'Ihesechangesinfllébodymaybecausedby birth control, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibi- otiw, or cortisone. Toxic metals such as mercu- ry (metal ï¬llings). lad. cadmium, nickel and There are many factors involved in disrupt- ing the balance of good and bad bacteria in the body, and when the Candida wins out doctors all it systemic mndidiasis. It can develop due toachangeoflntesï¬nalPH-theratioofgood andbadfloraisupset-orifanirnmunedys- function or disease is present. “but a practical holistic preach to your hedth issues? E-rnail Sage at healing- foroel79netscape.net. Suae Joyce is a Registered Nutritional ConsultingPractitionei-whowiligiveyoua naturalwsyto deal with your issue. Afteryearsofsuiferingwith arthritis and IRS. Suze found alternative ways to help herselfand will share these and many more. WWhatemctlyisCandidaandhowdoes one get it? Candida or Candidiasis is a yeast that grows out of control. Everyone has candida in the body but it becomes a problem when the yeast or bad bacteria outweighs the good bacteria or flora. Everyone should have about seven pounds of good bacteria in the body. The best ratio is one Candida bacteria to one million good bacteria. Candida is a digestive mold or yeast, a parasite, that feeds off us and eliminates toxic waste. In fact, digestive yeast has been known to also produce over 70 diï¬er- ent toxins. Dog Training 905 640-4588 TIM HOCHACEWICH B. Cow. CLU. CH. F.C., CFP Sewing Stoufï¬n'lle Area Residents Since 1975 FOR SERVICE ADVICE CALL - Puppy Obedience Classes I 0Agility h Q 905-201 -5050 Markham - m.llfesrufl.ca Insurance Company Representative A healthy diet plays a huge role in getting Candida under control as well as a good Candida Cleanse. The emotional connection to Candida is a feeling of being overwhelmed. To assist you with controlling Candida. see a qualiï¬ed health practitioner and simplify your life. Call Healing Force to RSVP for an upcoming seminar on Candida given by Louise Andrews. The lining actually has holes in it allowing Candida to pass through it into the blood- stream. , Symptoms of Candida are persistent bloating and gas, joint and muscle pain. recurring yeast infections, food sensitivities, fatigue, sugar cravings, brain 'fog. bad breath, blurred vision, depression, sinus issues, insomnia, and recur- ring bladder infecï¬bns. Other signs which can be created by Candida are autoimmune issues such as arthritis, Crohn’s and Colitis, diabetes, lupus, MS, Fibromyalgia and skin disorders. Getting Candida underconUol Stress and over-consumption of processed foods such as white sugar and flour put your body over the top. All of these disturb the bal- ance of the flora or bacteria in the body and create dysbiosis Which results in decreased Dysbiosis occurs when the gut lining is dis- turbed due to an imbalance in the PH level of the body and the mucosal lining of the intes- tine becomes damaged leading to “leaky Gut". aluminum make it almost impossible to get rid of Candida (a heavy metal cleanse is required to, get rid of these toxins). .12- Care Share 0 ( 11R|Fr SHOP Mennonite Central Committee Newwa items barn closing, and waiting for Council to ï¬nally make up their collective minds as to what to do with the old town hall, things don't look so good. Even the normally stal- wart pubs are in trouble. Some have had to import underage drinkers and other ne’er- do-wells in an attempt to improve the bot- tom line . Now don’t get the idea that we are alone in this dilemma. Lots of small towns in the country are feeling that particular pinch. and as such are investigating novel ways to a make themselves more attractive to the tran- sient tourist dollar. itstrlkesmeasmostunforumatethatin recent years. successive councils by their action (or inaction. depending on your inter- pretation of said conduct) seem to be hell- bent on doing everything they could to effec- tively kill the old retailing component of downtown 8“)qu By approving all those developments on the periphery of town, and otherwise standing by whilst such people- friendiy services like the Town Hall, grocery stores and other necessary retail establish- ments, and even the Post Ofï¬ce, vacated the downtown. Okay, maybe that last one is not really a "people-friendly" place, but you get my drift Pretty soon if you want to shop in Stouï¬'ville. you won't ever have to go more than a stone’s throw from Hwy 48, and there will soon be no need to come into the town proper. The result, of course, is that even our citi- zens won't have a reason to go downtown anymore, never mind trying to attract tourists who are hopefully bearing wads of cash to dole out to local merchants. With what few attractions we have left , the sales Dear Editor, LETTERS \--'.. I'JSL--- For Instance. [minim wants to ho, Warming-1mm“: conddar Wm mmï¬ubdfllm manootOfldlk mmmm gwwmmm- thephantomaqlmbeut. We are located in the west end of smiï¬ï¬Ã©Eï¬d prepare quality soups, entnees, bread, pies and other baking for your everyday entertaining. - meals and ’REESOE About our Kitchen and Bakery: We are located in the west 9nd of summing “A is one product in a worldwide movement to ensure that producers, such as coffee-growers, receive a fair price for their products. All of our coffee beans, ground coffee and brewed coffees are certiï¬ed fair trade and organic and are roastâ€" ed in Port Perry, Ontario by Cameron's Coffee. Stop in for a small coffee and one of our mufï¬ns to go for $2.00. _Fair Trade Coffee: Fair trade coffee Mufï¬ns: We make our mufï¬ns with a focus on flavour and nutrition. Our Blueberry Lemon Muffins are sweetened with orange juice and the natural flavour of wild blueberriesâ€"no added sugar. 100 Ringwood Du. Stoufhille 2°" mm ‘ â€W the sou side of I): : mmmd’ï¬ï¬‚iï¬'mml'“; i ______ s ggngdqdum' : r'“':.“: 2;»er imaW/v Sunday-ml bionday closed “It’s good to know your food.†www.mesbrfurmldtchin‘imn (905) 640-2270 ï¬xated with the implausibly supematural. unimaginable monsters, imposibly fantasâ€" tic science ï¬ction. and other sorts of ridicu- lous bunkum. From Mulder and Scully to Harry Potter to Spock and his "mind meld- ing", the more absurd and preposterous the better. People these days seem more than willing to suspend reason to believe the most incredible fabrications and fantasia rather than accept the truth. Ifyoudon'tbeï¬evemejustaskdtosepeo- ple whose entire careers hinge on the propensity of the ciï¬mnry to abandon even the most tenuous connection with truth and crawl up on shore and wreak homicidal havoc amongst the hapless townsfolk evety nowandthemalldiebetter. ' Q, Nowthat'ssuretobeawinner. Folks these days go nuts for that kind of nonsense. The scarier the better. The [:0qu is certainly Tobehonesnl’mmtsowiefliatdieteim’t alreadysome biganduglymutamlivingin memnpond,owingtod1efaaallme leachate fromtheold Ballantrae dumpends uphflxereJhewaterissodarkandmmky at mebestofï¬mesitwouldbequitepossi- ble to convince gullible tourists that some sonofgjganï¬cï¬eakishbeastmakaitsresi- deuce below the seemingly lacid surface. And if we tell the visitors it’s likely to Idunkthlslsagmtldamdomflm Smuflvfllemuldahomlfweomflddmn \upourownuochNeasMonstet’flndle reservoir, itcouldpoasiblyenï¬cetouflsts fromfarand widetopeldlamemtdla Just? ask your average politician. glimpseofourowneluéivemydlimlam- Tuesday-Fruity: 9- 6:30 Saturday: 9 - 5:00 m-mzowo HUGO T. KROON BETHESDA .UIJ 13