8°Octobnm7 Sly'No'bmm-Whybmalanm? Haflofomntio's wbubwm. TakoalnnmmnyouhoarhommoUbeml “Wm,wmwmmwwmwubetm mmmmmmwmmmmwmmmn buyouts. Ynhdebwwmmmmuaflom. Dbdooelhohus. NudearpoworisnotpmflmbloJHsnotsustalnabIeJtis axpensive.dangorwsandnonâ€"remwable. wwwwm-mmmwmma MMMMGNMSW Whymmmmwm muWW-mmmm. Their m.mwwvmmmwmmmm mmwmmswmumhmmam. agigi-iggngzg £§§o§§.§§§8.oÂ¥s .galz88398-3925398o .3358: Eva-63258851399535.1811? girl-anegzisif.‘ PLEASEGIVEUSACHA EASE GIVE US A VOICE! ' Poux-yeu-oldl love to suitable, and (1011'! may about what the end result will look 11kt. Eight-yeu-olds worry Some of us think of ourselves or of our kids as creative people. Most of us love some form of art .. to look at Earnings, or to read literature, or to ’ ten to music or to dance. Art helps us let go of the ordinary world, and feel in touch with something ecstatic, something wonderful. Art is not Iï¬ust for professionals; art is built into of usidihnd is a key piece of our lives â€" not a . I'm a real enthusiast about art education â€" for everyone. Sure, some of us are intrinsically more drawn to art than othere, and some of us have more innate skills. Still, there should be a little art-making in everyone? life. _ Of I hve noticed that people fear duwmg -yet drawing is just a t8 not the essence of creativity. To learn to draw, you need a teachemttwoandlotsofptactice. obe cteative is ewe: than that; you limply have to make a little tune to play. 'The purchase of our new local-natives, which will b: in service shortly, will allow our trains to have 12 passenger cars, instead of the regular 10, accommodating an additional 320 passengers." 'One C0 Bus can seat 57 passengers, one 135(1) 'l'rain can, seat 1:600 passen- gers, and starting in early 2008, the new double decker buses will seat 78 passengers. By parking this many cars each day and taking CO, riders are helping to reduce harm- ful emissions, overall fuel consumption, and fraiï¬c congestion. I“- WW With the growing concern for the environment in the light of global warming, here are some 'green' facts supplied by CO. 'We removed 1.6 billion kilometres of automobile trips from the Greater Toronto road system last year. That resulted in less road congestion, less harmful auto emissions, and overall less fuel consumption. GO promotes public transit as a key to maintaining healthy cities for years to come. lA,,rr\n ___ thStwalkMflwdcomameOsuuomwhlchhuyettobemmed,by lhemdoflunem,and th'uwdlbecomethelut stopontheStouffvilleline. [twill serve the Srouffville and Uxbndge area, and will help relieve commuter pressure at the unsung station, which I: currently used by almost 900 passengers on a typical “SW When the new station opens, the existing station will no longer be the last stop on the line. To reduce stop times at Stouffville on the way to the new station, GO will lengthen the current sot-car platform to accommodate lO-car trains. The west park- mg lot at Stouffville will also become more accessible, with the construction of a new pedestrian crossing. Construction is scheduled to ï¬nish in November 2007. The new station wd] be budt ncxt to the Stouffvillc layover facility on the Town Lune at Bethesda, and will Include a 140-space parking lot, kiss and ride drop-off area, bus loop, accessible platform and_ automated ticket wooing machines: AnyonewboumCOTm’namIBummStouffvflkMflhavenoticedabig Intranet!) ridershipm recent months, mdudingmorepeoplenkingoff-peakioumcys 'omdï¬omhww- . A GOing concern By Cm Reimcr 'Cass Reimér is education program coordinator at The Larcham Gallery Monoprinting is a great tec ' ue for learning to relax about resu ts, and for getting into an experimental (that is, creative) frame of mind. VVrth monoprinting, u must be open to surprises; end~ ppilly, many of our surprises will he luv y. Once you ve learnt the technique, you will only need simple supplies to continue with it on your own. Valerie Kent is offering a monoprinting workshop on Oct. 21 â€" register “Chile you canl‘ all, it isn’t rock-climbing. Professional artists actually face these same worries, and have to search for that four-yearâ€"old spirit of engagement again, in order to reach their creative state and bring back a feeling of joy and spontaneity in their artwork. The to making art is to plaxu it with edication, like a small l belie've that it’s important to express our native ideas, for the sake of our Inner lives. The best way to do so is to stop comparing, are be‘ self-critical and petmit one's se a c duke lyfulness m m. Mistakes in art are â€" after about making their pictuxes pretty, and colouring Within the lines. Teenagers are embarrassed to draw badly, and shy away from showing their work. Adults stop drawing and painting altogether, often experiencing a sense of loss. I L_I:-..- .L-. a .. .__n'b-_o on nvnr‘ll