Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 14 Jan 1897, p. 9

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I“ m or In 3 var. notation of lmnndbomiu 2h #Mn the g‘ , In yin-ling m film In be no Mull-B 1n: TABIFF co .‘m If Good lwoMun-II. I- me o! the be" fig”. ._Ind. He ha- puc- FIRE-PROOF BAN DAGES LINIMENT .u-BFST AD 1:! fell upon the ah: the popping :pllc sumry m mtredueed a ter the death of President Gu- ‘he original Ides was to km All as and microbes In an open-anon by mean: or atmng disintecuns a. such as catholic acid or bl- o- mercury. All m- tried on under s 5pm or uh soluuonn unul the ml 0 poison hem-ewes by too the n his Ianâ€"Chicago dear, I was wondering what |er will say when I ask hlm ‘2 whole act last mnllng Eu ] nu-ndad in: [Ind by Burg-on- 3.- ln Quickly Putin-d. :finlnahlp for my mgenuny of W11?“ 3 am last night after 1 sure he will reflect son: when you speak of 01mph. m benSme his wt . g Ind ’sat In silence. x to my unyxhlng, so mines Ll haying st fondest dream of his his race; mum-to lies. became clouded. hy Flux- vIMISSION mlue than all nntry ooyored :1 u‘ nsw Em: und that If they tents and dress- vhse wlth the "antiseptic pra- Ly or Instrument in devising new ,auaeus. ‘nla nné Dolled axed ln ovens. ed ls purified the plmfi ot- Mr except a 1' champagne mean '1! Howl- - a. great mg drunâ€" filled Found“ last. A ‘iver pill (but in umnll mid uni-o, thu cts gently. quickly and thoroughly. ”I“ does not gripe. Linn-Liver Pill: poucu the-e quslitien. being composed of Itriclly ogehble Inntive and liver medicinel. uni are A sure can [or Liver Constipation, Sick Hendnche. etc A Minavd’s Lininnm Uum Bum. ole. Markham, January 4th, ’97 By inserting in your vglunble paper it will much oblige. payin‘ trons] l possible that the village be called upon to ply any more than is necessary to ply the balance required to educate its own pupilu, and it is justan inposeiblo am. the runny can be ulled upon to pay the Imount more or loss than the proportion f the balance necessary to educate in own pupils. That. is as plain in the school laws as that two and two make four. We are apenking of the mainten- ance of the school â€"we ere speaking of the current expenses. very healtl’y financial condition, with which every citizen 0! Markham Ihould be more than satisfied. V , It is asserted that the Board has been extravagant and sfluandemd money. This we must emphatically deny. If those who make such ashertiona know anything of the facts they would talk otherwise. The Board has not spent ona dollar with- out getting full \‘alue for it, or made nne improvement that was not Absolutely needed. The fences.” in well known, have been in a dilapidated condition for yuan-3'. The rails were so rotten that they would not hold the nails and the Nun as to the school’s present finan; cial condition. The amount levied on Markham village for High School put- polea in 1895 was .500. On the lat of January 1896 there was in the treasury $755.09. The levy in 1896 was 8240.> yet, notmthatanqing this small tax on the village the Board was enabled to pay all ordinary current expenses and to make nearly $800 worth of permanent. substantial improvements. and they have on hand a balance of about 8700 to Itart' with in 1897. Thu not only‘ hare the taxes asked from the village been reduc- ed in 1896 by 8280, and $600 extra irn- provementa made. but the balance in almost the same at the end as at the beginning of the year. This shows a To tho Editor «I m Tynan. Singâ€"A good deal in said about the expenses or touching the pupils of Mark- ham High Seh‘bol. It is oftun said thst the village is paying for tho odumtiun of the county pupils. This is not the use. The county pays the expense of the edu- ation of its own people in fees Ind grants. The villege pays the expense of the education of its own pupils in fees Ind grants. There are three parties who supportthe High School. 1st. The Government by a grant and "he expenses of inspect! m. etc. 2nd The County, end 31!]. The village. The balance of the expenses after the government grants is borne by the coun- ty and tb village in ' proportion to the number of pupils that come from the connty and the village. respectively. I‘hie proportion is adjusted every three years on the avenge attenaimee. and the avenge expenses of the echobl lor the three oreviuus years. The shsi‘e elotted to the county'at. the sdjuauneut in 1893 was $814.64. At m adjustmenc‘in 1896 it was 81076.75. Thin'iu the sum the county pays annually in addition to the fees from the county pupils. If the ad- Juatmont IB just and equitable, it. in im- MARKHAM HIGH SCHOOL were so far gone that the fence had propped up in several places. It WM. Roux, Chin-man. Wu. Fume, Secretary (ntxrh is ncombitutioul Ind disease r4 quire-I Ac )nsllcitunioml rémaJylika Ho bd'; Snrsnpuilln, which purifies the blcmL used but eight signals. the latter: being produced by combinations. The current of elactricity transmitting the message can be relayed. and in this manner the invention can be operated for great, disâ€" tances. When completed, Dr. Rowland onyx. the now inatrument will be M con- venient, and as easily_ operated as the ordinary tolegmphié despabcliing and receiving apparatus. ,. and hm’ mic The multiplex printing tulegraph'iu- Vention by Professor Henry A. Rowland. of the John Hopkins Univelsilty. inbout ready for commercial use. Dr. lbowlnnd is at perfecting the invention and expects in a short time to exhibit the instrument. By tlw instrument an operator can trans- PRINTING TELEGRAPJQ'MACHINE 'Moved by ’N. Grieve. seconded by Jan. Hopkim that we do now adjourn to meet Igain on the first Sammy in January 1998 at the Queen’s Hotel.â€"Carriod ': ‘ Jacob Burkhulder yovod by Jnmoa Dougherty socnndad by W.Roynolds that the Secrehryrmive the Bum of 85.00 for his services durinv the put yearnâ€"Curried. After a grand discumon by a number of the members for the good of society, the election of ofliicenwu then proceeded with and resulted as follows: Minutes of the but mulu meeting way then callnd for and read by the nec‘ rotary. Moved '1», James Dongherty socondod by Jun. Baker t t. the minutes of thalut regular meetin’g’ an read by the Secretary b0 Ldtphd.â€"Cnrfiod. . The Treasurer theu'rud hin report for the year which showed that. novel: now members hnd been oddad to the member- ship roll. The expenses being $7.60 Ind titer deducting the nuns from cash on hand there still remained I surplul of 64.5.80 to be harried into Account of 1897. Moved by Wm. Reynolds seconded by J. Burkholdur that the Treasurer’s report. bo‘tdopbed.â€"Cnrried. committea‘ Quinn’s Horn. Stoufl'villo, Jon. 2, 18%. Tho regulu' Annull meeting ol Shuf- ville Association fa the Apprehension and Conviction of Felon: In: held of. the above duh: And place. The Proficient, Mr. J. J. Ruin the choir. The meet.- .ing Ins opened by u speech from the Mdlnt, who went over the ym‘ufiworh' done by the society And oongntuhtod (he President .‘ James J. R.» Vice Preaident Jno. L. Baker Secretary A. S. Leauey Treasurer W. J. Stark Committee of Mnnngemant J Hoover Hiram Johnson Sangator Jan. Daugherty us. Williamson Wm. Coxworth fins. J. Dougal W. B. Sandor: fiéfiEé'u'r‘fiBfiifi.‘ Lair“? .‘ Worm: .Convulsnonsfmri - ness mdLoss or 5111?. “Manama:- c1519 BIA v‘ \ ' kzmotes Digesfionflurfid- ncss {MMLconmns neither Morphim nor mind; or NAB c or": . 3H§!.m1°299m99 slmflallng unfood andRc uh ling lhzsmmds amiBawe WysbhlEPmayatiearorAs mar COPY!" “AMI. IuSimils Siflnlhflc o! on the few om- hmug'ht before the FELONB ASSOCIATION NEW YORK. comm-n: OFFICE!“ uent an operator can tram written upon :1 typewritc produced in typewritte runny. Secty Outed: I- put I) in nub-m bottlu any. It I- not Iold in bulk. Don't In" nyau to all you uniting du o: the plan at prank. um. n in ”1m to pod" Ind "will mm nay pu- pon." “’8“ an ,0: (u O-A-B-T-O-Bâ€"XJ. u m, BASTBRIA FAC-SlMlLE 3‘ S. Ryclmnn, [X n Sirâ€"I bud n: ulcer-led leg [or four yun. tuned wit‘ doctors Ind- lried I" kindn o! medicinn was cured by two bottle- 0 f Kootenuy Cum John Dow-on. Esq , 78 John St. N.I ' Han ilton. . Munynn.l Nerve Cam in I wonderlul nerve tonic. ”'2: 25¢. hlunvon'u Vlulixer rmwre-x lull. vigor Price '1. A top-nu can for each Iii-cue. At all druvgiau. manly 250, I vial. Prruunnl letter! to Prof. Munyon, H and 13 Albert. SL. Toronw. Inlwered with free media; Advice for In! dine-u. Munyon'n Helhuohe Cur. no in three minutes. Price fie MunyOn'n Pnlo Ointment. you I“ form- 'ol iln Price 25¢ Mlnyon'ugilood Cure endiu puriJu 0! [ha Mood. Price 21 Mimyou'n Femnln Remedies a all women; Munyon'l Asthma chodiu llliflllk‘lllld cures permanently Munyon'n Clurlh Remedie- The (‘4 tan-h Cureâ€"price 25c. Lha discus lrom the Iyskm. II arrh leleuâ€"price- flueâ€"claim the put.- Munydn‘; KTd pain: in the hunk nl kidney diluu‘ Munvon‘u Cough Cure Itop mu. allay: anrenea s, and he lunaa. Price 25¢:V Munyon'u Kidney Cree n Munvon’s Dylpamin Cure pailively cum all form- ol-lndignlion sud Itomuch trouble Price 9.50. Munyon'l Cold Cur. pnvenuu pneumonia :nd bmh up scold inâ€" few honn. Price , _ . '1 I... .u- Toronto. up: "For nineteen Inonllll I Inflated (rum dylpepsi. ‘nd live! cam- phlnt of no tori not. ulun u lob. could. cred incur-bl: by both Renal-ll Ind specinl hyumnl, Ind my 63¢ wu given up u “VIM-- Alu- - short. [re-Imam. by Munyou'n Remediu I found lay-ell entirely free [mm pain And vomiting and I Am this to at well with the exception of a little Ire-km". I he] I: well ms before by trouble begun and cnu cunfidrmly and hill: went. pluium recom‘nm-l Munyou‘n Run edieu to All who In .imilnrlv urn-«Ind edieu to .1! who In ilmilirli «Sci Munyon'otheumn ‘ Cu" told to relieve in one In ”35:1. hours. I in I 'ew dlyl. Price 25¢. BHISIIJL'S SAH’SIPAB’IM. WRAPPER If You Are Sick Ask Your :Drug- gist for Munyon's Guide to Hzalth â€"BUY a zs-Cent Munyun'n Rcm- cdy and Cure Yourself. .. MR? JOHN KIRK LAND. :2 Wu» nu, DOCTOR YOURSELF Bristol’s THAT THE In the Most obstinate Cases Where All Other Remedies THEY . CUBE PRUMPTLY Improved Homoeopathic Remedms Comblnelh'e. flies: In All Systems; MUNYflN’S OF EVERY BOTTLE ‘ Auk your Dmggial 0; Dealer for il NU, SIRSIPIBILLI IT WILL SEE IT IS PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS. nurm Mmetlwl never mill Cureâ€"price 25c.â€"-endicnwn m the Iyakm, Ind ll. Cu prices Elkâ€"claim“ and bu! TAKE SIGNATURE To Cure endicum sll im wntiyelv cum apt-ed“) tum in and all form. utop- headache muboonto reliu'e in 3 Price 61 never Mil. "I11 mun. lily night lie-'- To the establishment and‘are prepared to cut any quantity of shingles on shares or by the bunch. Skingles for sale. Material furnisncu It -required and 'estimntes made. We have good - machinery and are prepared m do fine-class work. Mrs. sash. Blinds. Mouldings. Planing and Matching, c.; Having lately purchasedt establish- ment, formerly owned Park Bros., we are prepared to do all kinds of Blankets Get my nu: belch Office of TIE/MES .239 9125,1533 Bunkers QUEEN, Norwich Union Fire Insurance SHIN GLES. FIRE. *Ins rancs. w. J.Sâ€"TABK We gmndtee to st. knemknockinx. {ormz SHOEING still u SPECIALTY. over by the renown-d ham-bot McGRAyTH All work ‘u'nnwd l‘IoUFFV LLfi ShoeingShop WOOD-WORI{ Welhavc alsojaddcd a Shingle -Machine In-the building line. such as Tin-letting lad bicycle repcirl LEIGH BELLS our NEW MOWER TABLE Opposite Rafiwav Station- COOK BROS . . . .AGENT FOR.. J. BBQWNSBERGEB’S â€"â€"‘â€".\.\'Dâ€""â€" B. E. BEEBE Companies b'=f0"*’IISlII'1IIG ELSEWHERE Stark Williamson .OBE Stoufl‘ville AT a Jand bones inherfl GOR E 5 pocillly ”BEBE 5‘ JOHN Silvester ‘Dougha Remembei‘ that we héndle princi- pally Merid’en and There are none THE MONEY SnleG ____‘_ESTABLISHMENT Toréqnto’ Jobbing ngse TOD'D’s BLOCK‘ West End. Tinsmillling nut] Jobbing promptlygalleudel to and fair prices charged SILVERPLATED The ‘Champion Range, dad over the Pro "nce, Use? the t IN ADD! ENCE hm Toronto Jobbing House Hem HEATERS. STIH'EI AND RANGES WAR DECL’E’ “1847 Rogers 81mg, Goods" Stoufl'ville cériégeW In none better clam: to have a the test here for The Uri/L KORE SHOEING A bPECIAIII‘Y, T E r1113131414 When you want to buy W. Sherdoxvn can you as notwithstanding inter superior quality, they I: 15 YEARS W. H. TODD RFECT B‘AKEB ’e Stove at Pozbu/ar Prices FEATURE Hilde Buggy flor $75. UEE Celebrate 1v STOUFFVILLI AI GOODS TE w} d V'arnl-h TERL

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