or the Wnivchnrcb Azrku My has been ï¬oslponed 11 next. Jnn‘,2lsr. “59?. Wk held It (he MluiiOD Houï¬ A full nueudsnce of III npecinllv requeued. u business will be discussed mt John Laxnugh uh“? in H): w'ay Mllnsion House a! 2 p. m. :ndsnce of I†interested in "queued, as important ill be discussed. Funds} morning: nnss~ [will be held in the arch. and in the evening will be held in Mine, mm: for the evenmg Maclaren. 0.0., and D_ â€"'I‘he annua hurch Azrkulcl *n Monday em hold a monster be Metropolitan anon mpt‘ secretary, of ington White delivered by ‘ the Rev. in thy Met addrenea wil ngn ing the ouels Ind as the ageregnttfbr such accounts is considerable and we are in 'lhe Iar- need†mouayahi-k'will oblige us rf mison- much by Mung; naming u soon as Toronto, possible. Quite I number have al- Mclhodiu ready responded “.1 m. I-nnld m... .- 'ery. yo‘ lnr n)- :untiv Ont .uuun u] ï¬lling.- serum: :5 800B 38 possible. Quite I number have al- idilt rend] reanonded 1nd we would like to day .hra: from the others. ~. n (0, unaulnulfl or nurse nexus. '1 how were of the kind made when a man is meas ured for a new but. “What do you think of these?" asked the judge. "I ‘ should say that the possessora oi such shaped heads were nhnormaiiy morbid I replied the expert. The diagrams rep. resented the bends of W. H. Vanderbilt Senator David B, Hill and of the judge presidiug at that particular trial, Naw LAUNDRY- Messrs Svpher and Sfover have opened up the Crystal Hand Laundry in the Allen Block oppoeltu the Queen's Hotel. Thay will endeavor to the best of their ability by firsrxlaao work to glve good satisfaction 8nd have for that purpose engaged a thorough!y experienced person. We believe in encouraging home edternrlre and bespeak for them the support of the town. Encourage lhcm bv lily'ral orders. We have sincv Jan 13: been mail- mg accounts to a number of friends who are indebted to us in Eli-rm“ amâ€" which might well apply In Ayn": Smaanmillaâ€"I-tho mosh cflicient aml suicnt iï¬c blood-puriï¬er ever ofl'erad lo aufl'uring 'thmnnilv. Nothing but. superior merit keeps it. so long .1. Lhe from. LECTUka.â€"In S'ouffville by Rev. Mr. Eaton. 0! Toronto. on lhef £91211 9! the Common People,“ which in fast Incoming the burning qucs‘lon of the day. Further announcement win he given later for the murdvr of John A Strathy. of Burria. has been commuted to life Thisia an age of xmmunicatiau to be found rlumn.. ~ “01d. vet. ever new. Aim] QEOPLE'S Puma Emék c EX 0"“ ‘t ever new, a'n-l :Iimple and ar,"ginas the poet. m words up well apply In Ayn": Plum Suï¬ f‘Decializath‘mT s-rv branch of in craninlogv the success of shouldrend the JEWELLER in another d olothin akin. vixlle ; Revs. G. n audT Â¥ :3 Henve l )[ Aginc n way-.. I work. u onto.‘ , c This 61 intense“: K Hm nun-«n This {nominee to bé one of the moat interacting oonvnflous ever held bv the association it we are to judge by the all.i ommt questions to be dis- cussed én ‘he ability or the gentle man w re to take the lead in un- folding'them. Every person has an lunnrd’s Liniwnl (lures Bum. etc lommg them. Every person has an interem| in it and :nav\ they show it by their prï¬eaence at the difl'erenuesaions‘ A1! are ‘condlallv welcome‘ licks and out do! red the ‘d . . 0 pulled a â€i In its W M dis: audT W; Plckutt, \ Heavewy Pattern b3 Aginc N, and nddre evening, Mr. M. Flint will “Address of Welcome." whic replied to by Mr. Chas Rec Markham. wlllgive an ad "Child salvation." Rev. Li; B. A,. 3 Th.. Lindsay. will “Our Sunday Schools and lulure." Friday morning. J Stevununn.Unionville. suhjecL'I‘O what axle: dendmlumional man-hi: AN L CONVENTIONâ€" hamwnship S. S‘ A9300 mue :‘Yn nununl Convnulinu thod gt Church.‘ Stoufl‘ril and Eridav Jan. 2M: and It Presiflent H. B. Rersor. will take lhu chair. On forenonn Rev. P. C, Camer‘ Stonllvil'e, will deliver on "Should wn Imm- - on "Should we have reli ing In our yublic schools?‘ On Thursday after: ()1 Flint. Sloufl'vllle. will spv Classes and their utility" um . um numerous. game is Incroan ing oullrxgpnd domestic animals are mole ed 1318 'ofmh. rats aru increasing in theï¬cana and ticks are diminishing. The dynaaty or the mongoose Is wan- ing. the cause hn’wnrn- k of Jamaica. In recent mongoose has been found in:- from altacks of the lie of birds and reptiles subpc been extenninaled have The most striking clmnga the abundance or the! ï¬n; rece [Iv supposed extinct, are olnumnroua. game Won tie for? the turn â€Jr-ï¬n in»! the uno or the RIFIICEE sufleren from imported putt dun-Int tho Int qunrtu of n century ha been huh-la. Ta rid the Inland of the black and brown nu that were destroying the aux-r cane Ind other cropl. the mongoou "8 brought from indln in 1872. The teluit was disastrous. The mongoose mpltipiied with frightful npidity, da- at axing the nts. then praying upon Do _nd eVeu pigs, lambs Ind p pies. ind [apparently twinâ€"mln-O on will: to whlch'lmlve nlremv am in“ and}: la ï¬le provlnoe ol the pm: to Who: out and um: ‘ln “11.1101!“ everflblnz thnt ls 309d and noble it human nature. .‘Tha Tnxnuni‘ah hm and wlll éonllnue to have for Its high an nlm the beneï¬ting,“ the commun- lty mentally And morilly and wlll d( in best to satisfy liq readers consist sully wlth Hulk. juhlleo and honesty. Sund-y ln u’wn n on!) swarming on cattle. minga plague to th-v hnma these with tho mnnz-ws ng bald tbs ï¬eld in tha slur a for snpmmncy. A new n One Of the Mr pies. 1nd [apparanl'y excel-1 the birds. wllh thy harmless snakes thnc'had ken: down a and other troublesome inseu hull Euerdor finned the B'mnbmiug Sunday School Mr.F.S Spence, or hr rut/n fllncl my 0! the mongoose Is wan cause however. being un Raluey. or Uxbrldze spent Hinton its dutructlon chum-r a disappaunoo or the r: will deliver an address Vulcpme." which will be Mr. Chas. Reed. M. A. ll give an address, on ion." Rev. L†L. Huson is now mtor. A: a rule men' n m! i am hlgher than it I an ulremv utl. In ï¬le province 0! the prm :aud mum in “much; that In good and noble in ire. {The Tnxmmi‘n had ullnue to have [or III! high- um, Willmvdaiv. Thr rn by Rev J A Brown M. Flint will give l'rult and teaching Buyoutâ€"Th9 dav Iu ralv. roads solid and the B to 20:. chicken! M to c. m 70. has“ tone “be black and brown destrovlnz the angu- cropl. the mongoose “l'fl ’rlces were :hing be inrmdum-C t0l3.‘ 0n Fin-din all )ubleaome insects. II .aud vegetnbfea and former magma ol ‘Irovmz the anzlr opl. the mongoose Indium 1872. The run. The mongoose ghtful npldity, da- n [ha strange bat- A' new phase in reported bv Prof. :or nl the museum subposad l have n-nn religious mach Mtoth ‘mn Mr. Gun. spunk on “Home llv". Thursdnv :linn in the Mo'- ï¬â€˜ril u,Thuradnv nd ,22end inst sor. Markham. On Thursday ‘meron. B. A.‘ Ill du will speak on and Canadn’a r12. Rcv. F w. Imp: down Ihn B |'"nppeared. {a News to be round lizard, 3*. but snakus Th The Mark- intinn will extermlnnc {the land 3 ' l: the man 5 and butter llc )uvil's School mum Iths but b1 suffer- quarter |. To ‘peclea huva of thy mound have the hllda from fly And I B. B. A very mndnouï¬ turn out for ssle cheapâ€"A pair of through bred Impnrted Welsh ponies with Big flames and all complemvery chap it sold this week Spoflord 8500. ï¬rst ï¬nd Mania“, the second magnllud star 1n the snout or Cetus. Tm: :la.‘ forms with the Plelndes and the par of stars In the head of Arlen I. ulangll with nearly equal sldeq. To the rlgh or Menkn: is a noun at three um 0.: shown on the nlnnlwhete. The mlud dle one of these is Gamma Ceu. of UM thlrd munltude. The lowermost, 01 the fourth magnitude. la Delta Cell Thls star Delta ls almost exactly rnld- die one of these is Gamma Ceu. of the third munitude. The lowermost, of the fourth magnitude. in Delta Cetl. This star Delta is almost exactly mid- wav between Menku and Mira. With an open: gins: a small triangle of seventh magnitude stars may be seen in the spot here indicated. Min. will make its appearance at the centre of this trinncle. Keep a watch upon iL lu Iln 8h. [- th- lou {mil-h Vulaul â€an. The prflncimlgblaa of WK:- nut-Mfg. om- vonng people have been doing; his little skuluz. This yeu‘howm, avury person bu “lute; and verxlugo crowds usembl every evening on: Mr Wlddmeld’e pond. The sun by‘xhe ï¬re on shore furnish a very thaw-bio reallng , ' -d her sister Rum. ‘ been vhlling their ‘ eld. . ‘ Johnson In vety‘ 11'. _W0 l_u «*1 v noon ncoyn‘ The W‘ ‘7 z» . a: Mrs Prynea wu {.ng he wk wall nnonded. W9 undoï¬und nu oyuer supper at B mdlflelde [13M next The fluut‘mcnlion Table on the market. km payloiuspcctiz. t of fumimm eve; 1:; Prices 0311'!- be $L96 = Woven vile lï¬dn 3t $1.25 â€if mMpholsm-ed in plcsh Good bird-6T bedstcada. 4; ft high lam VICT‘JR EXTENSlflN TABLE F! â€In Fe . ï¬gam 'Dnum s, BURKHOLDER MIRA, THE WONDERFJJL. â€E t of fancy ‘ upholslen which may 1: 1: air of m. lune our Hm elknh I)" um \ kholder, IL ' 'ain St. Stou â€on hand the Gar! All Illa V° "" _ Choi Is van" Ed]; ncoyer. VH‘)’ Wynn Best, mended. Ovpr lle limd'a Lininnt for sale eyerywhm talks with peopIewe meet. bv Flilh Feulon (the edllar). is especiallyfï¬mr- Mung; "Flllh Hm rumovea ount- Ilns."by Clifl'ord Smith, and : nn'mber of other atoflga bv favorite authors Ippoar in this number. Subscription price : dollar a year. The TRIBUNE and the CANADIAN HOME JOUR_ NAL for 1897 for 81. 50. STAPLETON.â€"-0n 8": con. Whitchurch Wednesdny Jan. 13m. Relates, rel- lct o.‘ {be late Robert Sta‘pleton. in her 75th yen. Funenl to-morrow woman. Arno Inhions in ever: by 'be leaders 01 chapter on Palm household The January number of the CANA DIAN HOME JOURNAL contaim many brl We draw upon the resourc thing that. will contribute to Having bought our | Can sell you very choi4 We have a nice assoz ï¬ne ones. they can have can Oran re large and \ in the Va encia Omnm (Fridny) II 10.30 a. m. to the Bloom lumen-Cemetery. cnxdies at 50.50? lb. for Xmas. IValnuti A Nuts, A quantity of ï¬ne Holly (well berried) And don' t {org date, so ï¬ll up your 00MB ALI; To Wweep away dull uregml and If they do not swoop mm} 3110 ervthév are Choice of hundreds of Hundreds of linen coll Also nearly: ILOQ pigces Stock wc Odd Shirts, Soiled shirts worth $1 00 an Caps for DOS and Men worth from 30 t Braces wort 25 to 300 go at 13c each Don' t. forget that this stock must be Var); good heavy'Brooï¬ls only 5( Best Uld Brown Windsor Soap Over 300 remnants of cashmeres Orang( Choice Inspect our stock and buy your Childrens .‘ Boys' and Boys' and 1 very wi( Choice Valinciu. Oranges antlj‘emons {01 Real Good Brooms at 50. each. Our 10c Our 10c. boxes of ï¬gs 50. Real good Ca Our Brown Windsor Soap at lc. a cake, j CO mfort Soap. Eclipse Soap. Dingmans 1 Boys’ and Men’s Caps 100. each; Boys' and Men's Ties 5c. each; Boys' and Men's Suits 83 each; CANDIES )SC Pnlmislry books. Ih‘ III bv_ we‘ ht th Arnor Ive large and very 5w 1 encia Orange at 15c )rm ley : and I A Big Slashing art the Monkhouse Stock in Our Mammoth Store. mm 25 to 300 go in [30 each . forget that this stock must be turn want at Stock-Taking time s‘o away" lg§ only wm Bar DEATH Men's 5UILS Suits $1.50 Men’s Twec Men's Frieg 1e heavy sk gdn notes of pictures Huge. and the I known writers: meet, bv Faith m( In. Wishing: You all 1801‘ Soap at. lclipse Soap. Caps 100. e Ties 5c. euc- lll ults .50 at. our presentatien sale cl ticket and get your prize IC( mu 1s" m AMERY LEMQNS )l II ties worth fr 11‘s, odd sizes of tweeds. n THIS BIG SALE T( PASTRY 43v >rn 1 in 1:1 ‘F’f CHANGES your leiu, Mine: and Full Kid. Dougoh, .nd ‘ Baum: or hoe. Save an lug hero. Lemons. Our. idea. I" u 80: ‘l‘elepnone stox opp. the Market, Stouffville TELEPHONE SEUHE berw Christmas Groceries and Frni Wll will Men’s Bov’s and youth , ' All Sizes rtm 19 direct rr‘ It Ill 111V zoods Our 10c. mixed ca good Canned Corr 1 cake, just imagin Swï¬ï¬ewdl. (3:; QUE mtlin 34ml: m 20 to 400. worth from 15 mtling. sultin )V W. A. CLARK W 1110"! ‘untrv'on Morsesl\Vbitc ( 1 dazen'eakes. ,silks,plushes and v Ill THE WV 5 ew pure, e ply you wi 40‘ nPr “I Kl! tht Wal 1 Lemons very ï¬ne SW SPOFFORD CO 1t M u t: lIitV l‘lliIS ‘nnned ‘Coin per can 511 VET"???- 11 Liver Ills The “D.L W“%Q 9‘! “Q doz