MyolocTM Stabilization for Lower Dentures Complete Partial Dentures Complimentary Consultations Repair 8: Relines D.D.S.. Cert. Ortho. Specialist ln Orthodontics Mr. George Winder, DD 37 Sandiford Dr. 8104, Stouffville EM “Burl-‘9 Choose from seven! oetvtcee that an eomlmble and ufe-thuwillmseymhomyomeppwmee- Weun Mmdtightenyomneckmdhwlme. Weunlumulue cave-fold inmtneoflnaenmdeludntoflmmduve a younger appearance. Let’s temove visible red «palate: and sunspots from the face and ï¬nally eliminate acne Lookformeu Ithmwbcm Festival! Hook forward to meeting you! Best chuds! Sherry Murmalnn Sup Into my cozy, shunning alike, and lcl‘u have a (deadly chat about your concerns. Let me educate you on your unique skincare so that you can become a helm skincare consumer. Bestof'nlLyouanchooocnmhm; Suwanmwtnd (will including uhouldo, neck and salp mung: 111m, youukin wiflbeglowtngmd "dun! fotmyocuuon! Dr. Bubm Pnekowhk, DDS" Cert. Onho. We are all united in the pursuit of excellence, quality, and happiness. This applies to all areas of our lives. 50.... Imagine braces that treat faster, are gentler, and are easier to keep clean. Imagine that these braces also required fewer appointments, longer intervals between appointments, and overall less chair time. What if they also resulted in wider smiles, and necessitated fewer extractions. . . Beautiful, Indium, healthy thin to hunt I phone call away. Welcome to Advanced Skin Reluvcmtlon - Cllnlc a Boutique in Stouflville. Now, through consultation nnd mnlyois, 1 can help you develop a plan cl action to turn your skin around and enhance the beauty you want reflected in the mlnox. lam not onlynlnun; to: the mthcuc, conmcuc mult- you wmt. but my 10cm I: also on the health ol Ihc than. Iolcanoffetnovcl technologicsmdproducu that donut hum skin tissue or have long mm ldvcnc mic elk-cu. Advanced Skin Rejuvenation I: located at 34 Civic Ave., 3nd Hoot. Call on: new phone number today: 905-642-6171 Welcome to the cutting edge Damon system. It is with great excitement and satisfaction that we now offer this history-making technology to our patients. And we can vouch for these claims of increased comfort and efï¬ciency horn personal experience, since hall our ofï¬ce is now wearing Damon appliances. The secret to the system is the lack of friction in the delivery of forces to the teeth. This allows for the use of lighter, gentler wires that do not overpower the body, and that consistently allow for movement for the entire period between re-activation appointments. No elastic ties that bind movement, fade, break or trap plaque are necessary... although for those colour enthusiasts who cannot live without hot pink or Blue Jays blue, they remain an option. Ceramic Damon braces, we are assured, are coming down the pipeline. The hybrid version â€" half ceramic, half stainless steel â€" is available already. We are, as always, committed to delivering; gentle, quality care i1 a warm, friendly environment using the moat advancul research and technology. We have already switched to low-radiation, environmentally friendly, digital x-rays. And we sill offer lnvisalign, traditional stainless and ceramic braces, as well as braces placed on the inside surhces of the teeth. Bring on thefuturc. 4. DI’. Frackowiak's ofï¬ce is located at 6371 Main St in Downtown Stouflvllle. Call 905-642-36421m an appoimmem. She also has ofï¬ces at 120 Toronto St In Uxbrldgd905-852-6477) and 7 Casseln Rd. W. In Brookln (905-655-1911 or 1-866-582-4032). Inttodncing the Damon System Cutting Edge Braces Technology cannula-um I “Wk-don oil-HIM 'WIM Charlotte E.l Thompson BA. DSHomHed Classlcal Homeopath a: Wellness Coach llellel noun a longstanding plwslal. mental or unotlonal oondltlon then (all... Tel: 905-649-5170 NEW EXPANDED GLUTEN-FREE SECTION WWW) mayo-ma