerlln Hnlnor u motor and lender. They hue 2‘ active member! on the roll. Ind meet every may night. Mr. and flu. Clarence Suflord sang . duetl. W. A. Fockler led the sons Ionics tad nu ma report of the C. E. Hilly held In Hunllton on Feb'y 6th. Mr. Fockler was one o! the may ndlo tun Who llltenod In as ï¬eld Secretary Carton Mlloor sue the man to [but great Indi- enco of C. E. workm. VMr. Jmpï¬ Crawford In Toronto this went. owing to the death 01 Ill! hmtheHn-law. Uxbrklp Towuhlp Council meet- next Saturday. CONTRIBUTIONS Mn. 1‘. Pocket! Ind Mlu M. Huy- nu were In Toronto In! week. at- tendlpg the funeral of theirieoulln. A Inge number received some very blndaomo Valenlmes. The RAW- lelgh man was In “only: of some win advice. Be on the watch (or the Morley Symon hockey team. now getting ready for the tournament In Stoufl- vme. Dear Sh:â€" Tho treasurer of the Munkoku Hon- pltnl for Conanmvtlvu desires grate- fully to acknowledge the following contrlhuflona received In Stouflvllle by the Field Secretary at the Na- tional Sanitarlum Asaoclntlon: Miss Lucy Waters .... . . .. $3 00 W. H. Shaw ....... 2 00 E. S. Barker, 0.113. Stouflvllle Crenmary .. 2.00 Goodwood football club are hold- lnx their annual meeting to tuna-ct bnslneu and elect ofï¬cers on Mon- day emlng. â€Fob'y Slut. at the Wm. Todd hotel. All interested In tool- ball please attend. The Goodwood Park entertain- ment committee have been success- (ul in securing the Glen Major Dramatic Club to put on their play. "Alla Mistake". This is a lively farce comedy. Also we will have Roswell Dobnon. lively comedian and enter- tainer. This will be put on in con- nection with a box social on Feh'y zsllL F. L. Button ...... F. C. nowbmhnm .. L. C. Wldamun (a Son Sllventer Bron. ..... H. A. Sanders ...... W. H. Todd ...... F. L. Stlver ........ S. W. Hutlnxa . R. Miller ...... .. Dr. Snngater ...... D. Holden J. R. Hodglnn . ..... H. Lendbetter . . . . A. G. Lehman E. L. MacDonald . . . . Sundry nonlrlhutiom Lennonâ€"In ï¬touflvllle. on rah'y 12th, 1927. to Mr. And Mn. Howard Lonxfleld. I Ion. nru meeting In hold on Ind. 1892. J. H. Rumor. pr.- BLOOMING'I‘ON C. E. GOODWOUD ACKNOWLEDGED BIRTHS $34 60 Mlu Lun- Bud-u II out Iron! Toronto for 5 Inch vuullon Mrs. A‘ s. Coma- nturnod I‘rldu (tom I wont upon! In Toronto. Mr. Ind Mrs. w. A. Qunu but wont th- lu: {on Guys with "load. In Toronto. Mr. George Scott at Mount Alba-l. upon! n tow dun :- the [nut of Mill 8. Stewart. Mn Wm. Ian-lull: a! Mount Joy tl vhlllng wnh Mr, And Mrl. II. J. Duty m. weak. Mr. Fred Sandor- II homo Iron Detroit on I Hill (0 hi! puronu. Mr. And Mn. H. W. Slade". Mr. Oooi‘u A. Blown! of Toronto vlnllod hl- molhor and ulnar In town on Bundu. Mn. Pointer ol Whltoulo. wu I neon: sue-l with Mn. R. Hnml|lon. O'Brien Avenuc. Ind wllh other n- Inuvu. Hot trlcndn no glad to us Mn. Wm. Hurdlnx 0! 1h. out and out Iain. gm:- 1 very oorlou- and ot plouby. Mr. And Mu. Mucolm Connor of Mu-olmln'l Lake. upon! Tuoldly at In! wuk wllh Mu. Elll Stewart. Mlll «not. Mr. Hnrry Spun; and mu. dllllh- tar of Mount Albert. won! over Frl- dny nllht In town wllh MI ulster. Mn. Bodon. Albert Ilreol. Mr. Jim" Waddlngham. spent I couple 0! dlyl In Toronto In! week mm“ lrlendu. Ind llklng In the curllng much“. Mr. Ind Mn. Harold Wurrlner. who recently moved from Monlolll lo Nowmlrkel. Inn jun! moved to Toronto, where they expect to loot". Mn Mundal Smith who hu been In Toronto (or the nut month (or treumenl returned on Wednudny lul. Har husband I. onnud as local ugtlomnn. The muy friends of Mn. N. E. Smith wlll be sorry to learn lhlt Ibo hal been qulle III {or the put two week. at her homo In Toronto. Lul- a! report lndleuu In Improvemem In bar condition. acorn Keater. Stoufle'r uuele. I- not mlklng the dellred progress hoped (or by hi! friends um I- therefore unlblo lo leuo hla homo. owing to his bid tom. Mr. and Mn. Pariah and little Mr. and Mrl. Parish and little daughter or Brooklln. allo Mlu Edna vHIll And Mr. Chas. Wnrd of Georgetown. vlliled the luuer‘u pur- cnu. Mr. And Mrl. Richard erd the put week. Lu! Friday Mr. And Mrs. F. Mur- lhlll. Mlu Glrdhonse Ind Mr. A. Heneuey (teller Bunk Nova Seoul). were In Toronto u guests at lha Ill- nnnl dlnce under auspices of the Bank of Non Scum. held In the ball room of the King Edwnrd Hotel. Mina Ella Redshaw In a: home for a few dun. Our school master. A. Stephenlon, spent. the week and In Toronto. Rich-rd Carrumers or Mongolli. spent Sunday wnh his dnnghtorMI-n. Rosa Watson. John Wllllaon who apent most of tho winter with his brother Horace at Athens. Out, In at home with his parents. ‘ Mrs. Russel Dowuwell vllited her ulster. Mrs. G. Rodnhaw on Saturday Jonah Faulkner had the misfor- tune to lone a good home this week by [alllns on the Ice, breaking It: leg. Robert Rawuon displayed some clever mick hnndllnx- on the Ice at Sloun'vllle on Monday night. when the Stoulfullle band played Glasgow a mum at hnll hockey. who says we haven't apeod out hora? Mr. Ind Mrs. Leslie Heath were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Orvnl Rough on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. McNelly oi Alansk. Alberta. were visitors with her als- ter. Mrs.Harold Dickinson this week A very enjoirublo evening wna spent on Friday last when about 36 yohnu ponpjo {If this rcqqimurnrlty gathered at the home of Harold chkinaon and from them proceeded to the large hlll on the farm nnd enjoyed themselves lmmennely hy sleigh rld- Inn nnd Ikolng. After luncheon wnn provltlml nnd Ramon onjoyed. All returned homo 1n Hm ww- mnnll hnum. haying «hm they hoped to 1mm: nnothor scoot before the winter was over. Mlsa Betty Licorlsi: gave a birth- day party on Thursday night enter mining her little "lends. Douizlna chklnwn spent a few days with his brother Garnet at Bowmnnvnle last week. Prldny Meh'y lEthâ€" Mnlvern Col- lege. Toronto. winners of last year's Collegiate group n. Stout!- ville. Monday. Foh'y listâ€"Opening duo of Hockey Tournament. No lum- blrrod. 1100K [CYâ€"(“MING TO ARENA PERSONAL NOTES FOURTH 0F UXBRIDGE I-Iungdvnnuu annual Rov. .l. D. McCullough, In chau- Mr. Donuhuc. Knox Collou um dcul. wIII pro-ch n I." mm. IMP'I'II‘I' CHURCH Ru. w. W. l‘ldlchor, nutor Band-y, rob. 10th 10 |,m.â€"â€"Blblo Bmol. ll uu.â€"lornln| Wonhlp. 1 p.m.â€"- aublocl. "A Young ‘lhn who did not tut tho Pro-shot." You will ï¬nd I w-kome u "on UNITED CW“ 0' CANADA Rev. II. a. Warm. 3A.. Illnluu Band-y. Fat. non; l1 munâ€"Ur. A. J. erd 1 armâ€"eon; Sonia. Old Hyman. theme. “Alhlmoa of Juan". (ol- Iuwed by In Old-tune Tammany Service. It you urn not nttondln' my church. coma and enjoy thou nrvlcu. ldut Mortal. unto: Questionzwm) In tho rlchul per-on In Blouflvllh‘. Aunver: Tho per-on most like .1qu Chrlu. Band-y. P'db. 80th "Amuwmonlu" Ill! be the pastor'- lubjoct nut Bundly M the moul- vllla ovenln; unlco. Some of the lulle- wlll h". churn. Thou will be two lady spun“. BAKER HILL no IIOOND RARE. "AM MDT mm W. a. Willcomlu, putot. “How to plane GNPâ€"Biker H“! 10.30 mm. "Behold the Lamb 0! God. which taken: "my the tin of the world" â€"Slxth Linoâ€"4:00 p.m. At the Iran. on Tuesday night Slonflvmo defeated / Rice Lowl- hockey team 0! To nto by to 1. The ume mm (a mud on thn de- llghted the [Inn ho w a present. Mu Ree-or. J. obb nd Bunny Hodginl pllyod n 1 local lino-up. Rlce bewi- la :11 Ire winnerl of (hair lndnatrkl group In Toronto. but proud I poor much for Stoufl- ville wlth their new lino-up. School! 11 n.m.â€"Prenching by (he puior. 7 pm. â€"Putor'e Inbiecl. "Why Women Ire commended to Keep Silent in the Churches". Wedneldey prnyer meeting in the linemen! at a run. Mongolln prayer meeting Fridly evening. nob. mu. lined In favor of Dixon Hill revival services. Dr.Peter Bnrkey of Erin. Pa.. who bu many rel-tire: In and about Stonirvllie. end who hlmeefl in n nntive oi Altonn. being A eon o! the late Dan Berkey, wu pnid grant tri- bute in his American city last week on the occasion of his 80th birthdny. by the Masonic fraternity. he being a 33rd den-e. menu. The doctor was presented with o ï¬ne nddreu ï¬nd a puree of 01000. In respect to ‘the honor conferred on him.t.he Erie ‘Dnily Diepntch. enye editorially: MENNONI'I'I CHURCH A. 0. Ward". pulor. Sand-y. Fo‘b. son: 10 a.m.â€"Why not attend Sunday "The Dispatch-Herald wiahel to pay its compliment: to Dr. Peter Barkey, the octoxenarian with the‘ heart oi youth. whom his aaaociate- oi the Shrine honored on Thursday evening. It is not only that "his eye in not dim nor his natural iorca abated". but that he has remained in and oi the world oi which he hna been so much a part. no is inter-‘ eatad in the thlnsa oi today and doea not eke out the eatiniactiona at age by living entirely In the paat. He has been and is one of the leading lights oi local Maaoary and atill to- day his genitfllty and wit make him. wherever he la. the lite oi the party. He has deserved the tribute given him on the occasion oi hla eightieih birthday. May he continue for many years to come to enjoy good health and the love and esteem oi all who know him. Erie ia iortunnte in hav- Ing a number oi prominent men who have reached a green old ago. who nro atill performing uaeiul service in the world and who nre living oxnm- plea oi the belloi that a good and uaoiul liie frequently iinda ita roâ€" ward hore on earth." union. Antonyms cnuncmcs OLD BOY HONORED June 30, July 1,2 and 3, 1927 NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF OLD BOYS AND GIRLS Send names and addresses of all the people you know who ever lived in Stoutfville to the Secretary as soon as weal. ble. These names and addresses for 3 Mailing list are the ï¬rst requisite of a successful celebntion. DO IT TODAY. All Good Citizens should get busy and help mike this the biggest event in the history of SthI- F. W. Silvester. President STOUFI’VILLE OLD HOME CELEBRATION AND GOLDEN JUBILEE um. the history of Stouflvflle Con-uluuon Holn‘ lh. I!- m DRS. IRA HERBERT FRIED I to 1! LI. In. Wed. 0 m I to I pm. nun. 4 Jun. ‘l‘uu. Than. A sum. dune.- b! momma: only I». Ila-hon m I to "an. Tun Than. ll“ Ito 09.111 NU.‘.£L Ion. W“. I n1. m:- Honor Gnu-u. of Ron! Coll... of Dental Burgeon- Ind from“ Unlvor-lty.nho Poll xndub of Rocha-tor Children‘- Homlul one“ our Bun". more Phon. one. 1011. Raid-no. 10H Phnlcln and sunn- OI'I‘IOI: Cot. O'Brhn nd Ida Phone 1» DON’T BUY LOWDEN Dull“. (Hun-II Honor Oman-u of Ion! 00110.. or Donal lnruou u. 0! 1» University of “rel-0M0 one. our Mr. Ioou'u More Photo “05. Glue-om Donn-l. Btouflvllh Honor Graduate of Raul Cello. -of Dent-l Stu-non- Ind 01 m Unlunlly of Torah!» Ollie. In Grubln'l Bloï¬ Phone no: Mnrkhlm every Tuudly Ofï¬ce In \Vaar block FIXTURES West End Grocery Stouffvlle - Phone E. S. BARKER, LDS" Dm Honor Gradunta ol Royll Coll- of Dunn! Surgeon And of the Univanlty of Toronto HAROLD A. SANDERS BARRISTER. souncrmn. lery Public. Convcylne-r. In OFFICE BLOCK MeCULIBUGfl 8: BUM†Burt-ton, Solldlon. Conny- uo-n. to. Button'l Block. Sloulvlllo Honey to [on on shorten noueo We nllo h". I bunuhl ukule- J. N. DALES. LBS. DDS. Muston 6: Sons "ORAL BEIGE. FOR All: OWASIONS BOADWAY’S DRUG STORE STOUFFVILLE ORDERS DELIVERED DUNN“ CAIN until you have us call on you and explain the . advantages of them to the farm barn and stable. W0 also sell the reliable Ren- few Cream Separator. It will pay for itself in the Cream it Saves, which ll now being wasted. FLOWERS DR. NEIL C. SMITH WEDDING BOUQU'I' DR. D. C. SMITH DR. 8. S. BALI: Hamid A. Sanders. Secretary by maintain! only Phono 13000 DEG†Phone 18201