pan :1tu (â€gt-the! luday. new hunk-s .--; -2 land laden watery hagments at the" past, nn w I Is now the lcmh me [usl suuth of Mam Sum In the carly I900s. nanvr peoples wuuld travel to StnuffVIlk- usmg a mute amund Mussclman's Lake (Ianymg handmade goods they wuuld scll baskets wuvcn fmm 0t mature trees and clusters of u Anothtt stttktng SiMIlflllly Is tts s ttts to the natwr peoples [races of past have barn found buncd In the gn as attuwhcads and pottery fragments been found m Whitthutchâ€"Stouffwlh A dutumcntary on tclcvuslon last $.th the: awesomc discovery of M. a larg- Fttst Nations Village loam the cast tnd of Stnuffvtlle. whtt'h comprtstd uf dufh-n-nt tubes whn pun-tum: tmztthu lndnv, new h (Ilmsun .mc Smut moving thru- du‘adcs a: my Me In Bob; nmtmucs It IS n twusung country: pack up and mm spu l m k- mule IS I an: suuuundcd picturesque lake In many Musselman I wry sh The m: :35! end ut Slnutfv mscd uf dm'cn'nl t 1tu (ngc'thfl Ind a law“ 1:429. “I?“ t" paSl, un w I Is .\|t yum family and lu mu gum. .1 sun- sign 3:: summer flung Boh'aygcnn as my It Is not that ddfwul‘ Idcd wnh beautiful mnnl Farewell To The Cars Of Summer II ngmg Icaws My leh lum- north mung my way lhl I": l let‘l Is the pufcu umc Iv. hup’ Inln yam uads lo cnIuy lhc wnh n ‘Vt‘l V l calm“ rcm In urn “In". Radio IOZJ FM 1 3’: My tavuun mth and In Iflc mhllndan‘ "cal lllng Iran.» Mamlc Aut 12h ‘Il 1n I‘m my old pal B Will he Inlmdm .1 new klds' gnu hupmg. chlawcd and wearing a bell collar. h has disaï¬pearcd vuthout a trace This ol tomcat as mt ksmg slctp as his frlin friend Floyd wandcrs (he house howl-n from worry and lontlmcss Hope full Buddy um I trying to fund his way back I hls home at Musmlman' 5 Lake As I dnw new back roads lhls fal admiring the leaves I Will kccp a lookou for my old pal Buddy When hep rttums h quu: he! won-r mm the I ‘1‘! named ~Squaw Rnad In puhuml (Olltclms It ha but u |.\‘ land stnwd m n. When the men of the “(€le "K mmc )1 (ho: Nb I lk‘ "N "I DIN k )W awned by Norr uuhbnrn me .1! mum! “I!“ Jcnsc HQ: )n Jnlll iark ncs 1m sm nmcn and chll p the" Iamllit I'Vf 3 keep me In |Il nvcr whom the warnms gull mnhr. w :- nvc n y at pm In nauvr l n of the Cub mm mdcs aw and children ca unv lner W! m be S! )ul In Jlllr cnm n the 1m: H urns he :k wuh IL] rm )I‘ \ll' Fully certiï¬ed faculty (Members of I.S.T.D., C.D.T.A., R.A.D and PAIL) Spacious bright studios featuring a family friendly environment Competitive Dance Performance Program Master Dance Workshops featuring world renowned professionals Dance Birthday Parties and PA. Day workshops Register now for our popular mini-sessions - 8 weeks for only $120 Join our growing family and ï¬nd out why we're "celebrating over 25 years in business" Join us from October 5th llth and take any dance class fora minimum donation of $2.00. Newmarkol 905-8 36-40 3‘) www.yorkdam‘ Aurora 009720 l24l Stoufl ville 905040 6082 Octobov 2013 0 23