Maiority rule'only works if YOU’re also conside' --...--I._- """-"9'""-" “WV-"J -- ‘7 """"""" '5“ individual rights. Because you can’t have five wolvugxli‘s about which the majority 15 Ignorant. john Simon one sheep voting on what to have forwpper- Larry PM! Abraham Lincoln did not go to Gettysburg having You kept so few of your promises it’s destroyed the credibility of politicians â€" all politicians. john Tbry, addressing Dalton McGuimy in the Sept. 20 leadership debate. Under capitalism man extloits man; under socialism the reverse is true. Polish Praver The best axgument against democracy is a ï¬ve-minute conversation with the average voter. Winston Churchill 1 Ijnll¢J «- S . 1! 3.422.356!!- Â¥E§35?.84u§LI-i, .3... 35:. ring!!! 33§§.§K§FE.E.§aE-ii€ Ei'ggu IaiESna‘g‘YEIn-l- ï¬gvigï¬l: ggï¬zi‘s‘ ShiiitloBElâ€"«SBE Eirggln gigiisiiIisgigi tiit‘uiligiboiggi :l. s 3.53 .9. ll aisggtiiixilttgzsgaititiglklgl POLITICAL PUNDITRY However, we urge everyone to exercise their right to vote. Whitchurch- Stouffville is undergo Ingrapidgrowt b There is an acute shortage of doctors and hospital beds and gmWtdevelopment is putting enormous pressure on our green space. It’s too bad the education debate has focused almost entirely on funding for faith-based schools. In our opinion that would be a retrograde and divisive step. We’d rather hear about funding for essentials such as books, computers and other tools that will give our children an educational advantage in a competitive and rapidly changing world. ‘Democxacy is a process by which the people are free to choose themag‘ w_ho will get the bleme,’ lgol'ence]. Pete; On October 10, the residents of Whitchurch-Stouffville will have the opportunity to vote for the candidate who will represent us for the next four years at Queen‘s Park We will also be asked to participate in a referendum on the province's electoral system, in which we can choose between the existing First-Past-The-Post (PPTP) system and an alternative system known as Mixed Member Proportional (MMP). Most people were unaware of the referendum until September, when voter r ' ration cards were mailed out, along with a flyer from Refere um Ontario which outlines the features of both systems. Maybe Elections Canada thou t we were too flaky to absorb the complexities of this ro during the lazy days of summer, but we think it might ve been a good idea to provide more time for people to understand and discuss the pros and cons before voting on such a complicated issue. We need a candidate who is committed to the protection of the Oak Ridges Moraine and who will stand up to the Ontario Municipal Board - a non-elected body whose decisions have a tendency to favour developers over residents .- when it comes to disputes over land use. Once the election is over we can get down to the really important stuff, like playing in one of two new neighbourhood parks, which officially opened on Sept. 29. We can also start getting costumes ready for the BIA’s Trick or Treat Halloween event on Oct. 27 when little ghosties and goblins are invited to spirit their parents down to Main St. for some treats and fun at local stores. By the time we’ve got our heads around the referendum question, we’ll be in dire need of some mindless fun. 'We apologize for the fact that Dr. Peter left out the other half of humanity. It was not our fault. Referendum Trick or Treat A civil servant is sometimes like a broken cannon â€" it won’t work and you can't fire it. George S. Patton The Lord’s Prayer is 66 words, the Gettysburg Address is 286 words, there are 1,322 words in the Declaration of Independence, but government regulations on the sale of cabbage total 26,911 words. National Review Democracy encourages the majority to decide things about which the majority is ignorant. John Simon Voting is one of the few things where boycotting in brotest clearly makes the problem worse rather than etter. lane Auer ~ efsso.ZacH I s lmportaht {h at you Voie- especiall with {his referen um .n the ball .U To the Editor: As a small business in a relatively small town, we try to accommodate our customers as much as possible to provide the best service we can. It would be truly wonderful if customers return this courtesy. We had an occasion when we reluctantly had to turn away two groups of ladies with three large baby carriages betWeen them, because we could not fit them in without disrupting customers who were already seated. Please rest assured that we do not turn customers away easily or casually, and would love nothing more than to accommodate everybody. However, when you arrive in the middle of our busy lunch period without calling first to make a reservation, or announcing that you are coming with carriages, there is very little we can'do. We do and have accommodated parents with carriages. They usually give us the courtesy of calling in the morning to give us time to re-align the tables before other customers are seated, or they come earlier or later, when we are not quite so busy, and accommodating them is easier. We are a small establishment with only ‘20‘se_ats, which limits the space we have. As consumers and customers of the Main Street stores in Stouffville, you can do your bit understanding and appreciating our uniqueness. Supporting this uniqueness ' do much to enrich and sustain a vibrant, attractive Main Street with wonderful shops. Expecth every big box convenience from small establishments will onlyhurt us a_l_l in the ongrun. One lady left graciously, the other announced loudly that she would not be returning to these premises. It is difficult enough to operate a small business in this economic environment with mega stores and restaurants infringing on small, privately owned businesses. Rest assured that these small businesses do their utmost to provide eat service to offset the large, often impersonal, big box outfits, but we cannot per orm miracles. Sara Marsala ' Tempest in av Teapot ° Stouffville Tatum ‘ Readers Write â€" Small Store Woes Mï¬MhWMI’D mmmw.m-wmutl.4oo P04.“ IAWMLM 720 ' Mammals (37â€) Wau2me'Wd-2Wn mum-Izmmu commissioned a poll to ï¬nd out what would sell in Gettysburg. There were no people with percentages for him, cautioning him about this group or that grou or what they found in exit polls a year earlier. When will)we have the courage of Uncoln? Robert Coles So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to t annize will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent, an will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon sleeping men. Voltaire In 1929 the wise, far~seeing electors , of m native Hereford sent me to Westminster and, two years alterl the lousy bastards kicked me out. Frank Owen