82 0 July 2010 ‘ 2| Flovows of Gourmgg Fudge ‘ Chocolate Dipped Strowbomm ‘ And Much Mme 1m 14811 9"1 line 1 ., 905 640 8089 www. charlinda. com I Ox REWNRDWPOINTS lnclowltoe Glulo-n h _ Store Hours . da/ Tuos ~ 500 '0 am - 6 pm Sun II|LM~HLumuh â€an. ï¬n... on all giftware for the entire month of August STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL 8 “SPECIAL' é H)! II Kl Comevbfl our booth at the Strawberry Festival wul'bo ml 0. )km H ) â€II/IR AtlJL-hLlEfl Canada Day luck: oll lhlee lull days ol Suawborry Fanwal lun, each wflh us own (home Naturally, July l us all about Canada‘s bnnhday. and leatuvos a camwal and games, lawn bowling toumamont, contests, blockbuslev mov-es at ‘9 on the Pork and the Lions Beef Barbecue, 0 delucmus tradition whmh bung: (“ends and neughbours together for a huge commun-ty gathenng a! the pawluon nn Memoml Park Dunng the day, the mavquee m ball diamond one the day, the marquee wll veatwe l-anucas Mus mencan lusnon. The K'd 1 ball dnamond one, u ARMSTR â€BuTTON ONG NBS S BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS 6361 Main St. Smulï¬illc ° 905- 640-3530 \ 831.1895 ' “T“ 5 Zone. also located awbeny )P bee! barbeCue 1 the Memorial â€ark pawhon as ds nevghbours and families yer together to celebrate Canada Day. pedonmng Lam ' Real Estate ' Wills 8: Estates ° itigatiun ° Corporate ° Family Law ° In "CH.“ brought 0‘ uowds Th the :00 w Eric R. Button. B. A., LLB. Kenneth C. Goodbrand B. Comm. LLB. Monica Farrell, B. A., J. D. “" ‘â€"’ b Practicing In Association 1 *1 1 Saturday dunnq the A BIRTHDAY BONANZA 3V Festival Celebrates Canada Day mass BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS 9V Opening ceremonies begun at 6:30 pm. and wdl be foltowed by the marvellous MUSIC 01 the Blackboard Blues Band, the cumng of the gum Canada Day Cake and a fabulom d-splay of fireworks at dusk Other special events include Three Snsters‘ Garden, hosted by the Whitchurch- Stouflvrlle Museum and Geocaching, a treasure hunting game sponsored by the Department 0! Lemma Services. Souvenir hunters can vrSIt the marquee and pick up festwal souvemrs from the Strawberry Fields Forever Shoppe trom 6 to 8 p.m bubble blowmg, Canada Day murals, face panmung and a petting zoo. Sllawberry