part of the challenge' In fact, the ram subsidedulnnandLeonarnovedtothe start line and they found themselves run- nlng In wrnd, but [rule or no-mn Leona adrmts that she was not qurte a: itrve as Lon. ‘M stnr wrth defeat wrth a senes o 3 challenges lead- ing up to race day, along With the much larger challenge of the heavy ram: and hrgh wrnds predrcted for that day,’ she sud Email weath- ' er advrsorres and reports on Boston TV right up to the mght before the event predrcted that thrs would be a formrdable storm unlike any other encoun- tered in the race. ‘As the ram and wmd contrnued and the start tune approached, Leona "mm and l realrzed that I Mitehurdt-SW' needed to gather “MW"M†myself and run Marathon. wag win the race, regard- my†to reach the! less of any and all WMQMWOW AUTO BODY Collision Work , V'AI mnncn, we all want that perfect day.’ she and, ‘bul you know It you un't going 30):")ch so the weatha becomu MUSIC LESSONS They both an the Missuuuge Manthon last my and qualiï¬ed to run Baotou this year. They trained at home though some extteme weather tn ptepumon lo: thu race and they weren't about to back out. Lon was detemuned she would run and enjoy the are no matter what was com- This forecast, along wrtb cancelled flights into Boston. forced 2,400 of the more than 28,000 peeple registered for the year's marathon to do a nooehow. But Leona Newlands and Lori Robertson of Whltchurch-Stouffvllle were not changmg onto! tlrerrplans. Celebrate Spgrln with a speclal aL‘SGTMIIg/é programfro m Music and Movement Classes for Children “Creatures In my Backyard†For children ages I no 4 yan- 5 Week course beginning May 28 Monday: or Tuesday! from 6 to 7 Inquire about Fall progrdrps for newborns to age 7 ALSO AVAILABLE, PIANO LESSONS Prints Instruction for ages 5 and up Sheri HOMO-Put (ARCT. BA, BChHuI) ’ 672 Hilhrd SL. Stouffvflle. ON MA 180 Phone: 905-642-3295 - E-mall: neufastOyahoon gm Nowluuls and Lot! Ioboflson o! Wdeanlolilo were among Wands of pooplo who partitioned in the 2007 Boston I ,Lrn A__ " I'"r'- ,, - Marathon. battling u'nna, rain and chill cem- perfluns to rad: the ï¬nish line. Restoration of Vintage Cars They were extremely mottvated by the crowds, the unrelenung 'hrgh-frves' wrth spectators along the way, and stepprng over tumng pads knowmg that everyone at home knew where they Were Even though they drdn't have fam- rly wrth them. It felt as though they drd as the ummg pads reported therr prog~ tess m real trme back home Both routers and they were thnlled With the otpenence and the umquc o ponumty to run the Boston Marathon. found the Boctonnm vety accommodattng -« one “mm ushered Leona mto theu home to u“â€" bathroom dunng the run! 'The final E'w hills coming mto Boston were a stru ', she and. ‘The biggest and best known ' on the course, Heartbreak Hill. was not as difï¬cult as these fun] few.’ She found the effort to lift her quad: u yet one mate hill to be mung. But wu 25 miles already behind her. she found the determination to do one more and cross the mfinuh' line knowmg the had given it he: . She went on to run a negsuve splu. meaning the second half of her race was fastet than the flm, an accomplishment for any tunnet, especially on this mum. The bulls are conunuous and mung, pamculaxly in the second half. Inn found thus part of the race net bgggest challenge. of the events leading to that moment,’ and ham. WINDOW TREATMENTS Phone: 905-640-8100 86 Ringwood Dr.. Suite 208 Stouffville, ON L4A 1C3 LEGAL SERVICES LAW OFFICE PAUL J. CROWE B.A., LL.B Barrister Solicitor Real Estate - Wills Estate Powers of Attomey - Small Business "“5 ‘U CANADA Spoclalm: BLINDS, SHADES 8: SHUTTERS Both Lon and Leona faced their challenges along the way, but to come into the ï¬nal 500 metres With the stands full of cheer- ing fans. knowing ‘that you are just about to com- plete the Boston Marathon; there is no feeling like it. 905-642-5555 The family left at the end of November, leaving Marta' s father behind because he When the Russtam came back they broke into the store and took the equip- ment. Marta's brother got hold of a pis- tol and walked home. 'My mother said, 'You have to go back or they will take you to Sibena'. He said he would rather die than go back.‘ 'l was gun a chic: than Tamas whallehfsaJu‘Mm ,I'omory. 'lbad a bmthet in the an force. When the revo- lution broke out the soldiers duappeued to then home towns. but my brother stayed because he was In charge of the spans equnpment store.’ Back in Hunguy, men we still being put to deatmï¬heu in the revoluuon. 'You had to be I to be executed, and until 1962 they conunued executing those they had arrested when they reached then 18th bmhday,’ said Tamas. ‘My comm was sentenced at 17 and spent so: months on death row." 'Whenwegottoavfllagewewetenot sure if we were in Mama 0! Hungay.’ ltwasaCocaColatignononeofthe building: that finally convinced them were free. e Canadian overnment sup- phed an old Watld at H troop ca:- net to fly them out. ‘One engine ahet mother went unul three of the four were not worhng, so we flew back to lceland.’ Repam completed, they flew to Cteenland. 'The Americans were weanng wmtet umfomu whtch made them look like Russians and for a while we thought we'd been betrayed.’ Encapin was {taught with d 1'; many yea: later, Tamas still wakex'ï¬n a cold tweat remembenn how evetyone had to jump on and of! t mm: taking them to the horde: to avoid captute by Russian mspecton. ‘It took about three days to make tt to the horde: and etttng across took two hours,‘ the Whit urch- Stouifvtlle testdent walled. Hnyy Tums was 14 when he fled 5W with In: aunt In November, m the courageous revolution 33. inn communm rule wu brutally crushed. Residents left behind family, friends and worldly goods Professional FLIGHT TO FREEDOM By Kate Cildudnle Stoulfv‘dle Fm Press TO GET YOUR BUSINESS IN THE DIRECTORY OF SERVICES CALL: 905-640-FREE (3733) or email: 416-568-6928 @UREIC T© RQY PLUMBING SERVICES Licensed 18 years experience REPAIRS NEW INSTALLATIONS 'Princess Beatrice bought out a whole department store and clothed hundreds of refugees. She came to the camp and personally helped out.‘ The Canadian government sent an English teacher to give the refugees lessons while they waited for the ship that would bring them to Canada, their new home, where they, along with thousands of other refugees, built a life free from fear and persecution for themselves and their families. Cross haped us. I would do anyidhé for them," she said, with teats in eyes. After they crossed the boxder, their were taken to Holland by train. 'Dutc people at every stop had their bands El‘aying the Hunganan anthem,’ said ï¬lm. ‘We stayed at the NATO base m Holland for a few months and the Qutch govemment and Canadian Red 'Mother paid a person smu r at one of the border towns; he w us across the ï¬elds and they were shooting up flares. We had white sheets that we threw over ourselves when the flares went up so It would look like snow.’ lldiko, whowas “Thad tosearch for food to sustain the famil . She was on her way home with a ' tin filled With sauerkraut when she was asked to fill gun belts with ammunition to use against the Russian troops, a task she accepted. 'When the Russians had I went home. To me it wasn’t eronc, it was exciting.’ As the situauon detenorated, Ildiko’s mother Visited a friend who said her family were leaving for Canada. 'My mother askedifwe could with them.’ They took the train had to crawl through deep snow to get to the border. When the revolution started, Ildiko Ugray-Hary was living with her sister, mother. grandmother and great- and- mother In an apartment in Bu apest. ‘Thtngs were happening all around us.’ was too sick to travel. They hooked up with another family and headed for the batder. ‘We could hear the Russian tanks and the soldiersalkmg talkmg .We had to run between the sear: ts and peop ple in vtllages opened up eir bac kyatds for us to go through so we couldky avoid the streets. Stouï¬'vlllc