Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 3 Feb 1927, p. 3

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FATE“. YEARS ‘ FOR ALI. WOMEN l lick Silerlng Cu: be Avoided “High the Us'o of Dr. wu- lhms' Pink Plus. no no“ tuolnl "an m n woman'- m thou between forty-Mo Ind “U. Mun women enter on: term and. Gaming oondflluua: through “work. worry. or I wuery condition 01 no blood. and they mflor hoavlly. All!“ the common lymphoma .0 Inc-duels. wolullonn. datum. much“. «melon nud other well Wad dlsturlnncea at tho hulth ‘Ihh chow that the blood requires utontlon. Women stand lu need 0! "Oh Nd blood.“ their live». but neVer mom I: thin at middle age. when the “9"" m lino wait and overwrought. in thin condition there la no other medicine can do so much for women In Dr. WIMIM' Pink Pilln. (or those Dill: nuke rich. red blood. WM“?! 3m: tone to the whole body. thus resmring robust health. Thousand- ot Calu- dhn women have proved the value or Dr. \Vflllams‘ Plult Pills lu mat-s of this kind. Axum them t- Mrs. J. ".1 Johnston. Llon‘s Head. Out., who says: '--“I In writing to let you know the random] good your pills how douo me 1 "I complete wreck. and would flint if i crossed the mum. l was gr» ills "numb the change vi life. and In. no ml! 1 could not do my wurk. i went to Toronto. when my rulkq turd WM!!! but In operation would helv me. Bub! slid: ‘No. Dr. \Villiaml‘ Pink Pills helped me in girlhood. and 1 am going to give them a trial.‘ i took the pllla steadily fur u month. when l returned hour: a well woman. Ibis to do all my work with also. Friends here say it‘s a wonder i am dive after what i went through, and 1 Am thankful to say i believe Dr, Wfiflnms' Pink Pills saved my life." Try Dr. WllHams' Pm): Plug for Mb. rheumatism. naumlgh. ner- vousnea. Take them as a tonic If you no not in the beat physical con- dluon and culllvue a. rests/lance that will keap you won and strong. You' an get these was through any medl. this denier or by man at 60 cams a box hon The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brochllle. Ont. I delve in s treasury wide as air; All found in it got. everywhere. Every delver puts more in. And taken, but leaves all. I begin To see the speech-hoard of all time And measure its demesne subilms When I recall. "bet the-re be light." Thereafter. on, as Opals in my sight. I may survey a.“ speech to know. And speculate which glint shone (or Which sage; whlch flame a see;- would blow. I delve in a‘tmmry tree as sin All of It. usable everywhere. mnyw" haul o! 12 table“. Alla mum 0! an Inn .u.r.-..,,,.. II in 1nd- In (rm-mm tn mm“ 0! MM "mt-4mm a! Mann-Nun. o! w (Aw! lolltflln AoM "A. 9‘ L“). Whlln H II wall Innw .â€" wulu Jo nut-I tho pubua Ilnll momma-.m- 'nhm Wu «Hamlin that: nnem 01* fit, tho "Bur Cro- 309.555“ Dissolve two “BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN”: 'n four tablespoonfuis of water and gargie thoroughlyn Swallow some of the solution. Don’t rinse the mouth. Repeat gargie every . two hours If necessary. This is an «IV-diva mic pmd sale by millions and prucrlbed by physldans. A__p_ccc t onl '"B ___,_r_ Vâ€"Pâ€" acka e. â€"*.ook for the " layer Cross " 1-- h. i... -1 9‘ null Idaâ€"Drunk“. â€"Mnmm Webster Merrtehew. Iliad-damn In mun-aubâ€" 7 {EC “fiayer CI'O’SS’" Lâ€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-l boxes 0! 12 table“. Allo‘bouln o! 24 For speech For speech W! In: trun- or Inn u. null flu- ot sou. kind much-n hummuxnmuumnl. 'I‘Io Immortal-to loam dulud wlm III. that. Ind mulm' d. Vluol, W own»! In In no. null mm 0! win;- mm to g Ian'- M: In tho only mu- 0! kooy‘ln‘ Mm buoyed up In tin nlr. Tho alr- phno In u cum-u klud o! Inwuuou. It In: wlnn Indeed. but the wlnn no part of An onglnogrivon machine In much tho uyor Iltn. Nevertlnlou. ln‘ venton um um trying to and n. why to mum mun Mums” the flying cran- turo and not a more puungur. An Australian enxlnoor. Aulnn Lutuch by nuns. bu conlrlwrl u nun-hum tn be (mound to n mun'u shoulders. filled wuh bat~llke wlngn w sunluln Ma weight and driven by n nmllno nullne which rmtu uulnst the man's bat-k. 'l‘wo helluwter‘sc.»wn peep up over tha flyer'a Ihouklcm.und the-y urn In tended to ennhle him to rise quhuly and almost vertically mm the air. The apparatus weighs only blgllly-t'lxhl pounds. and Hon [MINI] hum-u In re- duoo that wolzht by lwenly vuumls by gut-suturing aluminum fur Imu “In-“- over vomlblc. Ho rays llu- umhluo rnu be built {or (tbnul 31m). 1: them a baby or young children in your home? it there Ls you should not be without a box of Bub)’ 3 Own Tub- Hem. Chfldhood ailments mum quick :1; and means should always be nt‘ band to promptly flg’ht than. Babya' Own Tablets are the ideal homsI remedy. They regulate the bowels; .sweelen the stomach; banish consti- pation and indigestion; break up colds and simple leversâ€"In incl they miievo‘ all the minor: ills of little ones. Con-‘ cerning them Mrs. Moiso Cadoue. )lnkamik. Que». writes: "Baby’s Own1 Tnhlots are the Mn remedy in the world (or little ones My baby sulfat- :ed terribly from indigestion and vomit; Hug. but the Tahiets soon so! her right y'and now she is in perfect health." ‘;The Table!» are sold by medicine. idmlm or by ma.“ at 25¢ a box from: The Dr. Wilflams' Medicine 00., l8rockviiie, Out. Hero where the mulnx corduroy Winder. a-long the swampy plum‘ Wanders as well a lonely boy Looking his Incl on phantom laces Berries no brlgm Mons the swank: Bright on me hill: the Autumn burns. Silence In heavy on the In" Thu: leads to nowhere and returns. The trail returns: 1nd (ha Ind. return Ins. Snmy smiles u- ovor the hlll Ninth-II carries the Inclenl. yum lnx. Rapid cry of the whlpyoorwnl. He comes to tho lighted homes 0! man With quiet In his hear: at Int. Never. naver lo walk nuln The ruined roadwlyl or the pan. IS THERE A BABY IN YOUR HOME? An Old supenkitlon. When the month of January begins on Saturday. says an old superstition, the winter will be very open, with some frost: the summer will be hot and pleasant: the harvest moderate. Garden herbs will be damaged: hemp, flax and honey will be plentiful. Our National Anthem has been in use for nmrly two centuries. The Bird Mun. Old Roads. â€"â€"-A. K. Lung In Inn-tun (I. won! «nu-lo I‘ll attain-Hy name to (luck Ind will pron Ind pantry. u bu no! mm- to mean my piece 0! unturo who: quality 1. Inch um It ha- turvlwd fur mu (I a hundred you: Iud II by common consent mud“! :- so land u to ho permanent. A [Henry mule Ihuulrl mm: on or u” of the follow- lux quamlu: I. I! mould reflect the mode 03 thought and tho custom- and manual of “I lune. Tho true]- ol’ Il-rodolua. lhc MI- “In“ 0! Boer-lea. Ind tho novel: of Jun. Au-tcu um camp)". 2. It menu! to written In n hoauu- rul and Ilrlkllu Mylo. Mucoln'a Only-burs speech h in oumplo. ii. it should wring i‘rum Ind 1pm] to a culuuied imuinl-tlou 'l‘ho noon: at Kent: are u: numb. 4. li lhauid be I contribution to tho thought of the world and mould stimu- lnto the thought of the world. Tho «any» of luivh Waldo Emornon are an example. [L It Ihouid your” a univoml hutnnn intorent and upru» nii phll‘l of human expel-inure. The out ’i‘t-stulnont nnd Bhlko spun-'- pinyn urn amnion. No one generation cu: determine whnt cinnicn II. in producing. The iimi Judgment must Ind will be pro nounced by succeeding “menthol. Walt Whitmnn and Lincoln were look- ed on with conicmpt by many 01 thoir most hlxhiy educated Mtemponriu. Anti yet Whitman's “0 Cnpinin! My Captain!" and Lincoln’n catty-bur: Speech will live an ion; u u» Enl- ‘lirh Inncuuo iivu. 1 Nor does In ohmic bus to be "hun- lbrow stun." it it is 1 [Maine intelli- ‘gt-nl nnd witty picture 0! a cert-in inspect of society. even a boat-seller ‘mny [reroute u cinnic: Although I an bound to say mm mm! 0! our modern Magellan have very Mule chlnco o! nchlovlux Ihls lmmorumy. Arlmclll nnd prelenlloun mun. novor nuke. I clnnlc. Slncerlly. duplicity. Ind apoullnolly are quulkla mu overy true clinicâ€"whether In muslc, Dllnl- lug. pro» or poetryâ€"- pone-us; In (1me prelomflug u) the mm in comm-Helm. Net nobody hoodwlnl mu Into Iuvposinx that tho cluniu; m pompous. Itlued. And boruomo. It they wore, nobody would rad thornâ€" ncl "on your teachers And wormed. â€"14wrenco F. Abbott in The Outlook. A Practical Hint for Children's Socks nnd Stocking. Always try lo mend the children's socks and stockings More they are “chad. 1‘th “we. nine to I" flock- lnu. but It Is specially nmury where there II I large weekly basket ol mending. Where than) is a. family of boys the Inevitable fooibnll stockings will re- quire much attentlon. ll, is a good plan to five! the leg of an old stock- ing in order to mend iho other; with that yarn. Someilmes a patch cut from the too! will effectually trunk form a hopelessly large hole in the heel to a neat and successful mend. Lay the plece under the hole to be mended. darn it down all round on tho right sldo and cut away superfluous material. Do not out too cleanly. how- ever, and If possible press with a 0001 Iron alter washing. Great care should be observed In washlng children's llllle whim woolen sucks, for they should not he allowed to get smaller and smaller us wlll cer- wln-ly hnppc-u wlth mrelm washlng. Nash them qulckly, one at n (line. In warm (not hot) water wllh soap lnlh- er. Only when neceaery to remove some staln from a brown shoe or from mud splashes should the soap he rubbed on them. nlnse them In water about the ewe temperature, softened with a shake of soap. Then squeeze out the water. never wring It out with a. twisting motlon of both hands. and finally squeeze It in a towel. When all are ready to dry. hang Lhem up by the tow. each one sepa- rately, 1n 0 draft. or In a warm place. but never before u hot the. See that the sock hangs In the shape of the lock as worn, not In foldod when new. Endeavor to ”wish each one. while drying. from heel to too; it possible, do it several times. Pull hard. This will keep its original shape and one will be surprised at the increased length or usefulness obtained thereby. Song. There am no warblem on tho boughs, No mblns 1n the grass; But them are songs wllhlfi our hearts That will not pass, erm [or Elrly fillers. Wllh tho cold wonthor, aludoma In tho dofmllorlce at tho Massachusetts lnnllluto of Technology hnvo doalxnod tavern] nummnllo devices for closing windows and lurnlng on the steam hem. about u hull hour bolnro rlalnz tlmo. Ono of tho mos-l Ingenious plans la a nwltvh, opnrulml by vlockwork, closing the lmnnn curront clrcult through lwn atovva. mm ul’ whlrh has n mm of cereal Iumu It. lhu n'hor n cof- lnr- pol. There are no leaves on bush or tree. The roses prostrate lie; But them an hopes within our hroaua That wlll. not die. So let tho tempest wrmk (ta wlll 0n forest. field and bower: My housn of drmunn wm hold mo sale. ‘ With Invo'n bright flower. . â€"Thomna Curlla Clark. Mlnlrd'u Llnlmenl (or Inlmnl allmanll How}! to Tell a Cluck. Anuu: Knew. The London newspapers like to [all funny stories about the countrymen iron) the north of Scotland. who come down to enjoy the sights of the great city; and tho Bootefim too fond o! a Joke themselves to mind IL Here I: one from Sunbeams: Two Highlanders were on a visit [5" London when a watering cart mused‘ them in the sweet. Donald was very much excked and shouted at the (up of his voice, "Hey. maul Yer )osln' all yer water." | Angus turned to Donald and said, “Hoots. mon! Dinna show yer ignor- ance. That's just we keep the burn! {me hingln’ on behind.” A Tip 'or the Sleepless. When Lon! Grey 0! Fallodon was threatened with total blindness. he learned to read Braille. and even now. with his eyesight much improved. be 9m] nude Brande books useful. "0m; can turn out the light: he saw. "draw up the sheets, and literally rend cnc< sell to sloop." Covering 17,300 square miles, Cun- ndn's new national game preserve has been named Wood Bufl'nlo Park. AI- rondy it contains nearly 8,000 but- faloes. This park is half the size of Scotland. Doctors vouch for Mlnard'a Llnlment. Instantly! Stomach mud! You navor fool tho ollxhtmt mum from Indigestion or n Inur. rlcld. may atom- ndh, mar you ml n tnhlol of "Pnpo'a nlnpopnln." The moment It roachoa [he momlch w mnrnm. nunlonm. hmnbuin, gnarl. pulpllnllon Ind p-ln dlmppenr. Dmnlnln nnmnloo ouch mango to correct (Human nt am End your ulomnch trouble la {0' "nil. When you “.1113! tired lub- N1 lulma u n m Am...’ A: When you in that tired la -m:~d_own~nnd_~die [claims 'ukc 50 30 drops 0! inf a S ru in a flu: 0! water. Doe- lhe trick nnd u! y. 011'" eel like new. PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE "Papa's Dinpcpsin" for Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach Women of Canada Pay Striking Tribute to Aluminum â€" dike Modern Metal Saint John '. H. Estabrooks Co., Limited Aluminum keeps out moisture, preserves the flavor and protects the quality. Paper packages, on the contrary, absorb moisture which occasionally impairs the quality. So now and in the future RED ROSE TEA will be packed in the Aluminum package", as it was in years gone by. But it was only after Red Rose has been offered to the public in all these packagesâ€"first lead, then Aluminum, then paperâ€"that the great advantages of Aluminum were proven. For more than thirty years we have been experi- menting with packages â€" trying lead, paper and Aluminumâ€"seeking always a. material that would protect and be worthy of Red Rose quality. The reception it has been given demonstrates beyond all doubt that housewives of Canada recog- nize Aluminum as the perfect container. ROM Windsor, Ontario, to Hudson’ 3 Bay, from Halifax to the Rockies, RED ROSE TEA within the last few weeks has scored an extraordinary increase in sales. It is because we have stopped using paper pack- ages, and are again packing this finest of teas in the old, familiar Aluminum package of years go. Toronto Ifin'therr evidence at (he prosperny 0! Western Canada Is to be found in the collection statement at the So]- dier's SeiUement Board. recon-Hy is- From October to Jan‘ 7 last collec- tions amounted to $2,394,653.07. Coi- loclions in tho corresponding period 01 1926-20 totalled $2,206,851.90. This shows an improvement or 3188.000. which is considered remarkably good by the department oincinisi About 84,000,000 falls dus annual-1y. It is pointed out that these pay- ments have been made on the existing caplmllzalxon‘. The ieglslnflon o! 1926 never received Royal smut. In answer to the question: “Can you give a uncenco with the word ‘notw‘ithstandflng'T' a small boy re- plied; “Daddy's bribchm am all glazy- at the back, notwithstanding." Soldier Settlers Prosper in i Classified Advgrjisements. EA RACI'I E. ardemnu. Profusel illuxlrlted. find m of Idull dolgnnving sug yeniong Send :3 cent! for entrant mu. Mlcbcm BHMKL' Gnldo Ill Allflulll SI. \‘.', Imnh. 0M. [All Wgnl in huildqs' lid. Radial. Don't let mo childron sulfa. Mlnlrd'n with "we! 01.1 W“ quickly rellmo lhoyaln. Plan; 731' Homev Winnipeg West. Calgary " ICTROLA STYLE FULL CAB- INET plays all records, 4B 59. et- tions. automatic Value $:93. 00 {or $35.00 aranteed. Poisson. 340 Mount Royal ast Montreal. ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN and light sewing at home. whole or spare time. Good pny. Work sent any distance, chargvs paid. Send stamp (of particulars. National Manufacturing (30.. Montreal. G_ RATISâ€""LITTI E FRIEND' T0 either sex; mdiled in plain envel- ope. Paris Specialiy Co. ., Montreal. . FARM ENGINESâ€"â€"USED, GOOD condition, cheap 1!, m 15 hp. Boat engines, 3 to 35 h. p. Get lista. Engine repairing done. Guamnm Motor Co. Hamilum. (nnada. I am sure we can never be wise but by our own wisdomâ€" Montaign, 1533- 1'592. . Get a 1mm. box. Skk hemlucho. hnlnunnms. mated tongue. hem] and mm: cloned up WM) n coldâ€"always truce lhls to torpld liver: delayed. tormenting food In tho bowels 6r sour. xnssy morn-10h. Polwuous numar dung»! In (he in- teounog. Lnstond or bring out out ol’ tho Imam (a whhmrbed Into tho blood. When [his polsou roach“ lho delicate brain llnue it mum ctmm~ ,Lkm Ind that dullnlhmhhmx. [john- lng headache. ' 0mm lmmodlnioly 01mm stomach. remove the 9mm “mum [00d and [on] mass. min “to no” bllo from the liver and carry out ul (ho command wano- mum Ind Mm: In [hp bowels. A (‘mmt («night will Iunly A (‘mmt («night will Iunly «"111th you mn by morning. ‘i‘hu Work while you lumpâ€"4| 1011‘!“ box Mm your druuht mum mu- I!“ clear. nlommh awed and your Inn and bowel: regular for month. BAD COLD? TAKE “CASCARETS” FOR No headache, constipation. bad cold of non: stomach by morning BOWEIS TONIGHT GRAMOI‘HONE Edmonton ISSUE No. 6â€"17. nuer dogs»! In the In- Id at 1):an out out or I reabsorbed Into tho this nelson roach“ lha (lune it mum "mm. dull. ‘thmbblnx. dehu-

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