If you stroll down to Memorial Park on a summer evening, chances a-e you’ll see a number of folks dressed in white, rolling what am: to be bowling balls alo the c y crop d grass in the enced area no of the tennla court. If you watch for a while you'll t a acme of the dull, strategy fun that make up the sport of lawn bowling, or as it}: officially known, howls. ‘ Bowl: 1m eh'oyed colouxful 1:13me flopulu in Britain in IS: 14003 that w: were passed prohibiting thou laws were pared prohibit (hone whose archery dull: wander! to defend the realm from playing bowls. The lung was concerned the! archers were ape M3 too much tune hwn bowlmg not enough time practising with the bow and arrow. In Canada lawn bowling clubs s rang up in my communities in e htteryeus of the 19th century. Stouffviilem 5 green was established in Memorial Path in 1894 and the cur- rent clubhouse dates from 1934. The green is dmded into ‘nnlu', so that several games can be played at the same time. Equipment includes a set of four bowls, avail- able in various sizes and weights to best fit the player's hand. Bowls are flattened on one side so as to follow a curved course when rolled. Th are lcally black or brown; hostryever co outed bowls are now becoming more common. The lack, a small, round, white ball, is used as the target. The object of the me is to score points by rolling the l as close to the jack as possible. It sounds simple, but the art and skill of the game is in uging the Weight of the throw an the appro- priate bias of the bowl, taking into account the distance to the jack and the curve of the rink, which can vary considerably on natural grass. Tickets are available by calling Bonnie at 905-471-0075 or Motus O at 905- 640-8647. All funds raised will receive a matchin grant through the Ontario Arts Foun ation. The fundraiser, which takes place Aug. 11 at Cedar Grove Community Centre in Markham, starts at 7 pm. and includes snacks, desserts, coffee, tea, and the chance to dance your face off to fabulous music spanning the past five decades. James and Justin Croker will provide DI services and there will be a cash bar. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for youth aged 12 to 19 and $5 for children under 12. There will be a 50/50 cash draw and beautiful Motus O calendars for sale at the event. Motus O is holding a sweaty summer dance party to raise funds for its newest production, A Christmas Carol, which will debut at Markham Theatre Dec. 16. Lawn bowling crosses generational lines ‘Thetg’s:a 193 gf skin involved,’ by Jill McWh'umie A HOT FUNDRAISER By Kate Gilderdale Stouffville Free Press aid veteran bowler Dorie Farthing, who jun celebrated her 50th year with the club. ‘l've done lane bOWi- ing and cur‘ but I prefer lawn bowling There I mgr; to it.‘ alarm: Bob Stovet, who with e Nancy has been bowling fox 11 years. agrees. Por‘him. the appeal of the is 'the oppox- tunity todev pasldll.the useof strategy in play, and the opportuni- ties to compete.’ There’s no doubt that Stoutfvllle bowlers are serious competitou. The pennants and tro- phies displayed in the clubhouse attest to decades of victories at dts~ tnct, psovmcnal and national levels of competitton. Hm, despite keen competi- tion, the civility which accompa- u meebowls h refreshing, Teams shake hunt adore the and with euh other '300d M. The game concludes with a head- shnke and the compliment 'good game.‘ Refreshments are then served In the clubhouse, gmn members the opponumty to 50c - an, and in the E35: of néw bowie", get better acquamted with long time membcn. ‘Clubs develop socral connec- nons that malt: people want to come back,’ said szm Penny, execu- tive duector of Bowls Canada, the national organization dedicated to the promotion of lawn bowlin . There are currently 260 lawn - in; clubs and 15,000 members in Canada. Dotpvitc~ the_ fact that lawn bowling “often flies below the radar until people are 'm then mid-405,‘ Mt. Penny sees a solid future for 'The cost to enter is low com- ared to many other spans, particu- rarly for family play. And because it is not physically strenuous, you could lawn bowl in the evening and then still have enough energy left for summer hockey.’ For a young person aspiring to world class 32211 comgtition ‘a Motus O artlstlc dlroctor, dancer and dance party DJ James Croker as Puck In the company's productlon of A Mldsummer Night's Dream I n “no that they cm see what t e game’s about. Even if they don't take immediate intaut, they often return a few ygan gten' ' InlunetheStouffvflle dub hosted a wor for 20 echool stu- dents. would ' to youth in “9mm: numben.’ and Mr. Stover. Two yean ago we host- ed a very succeuful event, ‘tnvtt- mg the children and grandchrldren of members to come and try the game" Mr. ï¬nny sees thts aspect of bowl: as one of Its key strengths. ‘There are several father/son and father/daughter combimtrons In international tournament play In what other sport woulaiJou see two family members of ‘ferent gen- erations playmg tn the name tourna- ment, on the same team?’ Mr. Stover sea the growth of the town as an opportuni for the club to raise its proï¬le attract new members of all ages. 'There's a big market out there. We want to tap into it.’ Mr. Penny predicts that bowls, now included in the Commonwealth Games, will one day become an Olympic sport. Given Stouffville's long and distinguished history in the game, a lawn bowler from our town may one day bring home the Olympiclawn bowling medal. PEPPERTREE KLASS/CS Women .'s Foo/lions, Footwear andAooasson'cs MGWWWOIMWOZWW mmmw-mm-mm 'Yuhnlflcdc’nmmemwywm‘ï¬dmaxhe meddwrryouandmhlhtvollryballdbaskdball WWWWMWIIW 'Grfl'nhadmerplaydbaskabaflbdvrzgoing IammeheachIhIHIbwmkehixschool loaf-Baum hJO-M-W Bun-129m-S125-MSDSGM um-uu-W 7zflâ€"BMWI - 3175 ~ MSOSSGym (Mauve) â€I'M -s175~NewSDSSGym - $175 - mm 8175 ~ Summllm ’Newmvoun‘ COMMUNITY H‘WNG‘NEWMBW K Gallium / om». 905-640-352! Karon ODS-6404651 besurétnmll