The Mammoth Fair Co. Limited. m.unnnununInunnunnanununnnunununnunnA: Our China Department is ï¬lled with bargains in Odd Clearing lines, in Dinner Sets, Tea Sets. Toilet Sets Fancy Novelties. 12 reg $6 ten-piece Toilet Sets $3. 5 ~‘ 3.50 “ . “ “1.75 10 ‘ 5.00 “ ‘ “ ‘ 2. 99 5 regular $10 to $12 ninety- seven piece Dinner Sets for $7.50 Our Dress Department is chucked full of bargains in Odd Dress Lengths and Individual Blouse Lengths. GENTS’ UNDERWEAR. BOYS’ UNDERWEAR. and LADIES’ UNDERWEAR Underwear and Glows ï¬ll Half Price Our Two Large Mammoth Stqresitill closes on Monday, Wednesdav January Biearing Sale! Jackets and Coats $1.75 «l Skirts. all tailor made, at great clearing prices all January 00 to $7.00 Ladies’ handsome tailor made skirts. mum at, $4 m CHINA . ROBES. 13 only Bul- garian Buffalo Robes 6.50, 7.50 and 9.50, regular 8.00, 10.00 and 12.00. which means that all January we will simply sell goods at any reasonable price to reduce our stock before entering into our books on Feb. lst. Remnants, Odd Lines and lines that we have too much of will particularly be sacriï¬ced. MUST BE SOLD. STMK HIS IS THE MONTH we sell all we can to reduce our IN BOTH OUR LARGE STORES, DON‘T FORGET OUR GREAT manufactulers’ prices All January. This month’is certainly the time to buy a stove. kirts. yours Ht $4.00 Our Sewing Machine Depart- ment is a new undertaking with us; but they are pleasing: the people. The Davis mn- chino: is the best in the world. STO'V Special prices on our Sewing Machines all through January and will nlakq payments easy if not able to pay cash down. S’I'OUFF51LLE PILOT. JAN. 21“. 1901. Son!) \\ omen s Fun Coats are selling them ati #10 $2» $30and$40 Nearly 120 Ladies†and Children‘s nev Some 25 Ladies’ *8 to $10 Fur Caperine stack l'One-third' Less than regular value, I, but they all must be sold. \ 90 OverCoats abévTEHE 5 only Men's Fm- Coats $14100, $15.00 and $17.00. LADIES’ CHILDREN’S SKIRTS 2 5 $2.75 Ladies’ Cloth Skirts $1.40 20 5.00 . “ very ï¬ne ‘,‘ 2.75 26 only $6.00 and 6.50 very ï¬ne Cloth Skirts at 4.00 each. «mas-mm 12 only Misses’ $4.00 ï¬ne Cloth Skirts at 2.25. FU R COATS The balance of our handsome fancy g: Beaver and Frieze Overconts at exact!) About 90 Men at and Fridavunt 7 '0 MELHATE TU PR GEI'EBALLY WD 0! ' ‘ "’ LAUGHED AT