Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Free Press (Stouffville Ontario: Stouffville Free Press Inc.), 1 Oct 2013, p. 4

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2010, 2011 8: 2012 Readers Choice Award Winner I 61 Autumn" lulu-rd (Milled l Hwy. 4.) 0 “1111 0 nouflvllluhmdahom Stouffville I “7“ hum-nu“ ‘°Qctobu 2013 “I." barman-mud ‘11â€"!!! In I I. orunl Lit TIVU (YANDAQD HAPIRF‘ Nil "5 “WINML ,'AM‘.S WAW‘WIIMVMRL MM 5‘8"” “WQS'DHIY'VWMN'W1RAM A. .un (“a .. ... hut-unw- bIâ€"v-~ hulk-uh“ ‘ELANTRA GT SANTA FE spam zqun 'ACCENT 5 on L ELANTRA L Stouffville HIGH-- llwfiâ€" ‘lEfllm-‘IIVKVMWSfl-mlsfllmm . mumxmnu Wmmvm ON MAY 187 WE WELCOME!) TANIA LEHMANN TO THE GLOBAL PET FOODS FMLV. Tania has over 20 years Mme In the Indus!!! Glam 1190: Plan next to the Beer Store 519",“un 5892 MOI" SM. Stouflvmo. ON (905) 640-4400 JrMIOVMIHSo rtmxmmwmimfi m . MINIMUM “NS lVAllAlllf VIAYUMS wrwwpmqmmmmmm. mm mm - rm- NMWWIWIWW‘KE m MM - V0.1! SIM WI! WK! I MIDI mum 5‘6"” ~ “IBM!!!” 0%'96 She has a degree in Animal Science. and is a Certified Health Technician. MS - “PMS/WWW!“ - mamumlm DBSWIIN MAUMCINIII STSHM - M ummmlum ANDAI ”VUHDRF EQUUS [AIUI .A.A A AA NClUOl I.“ Q9 I WM Hvunnnr EQUUS @l. s4,500 .mmm Go" COurso “FEM"! mama-mum amumm “In" SANHKMIMMAUTD mmmmmmxuuvm CMMMI‘WOID MSW “In”. amuumow nun: WIRES. cum I nest-mm mum huh!“ “II-tum msnumm “WWI!!! mum umm RUSHSY ' mun-u n.’ mum-nt- I! was created by Sam lacks. who was [hm director of parks and macauon In North Bay and wanted to develop an on-rcc garm- for and: and women. Today unsure I: played across Canada and In an countries around the world, and Stouffvrlle's Britt Klan: ls oncofiu frercatproponmu The [um-em "use": game was played m 1h: wmtu of I963 In the nonhcm Ontario town of Espamu Iy Kau- (inldetdale Slouffvdlc Fm Press Ringette scores with Stouffville resident It‘s All In The Game Looking back. she credits the game for gwmg her the strength to stand up to the school bullies who tormented her In both elementary and high school. 'Thc only tune I ever cricd at ringctte again was when we lost at a chargronslup game. Now In my iladelphia apartment. my Bears jersey hangs In my closet as a constant reminder of the friends and Incredible memones Markham Ringem provnded me over the last 20 years ' ‘l was a tad reluctant to try n te as I had never dated and was easily Intlrmdated by most social settings. but nonetheless with the support of my family I got on the It: I cued the entlre tune' the recalled However, as her confidence grew With the help of beydedicated coaching. she began to devel passion for the game,a in; With an appreciation of the lam benefits that resulted from involvement. 'Fo: suxiunu'2014 I plan to also mtmducz a nngettc amp for our young-1 players and It Will be held In tuba Stouffvill: or Markham,’ laid Britt, who started playing when the was in: years old. The 27-year-,old who Ii cuuen'tly “lung he: mutu'l degree In upon: manngcment at Dmtel Univcmty, Philadelphia. also owns the Markham Summct Rm tte lzague (MSRL). F01 tr: past seven years MSRL has?“ attracted playrn aggd IO and up from actou the CTA and now she wants to expand the ymc's ttach to a younger cohort For Winformatim vmt wwwmsdxa. Butt [S glad that shé persevered with (he spat that has gnvcn her so much and she hopes her cxpcncncc will encourage other: to try I! out. 'If I could give any pamntsorywngphycnone meccofadviceit wouldbclo "‘55 U7 finsem' 'Thty understand the value of the sport and how Important it IS to provide the opportumty f0! young 31:15 In and around Markham to flay. Markham's recent push to expand nngettc's player base and bnng in girls who mxght never have oonsxdcmd rmgette [5 Rally Brm has played hockey and numerous other sports. 'but something about nngctte and lb: ‘girl power' feeling it gives just made it extra spectal for me.’ Her heart wxll always belong to the Markham Ringettz Assocxauon. she said 'now I can up in from of a crowd o hundreds, take the mumphone and gave an Impromptu speech without hesitation? "I learned what It meant toworkuatumJlumed how to problem solve and thmk on my feet, and most Importantly I learned th: value that each mdwidual playct brought to the team.’ Dcspltf he! umbbly start, l unuld have had difficulty Icarmng If at were not fat nngcttc.’ she said. , 'Ringrm not only provided me with an alternate tonal scams and a dxflrrent group of pan to hefncndyu aha year, but it instilled”. In me vnlues that I am certain

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