“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a sin e step,’ Chinese philosopher Lao-tau ( ~53] BC). That quote neatly sums up Pastor Bob Flemming’s thoughts as Sprin ale Baptist Church prepares for the o ial opening and dedication weekend for the facility's im ressive new addition at 3885 Stoul ' e Rd, which has been under construction for {our years. When the final phase is completed, ‘whst we will have here is a campus ministry encompassing different people with like faith and values,’ said Pastor Flemming. 'We moved into the new building six ‘Wc moved int months ago and ow,’ said 5 n' ï¬lm Halsc. " cl Stouffvillc Chm currently luv: the Right now to build it ptogram . the Stouf been usmg u by Emmanuc first service ’11 auditorium. A: ptesent Springvale Baptist Church itself is holding services in the addition's gymnasium while awaiting the completion of the new auditorium. Meanwhile, construction on the beautiful lobby has been completed and it will be Hi1“ Fru Prou Springvale Invites Community To Opening Weekend m at bpnngva ouffvillc branc hmcsc Baptist using ‘cmpora By Kate Cildcldalc Stouffville Free Puss r Coos: Academy, tun by P conunuc to offer a ptescho at Springvalc and on A rt] 2‘ fvillc bunch of the Ric or cs: Baptist Chmch, which ha 12 xempoxary space providt S nngvalc ' e have an a then specthcauom byScptembcr.’ lint ale and on A rt] 20, tch of the Ric and t Chmch, which had tary space provided cmational, held its .- original Springvalc HE w building six continuing to oard member memcm with 00! Who are hurch). They this building. but they plan and “at open to the public for the dedication weekend on May 24 and 25. ‘Stations will be let up all thou the facility so that people can me et around and enjoy the food which will be bid out on various tables,’ said M1. Hake. 'I would say the template been laid, but all the putt ate in yet,’ said Putot Flemming. " thtng we have hete is an oppor a sports ministty, with staff in conjunction wuh the chi also opening the door to pet the community to enyoy s; recreation. We're looktng at p a playing field, baseball dumo soccer pitch on the back ‘5 ac: Because of Its location outskirts of town. Sptmgvah a local and a remand chm: a local and a tegu strong contingent among the congreg have people comir Matkham, Umon Aurora, Richmond There are umon I some of them hav envisioned this con Cod 30 ycats ag Mth the new said Pastor Flt] over 1,000 pea; doors every we to drop into S refreshments st Weekend eve by renowned ) and a dcdicatu guests on May information ca] www.5pringval: uuuuy IU culvy lys. . We'te 100%; a! pu ï¬eld, bauball dumon :h on the back 15 me : of m locauon of town. Sp :1: 1d a venom] c urch [CIT \C 111cc K102 3C1 snowstorm we experienced. When we arrived the weather was nothing like it was back at home and we were happy to enjoy the warmer temperatures. Our borne for the week was a camp called Highland Retreat. The focus of this trip was to serve Highland Retreat as best we could. We were eager to help out and I know that our enthusiasm helped the days to pass quickly. The ï¬rst morning was off to a good start already Our host and director for the week. Gordie. proved to be very entertaining With his welcome speech. He quickly assigned us jobs and we were off. My ï¬rst job was loading brush into a pickup and then unloading it into a huge pile. Others chopped wood. dug holes. painted cabins. built a bridge and put siding on a shed. There was no shortage of work for us to do and we tackled those jobs one after another. There is no better way to describe our satisfaction at the end of a long day than a shed full to the brim with wood. or the paint on our pants. or the ache in our legs. I think that this trip was a good learning experience for all of MEMORABLE MARCH BREAK IN VIRGINIA COMMUNITY MENNONITE CHURCH 12184 Ninth Line. Stouflville 9058409730 l0:00 Sunday School - l 1:00 Worship Service We would love to hear from you. Contact us at 905-640-9730, community-mcnnonitc@hotmail.com or check out our blog at hhtp://communitymennovoiccs.com/ ommunity Mennonite Voices 6262 (/Main 5L, étouf/Uilz’e 905'64O;Z_Q_‘?L__! Coming-wall, and germ: gnauumcz to £5: Commun 4502a 1898 131 R K ETT-HASSAR D Oâ€: 1023 acme , data, ‘onmbulcd by Chn‘sline Barkey 7quram wider: 612m?“ us It taught me that a little hard work nevet hurt anyone; I also learned that if you go into 3 job with the right attitude it immedintely turns into something that is fun and enjoyable for all. I know that many of the youth agree that this trip was very worthwhile. Nick Turman said. “(this was) the greatest March break of my life!" Some of the highlights for me included a massive teeter-totter type swing. 'l\vo people sat on a small seat opposite each other and if they were equal weight they would hang suspended in rnidair. Then. two other people would tug on a rope that hung down beneath one person and the people on the swings would fly high into the air. hanging on for dear life. Another highlight was the campï¬re we had one night. It was so nice to sing and talk together around a glowing ï¬re. Each night while we were in Virginia we had devotions as a group. I think that it was a good way to wind down and talk about what happened during the day. At the end of devotions. there were envelopes for each person and we were able to write down an encouraging little note to put in someone‘s envelope. At the end of the trip we each received our envelopes full of cheerful messages. And that is how we felt when we got home. cheerful. because we had spent our March break in a worthwhile way. We all felt satisï¬ed and accomplished. Christine Bat-kw May 2008 0 5