â€mm-1m: “omun's misri 3335621..†in thy Me:- hv.» rm which addrenes will m Bishop Gnllowny, ol 'i'wpi and Mn. Wellington White E}. On Monday evening the ’I. Law will you . manslcr Iiuioury meeting in (He Metropolihn Church. _ On Tuesday morning: nnsr iosnry 5mm“ will be held in the l"‘f'i'lmliun Church. and in the evening I “'5‘ meeting will be held in â€may H_‘“- Thoehairmnn for the evening “u be My- 3.J. Haclamn. Q0, and “in": my... will be delivered by “11. Dr §_.L-_I-_: .L- in... Grenville Forsyfli, Sun of' VInBureii Fonynh, of Glasgow, started for Chicago' on Monday. when: he has secured a situs tinn. Quite a number of our boys mnow' loettcd in the White City" and Aredcmg well and we Ire sure that Granville will ï¬ll vith utisfnctinn to his cmpluyar and credit to himself any pasitiun to which he my be called The 'l rum 3's wishes him ‘ . w success. Momâ€"One of the lar- 7! uidcu‘i’ in the iuy'of missesâ€" Dating «I! attempted 13 Toronto, I) commenced b1 the Methodilt ' 7, ms will be beached in dliflrï¬ve nethodisl churches. ,u.d misalry .adm de' ivenéd in .all uh.) ,Sq’pdsy moi: belonging to the denom. ‘ '1 ï¬bndl, afumoon a gun . :1. w, nosing will he held' in Vict ‘ spcskers for the Mon ‘ b bn'..â€"-Dr Hart. 61' China REEF-Willing J‘Buï¬ï¬‚o Mr. John Andaman, Craps-men. 0:31.. wrim: “The Vegan“: Dinomzerv. you um. me u III gone. Ind I am glad 10 av “an iv. bu gmntlv bent-ï¬led: Lime whu bur. med iL One man xbpnnichhr any: ign- mid: him I new mun. and he cannot fly too much far in cleaning and cunlive qnnliliu.’ ï¬ll mlnv friends will be pll-asnd t_o knowlhzt John Lanaugh. our popular produce buyer. 13 now improving nicely in hellfh. [humanâ€"The annual meeliwt of tha Wnivchun-h Agricultural“ .Suci- «(y-has barn postponed liH Thuradny next. Jgn. 21m. 1597. when it will. be bald u Ike Munsion House at 2 p. m. A full attendinco of I†interesu-d in Ipecinllv requulod,‘ as important buuluen will be discussed. “If" I! Mr hnu nah inumon. no _|!yvlva ‘oeclg. who]! bill. -u. mm... "uuu um- . ot ndnglhaman (of 1;- .kmnu IN manna Limo] local wink. L()CAL ITEMS- has will be delivered by r~BélaeI-hml the Rev “Mgr, menu", of 5 \S‘Iflony. Thisie an iize of méializatlou-c tht‘re are exnvris iu ever‘v branch at bikini-xii But it is in craniology Phat the most in'erestjng pi" diet at expert testimony has been found. ' Th» exp-rt in this branch or it is called in in murder and robbery cum to ear whether the accusedhaa {a cranium likelv to make him mung}g :l'ii- crime in quantinp_ or 10t._ In a new: murder trial in an ï¬ni'urlcan court one or these invaluablel experts was called to read the indie ions at tho shape (it the priuoner'u ranium He did it without hesitation. eclarinz that the poailinn was ahnor al anu indicatrdr. disposition that would be apt to lead the person to be a lawbrraker. A lawver placed before the expert diagram; at three headu. ‘i'hev were of the kind made when a man is meae ured for a new hat. "What do you i think of these?" asked the judge. "I should say that the poesessors at such ahaped heads were abnormally morbid ' replied the expert. The diagrams rep_ menied the heads of W. H. Vanderbilt Senator David 3. Hill and ofthe judge presiding at that particular trial. We have since Jan ls: been mail- mg accounts to a numbe; of friends who are indebted to us in ï¬nall am- ounts and :3 the azervgnztfbl such accounts is consideuble and we are in need of moneydhev will oblige us much by muay semink as soon as possible. Quite I number have al- ready _resbonded nud we would like to but from the others. ~. th LAuxnmr~ Messrs Svpher and Slower have opened up the Crystal Hand Laundry in the Allan Block opposite the Queen‘s Hulel. Thny will endeavor to the but of their abliily by first. class work to give good suiaraciion and have far that purpose engaged I thorough!y experienced person. Webclieve in encouraging homo eiiternrise and bespenL- {or them the euppngt or the town. Encourage them bv liiwr'al ardent. “Old, yet. ever new. a'u-l :ui‘ beautiful ever,“ sings the poet which might. well apply ! Sarwnnrillaâ€"lhe most efï¬cient, M iï¬c blmd-pu’riflar aver offered to lium-niw. Nothing but unpel keeps iv. no long at the front. Lz-zcmna. â€"~Iu S'ouï¬'vila b, Rev. Mr Eaton, n! ’,I‘uronm on the ' 'Relalr o! the Common People,†which in fast bin-owing the burning question of the Those Interested in the succesn of Markhnm high school should tend the communication to be round in anniber. column. given In at fqr {ha m_urdr‘r of Jo Burris. has been c mprlsqnmem. Further announcement will mnnan H of Juim A Strnlhy. of been commuted to life w, l'n-l :Iimple and the poet m word: apply 1:: Ayt-r’a rient and d to suffering superior maric re in e ening Mimi’s Liniml Gum Burna. m This promises to be one of the moat lnterectlng convmiona ever held by the nemfciazlon it we are to judge by the unimportant questions to be dis- cueeed am. the eblllty of the gentle men who are to teke the lead in un- folding them. Every person he: an interest in it and may they show It by their presence at the dln‘erentaesaians. All are candlnllv welcome "Address or‘ Welcome." which will be replied to by Mr. Chas. Reed. M. A. Markham. wlll give an address, on " 'ld aalva‘tidn." Rev. L. L. Huson . 8. Th.. Lindsay. will speak on r Sunday Schools and Cnnndn'fl u'ure.†Friday morning, WW. I" W- ‘ï¬tevnnann.Unionville. will tron! lhe shhjpct.'1‘u what cue-nun if nllwhunld dendmlunlional teaching be. inrrnduce‘d in our Sabbath schools.‘ 0n Firdav all 8112an at I o'clock praise servicu lvd bv Mr. DJ Sloutfl'erq 3‘s) 0. mass mael- ing of children willjm addressed bv Revs. G. W. Stevenson. Unio'nville and T w; Pickelrl “'illnwdu'x. 1 h-- Heavenly Pattern .by Rev .LA Brnwu Aglncourt, and address- “The Devil's mun-o! combating Sunday thool wdrk. hqu. RS Spence, of 'I‘or- onto." ' ' Wswuming on cattlo. but be- ] comings plague to tha man rucv, and these with tho luring. s9 have long hard the ï¬eld in the strung-e ha!- tle {or'mnprsmacy. A new phnsa in the struggle is homreportod bv Prof. l Enerdon. curszor oi the museum lea.†In recent months the ongocse has been found to be sulfurâ€" l #1:: from attacks ni‘ilhe ticks. Species of birds and reptiles supposed to have been exterminsted have rvnpposred. The most striking changn seems to be h bundance o! the ground lizard. ni‘lv supposed extinct. but snakes re more numerous. game is incl-Pam ‘ing. poultry and domestic snimsis are holested lsss ol'tun. rats are increasing 'n the cane and ticks are diminishing. he dynasty of the mongoose is wan- ing. the cause_ how'grer. being uuâ€" know u :. 1nd tor. y a rule men'p , (in! hlzher thlu‘ - no ulreuov lul- lnd’nndfn la (he provlnoq or tho pm†to â€[52 out and sum In adnnclqg’ overflhlnz that lo good and noble lo r a non nature. [The Tnmlmn’inh had @le" éouflnuo to have [or m high- en: ulm the beneï¬ting of the commuo? lty mentally and morally Ind wlll do [II but to bulufy its readers consist- ently wnh truth. juniee and honesty. 0nd of the ï¬re-cost sullen-rs from L portal mtg durlnt lha In: gnu-tor -ora century but been Jun-la. To rid tho Inland of tho black and brown nu thu were deatroylnz the sugar cane md other crops. the mongoooo wu brought from In “t In 1872. The relult wu dlunrous. The mongoose multiplied with frightful rapidity, de- stroying ihe rate. then preylnz upoo poultry and oven pigs, lu‘mbs Ind puppies. and {aï¬pu nt'y extermlnlt- luur the birds. wll tho hnrmloasï¬ylxds and snakvs thlt hpd Iran: down thn ticks and other troublesome insects. It Mound the run: And vegehhin And aim dulled rho tomor- atom of the rat In in deduction ofsutur on... wall the duamponuou» ol' the r: Mr. Ruinczwo! Uxbrldu upon: Sunday In Ion. Mun? BIPuM.â€"Thg\ dan' wn crisp nud lovolv. road: wild and thin turnout road. Propuco‘ wu offered In abundance. Price: were: butter "o to “Megan 18 to 50¢. ehlckm W to 40¢ tnrkeya 8;, you 70. been to Me ‘ ~ 3mm. Cami. Yb! I hid (loaned [or - - ,dtour my body mud "in†.. m a bottle of B. B. f .1", qulckly. md ' ‘1". completely .3. B. very ‘1“. Fl“): will give the ing on cattle. but be- e to tha man rucv, thn mm as have Hng' .m‘. n Mr. (mo. 11!: on “Home ". Thursdnv 5:22" ,»D or _‘ ‘___l‘u p' I of (kg. :3.“ Info“ ' achfll‘ A very hundaoï¬ turn out for ule cheapâ€"A pair of through bred imparted Walsh ponies wl‘h Rlz Runes And all complete. very chap 1! sold this week Spoflord '.Co. Mira is now at 9 pm. in mid-hen- vens In the southeast. 1h find “â€"01- its position. for it in not now visibleâ€" i'int ï¬nd Menknr. the aecond magnitude star in the snout of Cell». This [W4 forms with the Pieindea md the pair of stars in the head of Ariel n triangle with nearly eaunl sides. To the right of Menimr is I. noun 0! three Btu-l. u ahown on the ninniwhem. The mid- dle one of these in Gamma. Ceu. or the third munitude. The lowermou. of the fourth magnitude, in Deitn Ceti. This Btu Delta in almost exactly mid- way between Menkn: and mm With an opera Kim a. small triangle of seventh magnitude stars may be seen in the am: here indicated. Min will make its ahpmmnce at the centre of this trinncie. Keep a watch upon it. v_- -y‘-7 lroacape. When nhlnln: only funny the star I: dccldedly red: but u n brightens it lose: lu redness. um In apectrum show: bright Ilnes. Indlculve n! Iumlnoua memnmonkwhlch la the ever-present hydozen. The cause of lhe singular deporm ent ui' this and nimllnr variable stars is among the enigma: “"hich science is still amt-muting to unrlddle. Upon Mr. Luckyer's "meteorilic' theory" Mlm is not strictly (pulling. a. “aux" â€"th|t is. a. nun. It is simply a. con- densing shoal of meteors. its light be- lng due to heat engendered by the col- iisions of these meteors. which are as- sumed to be In motion among them- :rives, owing to their mutual attrac- tion {or one another. There IN here. muordlnz to Mr. Lockyer. two such meteor shoals, clrc'JllR about each other ln orbit. of Ouch eccentricity that, whlle ordinuliy the two masses of meteor: do not mtg-reten- with one another, yet men they are the net"!!! together one of them KI'ISEI or plane: partially through {haâ€"other. As a. con- sequence ' e collluknl; become more humor-nu; more eat. and we no the “star" incl-cue mlhdiiinncy. The spear-mane shows ,at the star'- in- czma ln splendor In due mainly, If not wholly. to an outburst of slowing gases. a fact Which to unite in bar- mony with Mr. Lockyer'a theory. In- deed. this theory wu based originally upon experiments made M“: the Ipec- Mira runs the cycle of in changes in an average period of about 11 month. though mum: is n considerable irre - inrity in its period. as well as in Ta briiiiucy when at its brighten. Its iasl maximum occurred some time in January last. Owing. however, to the prevail-nee oi' cloudy Weather during that and the preceding month: ob- servers were not able to n; upon the Drecise date 0! the occurrence. nor to drlormine very exactly the aur's greatest date of the occurrence nor to [Allen short of the third magnitude You the point a: 7 m the naked I reach 1!.- mnxw- L v lilyâ€"ll now Into VUblllly " '1‘.) Drum The nrlnclvll fluid; or interest to the naked eye W um month (Novemher). glide , the constella- lions. which my fly be Iucsted wlth thg u: ot tn. plmlmhere, are tho vlrltble all! m m: Leonld um Renaud me mung)!“ Eh. In th- lofl luau-II van-human. “Hr lover-3w†our young people have Men dolnéjht Hula akuiue II yanmm. evu-y person bu “hie: Ind wart-luv crowds assambl "cry eventing on Mr Wlddlï¬elda mud. The new by be ï¬re on shore furnish A van Mpuble renting Inca ‘ Johnson In vary 1, loan recoy'er‘ 3: Mrs I‘rynea wu “(01,30 he 7fl97 well Attended. Wp undu'ltand thoyner supper at B. ydlflelda 113M next East Inc “ t3! fï¬nituré ever show'nin-Bto le'. Prices can't be lower. ' -' Good bird-of bedsteads, 4; a high $1.95 The ï¬nest} mien T-bfe on the market. n Ill-yfoiuspectit, VICT‘JR EXTENSION TABLE Wuven in! It $1.25 E“? ' [1013th in plush "MIRA, THE WONDERFUL." S. BURKHOLDER mun hand the ‘ .3! of fancy rockers; upholstered seals, id he: ulster Kile. been visiting their eld. fkholder, [nip Sn. Sloulfyillc [AM a! All the limd‘n Linimt for sale oyuywhm. of olher along: by favorite authors Ippbn: in this number. Subscription price 3 dollar I year. The TRIBUNE and mo CANADIAN HOME JOUR HAL for 1897 for man The Jlnnuy numbs: of the CANA DIAN HOME JOURNAL contains mnny bright Khinml or inlerest In women. Among “mm the Ines! [unions in eveningdresaea. us worn by 'helenders of Society in Toronto- I chnptu- on Pulmiatry; note: of pictures music And book: the stage. und the household. I" Mr well known when; talks with peoplewe meet. bv Fnith Fenian (the editor), in especlnllv Inter- Mting; “Faith Hut removes mount- Iina,â€by Clifford Smith. and I mimber DEATH Summonâ€"0n Sth con. Whitchurch Wednesdny Jan. 13th. 'Rehï¬u, rel- lct o.‘ the Into Robert Quplaton. in her 75th your. Funerll to-morrow (Fridnyï¬t 10.80 a m. to the Bloom- lngcgg Cemetery. We draw upon the resources 'of any country'on the face thing that. will contribute to your enjoyment. Having bought our LEMONS at auction sale and :11 can sell you very choice large leanns at 1230. per (102. We have a nice assortment. of CHANGES for Xm ï¬ne ones. they can have them in the Bahama Sweet Oranges can Oran re large and very sweet at, 3 for 10c. and those wh in the Va encia. Orange at 150. per doz. .mp'bnek 1!: up with extra low pricespn Xmas , 4 7 rave our sincerity . ' at†"“5? “WWW-M" " % cacti-flush“ cull or inferior one If they do not sweep away all c \re,th‘ey ‘are at 16:13! worth 124cm: Wr 5c til] Km: n â€"_-______ Our RAISINS and cu have avoided the min damaged market contains at lowes.. price CAND in large assortment, Bon Bons Silkens. ('rmub ( "lmmlatei ilFU In! caNdies mo 5:. Eggsrlb. {or Xmas anlnuts Almonds, Peanuts, I'illnrts, 11mm and 1-: Nuts, A quantlt 1‘ ï¬ne Holly (well berried) for decomtiucv gvel‘y cheap And don’t Forget our presentatien sale closes on March lst, all ticket5 “111 out 0'1 ‘1Ԡdate, so ï¬ll up your ticket and get your prize » SPOFFORD CO. Choice of hundreds of ties worth from 20 to 4012111] go at 50 0-101) Hundreds of linen collars, odd sizes worth from 15 Lo '1 ac all go 11 3 for _ Also nearly 400 pieces of tweeds, mantling g, sultings, c on one (ountu 11 ', row 11:1 11 1““ COME ALB T0 THIS BIG SALE at 9 a m ex cry 11a) Dou't forget. that thuis stock must be tumeéTï¬to money, we have :lhnut (lullhlt‘ the Stock we wan}: at Stockâ€"Taking time so away she goes. Odd Shirts, Soiled shirts worth $1.00 and $1.25 will go at Caps for boys and Men (.quth from 30 to 400 go at 120 c Bracgg, wprgh 25 H} 309 go at [73c each_ 2444 0m- 100.'boxes of ï¬gs 5c. 'Real good CannedCo’rnrfrze. Our 10: lnxes (If-Si :. . , Our Brown “{6er Soap at lo. a cake. just imagine. ' V q Co mfort Soap. Eclipse Soap. Dingmans Electric, Morses Momcnau all g pr" 2.; ‘ Boys' and Men’s Caps 100. each; Good Grey Yac Robes $5.25 eaqh; v Boys' and Men’s Ties 5c. each; Good Horse Blankets “land 65c, (ad/sh. Boys' and Men’s Suits $3each; . Sealette Collars and Man $1.50 each, Childrens Suits $1.50 and $2 each; Very good Tums at. Jï¬â€˜and 250. Each. Boys' and Men’s Tweed Overcoats $1.75each. ' Ladies’ erod‘Fï¬'r-Capes'mu. 5d? and $1.3 Boys‘ and Men's Friege Overcoats Mensch; Men's Fuï¬poats $12, $1.3 and $20. 1 very wide heavy skaker flannel at 50, a yd. A big clearing in our dress and mantling department. Christies’ best soda bimuits 20c a box' and 25c. a tin box of the dream sodas. . a Best Gonnley CheeSc lOéc, Choice Candies 5. 8 and we lb. . Oranges and Lemons 5c doz Choice Figs, Dates and Prunes, u- -, Choice Figs only5c. a b0x. Nuts ofall kinds 1232. lb assorted ' - ECIipse Twin Bars Soap 6 for 25c. New Prunesf) and ICC per lb, ‘ Very good heavy Brooms only 50 each. Morses W‘hite Castileoli for 25c. Best. Old Brown Windsor Soap 120 a. dozen 'cakes. . Over 300 remnants of cashmeres,serges,silks,plusb$ and velvetsnc 25c per )‘(Lwonh .30 to 75c Inspect our stock and buy your goods where the quality Choice Valincia. Oranges amLLemons for 5c. dozen. Baal Good Brooms at 5c. each. Our 10c. mixed candies 5c QANDIES A Big Slashing at the Monkhouse Stock in Our Mammoth Store. In. Wishing You all MERRY } MAS} PASTRY 4v :URR AN TS being purchased from the ï¬rst sï¬ipmc Led goods and offer the public the ï¬nest and cleanest grm. Lemons. Orlnges Dates. Figs, C: ides, all at Bottom Prices. leiu. Mlnu and Children's in Felt Kid, Donnell. nud solid leather. Emma 01' hoe. Save monev by burâ€" lug here. Christmas Grocevies and Fruits. Telephone Store opp. the Market, Stouffville 5 Cues more Boots: Shnes Ind hers inn! opened up The Rams WILL HT your I'set and Lh!‘ I'll] h't Vour PMLM Book. Rum; we have no cld stock here, I“ goods direct ham th rucrory. TELEPHONE SEUHE Men’s Boy": and youth - ‘ Ali Sizes Swï¬wfll @‘Q’S a Bahama Sweet Oranges at 25¢. a doz. or better tin 3 for 10c. and those who want a cheaper one will W. A. CLARK auction sale and at prim below importer's (ï¬st, w 1?“. per doz. T [*1 E Lemons‘very ï¬ne Canned Fimmn Had lin- -.< Sweet. Bahama ’Jmnges SW cot Muicfln Oranges for Xmas. FOE thoge who Wm out (In! Ie Prire :membur l“ mu of‘the earth that can supply is right as Well as prices 35c each ach â€union: WWW“ and by Hood's Pm». They do Like NM“. WP“; heady 'SLLJZZ’ :"5_ V :9 Liver Ills The “IL-8: L.†Menthol Plaster Icel- Aria fawn-hr. m N"- Net-um: I'd-n. Phl- II Ihc "in. (IQ. â€knit. Mexi I" - l in. senator-insurers spout ‘ ., g3: Suddsy in‘ WI]. Manx-1' ' Inseamâ€"Tl crisp and lonely. roads ,0 id Ibmldlllï¬ï¬i sot-s 19.1!!!" is at Mined}: is the pr , tam: out and 4» verftblnz that is good and n ovlueeptths p ' ‘ iii . .ud. ill éoutlnue to have [or its high- dsv was and the . turnout good; 'v Produce was «Min . . Prices wall: butter I'd ‘ to Me-isxgs is to son; chasm d is â€quickly. and "' completely ' 3. very assist 'in s‘iiypticih:l ‘ - Ian nature. |The Tnisunflas had KHOLDER ' . .- ‘ hand the. p - ‘4 AT NSlilN TABLE ' ‘ I ’"C N; $313535 m n... SMï¬Wifll (Flo’s :25 t it! furniture ever c‘. Prices can't- be Choice Valincia Oranges andjcmons for 5c. dozen. . .5“ Real Good Brooms at 5c. each. Our 10c. mixed candies 5c. ‘ . our lOc.‘boxes of ï¬gs 5c. ~Reel good CannedCom ac. Our 10: lnxes Ofll$;. . , Our Brown Wiiidsor Son at to. a cake, justimauine - .7 ,_ ' ~-. . COmfort Soap: Eclipse 853p. Dingmans Electric, Morses Mottlcdali all? for 2.. Boys’ and Men's Caps 10c. each; Good Grey \ac Robes $7.2.) - ; , Boys’ and Men's Ties 5c. each; Good Horse Blankets 40mm Soc. each. Boys’ and Men’s Suits $3each; Sealette Collars and Muii‘s $1.50 ~each. Childrens Suits $1.50 and $2 each; Very Q‘ood Toms at Jï¬ffl‘lld 25c. _88('ll. , Boys' and Men’s Tweed Overcoats $1.75 each. ‘ Ladies’ erod‘l‘hibflupes $10. *1? and $1.3, Boys’ and Men’s Friege Overcoats $4eech; Men's Fuï¬yoats $12, $1.; and $20. 1 very wide heavy shaker flannel at ï¬le. a yd. ‘ '_ at $1.25 l-oistmd in plush t of fancy rockers,- ‘- llpholstcred seats. “.__ ldera . " 155:†Stouii'yille . A big clearing in our dress and mantling department. _ .. ,. u Christies’ best soda bimuits 20¢ a box’ and 25c. _a tin box of the cream sodas. V' Best Gormley CheeSc loge. Choice Candies 5. 8 and We lb. . 'd h" “m" Km' Oranges and Lemons 5c doz Choice Figs, Dates and Prupes._ ,‘-, ‘Eimmng “Mr Choice Figs only5c. a box. Nuts of all kinds use, lb assorted ‘ I' 5 Twin Bars Son 6 for 25c. New Prunesé and. 10c per ll), _ . aggood heavy Brooriis only 50 each. Morses \V‘hitc Castlleoti for ï¬ne. Best Old Brown Windsor Soap 12c a dozen cakes. . 7- ' T v Over 300 remnants ofcashmeres,serges,sdks.plushes and velvetsat Lac per yd.“ orth d it“ . at - A Big Slashing at the Monkhouse Stock in Our Mammoth Store. Oddâ€"Shirts, Soiled shirts worth $1.00 and $1.25 will go at 3 5c cat-h Caps for boys and Men (worth from 30 to 400 go at 12c CilCll Braces worth 25 to 300 go at 13c each Johnson is very Leona recover. . at Mrs Prynns - â€Well attended. ud‘ _ diflslds lit ‘ , jars "our young people , , _ _~ little skating. ,‘ every person has h . . ‘ crowds sssombt tinder: event“ a I". Widdlflold'a bad. The seats b be ï¬re on shore furnish ' a very ' Don't fo .l est slin the beneï¬ting or the csmmuu-‘ ll†" l §£§fï¬yï¬ifldfléï¬hï¬wfm WWWW‘W l, r f .4; v 5 ‘h30‘ug. . i .13 i..; .â€"_ slim ‘stniirri IU..E.' ï¬rst . "j e). . i fatie seven can our lines it insertion. no chart- lm than twentrlvs cents. When hills an printed at this shoe or advertisemen s_oi' Dbl).- .ï¬ â€œHire-flu arsjpsortsd a.brist local will ‘ ‘ LOCAL ITEMS- flis manv friends will be pit-used to know that John Latraugh. our popular produce buyer. is now nicely in lmlih. improving Postpartumâ€"The annual meetine or the Wnivchurrhï¬zricultum" Soci- ety-has been postponed till Thursday next. Jun. 21st. 1597. when it will: be held at the Mansion House at 2 p. m. A full attendance of all interested speciallv requested.‘ as business will be discussed. is impormnt Mr. John Anderson. (lrusshvere. pm. writes: “The Vegetable Discovery. you sent me is all gone, nmll am glad to sav that. it has greatlv beneï¬ted" those who have used it. One man ibparticular says it has mu'de him a new man. and in. cannot shy too much for its cleansing and cuntive qualitiu.’ _ Grenville For-syth. son of’ VsnBurcn Fonyth. at Glasgow. started for Chicago' on Monday. where he has secured a situa tion. Quite A number of our boys are now- loeated in the "White City" and aredcing well and we are sure that Grenville will ï¬ll with satisfaction to his employer and credit to himself any position to which in- (may be called. The 'I'luni‘sr: wihhcs hip "gum success. . _ " mflkiwsâ€"Oue of the [Ir- t uddctahiu’ in the way'ot‘ missesâ€" mc’ctiog ever attempted is Toronto.) b' commenced by the Methodist "a Stilt-a!) am. on [out day 'L ry muons will he poached in u dam-ï¬ve Methodist churches. ltd unisflary s'ddrescs deiil'EIé-l in all [hr ng‘oday sdiiols helpigipg to the denom. ‘3 k Oi‘aundsy aftirnoon 'a great . t u, musing-ill he held in Vict - lb‘espcshers forihe oceqion slum. Han, or China 9?,_Willia.. gt Bus-lo ma naiiizins tnlsin â€33‘.“ hil-lin the Met- " rim which addresses will m Bishop Galloway. ol "pi and Mrs. Wellington White am On Monday evening the - line-gnu wifl hold a monstrr lilsionary meeting in the Metropolitan Church. On Tuesday morning: miss- ionsry hrukfast will be held in the ‘ mu meeting will be held in Manny H‘ll- “lethalrmsu for the evening “.1! I" 5‘1,“ ll. Disclamn. Q_C.. ““0“": dam... will be delivered by the R‘" D" Eitherland the Rev. 'Dr 14:00am, “Mary secrets", of a" N"! tu‘M'hgsllowsy. so .- snd clothing Suck taking. Ham. v iniii-d _ijfllnhu it? ' V , > . .1. . . rennsn for the murder of John A Strsthy. of Barrie. has been commuted to life mprisonrnent. Those interested in the succesn of Markham high school should read the communication to be round in another. column. F. “Old, yetever new. a'n-I :aimple and benutifuleyer,“sines the poet in words which might. well apply to Ayi-r’s Siirsapnriliuâ€"the most efï¬cient nod scient. ific blood-puriï¬er ever ofl'ered lo suffering h‘nmanitv. Nothing but sUperior merit. keeps it so long at. the front. LECTURB~â€"~Ill S'oufi'ville by Rev. Mr. Eaton. at Toronto. on the“. This at the Common People,†which is fast becoming the burning question of the day. Further announcement will be given is or. New Lauxnmr~ Messrs Svpher and Stove' have opened up the Crystal Hand [laundry in the Allan Block opposite the Queen‘s Hotel. They will endeavor to the best of their ability by first.class work to give good satisfaction and have for that purpose engaged a thorough!y experienced person. We believe in encouraging home e'dterprise sad bespeak for them the'suppogt or the town. them bv liberal orders. We have since Jan lst been mail- lug accounts to it number of friends who stegindsbted to “sin ï¬nish am- ounts and as the szercguttfot' such accounts is considerable and we are in need of moneyflh'e'v will oblige us much by HVudLysettlink as soon as possible. Quite a number have al- ready responded and we would like to hear from the others. Thisisan age of specialization-c lhrre areexpvrts iu erer‘v branch of.» Elm it ‘ Encourage hn'siili-sii is in craniology mm the most in'ercsting pH, dust at expert testimony has been found. ' Thâ€" exp-rt in this brshch or it is called in in murder and robbery cases to sav whether the accusedhss 3‘s cranium likelv to make him consist}t :l'u- crime in question_ or 10L. In a h'tr'lit murder trial in an American cnnrt one. or those invaluable'i experts was called to read the indie ions o; the shape at the prisoner's ranium He did it without hesitation. relating that the position was abnor‘ al anu indicatrdr. disposition that would be apt in lead the person to be a lswbrraker. A lawver placed before the expert diacrnms ot three heads. ‘l'hev were a "‘“vwliun Church. and in the evening of the kind made when a man is meas bred for a new hat. think of these?" "What do you asked the judge. "I should say that the possessors at such lhaped heads were abnormally morbid ' replied the expert. resented the heads MW. 11. Vanderbilt Senator David 3. Hill and ofthe judge The diagrams rep_ ‘ i . presiding at that particular t-‘al. l S‘ JEWELLhR Q he. ity mentally and morally and will do its best to satisfy its readers consist- ently with truth, justice and honesty. .Qnei'onhe greatest suflerers from -, ported pests durlnt the Ian quarter .' ofa century has been Jamaica. - To rid the island of the black and brown i. all that were destroying the sugar . i5†_‘ amend other crops. the mongoose was brought from In "a in 1872. The result was disastrous. The mongoose multiplied with frightful rapidity, de- stroying the_rats. then praying upon poultry and even pigs, lambs and puppies. and [appyhi'y exterminat- iug the birds. wli" the barmlessAlulu I and snakes that d kept down 1-»thn tlcksand other tloiihlesome insects. It Md the fruit and vogutahgs and n rivalled the tori-sf. W at itigmotsus‘ar can. then: ln.ir. “Wm " nest ot‘tlis .. i. .. .., , . V . l on y swarming on cattle. but be- | comings plague to the man race, and these with tho Hiring. so have long hard the ï¬eld in the strunge bat- tle for supremacy. A new phase in the struggle is how.report(‘d hv Prof. . Euerdon. curator of the museum f‘dii lca._ In recent months the ongonee has been [ound to be sul'l'cr- g from attacks nf'the ticks. Species of birds and reptiles supposed to have been exterininsted have reappeared. The most striking change seems to be h bundnnce of the ground nilv supposed extinct. but snakes re more numerous. game is increas- ‘ing. poultry and domestic animals are ï¬nalested lsss often. rats are increasing 'n the cane and ticks are diminishing. he dynasty of the . m goose is wen- ing.tho cause,how’ er. being unâ€" kliow n. J lizard, I ANNUAL Com-shrioxâ€"The Mark- ham Township S. S. Association will meet in annual donvnetioil in the Me- l‘bodist Church. Stouil‘rilio.Thursdav and Friday Jan. ‘llst and ,‘22end inst‘ President H. 13.! lice-son Markham. will take the chair. On Thursday iorenonn Rev. P. C. Cameron. B. A" Stoull'vil'e, will deliver an address on "Should we have religious teach- i g in our public schools?" On Thursday nttei-noon Mr. Gun. t. i mifl‘ville. will sprskon “Home C asses and their utility". Thursdav e ening, Mull“. Flint will give the “Address of.Welcome." which will be replied to by Mr. Chas. Reed. M. A. Markham. will give an address, on " 'ld salvation." Rev. L. L. Huson . 8. Th.. Lindsay. will speak on r Sunday Schools and Canada's u'urc." Friday morning, Rev. l-‘ W. ï¬tevnnsnn.Unionville. will iron! the: shhject.‘l‘o what extent.†irnll..shniild.' denominational teaching be introduced in our Sabbath schools.‘ On Firdar alt ernoon at I o'clock praise sari-ice led by Mr. D. Ston'fl'erq s‘s) a mass meet- ing of children will,be addressed bv I Revs. G. W. Stevenson. Unio'nville; and T W; Picketil Willowduir. '1 hr l Heavenly Pattern .by Rev JFA Brown l Agincourt, and address I‘Tho Devil's waffle! combating Sunday School .I work. lqu. F. S‘ Spence, or Ter- onto. This promises to be one of the most interacting conventions ever held by the sssd‘ciation it we are to judge by the all.important questions to be dis- cussed snu the ability of the gentle men who are to take the lead in un-‘ folding them. Every person has an interest in it and may they show it by their presence at the din‘erentsessions. All are condlsllv welcome. â€"â€"._â€" liiitnfs lllllll'lll Guru Burns iii. cheapâ€"A pair imported Welsh ponies with Big flames and all complete. very cheap it sold this week Spoflord '.Co. “MIRA, THE WONDERFUL" -----s-6‘ 0 end ta ta. Isa-i l’swlllsh of an the . Variable The principal the naked sye (November). aside lions. which W the variable star ,1 .m‘lfld the Ulla . 'star 0m - H5 . as I. tbs ~ in transit trrtloulaly In peat ran on the point to the nakedo" reach its mu .. - ' l myâ€"ia now ’ Into visibiuiy u .. no one uho is interest I . celestial phenomena should miles this ownor iunlty of forming the star's acquaint’ once and notlmt its em-enu‘lcttlea. The peculiarity 0! Must ll this: Or- dlnarlly it is invisibleâ€"to‘the naked eye. bclnz Mien at its [aims-st. of be tween tho.a ninth and tenth mtrgnltudca Having remained at this point. of low» l‘fll hrillinncy for some weeks it begins slowly to brighten. and flier awhile It becomes visible to the naked eye. it continues to brighten for a ntonth or six \n-tâ€"lm lunzer. when it. attains a maximum or llrilllanoym'hioh is usual- ly that or a. star or about the third magnitude. In this condition it re- mains. sometimes fluctuating in bright- rush. for a tortnlirht or so, and then begins to lose its lustre. and in about three months It is dealt; beyond the lunch of the naked eye. Mil-u runs the cycle of its changes in an overture period of about 11 month. though there is is considerable lrrc - liu-lty in its period. as well as in Ts brillinncy when at its brightest. Its lust maximum occurred some time in January last. Uwinir. however, to the prevalence ol cloudy weather during that and the Dreredlnir months ob- servers were not able to hit upon the precise date at the occurrence. nor to driermine very exactly the star's greatest date of the occurrence nor to tullin short of the third magnitude The cause of the singular dcporm em or this and similar variable stars is among the enigma: which science is still attempting to unrlddle. L‘pori Mr. Lot‘kyer's "meieorillc' theory" Miro. is not strictly Sneaking. a “star“ â€"ihat is. a. sun. It is simply a. conâ€" diâ€"nslnt.r shoal of meteors. its light be- ing due to heat engendered by the col- lisions of these meteors. which are asâ€" sumed to be in motion among them- selves, owing to their mutual eunuc- tlon (or one another. There are here. nrcordinx to Mr. Lockyer. two such meteor shoals, circling about each other in orbits oi ouch mutt-lolly that, while ordinarily the two mm of meteors do not tnteret’erc with one another, yet when they are the neamsi tL-gEthet‘ one or them zrasea or passes partially through rhoâ€"other. A: a con- sequence ' e collisions; become more numerous more 1 eat. and we see the “slur" increase m.hrllliancy. The spectrosconc shop's let the star's in- crease in splendor is due mainly. is not wholly. to an outburst of slowing gases. a fact Which to suite in barâ€" mony with Mr. Lockyer's theory. In- deed. this theory was based originally upon experiments made with the spec- tz-oscope. When ahtnln: only faintly the star is decidedly red: but as it brightens it loses its redness. and its spectrum shows bright lines. Indicative n! luminous menarnonirwhlch is the ever-present hydozen. Mira is now at 9 p.m. ln mid-hea- vens In the southeast. ’I‘o l‘lnd ttâ€"or Its position. for it. is not now visible- | first ï¬nd Monkar. the second magnitude star in the snout of Cetus. This star. (arms with the Pletades and the pair of stars in the head of Aries a triangle with nearly equal sides. To the right of Menknr is a. noun 0! three stars. as shown on the plantsnherc. The mid- dle one or these is Gamma. Ceu. or the third munitude. The lowermost. ot‘ the fourth magnitude. ls Delta Ceti. This star Delta. ls almost exactly mid- way between Menku: and Hire. With an opera glass a. small triangle of seventh mnlrnltude stars may be seen in the spot here indicated. Mira. will make its appearance at the centre of this trinnirle. Keep a watch upon it. â€".â€"-â€"â€"â€" A very handsome turn out for sale of through bred ' of interest to this month . the constella- , be located with the air of thi‘ planlsphere. are ' the Leonid me- better known " one of the -le starsâ€" bhcsuse or the Ciproâ€: rget that this stock must be turnediiito money. we have .‘llll'iilt double the Stock we want at Stockâ€"Taking time soaway she goes. Choice of hundreds oiities worth from 20 to 400. all go at 50 mch. 0_ Hundreds of linen collars, odd sizes worth from 15 to -_I;)c all go at 3 for _.u-,I l ‘ p“... -~: Also nearly 400 pieces of twecds, mantling, suitings, c. on one counter at ._, l‘ogil .‘ll - ,COME ALIA T0 THIS BIG SALE at 9 a. in every day. 1 1 And don’t. forget our presentation sale closes on March 1st. all tickets FUD 0m 0'1 1 M date, so ï¬ll up your ticket and get your prize “ ‘ SPOFFORD co. In. Wishing You all . ï¬lth MERLE“)! f _,_t__\_§3 e‘back 1t up with extra low_priee.s,on Xmas â€clâ€"mm 31'0th our sincerity I ' ' ’ T 7 ‘0 sv"39!) 3""? dullcasp miy‘ï¬o. eaehFI‘heseasehpt cull or ipfeiiononeh an if they do not sweep away all e motile; 'arc at lam. worth 123c.but tboygsiorlbc till Amt. Our RA|S|NS and CURRANTS being piii‘chasml from the ï¬rst siliiuzll ::’ ~ '3 have avoided the min damaged goods and offer the public the ï¬nest and cleanest 3100-1» market contains at lowes. prices Having bought our LEMONS at auction sale and can sell you very choice large lemons at 1:10. per doz. We have a nice assortment of CHANGES for Xmas. For those who Wolf in ï¬ne oneS. they can have them in the Bahama Sweet Oranges lit 2.3L: :i doz. or lutxtm :?.~- life can Oran to large and very sweet at 3 for 10c. and those who want a cheaper one will w ill the Va elicia Orange at 150. per doz. CANDIES ‘in large assortment, Bon Boris. Silkens. L‘resjlls. ('llt’lcnlutes. lllm n.i:-; . i caxdics at 50. ppi'lb. ior Xmas. IValnuts. Almonds, Peanuts, hillcrts. I L‘Cilfh and l~l Nuts, A quantity of ï¬ne Holly (well berried) for decorating, WP," 011031)- + PASTR Y ‘3‘ To ensure perfect success in your Xmas baking use'only “Pantry and' L-inl and l‘ l Vvlr Just a word about our lard. It isnbsolutely pure. every ounce gllai'fllllt'i'fl i.» ll" Inna“ . Lei" .flrd. By special arrangeilient we can supply you with the same Kind of lul'li illlll fl‘:-~:: l year round. Our flour is acknowledged to be the lest pastry flour in iqul. Brooms each 60. Lemons‘very ï¬ne 1210. doz 2N ills Light Sugar 8] ('nnliod Fillltilll Hurlxlil-s 12‘». 21 lbs Best Granulated $1 Sweet Bullimu 'Jl‘nljgin‘ 2.7.- .l;/ Cl'ossc Bliickwells famous pickles 23c. Kippered Herring 15c. at prices below importers chem xv.» Sweet Mexiczin (ll-aligns 2‘. l..l- lUc l’i‘alliits per ll» 1;â€. . Salmon per can 10, 12.5 and 15c. Walnuts _, . Sportsman‘s Sardines 150. Filllelts " 121v. Andreaiiv Sardines 5c. Hullv 17w. In r ll. Mixed Candies per- “) 50. s , ’A 1' Canned '(‘orn per can 50. We draw upon the resources of any country'on the face lli‘lllC (girth that inn sullpl} thing that will contribute to your Cl]JO_\'IIIL‘ilt. Inspect our stock and buy your goods Where (inequality is right as Well as prices. 3. “7 33;§.’l"f‘-“T»‘V‘EF >. r dualâ€"- L- h, The January numbgr‘ol‘the CANA- 'l‘l’l ‘ DIAN nous JOURNAL contains L ‘ ' Ill many bright things or interest to i ' Ll ve r S .. women. Antoni: them the latest . TELEH‘I “NE STUHF Lu“, “hm.“ mop...“ traded: our ‘. - ex lashions in eveningdresses. as worn . â€gumm- szunzuh. ‘ 9" . by 'holeaders of Society in Toronto; s ' ' CW by â€â€1" â€L" chapter on Palmistry ; notes of pictures music and books. the stage. and the household. all'bv. well known writers; talks with peoplewe moat. hv Faith Fenian (the editor), is especlailv inter- esting; "Faith that removes mount- ains.â€b_v Clifford Smith. and a number of other stories bv favorite authors apphar in this number. Subscription price a dollar a year. The TRIBUNE and the CANADIAN HOME JOUR a mt" 0. . Third sag‘ H60 - 5 Cases more Boots: Shoes and rub~ hers inst Opened up Thi- l'lnols lliat WILL â€I" your l~ ct and th‘ I‘ri-‘C trill lit \‘our Poclwt Book. Iii-member we hawl on old stock here. all in w easily and W. P' I goods direct from lhl‘ factory. I Best after dinner pull. Scents. anal-mu?“ . 00 Lorri}. . m by C. L H .. - Men’s Boy’s and youth l mmrmwanmamm ~> ‘ All Sizes Ladies. Misses and children's in Feb Kid. Dongola. and solid leather. redeem \~’ . â€" -» wh- th’. V f. _ ’ use for 1897 roi- sires ï¬x: “a 5"†“m“ b) b‘“ mi“ sL‘Sul.“r-h:‘“' PIL- In lhr hide. ele. DEATH Prompt.) helm-J" a»! 111 r, The “0.8: L." Menthol i’laste STAPLmN.â€"0n 8th con. Wbltchurch Wednesday Jan. 13th.}teb‘1ca, rel- iet o.‘ the late Robert gtaploton. in her 76th year. Funeral to'morrow (Friday)at 10.80 a in. to the Bloom- ingto‘u Cemetery. liitrd'i Liiiml for tile 01unth Chllslmai Groceries and Fruit: Lemons. Oranges Dates. Figs. Can ides. all at Bottom Prices. w. A. CLARKï¬ Telephone Store ‘ opp. the Market, Stouli'ville I r nil-v...“ .. m...