20 0 November 2009 On Friday. October and, SD88 held its annual Terry Fox Run. This marvelous event took place at the school’s gym at precisely eleven am. The run was about three kilometers long. Special recognition goes out to the group of compassionate students who helped organize this year's run, the leadership team of 8D88 and the teachers involved. SDSS has been recently working alongside with a. program called “Best. Buddies.†This program offers people with intellectual disabilities an experience that many people take for granted such as going to the movies. or simply going out for a. meal. Best Buddies is designed so that each volunteer is paired with a. buddy who they call once a. week and meet up with twice a. week. Volunteers from within the school‘are matched with their buddy based on compatibility. For a person with intellectual disabilities. friendship helps relieve distress caused by isolation. discouragement. and seclusion which usually compounds the challenges they face daily. Having a. buddy also helps the student with intellectual disabilities discover the world with self- confldence. Not only does this program help boost esteem. in the long run, it can make great impacts to an individual’s By: Sugeetha. Nithiananthan By: Jasmine Dosanjh SD55 Welcomes Best Buddies The Run For Victdty life. Best. Buddies encourages and teaches individuals that. nothing is impossible and everyone can achieve their goals. Volunteers from this program plan to buddy up with students within the school and start off by having general visits with all the students glving each other time to get to know .one another. This opportunity is a. once in a. life time chance and will most deï¬nitely beneï¬t both the volunteers and their buddies. Best Buddies allow volunteers to contribute to the community and promote a. sense of belonging. Volunteers come away from this program with a. completely new outlook on life and a better understanding of the diversity of people and talents within the community. Best Buddies is a program with a strong foundation based on friendship and all the advantages that come along with it. Most deï¬nitely the influence of this program in SD88 will make a great 1111th towards the entire community! money towards the adhesion. The class with the most money was rewarded with a. class pizza party and the students with the most pledges won one out of three awards. In third place was Mr. Healey’s second period class; Mr. Vroom’s Class landed in second place. In ï¬rst place was Mrs. Amsliovs food clasa,with a total of $419.28I Congratulations and‘an enormous thank you goes out to Kevin Smith, who independently collected a lot of donation money on his own. Way to go SD88 to show our vast interest, care. spirit and pridel Say it loud. we‘re Spartan proudl McDonald’s Restaurants 28 Sandiford Drive Stouffville On Thursday. October 8, 2009. SD88 had its annual awards assembly in the cafeteria As Mr. Vroom, the master of ceremonies explained. the assembly was "to recognize the academic achievement of the students." To begin the assembly. the students. teachers. parents and guests rose as Spartan Sound sang ‘0 Canada". When all had been seated, the school thanked the Rotary Club for their generous em. to the Terry Fox Run. Next the RBC Literacy Award was presented to Logan Peaker who was honoured for her great achievement in literacy. Then, the Margie Grifï¬ths Award was gven out to Elizabeth Miller. Elizabeth is one of last year‘s grade nines. who was seen as genuine'zy'hkable' by her peers. Next, Ms. Madigan presented the Sustainability Leadership Award. There were various department awards that were gven out at the assembly. These awards were given to the students who had the highest marks in various subjects. Last year’s grade nines. tens and elevens lined up. one grade at a time, in alphabetical order to receive the honour roll awards. By: Rachel Blencowe SDSS is proud to present its new Tuck Shop. It opened in mid-October and its location is in the main hallway just as one comes in from the main entrance. The Tuck Shop includes affordable school materials such as pens, calculators, pencils etc. all for a minimum price. In addition, the Tuck Shop includes other items such as: SDSS clothing; seasonal items; and refreshments. SDSS‘ goal is to leave no student unprepared for class. Students need to be organized and the opening of the Tuck Shop is Just the answer especially to those who need those last minute supplies. Being organized helps one improve his/ her grades. The Tuck Shop is not only for students but for teachers and all other support staff. Everyone is welcome. In order to get the business going there was a. fundraiser and a. special celebration on the opening day. The plan of the Tuck Shop is to start small and eventually grow serving the students' needs and adding to the overall school life. All the money raised goes towards the improvement of the school. This year‘s student council is working hard to arrange more events and activities for the student body. The opening of the Tuck Shop is a. great asset to SDSS and a great venture for the Student Council. SDSS Awards Assembly Grab School Material on the Go 905-640-6161 ‘ www.mapIe-key.ca 37 Sandlford Drive. Suite 203. Stouffville By J athesan J eyachanderan omfltchaim'rig (burr mm When each student climbed the stage, they individually received an honour roll certiï¬cate. Students earned this certiï¬cate by receiving an average of eighty percent or higher. Many proud parents took pictures during this portion of the assembly. Once everyone had received their awards and had been seated, the students who had won the principals award were called up. To receive this special award, a. student must receive ninety percent or higher. This is a very diï¬'icult award to win because of the high academic expectation. SDSS is very proud to have so many award winning students and is very happy to recognize those individuals. When the last award had been handed out, the assembly came to a. close and students and parents weremkntat to‘sï¬dy for refreshments. Congratulations to all students who won an award! You should be proud! ofe Stouffville We offer a var|ety of compmer courses tor all sklll levals