(-n, ludmld, Duidm l huh“, “BRIETERS. IOLICITORS, inTuvxï¬sTos I In mum - 031 Monev' to Loan KW. L. D. S. IIIS‘OI HOUSE, STIUFWlLLE .touhille. Ont: mm mammal. LL 3.. Barri-hr. loud†To.» bug'- Block. " a nd RummaIâ€"Church Stu villa. ï¬rst house south of the 11111111111 1111.3 um. IALLOV. _I. A.. Horn“: Puuxc, m. 5 A ([0de 8L. IL (corn-r Victorll SI nto, Ind Main Sh, Sloufl’ville. RE Q. C. - W. MACDONALD 0503!. LA. PATIBBON. ‘zEYE. EAR. NOSE “I THROAT onlv. H. E. SMITH I. TOISOIIIL PAIL" i-‘é bx. EuBrDRIBSIHG. ETERINARY. MFJICAL 'i. A. 03AM] DENTAL“ BUTTON. max auwsox-. annual-300‘ , uni-Ian 0. 3-3-2. on 3 clinic â€""ah¢non «I. g I no: of Come of Dentin"? in [Onurio (residues 597 v. . Tomnw’s will "lâ€ll _ SHAY ,4 y,f 2V5)" uoNTII graduate of Royal Cones: ~onn. honor gnduateflfog: ;unj 3- AUGUST. 1890 .p “meat. (or the 20‘ fl MONTH FOL- IONEK JOISOIIIL- "HUI , andllJlllm'h“ i†no I: the MANSION .zrmflville. (I1 fl“ 3.316- All Wm FBEEL so». Con-mum In sum to. inc-Bl“- [nun-“mud piwwmâ€" A! ‘RTIBTS- [ah Emu. qua-i Hi? “union [inn mno dondllrv- All mad-aw. C own It Bolvh will hand. 1 Proud!“ Tax-onto. TIC-h mls by lit up!“ THE 0N- IONEER Haskell nfl'vill: 8|ch IMF- flï¬nml Broker math $ande12$ _Bugdg 5.1-0 SPERCENT And taken for collection. Drafts Issued on the Imperial Bank Ind its Branches. and on all points 1!: Canada and the United States. Stalk Williamson VBRHERS Haley's Block, SALE and FARM NOTES GASHED 4 per Cent per annum interesh‘ on depoeita. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"10 a. m‘ m, Saturdays IO 3. m. 201 p‘ "105. WILLIIISOI. Clearing ‘ OUT Now is the Time For a manual; um. um: MONEY'TO LOAN Wheat is up! .Gmlly reducer! rates in I“ kinda of Pbobngnplu for the next. few weekl. Coma along at once u the reduction will nag 1m long. . ‘ . - _. ‘0 n. :4 Be lure and see the Platinum Finishâ€" the latest, thing cub. . . FallwnWinter Notes collected: at Lowest Rates. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Interest allowed on deposits. Con-ulting Mun-gar. mania . ‘J. DALEY, Marchint '1‘ alloi ion-lending 33mm tho ludopend an. Order mun. TWEEDS 'mAHCLLL On good secumy‘ u .Unnd to Run m’L‘J‘A‘Gm you {life Insurance Company SNAP. MERTENS’ STUDIO J; ‘A. Todd, 5" 1UFFIILLE Photos are W5 J. STIRK are Down â€"-BU1‘â€" ‘lusinou Mnunger. @469} Stunï¬ville allowed to3p Tfl’kes very great pleasure in wishin all his custom- s a Very Happy and Prosperous ew. Year, and , ' 31.11: he asks in return is a share of your patron- " age to make his New Year. a Happy and Prosperous“ one too. ‘( Call and see our Furs; Call and see our Men’ 3 and Boys’ Overcoats Also our ready to wear Clothing; And Ladies’ Mantles all at clearing prices See our Men’s Heavyr;Rubbers and Box, also our Four Buckle Felt Boots, Over-shoes and Lined Rubbers, Ladies Overshoes, Storm Front, Rubbers Lined Rubbers and our immense stock of Boots Shoes of all kinds to choose from. A full line of Groceries always on hand including Dates, Figs, Nuts, Candies, c. No’C d or Cough too severe to yield the cumi a power of Dr. Wood's 5 way pin, _u_l . A Big†i'ï¬t‘fle at Spoï¬'ord'a Cu. uom mencing at 9 a. 111. Saturday dont miss it» See ad on other page. Saturday la the [all day at the Monkhouse Bankrupt Stock "80 miss it not" As you can buy cheap. cold which settled on their lungt. and in a abort. time they were beyond the «lull of the beat phvaician. Had they used Blcklea Anll-Conlumptivo Syrun. before lo we: too lata,thelr liven would' hnve been npered. Tbi: modicinehu no equal for curing uouuhl colds and all nfl’cctiona of the throne. Ind On Mend-y morning of last wenk Geo. E. Reeaor. manager of Locust Hill Creamery whilegoing down stairs to the basement of the creamery slip- ped and fell to the bottom hronklnz his right arm just below the elbow and also dielcculnz the elbow joint. A peculiar Inc! has come to the knowledge or the Devan-Imam of Marine and Fisheries in onnection with a shipment of lake trout which were sent to New Zenlnnd Home years ago from Canada. I: was found that. the ï¬sh. lnelead of remaining in the rivers. drifted down to the ‘eu, and [here grew to the weight of 15 or 16 pounds. Ems,“ maximâ€"Lawyer Knapp, of Prescott, 0nt., _ was receptly st Ottawa exhibiting his invention for chespenlngocesn steam transportation Although I somewhat similar inven- tion hss already bee , potented in rFrsnce. Mr. Knsbp's id 'is rsaicaliy new, even as regards the French stru- cinre. He clslms that his vessel will cross the ocean st s speed of 60 miles an hour. which moons one day from Labrador to Ireland. The vessel will not use as much cool es the Compsui. and will go three times as feet. There will be double} or treble the passenger accommodation for the some length of vessel. There will be no see sickness: wreck is simost impossible. He expects to hsye his model ready for s prseticf- sl test next summer and has on emin- ent engineer of Buff-lo already a: work on it, That-e is dungl Manv Who have their troubles in lunu‘ Ex-Warden Donald Stephenson. of En: Toronto, died at hls home on Frl- day l t. I: will be remembered the: la the ill of 1894‘ Mr. Stephenson. becflm ï¬nancially Involved fled to the Un t d S tea. Hls fllzht produced a grand“ @011 and hls credltors had to conch t emrelves wlth a. very few cents a dol{ar. "His death was cause y heart failure brcughc on by ment‘l mlsery. He was 62 years 01 1. and he'd led an active business llre.but unfortunate speculstlons In real estate brought on flnenusl’ ruin. LOCALw Imls 111B 'ï¬REï¬â€˜f Bï¬Rï¬ï¬lfl H0083 BNUFFVILLE. ï¬tnnffmllflm @tilb um. er in neglecting .I {H4 BOOTS 6s SHOES L; E. Pmammsg TRY OUR TEAS '. E. PERKINS. ptiou .ll‘ on'ï¬mo. THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1897 ,I It ‘ld Miriam Unimm Gum Dudrufl. l The um mmng offCountv Council will be held on Tueodu', Jun 26th Ins: The Boon hue completed I bill of Indemnity Against the Brim]: Governâ€" ment Imoumluz to $10,000,000!“ the Jlmeson nld. Vuhhlo Appetile Ind itchinï¬ no sign of worml. Dr. Lou'- Wonn Syrup is has There seeml‘ 10' be I dimculw In determining from the stunts whether county wardens Ira to hold ofï¬ce for two years or only one And it bu been decidagln inu-rview Premier Hurdy with lha viqw of hnvlnz In nmendmont to the Act passed to remove the doubt. Gun Hmu Sermonâ€"In another col- umn wlll ha found I. communication from tho Mnrklnm ngh School Board wblch will be of interest to all cancer- ned in the school. and enpeolllly to 'he run-pave†of the village of Mull:- ham. "The greater its success. the loss In taxes it will cost Him-luau). A NEW INDUSTRY. Compnnv has beun‘rr future Proprietary Markham The Com the premises !‘ J.Urquhuv. or ï¬tting it up w Compnnv has beun‘ror to unnu- faclure Proprietorv Medicine: in Markham The Comp-lav have land the premises formerly occupied bv Mr, J.Urquhuv. on Main St.. and purpose ï¬tting it up with all lhu modem imâ€" provement: lor that object. The newly formud Company It a vow strong one the «pill! stock. I“ plld "up. being $25.00!), Mr. W. Douglas. ol'DouglnI A NEW Innusrnv.â€"A2Joiut Stock Higgml. is the solicit prevent. Mart-in Mart-in 00.. 1011.. writes: A box of l’nrmelao'n Pill- the but. modiclnn for In have ever mod. On Sunday evenlnz Chief Constable Patch rmlvod a. telephone manage from Toronto Junctlon uklng hlm to be on the lookout for two, boys, John Bryce sud Edward Iv-slon. who had taken; horse and wogzon the evening prevlous belonging to Bryce's {other and run “my. Shortly merwsrds tho hove and rig drove down Yougo stroet and the chlal gnvo chose And captured them About a mlle south and brou ht them back. thor In the evening vulou‘s father Irrlvod wlch another n2 Ind took the boys hack to the Junctlon Evldantly the boys had been tending dlmo novels Ind had phoned I plrstlul expodltlon. ' The wsggon contuned A number of clubs. some old llnen to make I. tent, _ two shovels. I pollcemnn's baton, two In. terns. coal all. a butcher knife sud saver-l other Articles. No doubt the boys are somewhat what now and will not bespt to run any from home spine-Bonner. ’ THE GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE . (ï¬nd them md Ague I Shoal I Ten old momban or the Counlv Council In this county were re-elocced, vlz: Noam S. Banker. Dwidlon.Eum High. W11. Juhnlon. Norm-n Pug- lay. Ramadan, Roan! And ‘Woodcock. Thou elected who were nor in lul yur‘s council no: Messrs Humor. Bnlrd. Bull. Chester. Fuller. Gibson Hall nnd S tckeo. localltv. J. BRA! Flour feed 3nd Boot shoe Busines. this ilngoodchlnce {on live Iran to purchase I good going Business. Prepnntlom wlll noon call once for the celebnzlon of the Queen‘n inmond Jublloe In honor of her vervlo rclgn I: la upecled {but the Emperor of Ger mnny and tho Czar of “,Russia wlll be there And um underlhe grandmother's roof the mlnunderau ndlnz between {hm hm polenmtes will b-o nmlcsbly ndjuated. such a: Hy-I ginï¬loeple-n A! I. meetlng of the Tnlfl Commisâ€" Ilonera nt Brockvllle an Fridev lut Fred L. Moore. A honey producer. thought the: the tarifl’ on this u'tlcl.a wee ell right. He thought thlt lll;th° hoï¬ov should be labelled with the pro- dueet'n nlmo Ind Iyatematlullv enllv: ed to detect ndultentlon. ‘He thought thlt Clnldl could produce forty mlll- lon doling worth per ennum, Ind thlt lt wee more proï¬table than dnlrylng. New Bur-run FACTORYâ€"OI} Rich- mond srreet. Toronto is whst.(or wen; at s more spproprlnte unmeï¬night he celled n butter l‘sctory. .By onus of mechluery it converts the re ltest old ‘ rnncld butter into whl ppenrs u the ‘ choicest and sveets nrtiele. This is shipped to tilt butter, alchemist. who strslghtwsy ‘ oduces the sweet golden sppetiser to Es tune o! s thounnd pounds I dsy. The wonderiul process is known to only three erJour persons in America. The secret is jeslously zusrded end no one is sllowed to enter the chnmher of mysteries on Richmond street. The modns openndl,spesklng in New terms is as follows. .Tne old vile butter is ï¬rst bested red not end converted into oil. The oil ls put through I blsst sud tells. into s yet like e smell snow storm. Alter being exposed tn the air [or some time it is churned into sweet milk or buttermilk No chemicals are used whsteyer. The process will not I work during the wnrm seuon ol the year, June July Ind August. At present things are in full swing sud greet quantities are being exported to Englsnd, To Ramaâ€"Choice of 8 house: Denna: the 1: 1‘1 H A W nnbl‘ ‘I t]: Dentist, 0! Toronto, was In he in the Mludon House, St( professionally lo dAv. And that cued will temember lhu he dues here ure (be second 'lhu such month. All work done malt modern Ind npproved 11 And every aflon ill] be taken onllm utlsucclo n. A very lundlone turn outlet sale chapâ€"A pnlr of through. bred lmpartod Welsh ponies wills? Rig Elm“ tnd all complohemerv cheap it sold this week Spoflon‘l Co. For Hmdwhe. Con-tipnion. Kilian-ne- anu HnnLD AND Wasnv Sumâ€"The following is wbu the proprletomfthe Klncudlne Review hulo In about": popnlnrny: ‘We send the anllv Harald wd Weekly Slur lurk-nu nanny slbacrlbena and chmllmesu much money I8 all other newspnpon cbmbined. In In: no other newspaper mm to be “in It.“ ' ihlve Iold tnnden; hnn imm my note. M u I k n- I ought to know who II wonwful medicine. No other nmady cure- Bumm plnine Dilnhon. Dynnury. promptly and quiet.- pin ooqnickl; Foiler': EM 0! Wild Shwbu .h I Docket doctor lot nourish, The 0: tun Free Fuel for the statement that :h‘ nlce summer two or three Approaching had I} doz. ( freeze . e proch Mr. E Kan-u And (he a of had. in gun: dollln In acre 0 am, render It i Ewing ma Adu‘s Kroc 8818,0485 the bulk Dunn-av. -Mra plea tax or the cal cues h l money inrthnt purpoee. Furthermore it he become impossible to enforce the in" end pnullh crime. A stete luv require. that every men who bu served on the H ebell be able to any that be bu Id tor-med en opinion. The prisoner must also be tried in the county where the crime is committed. In counties where there are but two hundred voter: it in impoaaibie to ebteln twelve men who have not ex preeeed In opinion one my or mother about every crime. As A result. sev erel murderers bnve been permitted to go free because 0 the inability of the nuthoritiea to empenel juries to try them. It is necemry either to coulolidnte the countien. as proposed, or permit them to lepee into 2“!“ch- eo fhr es en orderly edminiatntlou {oi their eflnire is concerned. linud'l Lin-at for stlt twywlm. d1 You! very sincerely an Damn» K25 deb xpecu qnl ha been I forth“ vu Ought u: Know B. B. b l5 yo mm ?Â¥|Great 5th few :easarv .20 in the n WHOLE NUMBER $§é§lJOHN BRAYS Chem Glassesthat Obi Chat “EM M SAUSAGES. 115A!) MILLiNERY FRESH AND SALT MEA Issurer o! Mar-flag: L Dress=flakins EMARKET DRUG m G. comb, wTO ALL The Old Reliable G. H. KEMP J BAKER: TRUSSES ALL RISH STOUFFVILLE :‘rent 5 THAT SHALI NOT BE BEATEN. AT Cut