and quality. Ctocked 063E»? fan belts and coolant hoses will stand out more as the temperature drops. 6. II“!!! II“!!! IAN! b nun “moms. Make sure all lights are In working are the wrong tlme to have a brake llght or slgnol bulb out. Make sure the defrost and fan modes work well too! IEIiéIEIQéIEIifll put on some decent blades. TodaYs Windshields are big, so they require bigger and more expensive wiper blades. Gone are the days of the $8.95 wiper blades Most wlndshields are curved at the sides, making the old style winter blades useless. Bosch Icons are what some of the police cars use. And don’t forget the winter washer fluidli 5. mm: "I,“ b nous. Have your anti-freeze checked for freezing point and PCV valve. Don't think like you used to - that there will be big writing on the wall when your car Is due for a tune-up. The only message you will see is the sign on the back of the tow truck that’s picking you up! 4. “III â€ADI! “IA‘I' WORK Will. Clean that grunge off your windshield and newer, It probably has performance all season ttres. I refer to them as three season tires as long as it’s not below freezing. Unlike winter tires, the rubber compound In all season tires Is not designed to flex well below seven degrees Celsius. resulting in loss of traction and poor grip. 2. 8m MI] m If your battery is getting up there In age, then it’s time for a new one. Today/s cars have a lot more electrical demand than before and after four to five years you are buying time on that battery. Have it load tested, terminals cleaned or replace the battery if necessary or in doubt ! 3. m b Oll. cm Fresh all change - spark plugs 6 ignition wires - fuel filter MAIN STREET AUTU SERVICE {flowmmmmmflm.HyourvehldelsameQOOOor 61I1 Mala It. at 10th llno In Shuflvlllo'l Ion Ind. Coll CCU-“20000 to got ready in: wlnm Maln Street Maln St. Auto Servloe WHEEL November 1007 ' 5