' “Kw (Cam) Vienna coununo C and Mllen' “native Wash 4‘; In urn l-unz ytsprtpo WW 1n quack m-dlolnu . YOU DO “HIV! In! â€I! m VIII Ind I.†IC’WWE NEW IDEAS IN FARMING W ml 9k 'E‘W Manyh ‘ Woiï¬en a Q] AMONG THE NATIONS. titm to n his. I Rania DO 10!! now can you out tally n: ma hunk. mum nd I‘nlmllo- In k uzzl murmur neural LII *tl: all (Pm rpm! in mint, the in I knew were not the MM tens made (ham. out to be LN MISBméfli-UHS‘TIUE Mimhi Knimnknm Bi mbashi Yush M'ula . and st rLed hack pnicst lying ( flehd. I'rms' 0F Tm rdu Ferry. Mat (1 as that a man's al‘ A! \V I: - Anem’u- III!" III ruin-Ill- of the TI Why Pnrlunl nun-h lln‘ DE moth Md. [8. THE EMERA‘LD I, dyx piting TH th Hen! 0t airdnr. built and lewn chem ‘thc title of " nochn" k of mnralni and kaimakam in R 0 Y ARRESTED M [mum m5: Tr AIR TEST all about Lin: 1 them enlum‘l Hwy diuwvel floor of his in v5; an riting an] nan cit. Ol’ courm yt revenlad 'hy heï¬rd 'Iove Intâ€" ulhor of which u; that 'ha let- TIAN ;\ [LMY “-1 m‘ SLE In linka- n "I.“ ('tllllt‘ ink of this meter is rt,h [tenant and le‘ annex cl rut W Tl will save ya all drugglxts‘ An old Walnu- In :- “orkhu Mun n! llonry Io IIII‘ Ga Kan: 'rlrugmsu. At A: Mr. Knl SIR JOHN MCDONAL CONSPITUENCY mid to b thn spin: mMWC EXTRAORDINARY REQUEST all [1‘ CIJSANING EYEGLL‘ Tl Ml ONE ill He, M1 M mud M I'IIIIIII rr Kj ng [NI )1.D ‘ld >unt uld A CHARMING TRACI‘S I Wï¬‚ï¬ (or tree mime!“ mm WM 9 Ours 00.. Roche-mt. N.Y god begin to cure your Kldneyl (9-day by “â€38 It Is a sign that you have Km- ney Dlscase; Kidney Dlsmé. it not checked. leads to Brlgllt's‘ Dlu'ue, - and Bright's uniâ€"Disease ' Kills! Because the Kflngys brill down and pm "my with the urine. .. .. .. .Vt If" A. Illltl‘ Heed the Danger Slgnal ‘l‘rlll loâ€"rlhln Get Rid of It! ZELMA BAWLST la lulu I liml'll II Dow- Ida-r the mug u- i SOUBRET‘I‘E WHO A LARGE AUDIENCES. II" llarl Ile Mn!- H Watson’s Cough Drops T0 INVENTORS FREE !! $2. 13°37}? “ SALADA †10 l‘ W. G. HA RRIS TIV Brnntford. Cam PRICES 0N1 CREELMN ms KNITTING MACHINES . RFEH Pays Promp LIF PROTECTION PEERLESS MACHINE Samuel Rot HM SMUGGLER 0N I.‘ " TORONTO. ‘3‘" ,WOOIIIA Worn F nun OLD AND ritishAmeric usiness Golle AGENTS WANTED ('I'l tl