5,040: Prise * [ï¬ne a. Cthem lake Rrsndrm {MIR/U pu- ngmmr uwvu «ppm â€mud n! (hr plan un the unsung Cummunlty MI ngmmr cued Jrnsuy. the cfkuwcncss at the proposed scpm svslcm. pmcnnal prohlrms u-sulnng from water flaw auoss the pmprttv and lmffn umgcstwn as four main! Lnnctms amused by l’l'SIdCI'IIS Ml (.mmpwm agrcrd to Investigate and and asked Flo. Puss Jmmpu-t n mpau n! 'Vt‘h | .lll Whrn ‘vck :anng mnwns‘us Ealhu lhls yul, ( upomhun pit“ \luutlwl 355 thus asked I! atdshlp pl In May xprl .lnd .Ifl‘J “I“ DI! “In: .I ll .m *l‘ mg w.“ flu std: m hn‘ the Developing A ollaborative Approach M u tHnCI'II'I Ah [HS .(‘V Hal w: wuh Mann JIIIUIII uwlh mrnl NJId [ht I" H 'an mmr up wuh a (strwaldshnp) plan thh h: lurd at around $40,000 .I Clwtylgavr us thcgood new: that (.crmamum was Willing to proceed wnh lhxs,‘ said Mr Bannon Mr. Hutchinson's revnew wull address wrrd control and pmvldr an assessment of water qualuy .u the lakt pmvldr an assessment of water qualuy .u the lakt ‘We au- vuy Impressed wuh thr wnlk that the mmmumty IS domg,‘ said Ms Shlndruk. who Is (;cran|um's wccrprcmdem nf land development ‘Wt muting \hmdmk Pudding Hnmrs. h Hunhmsu \‘ucnccs haw lb: “lit l'hll unn Nn July. Ward 2 wuncnlloc Bannon arungcd a mg hclwccn Cheryl imk and 'bhauna rmem Cheryl Jlldlf 3m pmcnt u! [WV Huh‘hlnsur annon ‘uld Iglu “VIN mun-m hr Ml RN: wnh Mt rnung lhc numhu on: 11d yuu like : spanks! hrshwalrl â€f ash-d I W: In My lum ll' [1 Jl( (mwn) staff With the dew (hr community outcome" also havc Ballantur nu a souplr u! yntsa unthrwrstudrot Hwy4 ,andthccummumty and main Intctcst was strong and postnvc ' An rxuttng ptupcttv on thr proposrd Iakeshmc Rd mt. whtch I: built to htgh cnvuunmental standatds. Will he Integrated Into the new dewlupment. sand Ms Shmdtuk 'Wr dntgncd the dcwlopmrnt tn mamtam that hnmr huh sttr ts 1 nd mtks so hard at J n “Wt :mmunuy updates sclmansla SPECIALIZING IN HYBRIDS DIESEL TUESDAY NIGHTS - 7:00 - 0:00 RM. .clmar Id Callaghan Bannon Ransom)... Iponsor o! mun ummunn drdl Icanup W:- tlcmcndous who work clopcrs and ' fot the best Information vmt www 1h walk wuh nyonc Innual t We 11d Specializing in Volkswagen Audi Hybrid ch: pean 8. Asian gunncd mtg-mammal playing the ï¬ddle m his traditional (iapc-Bm while adding his own 51 3mm and updating C to apptal m a broader 3 fans International radl Sleepy Maggie and a I on MuchMusnc sccutcc among Canada's most perfotmcrs [Ickcts (or hlS concert can be purcha at mnelecnomhcpark c calling the box office a Lanna: but kn musicians. Ashlty Mac] The Cape Breton Is to (am: In I995 With platlnum album H1 Hc Today“ fratunng the Slcrm' Maggie Ashlej more than 500,000 a is the proud On NI 'uk Ashley Maclsaac To Play 19 On The Park (.apc-Bwlon 5! his own 5pm. mu updanng Critic m1 a broader spectrun uonal radio play 4: and a regular 1 m sccutcd his pl da's most acclam )r hls Slo be purchased ll I)" Noun hu Llalmtc Alt dmflcrn â€IKKKTT I mjhinsunxa Pumpkin Decorating 8. Colouring Cbn‘est A‘s Well 40 )l patti'lynncom [i 5402 Main St.. Stnuï¬ville 905.640.0640 905-640-2000 262 Me Smuff Odobel 2013 011 am