divâ€, 7"" f2 ' Max 2007 :flllllllllll _ "llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'lfllIll]lllllllllllllllIIINmmll_lIllIlllllmllllllllllllllIlllllIllllllllllllllllllllllIlIlIIlllllIMIllllllllllllllllllllllllIllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllll g Anyone can help by making a personal domuon, E which will be eligible for a tax receipt. Donattons can g be dropped off at the school. For mote information call 5 905-642-2232. g Jennie Creeggan ° Ballantrae mllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllIlllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL l/cmonnlk L ommunity (mm Free AdmiSSiOfl 13-153PJ'CCowan Rd. Smurfs/me Free Parking Refreshments Boquue Sat., May 5 (5 Sun. May 6 10a.m.-Sp.m. at the ‘ Lemonville ‘ Community Centre Come early - Don’t Be Disappointed!!! LEMONVILLE Group of Artists - 14th Annual 'flmmmrooubtpflooc To the Editor Our school, Ballantrae 25., is trying to raise $10,000 to add two classrooms onto a school in Lugala, Tanzania. This is a pretty lofty goal for a small school like ours, so we need the community's help! We are holding a fund-_ raising drive ending with our Lugala Gala on May9 at the school where children will perform African music, display art, and hold an African marketplace of crafts they have made with all proceeds going to the $10,000 goal. The school in Lugala presently has 500 students m erght classrooms-That's 60 kids in a classroom meant for 40. It takes $4,000 to build a classroom and $1,000 to neck u with desks. chairs and supplies. Members of Ballantrae RS. and St. Philip's Anglican Church will be travellmg to Tanzania this summer to help with the construction. For information call 905-640-3 965 lgainfo@gmail.com Drop by Friday May 4th til Sunday May 6th FOR GREAT SAVING? Peppertree Klassics Readers Write ~ Students raising funds for Lugala school HAPPY 13TH ANNIVERSARY 3|ll|lllllIlIlllIIllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIllIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIlIIIHIIIIIllllllllIllllllllllllllllll|||| Back in the early 1980's, whenever former Whitchurch-Stouffville libranan-inâ€"chief George Schlukbier and I would run into each other on Mam SL, we'd play a game called 'What can't-miss new business could we open up in Stouffville?’ We never did ï¬gure it out. Heck, I couldn’t even Out pannenhip with the lxugh School in Tammi, 'a has been driven by oux focus at Ballanmn 25‘ that channel docs annex. Our youmey began in September with what we called 'Camp Balkntue’. Hete we divxded the when! into character tame and the da focused on learning about the d fetent chinctet tmts though an actmtm, pruenung out mtetpreta- tton of the chuactez tum throuz: mum and drama, and uctumgt chuacter tmu throng: cooperatnve games To furthex out comnutment o! demomtuung chntactet beyond the school we partnered with St. Philip’s chutch and then commmnent to the vtlhge of Lupin, Tlnunu. Alma Through thu pannenhtp, we establuhed a tehttonlhtp with the xhoolthete Thuhubeenathu- m3 putnenhtp wheteby we hove been able to leun from one anoth- er through the etch: e of letteu, Khedules, ptetures, , photos, and answered questtons between the two schools The headmaster: tn etch Khool have been In communi- cauon thmughout the yut LUGALA, TANZANIA PARTNERSHIP ' Out In Write Field. Stoujfvz‘lle Roe/es? By Bruce Stapley But with food, fitness and Fido looked after, it's time to take care of fun. The way I see it, the challenge awaiting the next wave of entrepreneurial innovators is to once and for all put an end to that tiresome lament of young people and even some of the not-so-young: “There's nothing to do in Stouffvillel" keep the once flourish- ing pine and oak furniture enterprise I operated back then from eventually going down. But a quarter of a century later that same game has been played, and won, by a growing number of creative entrepreneurs. We now have a diverse array of first class eateries and tea rooms, big city groâ€" cery stores, home décor and improvement outlets, well appointed specialty shops, dog care services, exercise, dance and yoga studios. Driving with the family last summer, I team from St Phlhp' I visited Lu and from the pictures they t created a slide reeentuion that wu shared with students at Balhntne. This gave us a first- hand glnnce mto life mLugnh andm partieuhrthelifeat the Mum Primary School After the our students met tn thetr cheruter teams and brainstormed how we could get more Involved wuh our partner uhool and how we rmght showout sup rt. From these dmusuons amt t e Idea for the “Lupin Cala’ The 'lugala (3111' on Wednesday, May 9 at the school will future Nncan ptetenuuons from our pn- muy students and an antl- bullying, character educuton presentation from out gum: and mtermediate students The junior/Intermediate precaution u all bemg choreo- grmrludby to nter Glenn Mum Ml] me! an Mnan theme. ngwuh th: pretentatlons the school Ml] be homng an Mncan Marketplace featuring Items ae- Ited by the students In each of our clamooms. All the students wxll be wennng 'Fnends of Lugala' T-shms purchased through a school fund- to Newmarket during the recent March Break, we spent a delightful and invigorating afternoon hitched up to ropes and pulleys, scalingl walls three storeys high usin rocks stuck into t e walls as climbing points. he place was packed with kids, teens and adults of all ages, enjoying the exhilaration of climb- ing all the way to the ceiling while exercising their leg and arm muscles. Sure beats sitting at home in front of the computer playing those mindless games! â€Why couldn’t someone build a rock climbing facility in Stouffville?" we mused on the way back to town. The experience brought to mind the many birth- day parties enjoyed by our kids and their friends and cousins at Laser Quest in Richmond Hill, where playâ€" ers get to run through dimly lit tunnels and passages looking for opponents to zap with their flashing laser guns. Point totals are produced by computer at game’s end so the players know exactly how they did Timber Creek has ot a great miniature golf facil- ity, but someone mig t want to think about setting up an indoor, glow in the dark version of same for year round enjoyment. Another popular attraction we've _seenland enjoyed is indoor beach volleyball. V__-/ s -u. As for the more 'passive forms of entertainment. what are the chances of someone installing a movie theatre somewhere near the site of the new big box complex just down Hwy. 48? We keep hearing about all that investment capital sittin idly on the sidelines these days. So if you’re one 0 those savvy investors still trying to figure out where to pour all that money you made in oil and gas the past few years, I suggest you look into one of these can't-miss entrepreneurial opportunities here in town. Then maï¬be in another-25 years you'll be the one looking bac at how you came u with the perfect new business venture for 'touffvi 1e - or went broke trying! Throughout this project, we have learned a great deal about Africa and in particular, the country of Tanzania. More importantly we have learned what it means to be a at community, sharing with our glo ne hour. it is our goal to raise $10, to build two new classroom, along with the neces- sary classroom supplies, so that the Lugala Primary School can reduce their student to teacher ratio from 60-to-one down to 40-to-one. We are all very excited about the proj- ect and the feeling throughout the school has become electric. In addi- tion, the support from the com- munit has been overwhelming. We have earned so much about our global neighbour and have grown as global citizens. The York Region District School Board's mission is that we unite in our purpose to inspire and prepare learners for life in our changing world community. At Ballantrae, we are striving to achieve the essence of this miSSion statement through initiatives such as this partnership With Lugala tailing initiative. The excitement surrounding the evening is 3:0ng as we near the event.